HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/19/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, February 19, 1973, in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Blais opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Frederick G. Blais, Chairman; Walter Nardelli, Dr. Harold P. Brown, Michael D. Flaherty and Brian J. Gee. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager; Raymond J. Danis and son, Highway Department Supervisor Albert Audette, Ray Stowell, Franklin McCaffrey, Donald Duell, Kay Neubert, Lubimor Dellin, Mary Barbara Maher and daughter Elizabeth, Jean Hildick, William Robenstein, Arlene Krapcho, and Cheryl Benfield, Free Press Reporter. CORRECTIONS TO THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 1973 On page 2, 5th paragraph from the bottom of the page, Councilman Brown should read "Councilman Nardelli." Also on page 2 in the discussion about the Community Library, Mr. Nardelli noted that the entire library is open to the public, not just the Community Library, saying that this should be publicized. DISCUSSION ON CORRECTIONS SITE Withdrawal of Patchen Road Site from Consideration as a Location for the Correctional Facility Councilman Nardelli made a motion to formally withdraw the Patchen Road site in South Burlington from consideration as a location for the proposed Correctional Center for the following reasons: 1. The number of residents opposed to this location who signed a petition to that effect. 2. The number of telephone calls received by the Councilmen from concerned citizens who opposed the location. Councilman Flaherty seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Gee requested that the state officials be notified in writing of the above action. There was a short discussion as to when the 20 days stipulated in the summons would expire. CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ANIMAL TRAPPING IN THE CITY Chairman Blais briefly described the incident that initiated the request for a "No Trapping" ordinance. He then described the city's "No Shooting" ordinance and stated that possibly even the "No Shooting" ordinance should be revised to cover the whole city. Highway Supervisor Audette remarked that there is some trapping of muskrat in the Muddy Brook area. Doctor Brown stated that possibly a special permit could be issued to trap muskrat, that city permits could possibly be issued for certain areas. The doctor also said that we should contact the Vermont Fish and Game Department for advice on this matter. MEETING ON VOTING MACHINES Chairman Blais reported on the meeting held at noontime on voting machines, saying he felt that $36,000 for the purchase of such machines was quite high for the city at this time. He said City Manager Szymanski was instructed to investigate other types of machines. Chairman Blais also said he wanted the Voting Machine Committee from the Board of Civil Authority to be present at the next meeting on the matter. Councilman Gee said that he will not participate in any discussion on the machines because of the possibility of a conflict of interest. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Kay Neubert felt that the City should consider the purchase of the Patchen Road site as a neighborhood park since it is available for about $35,000. Councilman Flaherty reported that several sites have been investigated and this was not one of the sites since it is quite remote. Chairman Blais read from a letter from the University of Vermont officials, dated February 6, 1973, which stated that several acres of U.V.M. property will be kept as open space. A copy of this letter is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Chairman Blais then requested that City Manager Szymanski persue the negotiations for acquisition of area parks. City Manager Szymanski was also instructed to request the Natural Resources Committee for an up-to-date trail location report, an updated copy of the 1968-69 Conservation Implementation Plan, and have City Assessor Underwood prepare a land inventory. On motion duly made, seconded and so passed the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. Approved Brian J. Gee, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.