HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/17/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, December 17, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Michael Flaherty, and Paul Farrar MEMBERS ABSENT William Cimonetti OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Jack Tabaka, William Schuele, Donald Duell, Bruce O'Neill, Frank W. Plumley, Floyd R. Kranz, Hugh Marvin, Ray Stearns, Donald F. Kerwin READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 3, 1973 MEETING Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the minutes as read of the December 3, 1973 meeting. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Nardelli reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. At this time, Mrs. Neubert wanted to add an item to the agenda, it being the heating problem at City Hall. Also at this time, Mr. Flaherty asked to have copies of a report Professor Wagner did of the southeast quarter. It was stated that Mr. Szymanski would get copies to the council members. Another item was added at this time, it being a communication re: Chittenden Transit Authority wherein the City would have to take out a loan for $24,851.51 to cover So. Burlington's share for the bus service. Mr. Farrar also asked if Mr. Szymanski has had time to make an assessment of the saving of fuel. Mr. Szymanski stated that the only assessment was at the sewer plant. None other has been made as yet. HEATING PROBLEM AT CITY HALL Mrs. Neubert stated that she has had complaints from the ladies at City Hall, re: heating of the building - some of them are freezing. It was stated that there are two furnaces heating the building, one heating the front of the building is not working properly. She suggested that the stair wells might be closed off and also some kind of shelter be built at the front entrance. Mr. Szymanski stated he would see about shutting off the heat upstairs. It was suggested that the radiators in the hallway be shut off, the heat upstairs be shut off, the stair wells be closed off and a shed be built for the front door. DISCUSS NATURE TRAIL AGREEMENT Mr. Flaherty stated that walking trails are going to be put in and that easements have to be obtained so the trails can go through some properties. Mr. Schuele stated that the Natural Resources Committee thought that working through the City Council would get better results. It was suggested that the Council meet with the nine property owners on January 7, 1974 to see if there were any problems. APPROVE INCREASE IN BARTLETTS BAY SEWER PLANT CONTRACT TO INCLUDE COVERS FOR ALL SLUDGE DRYING BEDS Mr. Szymanski stated that when the City requested an increase to cover the settling tanks, the State requested that the City also prepare plans and get bids for covering the sludge drying beds. The City received two bids which including the building for the settling tanks and three additional bids. There were enough funds initially for one drying bed. The total for the work is $80,500.00 which includes all sludge drying beds. The City's cost will be $12,750.00 or 15%. The money will come from surplus from Phase I, II and III. Mr. Farrar made a motion to approve the increase in construction as recommended by the City Manager to cover all sludge drying beds and settling tanks as requested by the State. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL Mr. Marvin and Mr. Stearns were in attendance representing the Kiwanis Club of So. Burlington. Mr. Marvin stated that the Kiwanis Club had a desire to see a community swimming pool. He stated that they now have a Kiwanis Club who is behind the idea. They have looked at many sites in the town, Farrell Field, property on Airport Parkway, Kennedy Drive, next to the Police Station, and behind the schools. They figured the best site was next to the Methodist Church - CBC property, comprising 2 to 4 acres. He stated that they want to get an application filed with BOR and not lose another year. If they find later on that another site is better, they are willing to change the site. Mr. Farrar asked for any cost estimates. He stated it would be difficult to prepare an application without knowing the cost or a reasonable understanding of how it will operate. Mr. Marvin stated it is their idea to raise the money through different methods to make a pool a reality. It would take a year before they would hear about the application. Mrs. Neubert asked about the estimate of building a pool. It was stated that an estimate would be about $225,000.00 which would include the cost of land and site work. Sewage and water lines are not included in this estimate. Mrs. Neubert stated that she would not consider it until everything is written down on paper. Mr. Marvin stated that Kiwanis would take the responsibility, but Mrs. Neubert stated the City should have a say as to whether they wanted to accept the swimming pool. It was stated by Mrs. Neubert that putting the pool on the CBC property was just a way of getting sewers out Dorset Street and would be against the intent of the proposed Master Plan, which does not envision sewers in the area in the immediate future." Mr. Szymanski stated that the preliminary steps for application to BOR are relatively simple. You do not have to have an elaborate plan but you do need a reasonable estimate and option on the site. He stated it is not a big job to prepare an application. Mr. Flaherty asked if they sent in an application with one site, could it be changed? It was stated that BOR preferred to have one site and then if you decide to change, it would be acceptable hoping the cost would be lower and no higher. Mrs. Neubert stated she had worked up an alternate proposal to the CBC property, which proposal is the Dumont property off Iby Street consisting of 8.3 acres. She recommended this property as it has sewers, etc. It would not cost anything to use this property with BOR funds. Mrs. Neubert had a map of the area - it is land behind Ramada Inn. It was stated that in the application to BOR, school property could be specified if it is acceptable to the School Board. Mr. Marvin stated that the school, in his opinion, does not have that kind of property looking into the future. He stated Kiwanis is perfectly willing to find another site. Mrs. Neubert stated she thought the people in the City should have a say as to whether a swimming pool should be built. Mr. Kranz stated he did not want a hassle. Mr. Kerwin stated the City needs a swimming pool and does not think there should be any hassling over a site. He stated the application should be put in and the hassling done later. Mrs. Neubert has been working on the Master Plan, re: recreation and thinks the Dumont property would be best. Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Szymanski about how many sites you could put in the application. It was stated that the Dumont property has been voted on as a neighborhood park. At this time. Mr. Nardelli stated this is just a discussion and not a vote. Mr. Farrar stated a community swimming pool is a good thing; he would like to see it move forward. It was stated that the full cost of building, maintenance, etc. will be on Kiwanis. Mr. Stearns stated that all that would be done now is putting the pool on the BOR financial calendar. Mr. Szymanski stated that there would have to be assurances that it would be open to the general public. Mrs. Neubert stated that there is a move in BOR that the pools could be open in the summer and enclosed in the winter. She would like more information from BOR, re: convertible pools. Mr. Nardelli stated he thinks the Council is in favor of the pool and thinks they would like to discuss it among themselves to resolve the location. Mr. Schuele petitioned the Council, re: thoughts of the public on a location. Mr. Marvin stated the Council would pick the site. He stated the Kiwanis is going to do the work and the people don't have to approve really. Mr. Stearns stated any location is okay with him and also stated that the CBC property was not talked about just to get sewers out on Dorset Street. Mrs. Neubert stated Mr. Marvin and Mr. Stearns should take copies of her proposal. Mr. Nardelli stated the Council should meet with the Planning Commission re: pool. Mr. Szymanski asked if there was anyone to prepare the preliminary sketch. Mrs. Neubert wanted itemized estimates. Mr. Flaherty stated that it will be the City's choice to pick the site and that Kiwanis should be commended for wanting to build a pool and there should be no hassle. Mr. Tabaka suggested that at a meeting, someone should be present from the School Board. Mr. Nardelli thanked Mr. Marvin and Mr. Stearns and stated the Council will get back to them. It was decided that the Council and Planning Commission would meet, re: swimming pool, at the High School at 7:30 P.M. on December 19, 1973. CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO CONTROL OF THE SANITARY LANDFILL ORDINANCE. SECTION 6, PERMITS. SUBSECTION B, USE FEE Mr. Szymanski explained the Corrected Proposed Amendment to the Ordinance for the Control of the Sanitary Landfill. The City has come up with a written schedule which defines what kind of vehicle pays what kind of fee. Mr. Szymanski stated this schedule might encourage more salvage. The Corrected Proposed Amendment to the Ordinance for the Control of the Sanitary Landfill reads as follows: Amend Section 6. Permits, Subsection B., Use Fee, to read: Residents and non-residents, doing business or performing work within the City hauling waste other than that generated from a single household or office, the following fee schedule shall apply: Pick up trucks or vehicles with utility trailers $ 1.00 Dump or rack style trucks (up to 6 yds.) 3.00 Dump or rack style trucks (over 6 yds.) 5.00 Tractor-trailers, three axle trucks and Packer trucks up to 20 yds. 6.00 Packer trucks, 20 to 30 yds. 10.00 Pack trucks, 30 to 40 yds. 20.00 Packer trucks 40 yds to 50 yds. 25.00 For each additional 10 yds., add — $5.00 Trucks used for demolition (up to 12 yds.) 6.00 Trucks used for demolition (over 12 yds.) 10.00 Mr. Farrar made a motion that the Council accept the Corrected Proposed Amendment to the Ordinance for the Control of the Sanitary Landfill which amends Section 6. Permits, Subsection B, Use Fee as proposed by the City Manager which will be effective January 1, 1974. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. APPROVE REQUEST OF CITY EMPLOYEES FOR A CHANGE IN THE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE - DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING INSTEAD OF THE COLUMBUS DAY HOLIDAY Mr. Szymanski stated he took a poll and the City employees wanted the change to day after Thanksgiving instead of Columbus Day. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to change the holiday from Columbus Day to the day after Thanksgiving, beginning in the next fiscal year. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF MRS. BARBARA BULL FROM THE NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the resignation of Mrs. Barbara Bull from the Natural Resources Committee with deepest regrets and many thanks. The motion was amended to add that a letter of commendation be sent to Mrs. Bull, by Mr. Flaherty. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSIT AUTHORITY Mr. Szymanski stated the amount owed the Transit Authority by So. Burlington for the second fiscal quarter is $24,851.51. He read the letter from the Treasurer of the Transit Authority. He stated the total cost to the City for this year is in the neighborhood of $40,000.00. Mr. Szymanski stated the City will borrow this and set it in the budget and have this amount in for revenue sharing to offset other funds. The interest rate is 4.25 - another bank gave an interest rate of 4.5. He stated that indirectly it will be paid for by revenue sharing coming up this next year. It was stated that revenue sharing funds could not be used in any project using other government funds. Mr. Farrar stated that it is not using revenue sharing but will be transferred into the general fund. Mr. Flaherty made a motion that the Council grant permission to borrow the amount of $25,851.51 to pay the Chittenden County Transit Authority. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to temporarily adjourn and reconvene as the Liquor Control Board. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. APPROVE APPLICATION FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE FOR THE GRAPES & HOPS. 100 Dorset Street Mr. Flaherty made a motion to approve the application for Grapes & Hops, 100 Dorset Street for a liquor license. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The motion to approve the application for a liquor license for the Grapes and Hops was amended to read approve the application for a liquor license for the Grapes and Hops only for off-premises consumption. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The Liquor Control Board session was recessed at 8:45 P.M. to reconvene after the Executive Session at which time it would consider the application for an entertainment permit for the Airport Restaurant. EXECUTIVE SESSION Discussion centered on the sale of a parcel of land on Queen City Park Road where the Fire District Sewage Plant is located. The parcel contains 10,000 square feet. City Manager Szymanski explained that there was a party interested in purchasing the property at a price of 25 cents per square foot. The buyer would be willing to have conditions written into the sales agreement whereby the city could purchase part or all of the property in the future at the same price if the land was needed for future road widening or a sewage pumping station. Mr. Szymanski also reported on the option purchase price of the DeGraff property be considered for use as a neighborhood park, stating that the owner was requesting one-third of the purchase price, and would like the option exercised this calendar year. The Council agreed to meet on Thursday, December 20, 1973, at 4 P.M. in the Conference Room at City Hall, to take action on the neighborhood parks and Queen City Park land. The Executive Session was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. and the Council reconvened the Liquor Control Board Meeting. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD MEETING Police Chief Carter was present for this item of the Liquor Control Board's agenda. APPROVE APPLICATION FOR AN ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT FOR THE AIRPORT RESTAURANT AT THE BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Police Chief Carter said he was concerned about the number of establishments in the city offering entertainment and dancing. He felt that approving too many entertainment permits could place a burden on the Police Department. The Council requested that the Chief make a recommendation prior to the approval or renewal of entertainment permit applications. In considering the application for the Airport Restaurant the Board felt it would be improper to turn the application down since it is a new operation and it felt it would be conducted in a satisfactory manner. Councilman Flaherty made a motion to approve the application for an entertainment permit for the Airport Restaurant at the Burlington International Airport. The motion was seconded by Councilman Farrar and approved unanimously. The Liquor Control Board meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. and the Regular Meeting was reconvened. MEET WITH POLICE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES TO NEGOTIATE THE UNION CONTRACT The Council discussed a proposal presented to them by the representatives from the Police Department and asked the chairman of the representatives to please figure a cost estimate of the proposal. It was agreed that the Council and the representatives of the Police Department Union would meet on Tuesday, January 8, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the City Hall for further negotiations. A copy of the proposal is attached to and made a part of these minutes. On motion duly made, seconded and so passed, the Council Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Approved Paul A. Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.