HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/16/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 16, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting Monday, July 16, 1973, at 8:00 P. M. in the Conference Room of the City Hall at 1175 Williston Rd. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Walter Nardelli, Chairman: Michael Flaherty, Catherine Neubert, Paul Farrar. OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager Richard Ward, Codes Officer Philip Wagner Walter Adams Peter Collins W. R. Racine R. C. Curtis Norman Myers Elizabeth Edwards David Webster Frank Jacquemand Henry Farmer, MD Edward Rounds Walter Dandridge Bea Dandridge L. Dellin Jeffrey Noyes Don Balmer F. McCaffrey Diane Rounds Gary Rounds Bill Cimonetti Arlene Krapcho George Crooks Paul Zerr READING OF THE MINUTES OF JULY 2, 1973 Mr. Szymanski said the minutes of July 2, 1973, were not yet complete. Chairman Nardelli tabled the reading until the next regular meeting. DISBURSEMENTS Chairman Nardelli reminded the Council to sign the disbursements at their leisure. COMMUNICATION FROM MARY BARBARA MAHER, CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Nardelli said a communication from the Chairman of the Planning Commission informed the Council that the Commission recommends that Professor Philip Wagner conduct a geological survey of South Burlington for a fee not to exceed $300.00. Professor Wagner introduced Mr. Jeffrey Noyes and Mr. Donald Balmer as his assistants. He explained to the Council that he and his assistants would prepare a written report which would review soil and geological conditions and would outline tentative recommendations. Included in the review would be information on sewerage disposal and water supply outside existing services. Councilman Neubert asked how this survey would be different from the existing soil survey. Professor Wagner said the soil survey does not provide information on the quantity or quality of ground water. He said his survey would list well records, would identify recharge areas and would indicate engineering and restraints involved with liquid waste disposal. He intends to provide detail which is needed at the local level and which is not fully provided by the soil survey. The survey would specify guildelines which go beyond the soil maps. Mr. Szymanski asked Professor Wagner if the report would include ground water elevations. Professor Wagner said the elevations near the surface vary in different seasons and in different soil conditions. He said he would need more time than anticipated to give sufficient information on the depths of groundwater. The council endorsed the recommendation of the Planning Commission to have a geological survey conducted not to exceed $300.00. The report is due in three weeks. BARTLETT'S BAY DISCUSSION WITH DR. HENRY FARMER AND MR. FRANK JACQUEMAND Dr. Farmer briefed the Council on the history of the question of sewerage facilities in the Bartlett's Bay area. He said several petitions have been submitted requesting public sewerage. The City submitted plans to the State, but late in 1971 the State turned down the application for funds, because the plans were not eligible for funds. Dr. Farmer requested that the City Council go on record that once the present Council finalizes the zoning for the area that the City resubmit sewerage plans to the State for the Bartlett's Bay area which is one-quarter mile from the plant. Dr. Farmer said during high rains and heavy run-off people's septic tanks do not function for a period of days. Mr. Szymanski said the biggest cost was in the sewerage lines and that the State participates only in pumping stations. Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards commented that the culvert which runs through the former Sears warehouse will not take care of the run-off indefinitely. She said it is flooded constantly and is now at the level of the lake and not draining out. She said it has silted badly this year and that she has had the bank on her property repaired twice at her own expense. The Council endorsed the intention to resubmit sewerage plans for the Bartlett's Bay area to the State once the zoning is determined. REPORT ON RESULTS OF POLICE AND HIGHWAY UNION WAGE NEGOTIATION Chairman Nardelli reviewed the major points of the proposed contract: hours, vacation, leave of absence, life insurance and $150.00 raise across the board. Councilman Flaherty commented that the cost of the third week of vacation for long term employees would be negligible since these employees are not replaced by other employees as a rule except in emergency. He said the cost of life insurance was $28.00 for each employee. He said this was a minimum level of social responsibility. He said each department would cut down on expenses to take care of the additional $150.00 for each employee. He said the previous Council felt at the time a 5% increase was in line with the existing national 3.4% inflation. Since then the inflation was risen to 7.2% for the first six months of 1973. Councilman Flaherty said he felt an obligation to all employees at this time, and that next year a merit system can be incorporated after a minimum level of benefits has been instituted. Councilman Farrar moved to sign the contract as agreed upon at the negotiation with the Union on July 12, 1973. Councilman Flaherty seconded the motion. Councilman Neubert commented that the pay started July 1, 1973, even though the contract was not signed. Mr. Dellin said that the Council should return to the people for another vote to determine if the citizens wish to differentiate different employees for increased benefits. He said a precedent is being established by overturning the negative vote of the voters who turned down a 5% increase in pay in the May election. The motion was approved by a vote of three. Councilman Neubert abstained. Chairman Nardelli said the police and highway union members added up to 24 employees. He said there were 40 non-union members. Councilman Flaherty moved to grant the same benefits and pay received by the union members to the non-union employees. Councilman Farrar seconded the motion. Councilman Neubert said she has seen no cost figures for extending a pay raise and fringe benefits to the non-union employees. She also said she would like for the department heads to list where the money for the increase in pay is coming from out of the department budgets. She said control is lost when one union can dictate the pay for city employees. She felt there was insufficient information at this point to make a proper determination. Councilman Flaherty said he had figures such as the $28.00 per person for the life insurance. Councilman Farrar said it was a question of equity for all employees. The motion was approved by a vote of three. Councilman Neubert abstained. Councilman Farrar moved to instruct the City Manager to consult with department heads and report at the next meeting for proposed line items to be reduced to reflect pay and fringe benefits increases. Councilman Flaherty seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. APPEAL FOR USE VARIANCE BY W. R. RACINE, SOUTH OF NORDIC FORD ON SHELBURNE RD. Mr. Peter Collins, representing Mr. Racine, briefed the Council on the appeal which received approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment on July 11, 1973. He said the existing zoning is Business A for a depth of 300' on Shelburne Rd. He said it is proposed to construct a building containing 12,000 sq. ft. for the purpose of operating an automobile sales and service business on lot #4 in the National Life subdivision. He said the building would be set back 75' and that there would be no direct access to Shelburne Road and no display in the front yard. Mr. Webster told the Council there was a serious traffic problem at the National Bread exit and the Bartlett's Bay Rd. exit onto Shelburne Rd. He asked the Council to seriously consider a traffic light there. Chairman Nardelli said the State was responsible for traffic lights on Shelburne Rd., but that the Council could pass on the request to the State. Mr. Szymanski said that the southern exit for National Bread could be closed. Councilman Farrar moved to grant the use variance to Mr. W. R. Racine with the stipulation that there would be no parking or display in the front yard. Councilman Neubert seconded the motion. Councilman Neubert asked Mr. Racine if he knew he had to receive site plan approval. He said yes. The motion was approved unanimously. FIRST READING OF A ZONE CHANGE ON KENNEDY DRIVE FROM INDUSTRIAL A TO RESIDENTIAL C There was no plan submitted. Mr. Ward explained that the first 500 feet of the property runs parallel to Kennedy Drive, is presently zoned Residential C, and the remaining land to the Interstate is zoned Industrial. He said that Mr. Myers is requesting that the entire parcel be zoned Residential C. Mr. Myers informed the Council that he would sell all but six acres around the Tennis Center. The total parcel contains app. 40 acres of which 6 to 8 acres is swamp and wet land. Councilman Flaherty moved to approve the first reading of the zone change on Kennedy Drive from Industrial A to Residential C. Councilman Neubert seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. APPOINT LIAISON BETWEEN COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING BOARD AND SCHOOL BOARD Chairman Nardelli read a letter the Chairman of the Planning Commission had written which stressed the need for regular contact between all the boards of the city. However, the Commission said it was not in favor of the liaison sitting with the board. Councilman Neubert said she preferred not to be the official liaison for the Planning Commission because she wanted to maintain her right to speak. Councilman Farrar moved to table the matter to the next meeting. Councilman Flaherty seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. RELOCATION OF FRAME BUILDING ON TOWN PROPERTY Following discussion regarding the request of the Country Club Estate Club to remove the frame building. Councilman Farrar moved to instruct the City Manager to prepare for the next meeting a legal agreement that the site will be filled in and that any permit requirements will be fullfilled. Councilman Flaherty seconded the motion. Councilman Farrar amended his motion to instruct the City Manager to prepare an advertisement for bid of the building in the local newspaper. Councilman Flaherty seconded the amendment. The motion and the amendment was approved unanimously. WAIVERING OF TAX PENALTIES Following discussion, Councilman Farrar moved to waive the tax penalties as listed by the City Manager, totaling $52.11. Councilman Neubert seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. APPOINT CITY MANAGER AS HEALTH OFFICER Councilman Farrar moved to appoint City Manager William Szymanski as Health Officer until such time as a permanent appointment may be made. Councilman Neubert seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Councilman Neubert commented that the lake water should be tested more often than once a week. SIGN APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC OFFICIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Councilman Farrar moved to sign the application for the Public Official Liability Insurance. Councilman Flaherty seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Flaherty moved to adjourn at 10:15 P. M. Councilman Farrar seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. LIQUOR BOARD Chairman Mardelli said the Council will reconvene to act as the Liquor Board. Wesson's Diner requested that its liquor license be transferred on August 8, 1973, to Merrill's Showcase Theatre for two hours from 10 to 12 P. M. Councilman Flaherty moved to recommend to the State Liquor Board that the request of Wesson's Diner to approved. Councilman Neubert seconded the motion. The motion was approved, unanimously. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.