HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/03/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 3, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, January 3, 1972 at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman Kenneth Jervis Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Walter Nardelli Frederick G. Blais MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager Dave DuBrul Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Donald Davie Fire Chief Monell Arlene Krapcho F. C. McCaffrey Charlotte C. Marsh George Smith Leo O'Conner, Burlington Free Press Rod Fisher )Union Representatives Wayne Jameson, South Burlington Representative in Montpelier Leo Rich )Highway Union There was unanimous agreement to add the following items to the agenda: 7. Report on Tri-Meeting of Recreation Dept. (Fred Blais) 8. Signing of Certificates of Promotion for 3 volunteer firemen SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting was adjourned. SIGNING OF THE HIGHWAY UNION CONTRACT Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that the Highway Union contract has been reviewed by John Ewing, City Attorney and has requested only minor corrections. Mr. Ewing felt that "soliciting other members" should be deleted. Mr. Szymanski said the Union has agreed to this. The other corrections are grammatical errors. Mr. Blais wanted to know if the City Attorney has checked the contract against the "marked copy". Mr. Szymanski told him it had been. Mr. Blais moved that the Highway Union contract be signed by the Council. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. Rod Fisher and Leo Rich signed for the Union. BUDGET PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION DISCUSSION Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that the budget must be in the hands of the Steering Committee no later than March 17. It must be advertised no later than March 27 for a Budget Hearing, which can be no later than April 6. He has requested that all department heads have their budget in his office before January 24. He will present these to the Council the first two or three meetings in February. He said he would prefer to present it as one package. Chairman Stearns said he would like to see all presentation of budgets as it was done last year. He requested that all department heads be urged to evaluate their projects; just because something was done the last two years does not mean it must continue to be done, he said. The Council has made the commitment that they want to stay within the $1.56 tax rate the city now has and hopes that the School Board can stay within $4.50 so that a budget can be presented which does not call for any tax raise, Mr. Stearns informed the City Manager. Mr. Szymanski said he would prefer February 7, 1972 for a date to begin presentation of the budget. There was unanimous agreement to accept that date and to start the meetings at 7 P.M. Mr. Nardelli requested that encumbered amounts be shown, expressing the opinion that it will help the Council to look ahead. Chairman Stearns requested Mr. Szymanski to insist that there be a reason for all expenditures. DISCUSSION ON PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RELOCATING AND EXTENDING ROUTE 116 TO INCLUDE LIME KILN BRIDGE Mr. Szymanski pointed out the route on the city map as proposed by the Planning Commission which proposed that Route 116 follow Old Farm Road to Kennedy Drive, Kennedy Drive to Airport Drive, Airport Drive to White Street, White Street to Airport Parkway and Airport Parkway to Lime Kiln Bridge, with the recommendation that Airport Drive continue north to connect with Airport Parkway as soon as possible. He expressed concern that the state could insist on returning a section of Hinesburg Road, noting that there is a bad curve near the pumping station which would be quite costly to correct; also the culvert under Hinesburg Road is in extremely bad condition. He would be very fearful of getting that road from the state. Mr. Davies has suggested to him that South Burlington could ask the state to keep the road and designate it 116A. Mr. Szymanski stated he has talked with Mr. Arnold (State) and they are not anxious to pick up any additional road mileage. However, Mr. Szymanski indicated it would be worth making the attempt. Chairman Stearns asked if any advantages could be listed for the state to take over this road. Mr. Davies listed as advantages the fact that Camp Johnson and the Air Guard would have emergency access link to Route 15; assurance of a throughway linking the airport and the hospital. It would take traffic from Williston Road; provide access for firefighting and emergency equipment. Chairman Stearns suggested that perhaps the city could tell the state that they would have major access to the Burlington International Airport, which is the only major airport that exists in the area. Mr. Szymanski stated that if the road is accepted by the state, the city should push to have Airport Drive extended, which he didn't think would be too costly. Chairman Stearns asked the City Manager what his opinion is. Mr. Szymanski said his greatest concern is that the city would have to accept that section of Hinesburg Road which he referred to earlier, which has the bad curve. He said we would have to acquire the Dean property. Albert Audette noted he is concerned with increased traffic in his area if the proposed route is accepted and is concerned for the safety of children, in this densely populated area. Mr. Nardelli said he would like to see a meeting held so the people in the affected areas could express their opinion. It was unanimously agreed that a public hearing on January 17, 1972 be advertised, so that those people who might have objections to the route proposed by the Planning Commission would have the opportunity to state their views. Mr. Davies felt it would be good to get the support of the Regional Planning Commission. Chairman Stearns requested the City Manager to ask Harry Behney, Regional Planning Commission, if he could attend the meeting of the 17th of January. CONSIDER ADDITIONAL PUBLIC MEETINGS WITH LOCAL AND STATE SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES AND SET TENTATIVE DATES FOR SUCH MEETINGS Chairman Stearns stated that all those who did not attend the meeting December 29th with the Senators and Representatives from South Burlington missed a very good meeting. He thought it might be a good idea if Leo O'Conner could write an article on public apathy. He noted that Senator Fayette reminded him that meetings have been held in mid-session of the legislature during the past for discussion between the legislators and the people on bills passed and those pending. He indicated that the Council would be willing to have the legislators back again if there is enough public interest. Mrs. Krapcho said she has talked to Mrs. Nan Frymoyer, President of the League of Women Voters of South Burlington, who said the League would support such a meeting. It was unanimously agreed to hold a public meeting on February 28 at 8 P. M. at the South Burlington High School Auditorium, with the City Council and the City's Representatives and Senators, to discuss legislation being considered for this session. REPORT ON TRI-MEETING OF FINE ARTS, NATURAL RESOURCES, RECREATION COMMITTEES - FRED BLAIS Mr. Blais reported that he had recently met with the three committees. Discussion was held on whether a snowmobile club called the "Cool Cats" would be allowed to use Red Rocks. Request was denied. The Red Rocks Committee plans to submit the second BOR request which will probably be acted on in June. He requested the Fine Arts Committee to furnish reports as the other committees have been doing. He instructed all committees to be thinking about budgets. He noted the recreation program has been revitalized and is enthusiastic with its progress. 400 children are participating in acrobatics; 100 children signed up for skiing. The new hockey rink next to the Fire Station is in operation as well as the other two rinks at Orchard and Chamberlain. Two people have been interviewed for the position of Director. Don Maddocks is being paid on an hourly basis, helping us out until a director can be hired, Mr. Blais informed the Council. SIGN CERTIFICATES OF PROMOTION FOR THREE VOLUNTEER FIREMEN Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that the following promotions have been made to volunteer firemen and requested that they sign the formal certificates denoting the promotions: Richard Ward - - - - - - Lieutenant Charles LaPlante - - - - Captain Keith Marsten - - - - - Lieutenant Mr. Blais moved that the Council sign the certificates of promotion. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. Chairman Stearns extended a vote of thanks to the volunteer firemen, who think enough of their community to volunteer their services. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wayne Jameson, South Burlington Representative in Montpelier, requested that the Council adopt a resolution to urge the South Burlington Legislators to vote no on Bill #385 (personal property tax bill) unless an alternative source of revenue is supplied by the Legislature. He also requested that the Council go on record as favoring the bill in Legislature which sets the third Tuesday in May for Town Meeting. Mr. Blais moved that the meeting be adjourned to go into Executive Session to interview applicants for the Planning Commission vacancy, created by the resignation of Richard Haigis. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Council meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. for Executive Session. No action was taken during the Executive Session and the regular meeting reconvened at 11:25 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.