HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/17/1972SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 1175 Williston Road on Monday, April 17, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order with a Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond Stearns, Chairman Walter Nardelli Kenneth Jarvis Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Frederick Blais OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager L. H. Graham, Police Dept. Albert Reynolds, Sign Study Comm.Charlotte C. Marsh George Crooks Leo O'Brien, Burlington Free Press Theodore M. Richle, III Kay Neubert Frank McCaffrey Bill Mikell, Attorney Thomas Schroeder Peter Matta, Manor Woods David Boulanger Greg Premo, Redwood Motel Frank Cota, Twin State Neon Eugene Cenci, Holiday Inn Richard McDowell, McNash Motors Wayne Wilson, Reed Motel John Ewing, Attorney for So. Burlington On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, the following items were added to the agenda: 9. Winooski Valley Park appointment. 10. Discussion of Sign Ordinance and comments from businessmen. 11. Student enrollment ratio figures - Kay Neubert DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that Disbursement Orders were on the table to be signed before adjournment. ADOPT 1972-73 CITY BUDGET Mr. Szymanski noted it is a formality that the Council adopt the budget. Dr. Brown moved that the proposed 1972-73 budget as presented with the addenda as published in the explanations, be approved. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Charlotte Marsh raised a question about interest in the Cemetery account. Chairman Stearns told her the interest will be kept in the bank and, if it is not used, the interest for this year will be added to the account. SIGN POLICE UNION CONTRACT WHICH HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY OUR CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Szymanski stated there are a few minor corrections to be made on Page 7 of the contract involving minor wording, as follows: Section II - Substitute the word "may" instead of "will" pertaining to leave of absence Change holiday from the third Tuesday in May to Lincoln's birthday. Mr. Szymanski noted this has the approval of the union representatives. The contract becomes effective as of January 31, 1972 through June 30, 1972. Mr. Jarvis moved that the contract with the Police Union be signed. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Document was signed by Chairman Stearns for the City of South Burlington and by Lee Graham and Brian Searles for the Police Department. SIGN TELEPHONE COMPANY PETITIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE DUCT ON WILLISTON ROAD - PETITIONS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Mr. Szymanski explained the Telephone Company is installing underground telephone ducts starting at White Street and ending at Airport Drive. There will be twelve 4" ducts encased in concrete under the sidewalk. The Telephone Company will install new sidewalks after installation is completed. All work is in conformance with the city's sidewalk specifications. Mr. Szymanski and the Planning Commission have reviewed the plans and approve them. Mr. Blais suggested the City Manager keep an eye on the project to make certain standards are being maintained. Dr. Brown moved to sign the petitions of the Telephone Company for installation of underground telephone duct on Williston Road. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Documents were signed by the Council. DISCUSSION ON WILLISTON ROAD TRAFFIC PROBLEM BETWEEN FAI 89 INTERCHANGE AND THE PROPOSED EAST AVENUE-SPEAR STREET IMPROVEMENTS Chairman Stearns reported that he, Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Blais and Mr. Szymanski, Joseph Allard, Chairman of the Planning Commission, were present on Friday, April 14, at a meeting held at the Sheraton Motor Inn with Mr. Mazel of Gaynes Department Store, representatives from Mobil Oil, Chittenden Bank, State Highway Department, and William Hauke. They discussed the implications of the elimination of left-hand turns on Williston Road between Interstate 89 interchange and the proposed East Avenue - Spear Street improvements. Mr. Stearns said they requested the State Highway Department to seek alternatives and determine what is the best economically. He said it was felt that lots of problems on Williston Road could be resolved is the Council would take steps to acquire land on Williston Road from I-89 to East Avenue-Spear Street. All parties involved were most cooperative, Mr. Stearns stated, although they were understandably concerned about the elimination of left-hand turns into their business establishments. Now that they have met with the above mentioned business representatives, they will meet next with the Sheraton officials to get their reactions, and also the owners of the Texaco Service Station and University of Vermont officials. Mr. Riehle asked if there is any provision for sidewalks in that area. Mr. Stearns told him there will be sidewalks on the south side from the Shopping Center to the University of Vermont Campus. Mr. Nardelli suggested that the City Manager set up a meeting with Sheraton, Texaco and the University of Vermont to discuss with the members of the Council proposed recommendations for resolving traffic problems in that area. Chairman Stearns requested Mr. Szymanski to arrange the meeting suggested by Mr. Nardelli. He also asked for an expression of the Council's willingness to try to acquire land to provide for left hand turns. All members gave their approval and Mr. Szymanski was requested to write to the City of Burlington, advising them South Burlington will endeavor to acquire the land necessary for allowing left-hand turns. Mr. Szymanski was also requested to talk to Mr. Hilton Wick, Chittenden Bank, to determine the bank's future plans for the building on the corner of Williston Road and East Terrace. MR. NARDELLI'S REPORT ON COUNCILMAN-CITIZEN MEETING OF APRIL 6, 1972 Mr. Nardelli reported that he had a request from a husband and wife in the city to have public notices placed in the Grand Union, Aubuchon Hardware and First National Store. He also had a complaint of noise from airplanes on Sunday morning. Recently there has been a lot of noise on week-ends, he was told. He received a complaint about dogs following children to school and hanging around the neighborhood until the children get out of school. He was asked about the enforcement of the leash law. He received another complaint about a motel on Williston Road which has refuse in back of the building, attracting sea gulls. Mr. Nardelli turned the matter over to the City Manager. Discussion followed on methods of enforcing the leash law. The City Manager was requested to contact the Police Department, asking them to use the news media to inform residents of the leash law and the penalties for violation. Chairman Stearns asked the City Manager to advise the Council on the disposition of the complaints. Commenting on the results of the Councilman-Citizen meetings, Chairman Stearns noted that only 7 people took advantage of the opportunity to meet with their councilman on an individual basis, over a five-week (14 hour) basis. He suggested the future Council should make the decision as to whether the practice be continued. "It was very discouraging," he said. WINOOSKI VALLEY PARK APPOINTMENT Chairman Stearns noted that this appointment was advertised in the local newspaper. He read a letter of application from David Boulanger, Oak Hill Drive, who was present for an interview. Mr. Boulanger said procedures have not been established yet to know what actions are to be taken by the trustees of the Winooski Park Authority. However, he expressed willingness to carry out the wishes of the city and report back orally and in written reports. Dr. Brown asked him if he anticipated problems with soil erosion due to increased travel up and down the river bank. Mr. Boulanger felt there could be problems and that controls must be established. He suggested isolating 20-25 feet within the river bank. Selective areas would have to be controlled to respect the rights of landholders. He thought there would be a real problem in persuading smaller towns to participate, which will be the task of the trustee members. He sees a full year's work for the trustees which will involve planning the propositions to towns for discussion. He anticipates it will be a slow process in its beginning. The organization has no legal right of acquisition; it must be done by persuasion, he stated. Mr. Blais asked if Mr. William Schuele has expressed any further interest in being a representative. Mr. Szymanski said he has received no such indication from Mr. Schuele. It was unanimously agreed that the appointment to the Winooski Valley Park Authority be made in executive session. STUDENT ENROLLMENT RATIO FIGURES - KAY NEUBERT Mrs. Neubert presented a letter, dated April 16, 1972 asking for clarification of the figure of 2.6 children per home in South Burlington which has been quoted by the Council, Planning Commission and the City Grand Juror. She has used the Education News distribution figures and arrived at a figure of 1.05 children per home. The letter notes that there are 2,540 living units in the city, excluding apartments. A copy of Mrs. Neubert's letter is filed with these Minutes, showing statistics on student enrollment. After a ten minute discussion, Chairman Stearns suggested this information should be made available to the Planning Commission. DISCUSSION OF SIGN ORDINANCE AND COMMENTS FROM BUSINESSMEN Chairman Stearns, directing his remarks to Greg Premo, Redwood Motel and Gene Cenci, Holiday Inn, stated the Council wants to get their reaction to the public hearing on the Sign Ordinance last week. They want to assure them that their complaints are being listened to. The Planning Commission makes recommendations to the Council, which acts either favorably or unfavorably on these recommendations. He referred to a letter from Mr. James Pizzagalli, Chairman of the Sign Study Committee to Mr. Mikell, attorney for the local businessmen, and said he would like to hear their comments on it. Mr. Premo said it is apparent that businessmen must get involved; that the ordinance was imposed from the top down. He expressed surprise that no one in business was consulted and he felt they should have been. He noted the hospitality business is already affected by the lack of off-premise advertising. Mr. Pizzagalli has told him the businessmen should call a public meeting at their own expense and go through "complicated nominating procedures," giving six names, from which three would be appointed to the Sign Study Committee. He referred to Mr. William Mikell's letter of April 17, 1972 to Mr. Pizzagalli, indicating the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce appointed the following committee to study the sign ordinance and report back to members: Fred Calcagni, Chairman (architect) Eugene Cenci (Holiday Inn) Lou Mazel (Gaynes) Roy Thorpe (Chairman of Chamber's Task Force on the Environment) Bill Mikell,(Counsel) Mr. Mikell, in his letter of April 17, said they did not feel the above need be added to the existing committee studying the revised Sign Ordnance, but requested the committee make itself available a few hours each week for the next few weeks to meet with the above-named persons, thereby giving the business community the opportunity to review the proposal in detail and exchange ideas and questions. Mr. Gene Genci, Manager of the Holiday Inn, urged the Council to consider the requests in Mr. Mikell's letter. He indicated he did not feel three members from their group would give balance. Mr. Blais agreed there had been poor communication with the businessmen. However, he noted the committee had been appointed by the Planning Commission, since they do not have the time to devote to the study required. He questioned whether the Council could impose its wishes on a committee of the Planning Commission. Chairman Stearns felt the Council could have control and also felt the Planning Commission would listen to the Council's recommendations. "If we can get two groups together to solve problems, it is much easier," he said. Mr. Stearns referred to the recent Kiwanis luncheon and an 18-year old boy who made comments and expressed his ideas on the way his peers want the city to look. "These are your customers tomorrow and you would do well to listen to what they are saying", he said. Dr. Brown asked if the businessmen felt legal counsel was necessary on the committee. Mr. Cenci felt there are legal aspects involved on the federal level which would make it desirable for legal counsel on the committee. Mr. Al Reynolds, a member of the Sign Study Committee said he could only speak for himself and not the other members of the committee, but was quite sure there would be no objection to the committee's meeting with the businessmen selected. Mrs. Neubert said after reading the public notice in the paper she attended the meeting on the sign ordnance, but felt the sign ordinance was never explained at all and she did not have the opportunity to comment on it. She felt a posted notice should have allowed open discussion. Mr. Blais said that was a pre-hearing. After that there was another public hearing before the Planning Commission and another before the Council. There had also been good publicity in the local news media. Dr. Brown thanked Mr. Cenci and Mr. Premo for coming and expressing their feelings. He felt the matter should be sent back to the Planning Commission. Mr. Blais asked Dr. Brown (Council representative on the Planning Commission) if he thought the Planning Commission would like to hear the Council's feelings. Br. Brown said he felt the sub-committee was trying to solve the problem when the suggestion was made that the businessmen submit names to be added to the Sign Study Committee. Mr. Reynolds agreed. A motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the Council meeting and reconvene as the Liquor Control Board. The meeting was adjourned at 10 P. M. ****************** The South Burlington Liquor Control Board met in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, April 17, 1972 at 10 P. M. to consider renewal of licenses for the following: Solomon Mart -1160 Williston Road Lloyd's Enterprises -941 Shelburne Road (Johnny Reb) On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, the renewal of licenses for the above businesses were approved. The Liquor Control Board meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. ********************** The Council went into Executive Session at 10:20 P.M. to meet with John T. Ewing, City Attorney, Jay Hawthorne, Al Reynolds, and Colonel Crooks to discuss City Reappraisal. No action was taken. The meeting adjourned at 11 P. M. Approved -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.