HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/16/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 16, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room on Monday, April 16, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Blais, Chairman, opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Frederick G. Blais, Chairman; Walter Nardelli, Dr. Harold P. Brown, Michael D. Flaherty and Brian J. Gee. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrative Officer Catherine Neubert Wayne W. Jameson Charlotte C. Marsh Terry Tetreault Sylvia Laramee Beatrice Dandridge Virginia R. Kelleher Walter A. Dandridge J. Everett Reed L. A. D. Dellin Raymond J. Danis and Son Franklyn C. McCaffrey George G. Smith Fire Chief Melvin Monell Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zerr Cheryl Benfield, Free Press Reporter Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Voters Alex Guyette M. B. Maher Ruth DesLauriers and Son Catherine Hayden, Secretary READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 19, 1973 MEETING On motion made by Mr. Gee and seconded by Dr. Brown, the minutes of the meeting of March 19, 1973 were approved as read. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 26, 1973 The Council unanimously agreed that the minutes of the February 26, 1973 meeting had been reviewed at a previous meeting and approved with corrections. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 5, 1973 MEETING On motion made by Mr. Gee and seconded by Mr. Nardelli the minutes of the meeting of April 5, 1973 were approved as read. ADDITION OF ITEMS TO THE AGENDA Chairman Blais asked if there were any items to be added to the Agenda. None of the Councilmen had any to add. Mr. Raymond J. Danis of Patchen Road, brought up two items- one was the question of whether or not we had an ordinance prohibiting the use of motorized vehicles in the public parks, the other was in regard to his impression that according to the proposed zoning regulations it was not necessary to obtain a building permit. Mr. Ward said in regard to the building permit matter we will be conforming to State Statute provisions. Mr. Blais said the Council would take up the matter of the motorized vehicles next. PROHIBITING USE OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES IN PUBLIC PARKS Mr. Danis said there was a problem with residents riding vehicles in the city parks, especially in the Jaycee Park, saying it was a dangerous practice in light of the many youngsters at play. Mr. McCaffrey said he knew we had an ordinance prohibiting this but felt it referred only to school property. Mr. Blais thought the ordinance referred to both city property and school grounds, and instructed Mr. Szymanski to check into this and get copies of the ordinance. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Blais reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table to be signed. CONSIDER JAMESON REQUEST TO REVIEW CITY INSURANCE PLANS Mr. Blais, Chairman, read in full a letter dated February 24, 1973 from Mr. Wayne W. Jameson requesting authorization to gather data and perform an inspection required to develop a proposal which he felt would result in considerable improvement to our insurance program. Chairman Blais asked in what way could the plan be improved. Mr. Jameson said our due dates are all different, it was better to have the insured have just one payment date. It was hard to evaluate insurance plans when the premiums are due at different times. He said it would also be advantageous to look at different sums for deductables on the larger policies, maybe $500 or $1,000 deductable would result in savings of as much as 30% to 40% a year. Mr. Jameson wanted a decision from the Council before he put any time into the project. Chairman Blais mentioned several incidents where the City thought it was insured but proved not to be covered for the particular claims. Councilman Flaherty mentioned that if the City gave Mr. Jameson permission to review our insurance plan, the project would go out for bid, and Councilman Gee said that as we experienced a 22% increase in insurance costs this year he would support any investigation that would be helpful. Councilman Nardelli wondered if Mr. Jameson would contact the companies that presently insure the city and Mr. Jameson said that he would work through Mr. Szymanski's office. Councilman Brown said he thought the program should be reviewed, and also that any concern that was interested should be able to have the opportunity to review our insurance program. Councilman Nardelli said he understood that the School Board had gone along with Mr. Jameson's request and Mr. Jameson said it had. City Manager Szymanski mentioned that the Water Department should be contacted. Mrs. Krapcho wondered if it was customary for an insurance man to take on this kind of investigation. She felt it was an awkward approach, and Mr. Jameson said he supposed any proposal would be brought to the attention of the current insurance carriers. Mrs. Krapcho then said she believed that someone on the Council should develop some expertise on insurance details. Mrs. Neubert said the city had an Insurance Committee and wondered why that Committee was not contacted. The Council felt the Committee was not active at this time. Mr. Nardelli volunteered to work with Mr. Szymanski and Mr. Jameson on the proposal. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to give Mr. Jameson authorization to review the City's insurance plan. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gee and passed unanimously. ADOPT THE CITY BUDGET Chairman Blais said that to the best of his knowledge there were no significant changes made to the proposed city budget as a result of the public hearing. He then spoke to Miss Charlotte Marsh, who had been unable to attend the hearing, saying he was glad to see her at the meeting, and he was sure she had some comments on the budget. Miss Marsh read from the Vermont Statutes excerpts relating to the use of the Cemetery Trust Fund. She presented a 1955 Town Report saying that at that time the Trust Fund was in a separate account and then it was put into the Highway Department budget, and more recently it was transferred to the Councilmen's Accounts. She disputed the transferral and the use of the Trust Fund interest, saying it was not legal. After Miss Marsh had read from the Statutes how trust fund monies could be spent Chairman Blais explained that his understanding was that the cemetery line item is part of the general operating expense of the city and the $200 interest revenue actually lowers the cemetery budget, saying this was a bookkeeping function. Miss Marsh was not satisfied with this explanation and was given permission to have a conference telephone call with Attorney Ewing and Mr. Szymanski on the subject in order to clarify that the interest amount is being treated properly. In another item on the budget Mrs. Krapcho expressed her concern of the city planning on substantial revenue from the state in a return of Vermont Court Fees and on the Bottle Ban Levy. She asked what the Legislature had passed on both these items. Councilman Gee said he had indefinite information on the Bottle Ban Levy and Mr. Blais said he had asked two legislators about the decision on the return of Vermont District Court revenue to the communities and the Legislators did not know. Chief Monell expressed concern because we anticipate an increase in the cost of the Burlington Ambulance Service by about $500 for the coming fiscal year. There was a short discussion on the merits of using the Burlington system vs. other systems or a Volunteer South Burlington Ambulance Service. The Councilmen discussed this at some length, and seemed mutually agreed that we are getting superior service at a reasonable price. Mr. Nardelli then made a motion to adopt the budget as presented at the public hearing. Mr. Gee seconded the motion and after the following discussion on different items in the budget the Council unanimously approved the adoption of the budget. Mr. McCaffrey could not understand why the Councilmen included the cost of hiring a professional planner in the proposed budget. Chairman Blais said it is the feeling of the Council that we do need a planner at this time. He said the Planning Commission is not made up of expert planners, that we do need one now, an expert in his field. Councilman Brown agreed, saying the members of the Planning Commission feel inadequate to answer many of the questions put to them, and the Commission endorses the hiring of a professional. He said a good example of the effectiveness of this is how Burlington's zoning regulations and master plan passed. Mrs. Neubert asked why the result of the survey made by Doctor Kent was never given to the public. As this did not relate to the budget the Chairman asked if there were any more questions on adopting the budget. Mrs. Krapcho asked about the anticipated revenues again, asking where we could make up the funds if we did not receive the money. She hoped the planner would not have to be eliminated. Mr. Blais said we would hope to receive the anticipated revenue, and the question of how to raise the money would be considered if and when we failed to get what was expected. Charlotte Marsh thanked the Council for allowing her to speak on the Cemetery Trust Fund. Chairman Blais gave a brief review of the items that would be up for a vote at the Annual Meeting of May 15, 1973. SIGN GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER LIGHTING AGREEMENT City Manager Szymanski explained the terms of the Green Mountain Power Lighting Agreement, saying it was in effect a transfer account, similar to the agreement we have for the poles on the interstate bridge on Williston Road. The cost to the city is very little. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to approve and sign the agreement as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion which passed unanimously. APPROVE THE EXPANSION OF THE BARTLETTS BAY SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT TO INCLUDE COVERS OVER SETTLING TANKS AND SLUDGE DRYING BEDS City Manager Szymanski explained the problems the city had last winter because of the freezing of the material in the settling tanks and sludge beds at the plant at Bartletts Bay. He explained that the city's cost would be about $9,000 and could come from the sewer project surplus. Mr. Gee made a motion to approve the expansion with payment for same to be from the sewer project surplus. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER IMPOSING A MORITORIUM ON GRANTING ZONE CHANGES AND USE VARIANCES - MR. NARDELLI Mr. Nardelli explained his reasons for requesting a moritorium on granting zone changes, pointing out that the city needs time to make amendments to the 1964 zoning regulations in view of the fact that the vote on May 15th may rescind the adoption of the proposed zoning regulations. Mrs. Maher, Planning Commission member, asked that Councilmen please attend the Planning Commission meeting to be held the following evening when the amendments were being formulated. Mrs. Maher also outlined the time schedule that has to be met in passing amendments to the zoning regulations. Chairman Blais, Council Flaherty, Gee, and Doctor Brown all spoke in favor of Mr. Nardelli's proposal to impose a moritorium. Councilman Flaherty noted that if the 1973 proposed regulations passes, it would rescind the 1964 ordinance and then we would be without a sign ordinance. Mr. Ward agreed, saying he thought we should get started working on the sign ordinance right away. COUNCILMAN NARDELLI THEN MADE A MOTION TO IMPOSE A MORITORIUM ON ZONE CHANGES FOR 90 DAYS AND THE COUNCIL LOOK WITH DISFAVOR ON THE GRANTING OF USE VARIANCES MR. FLAHERTY SECONDED THE MOTION WHICH PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Councilman Gee wanted it put on record that we work on the comprehensive plan right away, and that he supported Mr. Nardelli's motion very emphatically. Councilman Brown said he felt the Council should give the Planning Commission some direction in the drafting of the amendments. Councilman Nardelli said that now we had 90 days, the Commission should work on the 1964 ordinance to make it workable and also work on the 1973 proposed regulations in case it passes. Chairman Blais said that certainly this was an urgent matter, and every effort should be made to meet the deadlines. Councilman Gee made a motion to recess the meeting at 9:25 P.M. and meet as the Liquor Control Board. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD The Liquor Control Board reviewed, approved, and signed the following applications for liquor licenses: Black Angus Steak House, Shelburne Road Joe Barry's Restaurant, Williston Road Sizzling Steak Restaurant, Williston Road Councilman Brown made a motion to adjourn the Liquor Control Board and reconvene the regular meeting at 9:40 P.M. Councilman Nardelli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER RAND CORPORATION TAX APPEAL QUESTION The Council discussed the Rand Corporation's tax appeal and City Manager Szymanski was instructed to check with the City Attorney as to what the legal fees would be to take the Rand appeal to County Court. On motion duly made, seconded and so passed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Approved Brian J. Gee, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.