HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/10/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 10, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, July 10, 1972 at 8:30 P. M. Chairman Frederick G. Blais called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Frederick G. Blais Michael D. Flaherty Walter Nardelli Brian J. Gee Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Charlotte C. Marsh Barbara Bull, Natural Resources Committee Mary Barbara Maher, South Burlington Planning Commission Fredric Bayles, Burlington Free Press Jeannie Clarmont, Secretary Approximately 10 other individuals from South Burlington CONSIDER BURLINGTON COUNTRY CLUB'S REQUEST FOR A TAX STABILIZATION AGREEMENT AND HOOK UP TO THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM Mr. Blais opened the discussion with whether or not the tax stabilization would be legal. Mr. Szymanski stated it would be legal. Mr. Blais then stated his opposition to the proposal because of others wanting to follow suit. Mr. Nardelli agreed with Mr. Blais and then moved to deny the request. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously with Mr. Flaherty abstaining. Mr. Blais then brought up the issue of the country club hooking onto the sewer system. Mr. Szymanski stated the city had not gone down that far but easily could. This would represent about 4,000 gallons more a day. Mr. Nardelli suggested that instruction be given for research. Mr. Blais seconded. It was so moved. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER MARY BARBARA MAHER REPORT ON A SUB-DIVISION REVIEW FEE SCHEDULE Mrs. Maher began her discussion with stating at the last meeting she was asked to put together a suggested fee schedule for subdivision application and approval. A copy of her proposal is attached. She stated they had two designs--grid and cluster, cluster being cheaper as the Planning Commission wishes to encourage cluster design. She recommended that any developer be subjected to the normal building permit fee, plus a base fee, a unit fee, and upon approval by the Planning Commission a fee of 25 cents per lineal foot of new road to be constructed. These fees would cover administrative costs. She also recommended that the Planning Commission charge $15. Mr. Blais asked if the fees were based on approval. Mrs. Maher said the 25 cents per lineal foot was Mr. Blais asked if the City were losing money on building permits. Mrs. Maher stated that she didn't feel there was enough money coming in to cover outside costs of the Planning Commission, such as seeking an outside engineering consultant. Mr. Nardelli asked where were her sources. Mrs. Maher replied, "I read the manual put out by the State and spoke with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and with others. I took what was given to me and came up with what I thought would be good for South Burlington. Mr. Szymanski asked if a development like Zayres would have any fee. Mrs. Maher stated that would come out of the 1 cent per square foot. An unknown individual asked how it would affect homeowners. Mr. Blais said it did not apply to private homes. He went on to say it was $30 now whether on twenty homes, one home, or whatever. Dr. Brown asked when the base fee was due and payable. Mrs. Maher said at time of application. Mr. Gee asked about apartments. Mrs. Maher said it would apply to apartments of three or more units. Mr. Blais asked if it could be done by ordinance. Mrs. Maher said under the present zoning it would be done by ordinance. Mr. Blais said he thought the issue was: "We all agree $30 is too little. How much is too much?" Mr. Blais requested that Mrs. Maher present the proposal to the Planning Commission for their approval and then bring it before the Council at its next meeting. All members approved. Mr. Blais then left the meeting and Vice-Chairman Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. took over. CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF THE U.S.D.A. FOREST SERVICE FOR LEASE OF TWO ACRES OF CITY LAND ON BERARD DRIVE FOR USE AS AN EXPERIMENTAL STATION USING THE SEWER PLANT EFFLUENT FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES Mr. Szymanski stated he was approached about six months ago about a research project on the Berard Drive land. He stated the City had no plans for the area. Mr. Nardelli brought out the fact that the Forest Service gave the city free trees during the year. Mr. Gee rendered his support by saying he thought it would enhance the area. Mr. Gee moved to instruct William Szymanski to draw up an agreement with the Forest Service. Mr. Nardelli seconded. So moved. DISCUSSION OF THE DOG CATCHING PROBLEM Mr. Szymanski stated he was asked to look into the problem by Mr. Gee. He stated he knew Burlington was looking for a dog catcher and called on Mayor Paquette. Mayor Paquette gave him the name of a Milton individual. Mr. Szymanski then asked this individual if he would be interested. The person replied in the affirmative but said he had to find kennel land. Mr. Nardelli moved that Mr. Szymanski look further into the subject and report back later. Mr. Gee seconded. So moved. APPROVE THE SIGNING OF THE VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT FOR 1972-73 Mr. Szymanski stated that it was a standard agreement with a budget allocation already of $3,500. Mr. Nardelli mentioned that they submitted a report every year. Mr. Nardelli motioned to approve the contract. Mr. Gee seconded. Motion unanimously passed. TOM BREEN REPORT ON SNOW MOBILE TRAILS Mr. Breen reported that there was really no problem. The Natural Resources Committee had no objection to their crossing the pedestrian paths at certain points. Dr. Brown said he knew they were dealing with a responsible group called the Kool Kats but what about the renegade. Mr. Breen said there was really no way the group could be responsible for the renegade. Mr. Nardelli asked about the proposed restriction after certain hours in the evening. Mr. Breen stated they would be restricted to a certain area. He was not sure of the legality of this but was sure the snowmobilers would give no trouble. Dr. Brown asked if they would be limited to one trail. Mr. Breen said he did not see how you could restrict them; they can go any place in a particular area; but he was sure they would respect others' property. A representative of the group said they would try to get the renegage to join the group. Dr. Brown then asked about a fee. The fee is $5 a year, $18 for a family, and $3 for each dependent over 18. Dr. Brown said that in any event it would be an improvement over last year. TOM BREEN REPORT ON MINIBIKES Dr. Brown asked what had been done on the minibike situation. Mr. Breen stated an ad had been put in the paper but to no avail. Nobody showed up for the meeting. Mr. Nardelli suggested waiting for school to open and then try again. Charlotte Marsh mentioned that she read the sports pages thoroughly and she had not seen the ad. Dr. Brown asked about the closing off of Farrell Park. Mr. Breen said it would still be open to children but not to automobiles. Mr. Flaherty moved for Mr. Breen to try again later to get the minibike individuals together. Mr. Nardelli seconded. So moved. PEDESTRIAN WALKS Mr. Flaherty asked if pedestrain walks had been approved. Mr. Nardelli asked what would be the first thing to do - perhaps get rights-of-way. Dr. Brown suggested approval of idea of pedestrian trails. Mr. Nardelli, so moved, Mr. Flaherty seconded and all approved. ************************************ Mr. Flaherty brought it to the attention of all that the Board of Civil Authority 1971-72 property appraisal adjustments are available upon request at the office of the City Manager. ************************************** Dr. Brown asked that the Minutes of June 19, 1972 be approved. Mr. Nardelli seconded. So moved. Dr. Brown then asked about the minutes of the June 26, 1972 meeting. Mr. Flaherty said Doris Bailey was a committee appointment rather than Evan Archer. Mr. Nardelli motioned to accept the minutes with that correction. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed. Dr. Brown requested the signing of the disbursement orders and then asked if there was anything else. Mr. Szymanski said that Mr. Moore of the Chittenden Bank had said that the fire bond and two others, all amounting to $340,000, should be transferred to the bond bank as the time limit of five years was almost up. Mr. Flaherty motioned for the bonds to be transferred to the bond bank. Mr. Nardelli seconded. Motion unanimously passed. Mr. Nardelli motioned to adjourn. Dr. Brown seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M. ********** The City Council met on Monday evening July 10, 1972 at 7:15 P. M. previous to the regular meeting at 8:30 P. M. to consider Highway and Police Departments' Union Contracts. Approved Clerk Jmc Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.