HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/15/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 15, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, May 15, 1972 at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond Stearns, Chairman Frederick G. Blais Kenneth W. Jarvis Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Walter Nardelli OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator James Pizzagalli, Chairman, Sign Study Committee David L. Cleary, City Grand Juror and City Agent Albert Reynolds, Sign Study Committee William B. Wesser, Hinesburg Rd. Fire Chief Monell George G. Smith Frank C. McCaffrey Don Duell Tom Schroeder, 7 Woodbine Kay Neubert, Elsom Parkway Greg Premo Greening Ave. Charlotte Marsh Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Dorothy Guilford, Secretary ADDITIONS TO AGENDA On a motion which was duly made, seconded, and unanimously approved the following additions to the agenda were made: 8. Recognition of two letters - one from Lubomir A. D. Dellin and the other from Colonel George C. Crooks 9. Letter from Mrs. Barbara Bull, Chairman, Natural Resources Committee CONSIDER THE PROPOSAL OF THE RAND CORPORATION TO FINANCE AN INDEPENDENT STUDY OF PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE BY A CONSULTANT SELECTED BY THE SIGN COMMITTEE Mr. James Pizzagalli, Chairman of the Sign Study Committee, told the Council that Mr. Wasserman of the Rand Corporation (University Mall) called Mr. Ward, Zoning Administrator, a few weeks ago and told him his company would be willing to finance an independent study of the proposed Sign Ordinance by a consultant to be selected by the Sign Committee. Mr. Pizzagalli contacted Mr. Ewald, of Washington, D.C., who would be willing to make the study at a cost of approximately $1500. plus out of pocket expenses. He could come to South Burlington within a week. Mr. Pizzagalli discussed this with the Planning Commission at their meeting of May 9, 1972 and they recommended that the proposal be accepted. Mr. Wasserman told Mr. Pizzagalli there are no stipulations on the part of his company, the city is free to select any consultant it wishes. His company feels it has a responsibility to the city and, therefore, offered to finance the study by a consultant. Mr. Pizzagalli stated all the businessmen he has spoken to about it are enthusiastic about the proposal. Within ten days to two weeks after his work here, Mr. Ewald would have a report to the Sign Committee. The target date the Sign Committee is aiming for is May 30th but Mr. Pizzagalli thought it might go a little beyond that date. He felt it would be worth it, however. Chairman Stearns asked Mr. Greg Premo, Manager of the Redwood Motel, what he thought about the proposal. Mr. Premo said he is 100% behind it. However, he felt certain that the Sign Study Committee, the Planning Commission and the City Council would have the final say. Mr. Pizzagalli told the Council he has spoken to Mr. Mikell, attorney for the Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce businessmen, about hiring the consultant. Mr. Blais moved that, based on the recommendation of the Sign Ordinance Committee and the Planning Commission, the city accept the proposal of the Rand Corporation to finance an independent study of the proposed Sign Ordinance by a consultant, Mr. Ewald of Washington, D.C. and that Rand Corporation give a check to the city for the amount involved and the city will, in turn, send a check to Mr. Ewald. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Chairman Stearns requested Mr. Szymanski to write to the Chamber of Commerce Sign Committee, advising them that the Council has accepted Rand Corporation's offer to pay for the cost of a consultant of the city's choice. MINUTES OF MAY 1, 1972 Mr. Nardelli moved to accept the Minutes of May 1, 1972 as presented. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before adjournment. SIGN THE AIRPORT TAX STABILIZATION AGREEMENT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS Mr. Szymanski informed the Council the contract has been approved by the City Attorney. Mr. Jarvis moved for the signing of the Airport Tax Stabilization Contract. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously and contract signed by the Council. CHAIRMAN STEARNS TO SIGN THE RED ROCKS PARK DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT WITH RALPH B. GOODRICH, INC., CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING AREA, ACCESS ROADS AND BEACH EXPANSION - - MR. SZYMANSKI TO GIVE REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS TO DATE Chairman Stearns signed the Red Rocks Park Development Contract with Ralph B. Goodrich, Inc. Mr. Szymanski gave the following progress report: 1. Parking lots have been 50% cleared. 2. Westerly entrance road has been cleared. 3. An estimate of the bridge walkway has been prepared. Plans will be prepared for submittal to the state. 4. A masonry contractor for the overlook protections has been selected. 5. An Appraiser is working on the four camp properties for acquisition under the B.O.R. grant for this year. 6. Green Mountain Power will move power poles for the Central Ave. widening. Mr. Blais said he spoke with Barbara Bull on the way to the meeting this evening and she was dismayed about the two letters to the Free Press editor regarding trees being cut down in Red Rocks Park, according to the authors of the letters. Both Mr. Blais and Mr. Nardelli stated they have visited Red Rocks and found no trees cut down. Mr. Szymanski said he has been down daily and has seen no trees cut down, only some small brush. LETTERS FROM LUBOMIR DELLIN AND COLONEL GEORGE C. CROOKS Chairman Stearns read a letter dated May 12, 1972 from Mr. Lubomir A. D. Dellin to him expressing concern that the reappraisals made by the Board of Civil Authority on appeal will not be published in any form. Mr. Dellin has told many friends and neighbors that he was certain they would receive the figures of reappraised property. A copy of Mr. Dellin's letter is filed with these Minutes. Chairman Stearns also read a letter of May 15, 1972 from George C. Crooks, Chairman of the Board of Civil Authority to Mr. Dellin, since he received a copy of Mr. Dellin's letter to Mr. Stearns. Colonel Crooks' letter indicated that the Board of Civil Authority has no budget of its own or any other funds for such a publication, that the facts are available in the office of the Assessors and as public records are available to anyone who cares to ask to see them. A copy of Colonel Crooks' letter is also filed with these Minutes. After discussion it was unanimously agreed to request the City Manager to check with the printer of the original appraisal booklet to see if it is possible to run off 200 copies showing the appraisals which were adjusted after the appeals. There would be no mailing of these lists but they would be available to those interested. LETTER FROM BARBARA BULL, CHAIRMAN, NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Chairman Stearns read a letter dated May 5, 1972 from Barbara Bull, Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee informing the Council that her committee has met to consider the Council's request that, "prior to the official adoption of our proposals for a cross-town pedestrian trail, we propose a trail system for snowmobiles and minibikes in South Burlington." The letter indicates that "the response to this request has been immediate, vocal and unanimous, both from committee members and the many people who have telephoned me after reading the account of the meeting in the Free Press - - why such a stipulation to adopting the popular pedestrian trail proposal and why encourage the use of these machines which are widely considered a nuisance to persons and property". The letter also indicates one of the prime reasons for the committee's existence is to protect the natural resources of the city and there is a point beyond which public pleasure cannot go without being incompatible with the primary aim of protection and preservation. Mrs. Bull stated in her letter that despite the fact that none of the parties involved in the December, 1971 tri-recreation committee meeting has pursued the question of snowmobile trails, Mr. Yankowski plans to talk with Mr. Shepard to see what specific ideas he has. Her committee understood that the local club did not want a trail system within the city, but routes whereby they could leave the city and ride beyond. Her committee would be willing to meet with Mr. Shepard and any sub-committee he wishes to form to consider their proposals and evaluate them from an ecological point of view. The Natural Resources Committee feels there should be opportunity for public discussion of the issue. "We are willing to listen but, in good conscience, can in no way promote or encourage a motorized trail system with the city limits", the letter concludes. Copy of this letter is filed with these Minutes. During discussion which followed the reading of Mrs. Bull's letter, Mr. Nardelli stated the people who have called him are asking why not allow the pedestrian trail plan to go through now as proposed and then research the possibility of other trails for ski-mobiles and motor bikes. Mr. Blais explained that the tri-meeting was held last December in the High School Cafeteria and met with ski-mobiles who asked to use ski-mobiles at Red Rocks and were refused. A two-man committee was appointed, (one member of the Natural Resources Committee) to work with the ski-mobilers to set up a trail system. Mr. Blais said this committee has never met, according to Mrs. Bull. He does not think the city should go too far with pedestrian trails without provision for ski-mobile trails, otherwise, he envisions problems of policing to prevent the use of pedestrian trails by the ski-mobilers. Chairman Stearns said he feels it is not an objective opinion as expressed in Mrs. Bull's letter and if no thought is given now to ski-mobile trails there never will be any. Mr. Blais indicated the Council has the responsibility to charge the committee and it is the committee's responsibility carry out the charge. Mrs. Guilford stated she has heard several comments that it is unfair to hold up trails proposed for pedestrians until a suitable place can be found for motorized vehicles, and she agrees, particularly so in view of the rapid development taking place in the city. It could become more difficult to obtain easements required if the land is developed. It was finally agreed that a meeting be called with the new Council and members of the Natural Resources Committee and any others who should be there to try to arrange whose responsibility it is to investigate trails for motorized vehicles and in what order of accomplishment it should be accomplished. Chairman Stearns felt this should be done as quickly as possible, with notice given to the committee so that as many as possible could attend. The City Manager was charged with setting up this meeting. STATEMENT BY CHAIRMAN STEARNS Chairman Stearns made the following statement: "It has been an honor serving the people of South Burlington. I have had the good fortune to meet many wonderful people and this would not have been possible otherwise. Most all of the people I have served with I now call friends and that, in itself, is more "than ample reward. I am proud of the accomplishments of the past three years and challenge those boards that follow to do as well and, hopefully, better. "I offer this thought to those involved in planning. Please be certain that those who choose to live and die in South Burlington can afford to. A bedroom community, while aesthetically ideal, does present budgetary problems that a diversified, planned community does not have. "There is an old saying which goes: "Be careful of what you truly want for you most assuredly will acquire it'. "Planning is not an exception to this adage." STATEMENT FROM KENNETH JARVIS, RETIRING COUNCILMAN Mr. Jarvis stated he enjoyed his brief period on the Council. He noted that many people sitting in the room have had perfect attendance, that he and Chairman Stearns have had perfect attendance also. He congratulated those in the room for their faithful attendance at Council meetings and said he wished there were more people attending meetings. STATEMENT FROM FREDERICK BLAIS Frederick Blais, speaking on behalf of the balance of the Council, expressed thanks to Chairman Raymond Stearns and Kenneth Jarvis for the good effort and hard work while serving on the City Council. He complimented them for their perfect attendance record and called attention to the fact that, although they did not always agree on issues, there was good dialogue and a non-partisan attitude. He presented mementos to each Councilman. The Council, on a motion duly moved, seconded and unanimously approved, adjourned and reconvened as the Liquor Control Board, at 9:00 P.M. ********************* The South Burlington Liquor Control Board convened on May 15, 1972 at 9 P.M. in the City Hall to consider application request for a first-class license for the Black Angus Restaurant, Shelburne Road (Victorian Motor Inn) - Mr. Gabbeit and Mr. Malone. A motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously approved to approve and sign the request for license. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Approved -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.