HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/27/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 27, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, March 27, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond Stearns Frederick Blais Walter Nardelli Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Kenneth Jarvis OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager Wayne Jameson, Legislator Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Mary Barbara Maher, Planning Commission Frederick Maher, Chairman-City Gov't. Comm.Charlotte C. Marsh Thomas Breen, Chairman-Recreation Comm.Ruth Bennett, Tanglewood Drive Barbara Bull, Natural Resources Comm.Howard Shepard, Central Ave. Duane Valine, Hackett, Valine and McDonald Agency John T. Ewing, City Attorney Homer Stuart, Hickock and Boardman A. C. Audette, Highway Dept. Charles R. Tetzlaff, Latham, Eastman and Tetzlaff,L. Vogel, Queen City Park Attorneys Charles S. Lewis, Central Ave. Fire Chief "Bud" Monell Richard Stevens, Maple Ave. F. McCaffrey, Birch St.Peter Yankowski, Wealthy George G. Smith, Hinesburg Rd.Dorothy F. Abbott James Leary Ronald L. Pepin, Lyon Ave. Ext. L. David Smith Warren Thomas On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, the following additions to the agenda were made: 7. Discussion on letter received by Chairman Stearns from a resident regarding lack of attention to roads by the Champlain Water District during and after construction. 8. Liquor Control Board to meet for consideration of license renewals for four applicants. READING OF MINUTES OF MARCH 20, 1972 A motion was made by Mr. Blais, seconded by Mr. Nardelli, to approve the Minutes of March 20, 1972 as presented. Approval was unanimous. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting was adjourned. APPROVE THE WARNING OF THE PROPOSED CITY CHARTER CHANGES - FRED MAHER AND ATTORNEY JOHN EWING Mr. Maher submitted drafts of proposed charter changes, underlining the sentences which are changes. Specification of limitations is a clarification of what is in the charter. Section 1309-2, Page 2, spells out items to be subtracted from the gross budget to get the net cost of operations. The Steering Committee has been empowered with authority of interpretation of the charter. Under "Appropriations", it would have to be clearly stated on the ballot how long and for what purpose the money requested is to be spent. If these appropriations are approved by the voters they would be included in the base for figuring budget next year. Page 8 eliminates Trustee of Public Funds as an elective office and provides for a three year term for City Clerk. Poll tax deadline date is changed from July 15 to August 15. Mr. Ewing, City Attorney, told the Council there must be one public hearing twenty days before Annual Meeting, no later than April 26, and there must be thirty days' notice of that meeting on April 26, which would be March 28. Once the notices are posted the format is frozen. The charter change goes into effect sixty days after the voters approve it unless there is a petition, in which case the legislature must act on it. Mr. Nardelli said he would like to see as part of the charter a presentation of a budget to the people showing the budget with the allowable increase, or less, and anything above the allowable increase should be shown in dollars and as a line item which would require voter approval. He said the first step should have a real effect of budget control; it is not controlled by line item now but we are moving in that direction now. All increases should be voted on as separate items. Dr. Brown agreed that people should know why proposed increases are being requested. Mr. Ewing noted the Steering Committee has the power to do this. Mr. Stearns felt there could be problems resulting from two different Boards on the Steering Committee and thought it should be specific. Mr. Blais said he would not like to see this mandatory. Mr. Jameson stated if this is forced, the Committee felt it might encourage the Council to manipulate the tax rate. Provision is made for the Steering Committee to have controls, he said, and suggested the amendments be put into effect in this manner. If the Steering Committee has difficulty it could be brought up for a vote in September. Change in the Charter requires two-thirds vote. Chairman Stearns felt there should be thirteen members on the Steering Committee. A copy of the Committee's draft of Charter amendments is filed with these Minutes. Mr. Jarvis moved that the three proposals for amendment to the South Burlington Charter as submitted to the Council be presented to the voters at the Annual Meeting on May 16, 1972, that the proposals be duly warned and that a public hearing on the proposals be held on April 26, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall on Williston Road, all in accordance with 24 VSA Section 702 a. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. ********** Miss Marsh referred to her request of March 6 that the Council consider amending the Charter to make the Council representative on the Planning Commission an ex-officio rather than a voting member. She asked if the Council could decide on this issue tonight and incorporate it with the other amendments. Chairman Stearns said he could see no point in having the City Government Committee if they are not given the opportunity to study recommendations. Miss Marsh submitted a draft for consideration by the City Government Committee. DISCUSSION WITH DUANE VALINE ON CITY INSURANCE (Tabled from last week) Mr. Valine of Hackett, Valine and MacDonald Agency, told the Council he has submitted an outline of the city's insurance to Mr. Szymansky. Chairman Stearns asked him if he thinks the city loses anything when it turns its insurance over to several agencies, as is being done, rather than placing it on a competitive basis. Mr. Valine felt there is danger in jumping from one company to another every year or so and some agencies might refuse to bid if they had to bid each year. It is common to have bids for a three year period, he said. Mr. Stearns said he does not think Mr. Valine's company is giving the city the service due a good client and feels $23,000 in premiums is a good account. Mr. Jarvis called attention to the fact that no South Burlington agency is represented in this group. He said Mr. Jameson has an agency in South Burlington. Mr. Valine pointed out that his company has been performing services for the city automatically which they may not have brought to their attention. Every audit is checked, for instance. He suggested that the Council might want to appoint someone to work with his company. Chairman Stearns suggested that he work with the City Manager. Mr. Nardelli suggested that the Insurance Company give the city a written statement of advice on an annual basis evaluating our coverages and estimating our shortages and (or) overages. After discussion the Council requested that the report as suggested by Mr. Nardelli should be submitted quarterly. Mr. Blais said he would like to have all policies come up for renewal on January 1st, and requested that Mr. Szymanski place this on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting of the Steering Committee. REPORT BY DR. BROWN ON HIS CITIZEN-COUNCILMAN'S MEETING MARCH 23, 1972 Dr. Brown said he had two people come in person and two telephone calls. A resident of Heath Street expressed concern over pedestrians having to walk in the road from Heath Street on the way to church because there is no break in the snowbanks to enter the sidewalk. Mr. Szymanski is to investigate. DISCUSSION ON LETTER TO CHAIRMAN STEARNS FROM RESIDENT REGARDING LACK OF ATTENTION TO ROADS BY CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION Mr. Stearns read a letter to the Council regarding the poor condition of roads during and after construction of water mains; pot holes in the road (Dorset Street) with no warning that they are there; poor patching and paving, etc. Chairman Stearns requested the City Manager and Mr. Audette of the Highway Department to investigate the matter and to contact the Champlain Water District, suggesting they police their contractors. Dr. Brown and Mr. Jarvis said they had also received complaints about the Champlain Water District in the same respect. DISCUSSION ON RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Chairman Stearns stated that, although there is nothing definite, there is a strong possibility that the city of South Burlington and Burlington can get together on GBIC and Queen City Park Road. Mr. Pepin, speaking for residents of Queen City Park, expressed concern for children's safety in view of increased traffic when the park is opened. He requested that the toll booth be placed deeper into the park, allowing stacking of cars to take place within the park, thereby keeping people off the public roads as much as possible. Mr. Breen said this would be agreeable to his committee. He stated there will be deputy sherriffs to control traffic and expressed confidence traffic can be handled. After a lengthy discussion, agreement was reached as follows: 1. Provide a 50-foot buffer zone and hedge to shield residents on Pavilion Ave. from the park area. 2. Cut brush on the sides of the entrance to the park to improve vision. 3. Provide a resuscitator for emergency use. 4. Erect a fence from the beach area along lower Lyons Avenue to the first residence on Pavilion Avenue. 5. Erect a sign near the approach to the residential area warning no traffic is allowed beyond that point, with a tow-away penalty. 6. Build a footpath across the bridge (before beach is opened to public). 7. Provide a walkway from the bridge to the park area (before beach is opened to public) 8. Place the toll booth deeper into the park. 9. Install traffic signal near the bridge. 10. Provide deputy sheriffs for traffic control. 11. Widening Central Avenue to three lanes Mr. Pepin requested that the city continue to pursue exit from the park in the future using Industrial Road. Mr. Blais wanted the record to show that, with the consideration of the third lane, placing the toll booth deeper into the park (as far as possible) and the budget item for traffic controls, we will assure safety for traffic. "It is our responsibility - - if it's a question of safety, we'll close the park down," he said. Barbara Bull pointed out that the toll house is designed for double entry, which would promote faster flow of traffic into the park area. Chairman Stearns stated also that the Council will make a promise that "if at any time the safety problem cannot be solved, the park will be closed." A motion was made by Mr. Jarvis to adjourn the Council meeting and convene as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. *************** LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD MEETING The South Burlington Liquor Control Board convened at 10:15 P.M. on March 27, 1972 at the City Hall on Williston Road to consider, approve and sign applications for renewal of licenses for the following businesses: Pancake House (Aunt Sara's)Shelburne Rd. Redwood Motel Shelburne Rd. Howard Johnson's Dorset St. First National Store Williston Rd. On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, renewal of these licenses was approved and signed by the Liquor Control Board. The Liquor Control Board adjourned at 10:25 P.M. ************* Chairman Stearns reconvened the City Council Meeting at 10:30 P.M. There was no further business and a motion was made to adjourn by Mr. Nardelli. Dr. Brown seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P. M. Approved -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.