HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/05/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 5, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held its first regular meeting after election in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, June 5, 1972 at 8 P.M. Chairman Frederick Blais called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Frederick G. Blais, Chairman Walter Nardelli Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Michael D. Flaherty Brian J. Gee OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Man ager Neil Shepard Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Donald P. Brisson, Hinesburg Rd. Kenneth Jarvis, Logwood St.Virginia Merchant, Heath St. Rene J. Berard, Country Club Estates Arthur Merchant, Heath St. Charles K. Butler, Sr., Ramada Inn Martin Beauvais, Country Club Estates Barbara Bull, Natural Resources Comm.Signey Poger, Victoria Drive Chairman Fred Maher, City Government Comm. Arlene Krapcho, President, League of Women Voters of So. Burl.Genevieve Brilleron, France Dennis Smith, Holmes Road Charlotte C. Marsh Dorothy Guilford, Secretary Kay Neubert, Elsom Parkway MINUTES OF MAY 15th and 17th MEETINGS A motion was made by Dr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Nardelli to approve the Minutes of May 15 and May 17, 1972 as read. Approval was unanimous. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Blais announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before adjournment. ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CHAIRMAN BLAIS AS THE AUTHORIZED CITY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE CITY SEWER PROJECTS - ALSO AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS, CONTRACTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATING TO CITY MATTERS Mr. Szymanski, City Manager, read a resolution, authorizing Frederick G. Blais, Chairman of the City Council, to act as the authorized representative of the city in all matters involving Phase IV (WPC-VT-65 Federal Grant Offer- City of South Burlington) of the City Sewage Project, and also to execute documents with any parties or agencies including the Federal Water Pollution Control Agency, Vermont Department of Water Resources, or any other governmental agencies. He is also authorized to execute on behalf of the City of South Burlington and its Council any and all agreements, contracts or any other documents relating to any city matters, according to this Resolution. Mr. Nardelli moved that the Resolution as read by the City Manager be adopted. Mr. Gee seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. A copy of this Resolution is filed with these Minutes. ADOPT OUTGOING COUNCILMEN STEARNS' AND JARVIS' COMMENDATION RESOLUTIONS Chairman Blais read Resolutions commending outgoing councilman Raymond Stearns and Kenneth Jarvis for their dedication to the responsibilities of the community and the needs of the people of the city. Mr. Nardelli moved to adopt the two resolutions as read by Chairmen Blais. Mr. Gee seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Copies of these Resolutions are filed with these Minutes. SET TIME FOR THE POLICE - HIGHWAY UNION NEGOTIATIONS Mr. Szymanski explained that union contracts with the Police and Highway Departments expire at the end of the fiscal year, June 30, and the city has agreed to renegotiate after July 1st. Mr. Blais, after discussing the matter with the other members of the Council, requested the City Manager to arrange for a meeting with the Police - Highway Union officials and the City Council on June 19, at 7:15 P. M. at the City Hall, Conference Room to discuss salaries and retirement funds. He also requested Mr. Szymanski to prepare a contract. The meeting will be open to the public, he said. SIGN TELEPHONE COMPANY PETITIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF AN UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF SHELBURNE ROAD FROM HOLMES ROAD TO CITY LINE Mr. Szymanski explained that this project is an extension of the present system. It has already been approved by the Planning Commission. Dr. Brown moved to approve and sign the New England Telephone and Telegraph Co. petitions for installation of an underground conduit along the west side of Shelburne Road from Holmes Road to the city line. Mr. Nardelli seconded. It was unanimously approved. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AGREEMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE EAST TERRACE - SPEAR STREET PROJECT Mr. Szymanski told the Council this agreement pertains to right-of-way, finance, maintenance, installation and ownership of traffic control signals and street lighting, as well as control of traffic, for construction of the East Terrace - Spear Street project. Four new traffic signals will be installed on Williston Road, which will be systematized. The city is to assume the responsibility of maintenance of that portion of the project which lies within the city limits, which maintenance shall conform to State and Federal Highway standards. Mr. Blais asked if any ordinances were required. Mr. Szymanski said none were required. Mrs. Guilford referred to page 2 - Item 4 - (a) which pertains to relocation of all interfering utilities, such as telephone, electric power lines, gas lines, cable television facilities, etc. She asked if the Council would consider requesting all utilities which must be moved to be placed underground, thereby improving the aesthetics of this area. Chairman Blais said he was certain the Council would go on record as favoring the underground installation of facilities, which has been a recommendation of the Planning Commission also. The other members of the Council expressed agreement. Dr. Brown moved that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement with the State Highway Department for the construction of the East Terrace-Spear Street project and, when relocation of utilities takes place, that they do their utmost to put utilities underground. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Chairman Blais requested the City Manager to follow this up with the state and he would be glad to lend any assistance in this direction. A copy of this agreement is filed with these minutes. SIGN STATE AID APPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY WINTER MAINTENANCE Applications for state aid for highway winter maintenance were signed by the Council. This involves 20.29 miles and the city receives $2,012.90. SIGN HIGHWAY STATE AID MILEAGE CERTIFICATES Mr. Szymanski recommended these be approved and signed by the Council. The amount involved would be less than $100 a year for the state to maintain the highway ramps at Dorset Street and FA 189, and he thinks the city could not do it for that amount. Dr. Brown moved that the Council sign the Highway State Aid mileage certificates. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. SET THE 1972-1973 TAX RATE AND AREA SEWER CHARGE Mr. Szymanski presented the following figures: Grand List $614,320 Amount to be raised by taxes $778,080 Retirement Fund 18,000 Land Acquisition Program 18,000 Operating Budget $814,080 Debt Service 17,010 Operating Budget $1.34 Debt Service .03 Sewer .23 Tax Rate $1.60 A lengthy discussion followed over which Grand List figure to use in setting the tax rate. According to City Attorney Ewing and School Attorney Shea, the School District was required to use the figure of $600,000 in making up its budget, which was the estimated Grand List figure as of April 1, 1972. This was their interpretation of the City Charter. Chairman Blais said, regardless of that, the tax rate is set by the actual Grand List. He noted, however, that we have about 40 appellants going to court this year to protest their reappraisal - some are current appeals and some are those who did not appeal last year. He suggested the tax rate be based on a figure of $609,000. Mr. Nardelli said this would leave $5,000 "to play with", and represents about $1 million in fair market value which he felt was quite high. He felt this would cause trouble in figuring the school tax rate next year since the school district was allowed only a 2 percent increase in its budget based on the estimated Grand List of $600,000. given to them on April 1. The $609,000. figure represents a 3 ½% increase over the Grand List of 1971­ 72. "If the School District divides by $609,000. they lose 1 1/2% and next year their budget will have to be based on $609,000.", he said. Chairman Blais again pointed out that the tax rate is set by the actual Grand List. He said next year the two attorneys and the City Government Committee should try to resolve this problem. Frederick Maher, City Government Committee, noted that the Steering Committee is charged, according to the Charter, with interpretation of the base to be used. He thought it would be better not to have the lawyers present but rather to have the Steering Committee give their interpretation to the lawyers. "If the Assessors had estimated $609,000. this would be 3.5% and the School District could have raised the amount of money required without going to the voters," he said. Mr. Nardelli suggested tabling until the matter is straightened out. Chairman Blais said he thinks Section 1304 of the Charter is clear and the question is what tax rate shall be set to raise money for the budget. Mr. Nardelli then suggested using $610,000 as the base of the Grand List on which to figure the tax rate, with the understanding that, at the first meeting of the Steering Committee, they decide what figure to use in computing next year's tax rate. Mr. Nardelli moved that the tax rate for the coming year, 1972-73, be set at: $4.46 School District 1.60 City based on a Grand List of $$ $609,000.00 as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved. SEWER TAX RATE Mr. Szymanski recommended that the Council maintain last year's rate of .42 and make up the difference from the Phase I - III surplus estimated at $200,000. The amount involved is $30,360. This would still leave a surplus of approximately $170,000. This has been cleared by the City Attorney, Mr. Szymanski said. Chairman Blais explained that the sewer charge is based on the area Grand List for that area's sewer indebtedness. The general tax on the Shelburne Road section of the city takes care of that area without a Grand List assessment. The surplus in Phase 1 - III Sewer Project is a result of the City Manager's good management and supervision and aggressive bidding by the contractors, he stated. Questions from the audience centered on the reasons for the difference in area list charges between Williston Road and Shelburne Road areas. Charlotte Marsh explained that Fire Districts were formed in 1949 in the Shelburne Road area by residents there to furnish their own water and sewer facilities, and all charges were borne by the homeowners at no cost to the city. Dr. Brown moved that the City Council authorize the use of $30,360, from the surplus of Phase 1-III Sewer Projects to retire the debt service. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Mr. Gee moved that the sewer tax rate for the Williston Road area be set at .42 and that there be no list charge for the Shelburne Road area. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. A copy of the City Manager's sewer area list charge computation for 1972-73 is filed with these Minutes. ACCEPT CITY STREET DEPARTMENT PAVING BID Mr. Szymanski presented a list of resurfacing and paving projects, together with bids from Vermont Paving Corporation of $21,332.75 and L. M. Pike & Son, Inc. of $24,503.00 Mr. Szymanski noted that the tennis courts at the High School have been bid in anticipation of BOR funds of 50%. He recommended that the Vermont Paving bid be accepted. Mr. Nardelli moved that the contract for 1972-73 resurfacing and paving program be awarded to Vermont Paving Corporation. Dr. Brown seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Copies of the City Manager's resurfacing and paving program and bids are filed with these Minutes. BUS SERVICE STUDY REPORT Chairman Blais told the Council he had met recently with representatives of surrounding towns and it was unanimously agreed that bus service must be continued. He said the Public Service Commission hearing will be held at the City Hall in Burlington on June 6 at 7 P.M. He urged all city officials to attend and request continuance of bus service, particularly so in view of the many letters and telephone calls received. He and the City Manager plan to attend and he hopes a member of the Planning Commission will also attend. Catherine Neubert made suggestions about a bus route to Kennedy Drive and to the High School. She said she felt the bus company would benefit from such a route since many people in these areas complained they had to walk as far to a bus stop as their destination would be. Mr. Flaherty stated he believes transportation is a basic need of the community and would agree that every effort should be made to have bus service continued. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that Chairman Blais speak to the Public Service Commission on Tuesday evening, urging bus service be continued. The Council also agreed that Chairman Blais request the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission to pursue its study of the transportation problem. BURLINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE SERVICE Chairman Blais told the Council he had met recently with Dr. John Boardman regarding the charge for ambulance service to residents of South Burlington. Dr. Boardman requested a subsidy of $1.00 per head plus $25.00 per call made. Based on last year's 170 calls this would amount to $14,500. which Chairman Blais told him was cut of the question. It costs Burlington $60,000. to operate the ambulance, which includes 9 men exclusively in ambulance service, 2 per shift; two vehicles; all personnel trained at U.V.M. Medical school and hospital equivalent to paramedical skill; new ambulance to have cardiogram, radio broadcast and radio link to 9 specialist physicians; service to include on-site first aid, emergency service when hospital care is not required. Chairman Blais suggested South Burlington might consider a lump sum payment to Burlington, allowing us to bill and collect monthly the charges from South Burlington users. Dr. Boardman thought this was possible and suggested the lump sum be $9,000. Based on an average of 200 users at $40.00 per call, our collection potential would be $8,000. according to Mr. Blais. $3,700. owed by South Burlington residents for ambulance service have not been paid. Dr. Brown suggested talking to Earl Ettinger of the Health Lab. to see what comments he might have. He also thought the city should give private enterprise a chance and suggested contacting the O'Brien ambulance service to determine what their charge would be. Mr. Flaherty said he believes the Council should be concerned that any service investigated or decided upon should have the same training and qualifications that Burlington has. Mr. Gee asked if Burlington can legally refuse service if we choose not to subsidize them. He said he is opposed to subsidizing a city-owned enterprise. Mr. Blais told him Burlington is not obligated to serve our calls. Mr. Nardelli suggested that he and Dr. Brown investigate and report back to the Council. DISCUSSION ON BICYCLE PATH ALONG SWIFT STREET & MOTORIZED TRAILS Chairman Blais requested that the Council and the people present not get into a discussion of ski-mobiles. Noting the fact that a group of people interested in ski-mobile trails are concerned that they are not allowed in Red Rocks or the trails proposed by the Natural Resources Committee and also noting that this Committee does not feel it should be charged with this responsibility since the two uses are incompatible, Mr. Blais suggested that the Council endeavor this evening to determine the responsibility for finding a place for ski-mobiles, with the minimal amount of pollution, noise and inconvenience to residents, and also without trespassing. Since the state has recognized ski-mobiles, and the city must conduct a study of trails, he said. Neal Shepard told the Council he has talked to Pete Yankowski about the matter. Each had been expecting the other to set up a date for discussion of trails for ski-mobiles. Mr. Shepard said he feels it is up to the Council to appoint a ski-mobile committee. Chairman Blais then asked Mrs. Bull how she would feel about having the Recreation Committee responsible for the coordination of meetings to discuss ski-mobile trails, with a member of the Natural Resources Committee serving on this committee. Mrs. Bull felt this would be most satisfactory. Mr. Flaherty asked what the present status is of pedestrian trails. Mrs. Bull replied the plan has been presented by her committee and it is now up to the Council, the City Manager and the City Attorney to take action on the plan. A discussion followed on delaying the pedestrian trail system until some plan is forthcoming for ski-mobile trails. Mr. Flaherty stated he does not feel residents of the city should be denied a pedestrian trail system because a suitable trail system has not yet been found for ski-mobiles. Chairman Blais suggested that July 1st be set as a date on which a report should be made on motorized vehicles and after that the city can proceed with getting easements on pedestrian trails. Dr. Brown suggested that a report be made by the Ski- mobile Committee every two weeks which would give the accomplishments made at that time. It was agreed that Thomas Breen, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, would contact Neil Shepard about a meeting date, and report to the Council at its next meeting on June 19, and issue reports every two weeks until the July 1st deadline. A member of the Natural Resources Committee is to serve on this Committee. Catherine Neubert stated that the trail concept for pedestrians is what the public wanted according to the Master Plan. The Master Plan does not refer to trails for ski-mobiles, she said. Mr. Rene Berard staged that, as a taxpayer, he has rights as well as all others who have snow-mobiles, to have a place to use them - - the same rights as those using pedestrian trails. A brief discussion was held about a suggestion made by Mrs. Arlene Krapcho, of investigating bicycle paths from Shelburne Road to Dorset Street along Swift Street. She suggested looking into the European method of a paved area for bicycles parallelling the highways or roads. Dr. Brown noted that in some states they have assigned 1% of the Highway Budget to cover the cost of these bike roadways. No action was taken. DISCUSSION ON THE ZONE CHANGE MORATORIUM Chairman Blais explained that the deadline for the moratorium on zone changes was June 1st. He said he doesn't think any zone changes should be accepted until the first meeting in July. He expects that Dr. Kent will have his report completed in about three weeks. Mr. Nardelli moved that the zone change moratorium be extended for one month to July 1, 1972. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Chairman Blais asked Dr. Brown (the Council's representative on the Planning Commission) how the Planning Commission would feel about this extension. Dr. Brown said he thought it would be agreeable. A vote on the motion resulted in unanimous approval. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Berard asked the Council if they would place on the agenda in the near future discussion of fees. for landfill area. There being no further business a motion was made by Mr. Nardelli to adjourn the Council meeting and convene as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The Council meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. ************* The South Burlington Liquor Control Board met in the City Hall Conference Room at 10:20 P.M. on June 5, 1972 to consider, approve and sign the following request: Application for change of ownership - Howard Johnson Restaurant Williston Road from Richard Graves to Claired Corporation Application for change of ownership was approved and signed by the Council. The Liquor Control Board, on a motion duly moved, seconded and unanimously approved, adjourned at 10:30 P. M. ******************* The Council went into Executive Session at 10:30 P. M. to interview applicants for vacancies on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board. The Council adjourned the Executive Session at 11:15 P.M. and reconvened the regular meeting to consider appointments. On motions duly made, seconded, and passed, the Council approved the following appointments and reappointments: Airport Commission:Vincent J. D'Acuti Planning Commission Mary Barbara Maher, reappointed to 5 year term- term expires 1977. Hugh Marvin, appointed to unexpired term of Joseph L. Allard-term expires 1976. Zoning Board of Adjustment:Robert Martineau, reappointed- 3 year term - expires 1975 Sidney Poger, appointed to unexpired term of Michael Flaherty, expires 1974 Cemetery Committee:Charlotte Marsh Frances Myers City Government Committee:Dr. Dennis Smith Mr. Lubomir A. Dellin Fred Maher Reappointed Nan Frymoyer " Wayne Jameson " Ron Schmucker " Richard Sharpe " Charles Denison " James Pizzagalli " Fine Arts Committee:Henry Collin Ethel Schuele reappointed Bonnie Anderson " Ernest Levesque " Jeanne Menard " Growth and Development Committee:Raymond E. Stearns Raymond R. Unsworth, reappointed Harold B. Bensen " Leslie H. Graffam " Mary Barbara Maher " Robert M. Martineau " Fred G. Smith " Thomas W. Schmidt " Recreation Committee:Donald Duell Thomas Breen, reappointed George Watson " Thomas Racine " Paul Jordan " On motion duly made, seconded and passed the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Approved Brian J. Gee, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.