HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/03/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, December 3, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar and William Cimonetti MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Jack Tabaka, Ariene Krapcho, Charlotte C. Marsh, Harold L. Wright, George C. Wilson, Mary Barbara Maher, Dorothea Sims, Peter A. Profera, Ed Weed, Sonny Audette, James Goddette, Frank McCaffrey, Fire Chief Monell Mr. Nardelli stated that Item #4 on the agenda would be first. DISCUSS UNITED COMMUNITY SERVICES WITH MRS. ETHAN SIMS Mr. Nardelli asked about the function of the United Community Services with regard to their help to So. Burlington. Mrs. Sims stated she had gathered information from the United Fund, Howard Mental Health Services, a Mr. Tom Paris in Montpelier, and various other sources. She cited the Visiting Nurse Association as a good example of the help that is received in So. Burlington. She also cited that Howard Mental Health Services has serviced some people here in the city, along with some school children; there are two or three foster homes in So. Burlington. At this time, Mrs. Sims stated she was unable to gather any statistics. The Corrections Program was also discussed, re: they have a new philosophy - community based programs; they have a Dept. of Psycology and Psychiatry. She also stated that So. Burlington now has "VICKI" which is a pre trial release program, probation and parole. Mrs. Sims stated that she thinks So. Burlington does avail itself of human services, but there are no figures at this time. There was discussion, re: accountability of United Services funds. It was stated that there is one new feature of Social Services, it being funds will be upped to 5 million if we can get matching state funds of one-third the amount. Funds would be used for Day Care Centers, home improvement, alcohol and drug abuse, etc. The United Community Services has suggested that each town appoint a committee to work with them. The committee would have the responsibility for gathering information about Human Service dollars which flow to the City, keep up on legislation, etc. …… there can be a communication between the Council and the Corrections people to keep the Council abreast of the programs, etc. He also stated they will continuously submit any up-dating of designs, etc. Mr. Profera then turned the discussion over to Mr. Wright who gave the Councilmen a tour of the facility by using the plans. In his holding station, unsentenced people are, sentenced people area, minimum security people area, etc. etc. etc. Mr. Wright stated they have a good relationship with their people. He also stated they have criteria as to whether a man will stay at the Center or go to Windosor Prison, and he stated the criteria is very strong. Mr. Neubert stated that most people are not aware the Corrections program is already functioning out of Burlington. She asked if this facility would extend the program. Mr. Profera sated the type of offender at this new facility is the same as is housed at the facility in Burlington, and stated the one big change is that there will be women in this new facility. Mr. Cimonetti asked if this center will be the initial jail a suspected criminal is taken to in the area. It was stated that everyone is initially housed at this new facility. Mr. Wright stated that if a criminal connot be handled, he will be shipped elsewhere. Mr. Cimonetti asked if they had a problem at the facility, where would they look for help? Mr. Profera stated they would call either the So. Burlington or Burlington Police or Fire Depts. Mr. Profera stated the residents of So. Burlington could use the gymnasium at the new facility without ever seeing a client o the facility; the residents could also use the vocational area for vocational rehabilitation. Mr. Falherty brought up the fact that at one time there was talk about forming a citizens committee to work with the Corrections Center. Mrs. Neubert suggested that maybe the Social Services group could work with the Corrections Center. Mr. Flaherty suggested that maybe some of the critics of the Corrections Center would be on the Citizens Committee. Mr. Nardelli stated that the force of the Committee will be better when the facility is built. Mr. Profera suggested that a Committee might be appointed now. There was discussion, re:vocational facility – people would not be trained but tested for vocational abilities. Charlotte March asked about precautions to be taken to prevent people from escaping. Mr. Profera stated it is a complete complex. He talked about the maximum security area and he stated they make sure …… Mr. Nardelli thanked the gentlemen for attending the meeting. Mr. Nardelli also asked Mr. Cimonetti and Mr. Flaherty to feed the Council information regarding a Citizens Committee to work with the Corrections Center. APPROVE CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY STATEMENT Mr. Nardelli received a letter from the City Attorney and read said letter. One change was made by the Council in the last paragraph of the Conflict of Interest policy statement. It is a policy which would be by persuasion. Mrs. Neubert stated there is nothing in the policy stating that it would ever be used. Mr. Nardelli stated that this policy gives the Council a direction. Mrs. Neubert stated that she would like to see the policy in the City Charter. Mr. Farrar suggested that the Council adopt this as a policy. Mr. Flaherty stated this is a first step. Mrs. Neubert stated she would like to take it further and amend the charter to give the Council the right to remove a person for a Conflict of Interest. Mr. Farrar made a motion to adopt the statement of Conflict of Interest Policy dated November 3, 1973. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Nardelli charged the Charter Committee to research whether the Council should have the authority to remove people from Commissions or Council because of a Conflict of Interest. The charge will be given to the Charter Committee by the City Manager. SIGN CENTRAL SCHOOL LEASE Mr. Szymanski explained the lease which is for the City Hall Building. There is no cost except for janitorial services and heating. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the Council sign the Central School lease with the So. Burlington School District. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER RESIGNATIONS FROM THE CITY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Letters of resignation were received from Nan Frymoyer, Lubomir Dellin and Dennis Smith. Mr. Nardelli read said letters. Mr. Flaherty asked that before Mr. Dellin's resignation was accepted, the meeting time be changed so he could attend. Mr. Flaherty made a motion that the Council table Lubomir Dellin's resignation until the City Government meeting time might be set and also made a motion that the resignations of Nan Frymoyer and Dennis Smith be accepted. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. REVIEW CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONSERVING ENERGY IN OPERATION OF THE CITY AND ENERGY CRISIS Mr. Szymanski explained the gasoline situation which had been reported in the Free Press. Mr. Nardelli asked about resources of gas. Mr. Szymanski stated the Highway Dept. supplied the other departments. He stated the Police Dept. is in good shape. There was discussion, re: allocations for different departments, and Water District trucks to be gassed. Mr. Szymanski read his memorandum, re: conserving energy in the City. There was discussion, re: this memorandum, where fuel oil is located, etc. Fire Chief Monell stated he would like to see the reverse at the Fire Station - 60 degrees during the day and 68 degrees at night. Mr. Farrar asked if there can be monitoring during the year to see any difference and any savings. Mr. Cimonetti asked about saving gasoline. Mr. Szymanski stated he did not know how they can cut down. Mr. Cimonetti wanted to make a point - facing the fact that we are going to be forced to do less and provide less service. He stated that each of the departments that are gasoline users should look at their problems and see what they can give up. He also stated that they had better have some plans for the future, say in February. It was suggested that some areas should be picked out, for example, that would not be plowed if it snowed. Mr. Nardelli stated that all the department heads should see what they can do, re: cuts for a crucial period. Mr. Monell read a letter from the Civil Defense. He will attend a meeting in Burlington and come back with a report for the Council. Mr. Audette stated that they have three plow vehicles that are on diesel fuel. Mr. Cimonetti suggested that the Recreation Department not be excluded in their priorities. RESOLUTIONS RE: ENERGY CRISIS AND SUNDAY CLOSING OF BUSINESSES Mr. Nardelli read the resolutions, re: energy crisis and closing of businesses on Sunday. Mr. Farrar made a motion to pass the resolutions as read by the Chairman regarding the energy crisis and closing of businesses. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar stated that it is extremely important to monitor the progress. Mr. Szymanski had a communication from the Greater Burlington Hotel and Hotel Association which he read, re: steps to take to ease the energy crisis. Mr. Nardelli asked about shutting off every other street light on Williston Road and Shelburne Road. Mr. Cimonetti suggested the City go to Green Mountain Power, re: turing the lights out and the cost. He also asked if there were any communications received as yet, re: gas rationing. Mr. Szymanski stated there had not been any. RESOLUTION - SO. BURLINGTON'S ATHLETIC TEAMS Mr. Nardelli read the resolutions, re:. So. Burlington's Athletic Teams. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the resolution. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. RESOLUTION - RECOGNITION OF THE RETIREMENT OF THE REV. BERNARD R. SPEARS AS PASTOR OF ST. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Mr. Nardelli read said resolution regarding retirement of Rev. Spears. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the resolution relative to the retirement of Rev. Spears. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. STATE AID CLAIM Mr. Szymanski stated this claim is for work primarily on Airport Drive and White Street, in the amount of $15,949.57. Mr. Farrar made a motion to approve the application for State Aid. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. INTERVIEW CITY PLANNER Mr. Nardelli stated that the Committee for interviewing a City Planner would consist of William Szymanski, Richard Ward, Mary Barbara Maher, Bart Simpson and Don Rich. They would recomment people to the Council. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 P.M., after which the Council resumed as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD On motion made, seconded, and so passed, the Liquor Control Board approved the application for a liquor license submitted by the Redwood Master Host Inn, Inc. Motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn the Liquor Control Board meeting at 9:55 P.M. Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.