HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/02/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 2, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, July 2, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty and Catherine Neubert. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager, Zoning Administrator Richard Ward, William Robenstein, Jack Cunningham, James Lamphere, Donald E. O'Brien, L. O. Pokladnik, Charles Diggle, L. W. Rich, Edward Rounds, G. G. Smith, Frank C. McCaffrey, J. Ploof, Fire Chief Monell, Willis Estas, John Pennington, Lawrence Cherrier, A. C. Audette, Charlotte Marsh, Free Press Reporter, Cheryl Benfield. READING OF MINUTES The minutes of June 18, 1973 stand as read. The minutes of June 25, 1973 were amended on Page 4 as follows: Mr. Farrar then made a motion that the meeting be adjourned until July 9, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. to continue consideration of this business. There was further discussion of the Sign Ordinance re: subcommittee to work with Council, size of signs, taking down of signs and compensation for taking down signs, Sign Review Board, and invalidation of existing signs. Mr. Farrar's motion was defeated by a 3 to 1 vote. Mrs. Neubert, Mr. Nardelli and Mr. Flaherty voted "no" and Mr. Farrar voted "yes." Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the June 25, 1973 minutes as corrected. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Nardelli reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF CITY EMPLOYEES WAGE INCREASE PETITIONS FABLED FROM THE MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1973 Mr. Flaherty made a motion to take this item off the table for action. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar made a motion that no further action be taken on the petitions. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty stated that the City Council and petitioners have been negotiating and will continue to negotiate. Mrs. Neubert stated that they may have to go for a vote for an appropriation for the funds. HEALTH REGULATIONS RELATING TO PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Mr. William Robenstein presented date of regulations relating to private sewage disposal systems. There followed discussion re: regulations being a very necessary tool dealing with subsurface disposal systems, soil testing, size of septic tanks, procedure of percolation testing, measurements, etc. Mr. Szymanski stated there was some duplication of these regulations in our City booklet. Mr. Nardelli suggested that Mr. Szymanski work with Mr. Robenstein re: incorporating this into our City booklet. APPOINTMENTS TO CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 1973. A letter was received from Fred Maher of the City Government Committee re: appointments to Planning Commission. Three additional members with terms expiring in 1974, 1975 and 1976 are to be appointed. The terms expire in the month of May in the year in which their term is up. The effective date of appointment is July 15, 1973. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to appoint Ernie Levesque to the term expiring in 1976 and Sidney Poger for the Term expiring in 1975. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. There is still one appointment left to be filled. SANCTION USE VARIANCE OF WICKES CORPORATION, APPROVED BY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ON JUNE 20, 1973. Mr. Ward stated this originally started on June 6, 1973 and tabled until such time as discussion could be had re: sewer, traffic, road access, hours of operation, etc. Request of Wickes Corporation was approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on June 20, 1973 with stipulations. Mr. Donald O'Brien and Mr. Lamphere gave the presentation. This project is to be located behind Automaster on Shelburne Road and the land involved totals approximately 5.9 acres. The Wickes Corp. is a building supply house, and proposes to sell all kinds of building supplies. It is estimated some 60% of the sales will be to contractors and 40% retail. There was discussion of right of way which terminates at railroad tracks. Mr. Pokladnik, representing the Wickes Corp. stated that they would be willing to discuss right of way with owners of property on the north side. Also, the Wickes Corp. has agreed to a service road on Shelburne Road. This agreement is in the minutes of the Zoning Board. There was further discussion re: the building will be lower than the level of Shelburne Road, outside storage, whether they handle pre-fab type of homes. It was stated that they do not plan for any display of any pre-fab homes. Mr. Nardelli questioned whether the 40 foot road would take care of all the traffic. Mr. Szymanski stated the 40 foot road would carry all the traffic which would mainly be truck traffic. Just the Automaster and the Wickes Corp. would use the right of way. Mr. Farrar asked if they would grant a right of way to the people on the north side. Mr. Pokladnik stated it would have to be discussed with their attorneys. The representatives of the Wickes Corp. were told that they would have to go before the Planning Commission for a "Site Plan Review" if they don't apply for a building permit before July 16, 1973, at which time the new Zoning Ordinance amendments become effective. There was some discussion of sewage and water. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the City Council approve the granting of the use variance with the additional stipulation that at such time in the future as it is decided, that the Wickes Corp. right of way would serve as a street, that being the Wickes Corp. or, their successors, they would be willing to allow use of this to the people owning property to the north, and that it should be ungraded to city standards by the persons or parties making the request. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN CONTRACT Mr. Szymanski stated he had reviewed the City Employees Retirement Plan contract and suggested Mr. Nardelli and/or Mr. Flaherty review it. Mr. Spokes stated documents are in order and legal, and also suggested that the Council get together with Mr. Flood who could explain the documents. Mr. Farrar suggested that action be postponed until the next meeting at which time Mr. Flood will be asked to attend. It was stated that copies of said documents will be in Mr. Szymanski's office for any council members to look at. At this time Mr. Richard Ward stated he wanted to have some discussion about the city employee's petitions. Mr. Ward stated that the non-union City Hall employees, sanitation workers and firemen seek representation, and are willing to form a non-union employee negotiating committee. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to adjourn said meeting at 9:20 P.M. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Approved Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.