HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/18/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, June 18, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Paul A. Farrar and Catherine M. Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT Michael Flaherty OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager, Zoning Administrative Officer Richard Ward, Fire Chief Melvin Monell, Albert C. Audetts, Richard Bingham, William J. Cimonetti, Walter A Dandridge, Bea Dandridge, Leo W. Rich, Edward Rounds, Paul S. Zerr, Charlotte Marsh, and four South Burlington policemen, Lee Grahan, John Kruger, Ronald Blondin and Philip McArthur. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA None READING OF MINUTES OF THE JUNE 4, 1973 MEETING A clarification was made regarding the appointment of the City Attorney, Richard Spokes. The intent of the Council was to appoint Mr. Spokes as City Attorney for the coming year, however, his salary contract would be reviewed after three months. Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the clarification re; appointment of Mr. Richard Spokes as City Attorney for the coming year, and stating his salary contract would be reviewed after three months, Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Nardelli reminded the Councilman that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. CIVIL DEFENSE OPERATIONS PLAN A discussion of the Civil Defense Operations Plan followed re: trucks and other equipment received by the City under such plan. Mr. Monell, the Fire Chief, also stated that the Civil Defense Program had been reorganized. He will draft up an organizational chart for the Council. Mrs. Neubert requested a list of people who are working on the Civil Defense program in South Burlington. Mr. Monell said he would comply. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to approve the Civil Defense Operational Plan for South Burlington. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. CONTRACT FOR CITY STUDY Mr. Nardelli read an agreement made by the City of South Burlington between the City of South Burlington and Professor Milton J. Nadworny. In brief, the City of South Burlington employs Professor Nadworny as a consultant to do the following; to report on past and projected economic development in South Burlington, resources of South Burlington and how best used, effect of outside forces to South Burlington, etc. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the Chairman, as agent of the City of South Burlington, sign the contract between the City of South Burlington and Professor Milton J. Nadworny. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. WAGE INCREASE PETITIONS FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT, HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AND OTHER CITY EMPLOYEES The petitions from the Police Department, Highway Department and other city employees had been received and accepted by Mrs. Paquin. The City Attorney had been requested for a legal opinion as to the validity of said petitions and stated the petitions were legal, however, individual budget items can only be presented to the public at the annual May meeting. He also stated that the Council can of its own volition warn a special meeting to consider special appropriations. In case of such a special vote, the amount of the appropriation, purpose, number of years and method of funding would have to be included in the warning. A discussion followed re: limit on acting on petition, the acceptance of the petitions by the Council and clarification of the petitions. Mr. Farrar made a motion to table the discussion until later in the meeting. The motion was not seconded. FIRE DEPARTMENT PROMOTION CERTIFICATES Fire Chief Monell recommended the following promotions to the Council: George Smith from Captain to Asst. Chief. James W. Gaudette from Senior to Captain. Fred Bessette appointed to Captain. James Ploof appointed to Lieutenant. Donald W. Angolano appointed to Fireman First Class. Donald McKenzie appointed to Fireman First Class. Gary Shengra appointed to Fireman First Class. These promotions have to be signed by the Chairman of the City Council, City Manager and Fire Chief. Mr. Farrar made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign these promotions as representative of the City. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. ACCEPTING LOW BIDS FOR STREET SWEEPER AND STREET PAVING Three bids were received by the City Manager for a new Street Sweeper. Mr. Szymanski recommended the Wayne #984 Sweeper to be purchased from C. R. Woods of South Burlington at the bid amount of $13,772.00. Mrs. Neubert made a motion that the Council accept the City Manager's recommendation to purchase the Wayne #984 Street Sweeper in the amount of $13,772.00. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski recommended the low bid by Vermont Paving in the amount of $16,166.92 for street paving. The work will include repaving Meadow Road, portions of Proctor Avenue and White Street, the entrance drive to Central School and two walkways at Orchard School which will be paid for by the School District. All other work except White Street will be paid for with Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the City Manager's recommendation to accept Vermont Paving's low bid of $16,166,92 for street paving. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. QUEEN CITY PARK BRIDGE WALKWAY Pizzigalli Const. Co. agreed to construct the Queen City Park bridge walkway in the amount of $12,000.00. Said bridge will be 4½ feet wide and will be a steel bridge. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to approve the contract with the Pizzigalli Const. Co. for the construction of a bridge walkway in Queen City Park, over the railroad into Red Rocks Park. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT PLAN CONTRACT Mr. Szymanski stated there was clarification needed between the insurance carrier and the City Attorney. This matter was tabled to the next meeting. At this time, Charlotte Marsh spoke about the need for a fifth Councilman. Mrs. Neubert stated that the Council wants to get the appointing of the two new Planning Commission members taken care of first. Mr. Nardelli stated that the Council was aware of the need for another councilman and that they were trying to find one. Mr. Farrar made a motion to take a ten minute recess. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The meeting reconvened at 9:10 P.M. MEETING WITH POLICE AND HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT UNION REPRESENTATIVES The discussion of the petitions of the Police Department and the Highway Department was continued. The representatives of both departments stated that the petitions which had been submitted were submitted with the intent of a special meeting now and not a May meeting. The departments had previously negotiated with the City Council and City Manager on February 19, 1973. A discussion with representatives of the Police Department followed re: number of hours in work week, number of corporals and rate of pay of corporals, clothing, equipment, cleaning and maintenance of uniforms, training fund, vacations, military leave, life insurance, hospitalization, leave of absence, personal lockers for patrolmen, holidays, etc., and salary increase. Representatives of both the Police Department and Highway Department stated that at previous meetings they had requested that their pay increases be placed on separate ballots. It was stated that before the May City Meeting, all city employees were to receive a 5% pay increase. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the Council table action on the petitions until the next Council meeting which will be on July 2, 1973. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 P.M., at which time the Council was to go into Executive Session with the Police Department and Highway Department to discuss salaries. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Approved Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.