HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/01/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, May 1, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond Stearns Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Walter Nardelli Frederick Blais Kenneth Jarvis OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager - Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator W. D. Kellner, So. Burlington Kiwanis Club Richard Carter, Chief of Police Malvin Monell, Fire Chief F. C. McCaffrey A. C. Audette, Highway Dept. Bernie Cumming, Burlington Boy's Club Harry Behney Barbara Bull, Chairman of Natural Resources Committee Thomas Schroeder, 7 Woodbine Charlotte C. Marsh Bud Etherton, Elsom Parkway - Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press On a motion duly moved, seconded and unanimously approved, the following items were added to the agenda: 14. Consider Bids for Red Rocks Development Project - Mr. Szymanski. 15. Report on Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission - C. Harry Behney. 16. Request attendance record of all committee members - Mr. Stearns. 17. Discuss questions Council would like to add to Education News Questionnaire. PRESENTATION OF THE COLORS BY THE SOUTH BURLINGTON KIWANIS CLUB Mr. Harry Behney, President of the South Burlington Kiwanis Club and Mr. William Kellner, Chairman of Business and Public Affairs Committee of the Club, presented the Colors on behalf of the Club. Mr. Behney noted they are marked with a brass tag which notes the presentation by the South Burlington Kiwanis Club. Chairman Stearns accepted the Colors for the City Council and for all future Councils, extending thanks in their behalf. MINUTES OF APRIL 3 and 17, 1972 Mr. Nardelli moved that the Minutes of April 3 and April 17, 1972 be approved as presented. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. APPROVAL OF CRUISER PURCHASE Mr. Szymanski reported Ford had made a bid of $9,377, for three cruisers; Plymouth had bid $9,163; Chevrolet did not meet specifications. Mr. Szymanski told the Council Ford specifications exceeded South Burlington's. Chief Carter stated the Ford offer included priority service - repairs would be made the day the cruiser was brought to them. Mr. Jarvis moved to purchase the three cruisers for the Police Department from Nordic Ford of South Burlington. Dr. Brown seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before adjournment. CONSIDER BOY'S CLUB OF AMERICA'S REQUEST TO SPONSOR CANRIVAL IN ZAYRE'S PARKING LOT THE WEEK OF MAY 29, 1972 Mr. Bornie Cumming, Burlington Boy's Club, requested permission to bring the King Reed Carnival to the University Mall area beginning May 30, through June 3, 1972. The purpose is to assist them in raising funds for a twelve week swimming program at the swimming pool at the club. They need approximately $1,000 and hope to raise that amount. Any boy from Chittenden County is eligible to join the club, Mr. Cumming said, it is not restricted to Burlington boys. The carnival would be situated off the blacktop area and well removed from the Chittenden Bank. It would close down at 10 P. M. each night. He noted they are a non-profit organization. During discussion, Mr. Nardelli stated the area proposed for setting up the carnival is very rough, full of water and holes and mud. Chairman Stearns asked Police Chief Carter if he had any objection from a policing or traffic standpoint. Chief Carter said he did not have any. Mr. Jarvis wanted to know if there would be any promotional effort made with commercial outfits in the city. Mr. Cumming said tickets will be sold at the gate and businesses will not be contacted to buy tickets. A question was raised about the condition of the grounds when the carnival was held at the Grandway last year. Mr. Cumming said he would take responsibility for seeing it was left in good condition. Chairman Stearns expressed concern that people living in the area would not have been aware of the intent to bring the carnival to University Mall unless they had read the agenda. He felt they should have the opportunity to object if they did not approve of it. The Council will not meet again until May 15. Mr. Nardelli moved that the City Council hold a special meeting this week on Thursday, May 4, at 3:30 P.M. and at that time make a site inspection of the proposed carnival. Dr. Brown seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Mr. Szymanski, City Manager, was requested to contact the residents in the area, to get their feeling on the proposed carnival. NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE PRESENTATION OF PHASE I OF PEDESTRIAN TRAIL SYSTEM - BARBARA BULL, CHAIRMAN Mrs. Bull indicated, on two maps, the proposed route of the pedestrian trail system. She presented a written commentary to go along with the maps, describing each area. It is proposed to follow the brooks and woods, wherever possible. She stated the trail would be strictly pedestrian and could be used four seasons. It would be used for hiking, cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing. Estimated length of trail is 3 to 4 miles. Few property owners are involved. National Life Insurance Company has already been contacted and would give an easement on their land. Mr. Szymanski has already spoken to the Dumonts who have agreed to an easement. Other owners are Economou, Wheelock, Yandow and Nowland. Mr. Blais asked if there is any chance of a trail system for bikes and motorized vehicles. He expressed concern about keeping them out of the pedestrian trails if no other place is provided for them. Mrs. Bull said she understands that those interested in snowmobiles want to get longer trips, from one town to another. In answer to Mr. Blais' question of getting the committee going on a ski-mobile trail Mrs. Bull said she would discuss it again with the committee who is supposed to be studying this; she had mentioned it to them previously, but would go back to them and convey the Council's wishes in this respect, if they so requested. Mr. Blais felt this should come under the Natural Resources Committee. Mrs. Bull said she assumed the city would assume liability of this trail. The Council agreed that it would become the city's liability. Mrs. Bull said the committee would recommend a standard price per flat foot in securing easements from property owners. However, she noted the bulk of the land to be used is along stream beds which would preclude any development. The width of the trail would be about 5 feet. Chairman Stearns felt unless the committee came through with snowmobile trails at the same time it would not be fair, since the snowmobilers have "as much a right to a trail system as the pedestrians", he said. Mr. Blais moved that the Council recognize the plan as an objective; subject to negotiations for rights-of-way and easements that the plan be accepted and presented to the Council for a vote. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Chairman Stearns suggested a date of September 1st, on which the Council should look with favor on a walking trail if a trail for motorized vehicles can be found by that time. REPORT BY HARRY BEHNEY ON CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Behney reported briefly on the function of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission. It is funded by the Federal Government, the State of Vermont and each individual community. It is made up of 8 standing committees. It is anticipated that it will be relocated from its present location in Richmond to some area between Burlington and South Burlington in the cloverleaf area, which will be closer to all facilities, the University of Vermont, and to all people. The Commission meets on the fourth Monday of each month. The Executive Commission meets once a month on Thursday. It has certification from HUD. The Committees sit in review for any request for federal funding, checking its compatibility with the regional county plan. This included the review of the jug-handle at East Terrace and Williston Road and also Red Rocks. Mr. Behney has been on the commission for one year. He noted there are two incompatibilities in the South Burlington charter with the by-laws of the Chitten den County Regional Planning Commission. First, their by-laws say appointments will be for two years. The other calls for an organizational meeting in May, which is before our election. He has suggested changing the by-laws to July. He said the Nominating Committee has a slate of officers for this year. He felt there should be an alternate commissioner appointed. He anticipates there will be a solid waste study this year on the proper approach to handle the problem on a regional basis. The Commission also was involved in the study of the bus transportation in Burlington. The Federal Government has begun the reducing of staff under the Inter-governmental Personnel Act, and many trained people may be available to communities on a loan basis, with the community paying 50% of the salary, the Federal Government paying 50%. Salary would be negotiable with each individual, during interviews arranged in Washington. The individuals are to be located by July 1st, Mr. Behney said. Mr. Blais commented that there is not enough inter-community planning being done and would like to see the Regional Planning Commission do a better job of firmer planning among communities. Mr. Stearns complimented both Mr. Behney and Mr. William Kelner on their good attendance record at meetings. He suggested a bulletin be published on their meeting dates to avoid conflicts, and thanked Mr. Behney for his report. CONSIDER REQUEST OF THE CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT TO WAIVER ALL BUILDING FEES FOR THE WATER FILTRATION PLANT AND THE LOW LEVEL PUMPING STATION Chairman Stearns informed the members of the Council that the amount involved in this fee is only $116.50 Mr. Blais made a motion to waive the fees as requested. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion. During discussion Mr. Nardelli suggested the city use this money as an offset on our first water bill. Mr. Blais noted it is a non-profit entity. Mr. Jarvis felt, since South Burlington is part owner of the District, the city would be charging itself. A vote on the motion was called: Result of vote was unanimous for approval of the motion to waive all building fees. APPOINT TRUSTEE TO WINOOSKI VALLEY PARK DISTRICT'S BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman Stearns stated there has been only one applicant, Mr. Boulanger, Oak Hill Drive. Mr. Szymanski said he had contacted Mr. William Schuele to see if he would be interested in making application for the appointment, since he had worked on the formation of the Park District. Mr. Schuele indicated since Mr. Boulanger was an applicant, he would not. Mr. Jarvis moved that Mr. David Boulanger be appointed Trustee to the Winooski Valley Park District. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. TAKE ACTION ON MR. JOSEPH ALLARD'S RESIGNATION FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Stearns read a letter from Joseph Allard, Chairman of the Planning Commission, dated April 21, 1972 offering his resignation from the Commission. Chairman Stearns stated Mr. Allard has done an outstanding job and the city has been fortunate to have had a man with experience in two communities. He noted the normal procedure will be followed in publishing the vacancy in the local newspaper fifteen days previous to the appointment. He said the appointment cannot be made by the present Council, time wise, and it will, therefore, be the responsibility of the new Council. He commented that he would like to see those who submitted requests for consideration of the last appointment a few months ago be urged to resubmit. Mr. Nardelli moved to accept Mr. Allard's resignation from the Planning Commission and that a letter of commendation be written by the City Manager and forwarded to him. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. SIGN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BOB PARISEAU AND SONS FOR RENTAL OF AIRPORT PARKWAY BUILDING (OLD LEGION BUILDING) Chairman Stearns stated that John Ewing, City Attorney, has looked the lease over and consider it is proper. It is a one year lease. Mr. Blais moved that the city execute the lease agreement with Bob Pariseau and Sons for rental of Airport Parkway building. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. CONSIDER THE FORMAT FOR PENSIONS Chairman Steams felt it would be well for the city to have a position on Pension proposal if and when the expenditure of money is approved by the voters in the coming elections. He suggested the best way would be to set a sum of money, arrive at eligibility and proceed from that point. Fire Chief Monell requested that a member of each city department be on the Pension Board. Chairman Stearns said he thought that would be a good idea, if and when the money is approved by the voters. He urged the public to vote favorably on this issue, citing the fact that city employees have to retire some day, too, and they should not have to settle for anything less than those who work for companies. "It is a social obligation," he said. CONSIDER PETITION OF 12 RESIDENTS OF AIRPORT DRIVER (NORTHERLY SIDE OF RUNWAY) REQUESTING STREET NAME CHANGE TO SHAMROCK ROAD. PETITION WAS APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION AT THEIR MEETING OF APRIL 25, 1972 Chairman Stearns noted a petition of twelve residents of Airport Drive, North of the runway, starting with number 1745, going North to the intersection of Airport Parkway and Ethan Allen Drive; petition requests the city to change the name of this street to Shamrock Road. The street originally ran from Route 15 all the way through to Williston Road but extension of the runway divided the street in half, resulting much confusion in locating the area. They are concerned that emergency vehicles might have difficulty locating the area. A copy of this petition is filed with these Minutes. Chairman Stearns asked Chief Carter, Police Department, if this would present any problem in policing. Chief Carter said it would not, in fact he felt it might eliminate confusion. Fire Chief Monell agreed. Mr. Nardelli moved to change the name of Airport Drive, North of the runway, to Shamrock Road and to change the numbers beginning with one up. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. SIGN STATE AID HIGHWAY FUNDS APPLICATION Mr. Szymanski presented standard applications for State Aid Highway Funds for next year, which the Council signed. ATTENDANCE RECORDS OF ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chairman Stearns stated he felt the Council should request attendance records of all committee members and consider these statistics before making any reappointments. DISCUSS QUESTIONS COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO EDUCATION NEWS QUESTIONNAIRE Chairman Stearns told Mrs. Catherine Neubert that he had polled the members of the Council on this request, and they would like to submit questions to the Education News questionnaire. CONSIDER BIDS FOR RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mr. Szymanski, City Manager, told the Council he has received the following bids for the first phase of the Red Rocks development. This includes construction of a roadway, parking lot, trail reconstruction and expansion of the beach, and development of picnic areas. It does not include work on the overlooks. It revises the parking lot to include a fifty-foot buffer zone. Burnett Contracting Co.-$85,000. So. Burlington, Vt. Munson Earthmoving Burlington, Vt.-75,000. S. G. Phillips Corp.-67,700. Williston, Vt. Ralph Goodrich Const. Co.-49,974. So. Burlington, Vt. Mr. Szymanski recommended the bid from Goodrich Construction Co. be accepted. Mr. Blais moved that the low bid of Ralph Goodrich Construction Company, $49,974, be accepted. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Charlotte Marsh addressed the Chairman of the Council, informing him she had submitted a list of important citizens from which names for streets could be selected. Mr. Szymanski said he has the list and Chairman Stearns asked that he look into this. Mr. Behney stated he sees no reason for South Burlington not being a cancelling post-office and receiving the service due a city of 10,000 people. ******** Chairman Stearns noted a letter from David L. Cleary asking that he be considered for appointment to the Planning Commission. This letter, dated April 25, 1972, is filed with these Minutes. ********** Chairman Stearns also noted a request from Kenneth Jarvis to serve on the Burlington Airport Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Nardelli to adjourn the Council meeting. Dr. Brown seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Approved -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.