HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/19/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 19, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, June 19, 1972 at 8 P. M. Vice Chairman Harold Brown, Jr. called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Dr. Harold Brown, Jr.Frederick G. Blais Walter Nardelli Michael D. Flaherty Brian J. Gee OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager Anne Audette, Peterson Terr. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Edwin G. Sanborn, 38 Victory Dr. Charlotte C. Marsh Arthur and Susan Saboski, Barber Terr. Barbara Bull, Natural Resources Comm.Gary A. Lacy, Victory Drive Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Wilson, Victory Dr.James A. Thibault, Jr., Victory Dr. Anna K. Johnston, 27 Mills Ave.Frank McCaffrey, Birch Court Lynnwood Johnston, 27 Mills Ave.Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Mary Barbara Maher, So. Burl. Plann. Comm.Mary S. Diclestein, Victory Dr. Kay Neubert, Elsom Parkway Dorothy Guilford, Secretary On a motion duly moved, seconded and unanimously approved, the following addition to the agenda was made: (12) Petition by South Burlington Residents for Garvey Property MINUTES OF JUNE 5, 1972 MEETING Dr. Brown asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of June 5, 1972. Mr. Flaherty referred to Page 12 - under Zoning Board of Adjustment appointments - and noted Minutes should be corrected to indicate the unexpired term of Michael Flaherty, to which Sidney Poger has been appointed, should read 1976 rather than 1974. Mr. Nardelli moved to accept the Minutes with correction noted by Mr. Flaherty. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Dr. Brown noted disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before adjournment. ADOPTION OF TWO RESOLUTIONS: VERMONT AIR NATIONAL GUARD SOUTH BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - FOOTBALL & BASEBALL TEAMS Dr. Brown first read a Resolution commending the Vermont Air National Guard for work performed at Jaycee Park and on the buildings there. Mr. Nardelli moved to accept the Resolution commending the Vermont Air National Guard for work performed at Jaycee Park and on the buildings. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Dr. Brown then read a Resolution commending the South Burlington High School Football and Baseball Teams for their Championship achievements. Mr. Gee moved to accept this Resolution. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. CONSIDER THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HIRING PART-TIME ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - AND FEES FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION AND SUBDIVISION HEARING Mr. Ward presented a memorandum, copy of which is attached to these Minutes, recommending Mr. James Ploof to be hired as part-time Inspector at rate of $10.00 per inspection, the rate not to exceed 50% of the cost of the permit. Mr. Ploof is a licensed electrician. The charge would be instituted when the request is made to the Zoning Administrator. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept Mr. Ward's recommendation that James Ploof be hired as part-time Electrical Inspector, a rate of $10,00 per inspection, the rate not to exceed 50% of the cost of the permit. Mr. Gee seconded. Approval was unanimous. Re: Subdivision Hearing Fee - - Mr. Ward recommended a charge of $25.00 per hearing which does not exceed development of one acre or a single constructed unit. Additional $5.00 charge per acre of development to a maximum of $250.00 is recommended by Mr. Ward. Mrs. Krapcho suggested that consideration be given to scaling the amount of fee to the size of the development to cover more of the expenses to the city. Mrs. Maher felt this matter needs more study and discussion before the Council makes a decision. Mr. Flaherty agreed. Dr. Brown noted the Planning Commission had sent this recommendation to the Council without any suggestions. Mrs. Maher stated she would be glad to check with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission to determine what other communities have done as far as fees for sub-division hearings and developments. This suggestion met with the approval of the Council. Mr. Nardelli moved to accept Mrs. Maher's suggestion to consult with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission to determine how other communities have handled the fee system for development and subdivision: that Mrs. Maher be charged with this responsibility and that she return with this information to the next meeting of the Council on July 10, 1972. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Mr. Ward stated both he and Mr. Ploof will issue electrical permits. He also gave the Council a job description of the Electrical Inspector. PETITION BY SOUTH BURLINGTON RESIDENTS FOR GARVEY PROPERTY Mrs. Anna Johnston presented the following petition with 900 signatures of South Burlington residents: "We, the citizens of South Burlington, request that the City Council and the Natural Resources Committee negotiate with Realty Sales, Inc. for the purchase of the Garvey property for a neighborhood park so the same may be continued as a natural area." Mrs. Johnston told the Council that people are strongly opposed to development in this area as well near the airport. She also said there were only 30 refusals to sign the petition. Mr. Gee asked what the present status is of this development. Dr. Brown explained that a petition with about 100 names had been presented to the Planning Commission opposing this development of the Garvey property. However, the Planning Commission had to face the situation that this is a property owned by an individual who wants to develop it. "This is a problem in the city - - we are always reacting to a developer rather than planning ahead," he said. An unidentified man remarked that the Planning Commission had disregarded the petition presented to them. However, Dr. Brown indicated the Planning Commission had little choice in approving it, since the residents in the area had made no attempt to purchase the property and he also noted that the Planning Commission had requested a city planner to help guide the development of the city but this was turned down by the voters. Mrs. Barbara Bull, Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, stated it makes more sense to have a park here than the Victory property. She also stated she had conversation with Forest Orr recently and he said federal funds are plentiful at this time. State funds are allowed to only one project per municipality in each year and these funds have been allocated to the Red Rocks development, she said. Kay Neubert noted this neighborhood is part of our master plan concept, this is where the neighbors want the park and she believes this is where it should be. She also told the Council she had never taken a petition around that residents were so eager to sign as the one presented tonight. Mr. Flaherty noted the petition contained signatures of approximately 20 percent of the voters in the city, it has been approved by the City Council, the Planning Commission and is now before the District Environmental Commission. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council, through Mr. Szymanski, the City Manager, approach Realty Sales no later than June 21, 1972 to determine if they would be willing to sell the land in question, what the price would be and then proceed from that point. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Mr. Szymanski was requested to return with this information to the next Council meeting on July 10th. REVIEW UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT'S RECREATION LAND USE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF UNIVERSITY LAND OFF PATCHEN ROAD Mr. Szymanski told the Council he received a call recently from Sid Baker, Park and Recreation Director of Burlington, requesting the Recreation Director to attend a meeting in Essex Junction pertaining to use of the so-called "Kirby Purchase", which is a vacant field off Patchen Road and westerly of Interstate 89, by the City of South Burlington. This tract is approximately 5.1 acres and the lease agreement is for a one year period beginning July 1, 1972, renewable yearly upon written notice of the City of South Burlington to the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College. The use of this property is limited to recreational purposes and is to be maintained by the city in a "neat and orderly manner". Mr. Szymanski stated that our Recreation Director was unable to attend and he asked Mr. Audette, Highway Department to attend. Mr. Szymanski feels this is a good location for a ball field. He has checked with the city's Insurance Company and determined that the city is covered. A certificate of coverage is being forwarded to the city. Mr. Breen, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, also agreed it would be a good location for a ball field, noting the city badly needs ball fields for Little League, Babe Ruth and Soft Ball. Mr. Szymanski stated nothing can be done on this project this year but he hopes to have a ball field there next year. Mr. Audette stated that 20-25% of South Burlington citizens are playing in the baseball league now but in the future they may not allow South Burlington to play unless they have a ball field to play on. Mr. Breen told the Council Farrell Park will be ready next year as a regulation field. It will be restricted. We are using Rice High School field now, we need three fields to operate in South Burlington but do not have them. Dr. Brown asked why Farrell Park is restricted. Mr. Breen stated Farrell Park is an isolated area, there is vandalism, problems with ski-mobiles in winter and mini-bikes in summer. "If you want baseball in this town and want good facilities you must put a fence around them," he said. Mrs. Barbara Guyette said she objects to the restriction, that young boys need a place to play baseball. Mr. Nardelli moved to accept the Agreement with the University of Vermont on the lease of this land and designated the Chairman of the Council as the person to sign this Agreement. Mr. Gee seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved. SIGN THE HIGHWAY STATE AID APPLICATIONS Mr. Szymanski presented Highway State Aid Applications for drainage improvements on Cheese Factory Road and Airport Drive. These applications were signed by the Council. CONSIDER THE SALE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT'S WATER TANKER Fire Chief Monell reported his department has purchased a used army vehicle and rebuilt it themselves for use as a water tanker. He would like to have the Council's permission to sell the old tanker. He has received a letter from the chief of the Monkton Volunteer Dept. and one from Dr. Mahoney, North Hyde Park Fire Department, both indicating interest in purchasing the old tanker. He would like to know how to proceed. After a short discussion Mr. Nardelli moved to arrange for bids which would be handled by the City Manager, who would work with Chief Monell on setting the price. Mr. Gee seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. REVIEW HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT'S WINTER MAINTENANCE AND SNOW PLOWING COSTS Mr. Szymanski submitted an estimate of city snow plowing and winter maintenance cost for 1971-72, as requested by Mr. Blais recently. Copy of this estimate is attached to these Minutes. Per hour labor cost $40.00 " " equipment operation 60.00 Total per hour cost $100.00 The average is approximately 2 hours of plowing per inch of snowfall. Last season's snowfall of approximately 110 inches cost approximately $22,000 in plowing operation. This includes only street snow plowing operations and does not include snow removal at city facilities such as police and fire station, sewage works, city hall yard, parking areas, hydrants, landfill area, mounting and dismounting plow equipment, major rep airs, etc., according to Mr. Szymanski's report. Winter Maintenance Labor costs $43,200. Social Security 2,200. Salt & Chloride 11,100. Equipment Rental 510. Garage Utilities 3,000. Equipment Operating 3,000. Equipment Repairs 12,000. Total $75,000. This does not include insurance and equipment replacement cost. Charlotte Marsh asked if these are exact figures. Mr. Szymanski said exact figures for each employee are not kept. If this was done it would require another person just to keep track of this, he said. Miss Marsh said she feels this is poor book-keeping and that there should be a record of exact amount of hours spent for snow removal. Kay Neubert wanted to know why Burlington, who has 100 miles of streets to plow while we have only 50, spends less than South Burlington does. Mr. Szymanski stated it is hard to know what you are comparing; for instance, South Burlington cleans hydrants in this department, sewer maintenance, shop maintenance, remodelling of the Police Department, etc. These figures are not included in Burlington's snow removal figures. The $22,000. figure is strictly for plowing, he said. Dr. Brown noted the fact that many of our snow storms this past winter happened on week-ends and this added to the cost of snow removal. He commended the Highway Department for the good job done in snow removal. Mr. Audette, Highway Department, told the Council his department may perform 20 different job descriptions in one day's time and, therefore, it is very difficult to break it down on a per item basis. It would require one person 10 hours a day to do nothing but that. Mr. Szymanski said he has asked the auditor to recommend a system for the city. Mr. Nardelli said he has also discussed this with Mr. Thompson, the auditor, and he is going to make a study of the system for the whole city, come up with suggestions, so that the city is moving in that direction. CONSIDER REQUEST OF RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN THOMAS BREEN FOR TWO ADDITIONAL MEMBERS FOR HIS COMMITTEE Mr. Thomas Breen recommended that Mrs. Mary-Anne Gucciardi and Mrs. Jeanette Racine, who have been helping his committee without a vote, be appointed as additional members to his committee. He said these two women were the basis for the whole girls' program, have been faithful in attending meetings, and he feels if you want to hold people, you must allow them to vote in making decisions, etc. The Council discussed this briefly and Mrs. Neubert asked why there could not always be at least two women serving on this committee. Mr. Nardelli moved that Mrs. Mary-Anne Gucciardi and Mrs. Jeanette Racine be appointed to the City Recreation Committee, as recommended by Thomas Breen, Chairman, and that the Committee hereafter have at least two women as members. Mr. Gee seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. ACCEPT SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION BIDS Mr. Szymanski reported results of construction of sidewalk bids for 4,400 feet in the Orchard School and Chamberlain School areas were as follows: Willis Construction Co.$22,112.50 Walter Anderson Construction Company 32,047.00 Mr. Szymanski recommended that the low bid of $22,112.50 be accepted. This company has done previous construction work of this nature for the city and has been most satisfactory, he said. Mr. Nardelli moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and accept the bid of Willis Construction Company for $22,112.50 for sidewalk construction. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Mr. Gee moved to adjourn the Council meeting and go into Executive session to consider the employee retirement plan. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10 P.M. after Vice-Chairman announced that the next meeting of the Council would be held at 8 P.M. on July 10. *************** The Council reconvened the regular meeting at 10:45 P. M. No action was taken during the Executive Session. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. ************ The City Council met on Monday evening June 19, 1972 at 7:15 P.M. previous to the regular meeting at 8 P.M. to consider Highway and Police Departments' Union Contracts. No action was taken. This meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P.M. Approved Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.