HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/20/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 20, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, March 20, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond Stearns Kenneth Jarvis Dr. Harold Brown, Jr.Walter Nardelli Frederick Blais OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager Frank McCaffrey, Birch St. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Thomas Breen, Recreation Comm. Charlotte Marsh Richard Stevens, 8 Maple Ave. Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Kay Neubert, Elsom Parkway George G. Smith, Hinesburg Rd.Howard Shepard, Central Ave. Mrs. Bagley, Grade 4 teacher at Chamberlain School and 4 students A.C. Audette, Highway Dept. Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Voters Donald Kirby, Lyon Ave. Ext. Barbara Bull, Natural Resources Comm.Dale Bacon, Central Ave. Mary Barbara Maher, Planning Commission Ronald Pepin, Lyon Ave.Ext. William Schuele, Natural Resources Comm.Maurice F. Senesac, Central Ave. Chairman Stearns extended a welcome to Mrs. Bagley, Grade 4 teacher at Chamberlain School, and four of her students. Chairman Stearns asked if there were any additions to the agenda, keeping in mind Mr. Jarvis' comments at the last Council meeting that last minute additions to the agenda be kept to a minimum. The following items were added to the agenda with unanimous approval of the Council: 8. Report by Mr. Blais of his meeting with local residents at the City Hall on March 16, 1972 9. Request appointments to Winooski River Valley Park District and to the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (Mr. Szymanski's request) 10. Consider Mrs. Krapcho's request for appointment of City Planner READING OF MINUTES OF MARCH 13, 1972 Mr. Nardelli made a motion to approve the Minutes of March 13, 1972 as presented. Dr. Brown seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before adjournment. DISCUSSION OF CITY INSURANCE WITH DUANE VALINE This item was removed from the agenda since Mr. Valine was not present. DISCUSSION OF HOUSE BILL #468 REGARDING HOUSING Since reports of House Bill #468 being killed could not be confirmed, this item was removed from the agenda. CONSIDER ATTORNEY EWING'S WRITTEN OPINION REGARDING BURLINGTON AIRPORT TAX STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Chairman Stearns requested the Councilmen to refer to Minutes of March 13, 1972, Page 7, for the corrections to be made. Date of April 1, 1971 on Page 2 - "b" has been inserted. Expiration date of agreement on Page 2 - "3" has been changed from December 31, 1980 to June 30, 1981. Chairman Stearns read a letter dated March 16, 1972 from John Ewing, City Attorney indicating the amount of money which shall be paid as an annual tax as specified shall apply only to real and personal property listed for the fiscal period July 1, 1971 to June 30, 1972 in the amount of $788,950 The tax stabilization will not affect the city of South Burlington's collecting the sewer tax. Mr. Ewing has redrafted the Agreement and sent it to the city of Burlington's attorney for review. Mr. Nardelli was concerned about the city's liability being transferred if the property is ever transferred and would like to have the City Attorney clarify what type of transfer might continue this Agreement. Chairman Stearns requested the City Manager to refer this question to the City Attorney. SIGN WINOOSKI PARK DISTRICT AGREEMENT Mr. Nardelli referred to Page 3 of the Agreement To Create a Union Municipal District To Be Known As The Winooski Valley Park District - - and asked if it is optional whether we continue giving an amount each year, as we do with G.B.I.C. Mr. Stearns said it is optional. Mr. Nardelli also asked if the Park District can indebt itself as a unit. Mr. Stearns said he understands it is only through a vote that this can be done. Mr. Schuele agreed, adding that if someone contributes money it can be used by the District but each city or town has the complete option to pay whatever proportion it wishes to pay. The District can also apply for money from B.O.R. Mr. Schuele explained: "it is a District - - an organization which can function, a corporate legal entity." Mrs. Krapcho asked if B.O.R. would require a certain amount of local contribution for a specific project the District might have. Mr. Schuele stated communities cannot be forced to pay any funds but if the District can match money to B.O.R. funds it can qualify. Chairman Stearns said it was the understanding of the Council that the District could not be started unless all towns voted at the same time. Mr. Schuele explained the vote was to set up the District and towns could join it at a later date. Mr. Nardelli asked if the District is divorced from Regional Planning. Mr. Stearns told him it is divorced from Regional Planning but has their blessing. Mr. Nardelli moved to execute the Agreement To Create A Union Municipal District To Be Known As The Winooski Valley Park District. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. During discussion following the motion Charlotte Marsh stated she understood if all towns did not join the District it failed. Mr. Schuele told her this is not the case. Responding to Miss Marsh's question on who appoints the representatives to the District, Mr. Stearns told her the Council would. "It is really a legal entity to use federal, state and local funds or to receive gifts." Mr. Schuele stressed the point that no land will be taken. A vote on the motion was called and it was unanimously approved. The Agreement was signed by Council. MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF FIRE DISTRICT I (Queen City Park) TO HEAR THEIR OBJECTIONS TO THE RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Chairman Stearns requested that a time limit of 45 minutes be set for discussion. Ronald Pepin, Chairman of the Prudential Committee of Fire District I addressed the Council and presented objections of residents to the Red Rocks Development Plan. Under a heading of public safety the following requests were made: 1. A 2-lane bridge with footpath 2. A 3-lane access road from Shelburne Road along Queen City Park Road. (Even if this road began at Pine St. it would help) 3. Traffic controls at Pine St. and Queen City Park Road and at the entrance to Martins. 4. Pedestrian and bicycle lane paralleling Queen City Park Road 5. Relocation of entrance to the northeast corner of park area (corner of Central and Queen City Park Road) They requested relocation of four parking lots shown on the Red Rocks plan to a northwest section; installation of a "decent cyclone fence with gate" from the water edge to Lyons Avenue which would prevent easy access to private property and turning around in private drives; removal of one parking lot. Mr. Pepin said the residents of Queen City Park are concerned not only for themselves but for the safety of the public as well. As an example be cited a drowning, fire, or traffic accident which might result in loss of life because of traffic problems envisioned in the projection of 1500 people a day using the park. Mr. Blais stated an ordinance of rules will be adopted through legislative process with fines a set for violations. Chairman Stearns told Mr. Pepin the bridge is owned by the state of Vermont and he has checked with the State Highway Department and learned there are no state funds available to widen the bridge, and probably will not be for ten years unless there is a change in the state budget. However, a controlled light will be installed at the bridge which be hoped would ease some of the traffic problems. He feels every effort should be made by the present Council and those who follow to widen the bridge. This Council has tried but has not had success. Mr. Blais said there would be a modicum of safety with a controlled traffic light and, at the end of the year, we would have traffic statistics to show the State Highway Department. Discussion on South Burlington taking over Queen City Park Road and Burlington taking over GBIC Road indicated the possibility of this idea could be explored. Thomas Breen, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, noted a public meeting was held a year ago. Residents of Queen City Park were notified and he feels all the points being discussed tonight should have been brought up at the public meeting. His Committee has recommended widening Central Avenue to three lanes to alleviate traffic congestion. His committee has contacted the State Highway Department and has received the same answer, that nothing can be done now. They have met with the Chittenden Environmental Commission, with the City Manager present also, who approved the whole overlay except the bridge. They said they would let them open up this year, however, and the Committee would add a Deputy Sheriff to help with the problem. They also offered to incorporate a 50 foot buffer zone between the property lines of the six homes and the parking lots plus a hedgerow which would be planted. Barbara Bull pointed out that the 50 foot buffer zone is wooded. Mr. Breen stated a 600 parking area is not planned -- they plan a 450 parking area. "If you keep on nibbling away at us or postponing until this is solved we won't have anything," he said. Chairman Stearns said the Council is trying to see the position of the Queen City residents, noting it is an emotional change for them and the closer to reality the Red Rocks Park becomes, the more difficult it is for them. He expressed confidence in the Red Rocks Committee and Natural Resources Committee in what they are trying to accomplish for all residents of the city and the Council must decide on what is right for each and compromise. "You will never have a private park again and must face it", Mr. Stearns told the representatives of Queen City Park. Mr. Nardelli, noting he is concerned about a point of view, said he recalls the public meetings which have been held on the park and stands behind Mr. Breen and his committee to support the original plan. He said sooner or later the whole area will be a park area and none of these houses will probably exist in ten years. Mr. Pepin stated residents of Queen City Park supported the purchase of the property and development and it is not their intent to "balk the plan at the last minute". At the suggestion of Walter Nardelli, Chairman Stearns requested Mr. Pepin and Mr. Breen to put down in writing the requests and concessions which have been made and return to the Council meeting next Monday, March 27, 1972, at which time the Council will endeavor to come up with a plan which is agreeable to both parties. REPORT BY MR. BLAIS OF MEETING WITH LOCAL RESIDENTS AT CITY HALL MARCH 16, 1972 Mr. Blais reported no one from South Burlington appeared at the City Hall on March 16, as he took his turn to have a Councilman available from 4 to 6 P.M. and 7 to 9 P. M. for the benefit of residents. He said it was very disappointing and suggested the practice be discontinued. After a brief discussion, Mr. Nardelli moved that the original motion, to have Councilmen available at the City Hall to meet with residents from 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 P.M., be amended so that the Councilmen would be available only from 7 to 9 P.M. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. REQUEST APPOINTMENT S TO WINOOSKI RIVER VALLEY PARK DISTRICT AND CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Szymanski told the Council he has been requested to have appointments made to the Winooski River Park District and Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission. This must be advertised as a public notice for a minimum 15 day period. An alternate appointment to the Regional Planning Commission must be made also. Chairman Stearns requested Mr. Szymanski to advertise that these appointments are to be made and that action on the appointments will be taken April 10, 1972. He urged anyone who wants to be involved on either of these commissions to make application. CONSIDER MRS. KRAPCHO'S REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY PLANNER Mr. Stearns read a letter dated March 20, 1972 from Mrs. Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Voters of South Burlington. Mrs. Krapcho was concerned about what would happen to the idea of hiring a City Planner if the item on the ballot is turned down. Mr. Blais said he could find nothing in the budget which could be eliminated to provide money for the planner, if it is turned down by the voters. He stated the budget hearing will provide the opportunity for voters to revise the budget up or down and if enough people will support it money can be authorized for a consultant to be hired after June 1, 1972. The Council has set the tax rate at $1.56 and according to the charter are giving people the option of voting for the items which will exceed this amount. Mr. Nardelli moved to adjourn the meeting. Dr. Brown seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 10 P. M. 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