HomeMy WebLinkAboutPedestrian & Bicycle Feasibility Study - 02012017 South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study February 2017 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 2 110 West Canal Street, Suite 202 Winooski, VT 05404 P 802.846.4490 F 802.846.4494 www.ccrpcvt.org Submitted by: Toole Design Group 33 Broad Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 3 Project Steering Committee (PSC) Peter Keating, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Justin Rabidoux, City of South Burlington Paul Conner, City of South Burlington Katelin Brewer-Cole, Local Motion John Dempsey, Toole Design Group This scoping study was a collaborative effort of City staff, CCRPC, Local Motion, and Toole Design Group, who possessed a wealth of combined knowledge and expertise regarding project background, history, local insight, and existing conditions. Their valuable insight and assistance was instrumental in developing the implementation strategy. The preparation of this report has been financed in part through grant from the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, under the State Planning and Research Program, Section 505 [or Metropolitan Planning Program, Section 104(f)] of Title 23, U.S. Code, as well as matching funds provided by Chittenden County’s municipalities and the Vermont Agency of Transportation. The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 4 Table of Contents Appendices ..................................................................................................................................... 5 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Background .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.2 Project Study Area ................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Project Oversight ................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 Existing Conditions ................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Site Characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 Relevant Plans and Studies ................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Existing Resources ................................................................................................................................................. 8 2.4 Allen Road Existing Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership ..................................................................................................... 10 2.4.2 Natural Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 10 2.4.3 Built Environment ......................................................................................................................................... 11 2.4.4 Cultural Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 11 2.5 Dorset Street Existing Conditions ................................................................................................................... 11 2.5.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership ..................................................................................................... 13 2.5.2 Natural Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 13 2.5.3 Built Environment ......................................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.4 Cultural Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 14 2.6 Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road Existing Conditions ................................................................................ 15 2.6.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership ..................................................................................................... 17 2.6.2 Natural Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 17 2.6.3 Built Environment ......................................................................................................................................... 18 2.6.4. Cultural Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 18 2.7 Spear Street Existing Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 18 2.7.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership ..................................................................................................... 20 2.7.2 Natural Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 20 2.7.3 Built Environment ......................................................................................................................................... 21 2.7.4 Cultural Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 21 3.0 Concept Alternatives Analysis ............................................................................................. 22 3.1 Project Purpose and Need ................................................................................................................................. 22 Purpose:..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Need: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2 Allen Road Concept Alternatives ..................................................................................................................... 22 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 5 3.2.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives .......................................................................................................... 22 3.2.2 Preferred Concept Alternative .................................................................................................................. 23 3.2.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs ............................................................................................... 23 3.2.4 Evaluation Matrix .......................................................................................................................................... 23 3.3 Dorset Street Concept Alternatives ............................................................................................................... 25 3.3.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives .......................................................................................................... 25 3.3.2 Preferred Concept Alternative .................................................................................................................. 25 3.3.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs ............................................................................................... 26 3.3.4 Evaluation Matrix .......................................................................................................................................... 26 3.4 Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road Concept Alternatives ............................................................................ 28 3.4.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives .......................................................................................................... 28 3.4.2 Preferred Concept Alternative .................................................................................................................. 28 3.4.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs ............................................................................................... 29 3.4.4 Evaluation Matrix .......................................................................................................................................... 30 3.5 Spear Street Concept Alternatives .................................................................................................................. 32 3.5.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives .......................................................................................................... 32 3.5.2 Preferred Concept Alternative .................................................................................................................. 32 3.5.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs ............................................................................................... 33 3.5.4 Evaluation Matrix .......................................................................................................................................... 33 4.0 Project Summary .................................................................................................................. 36 4.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Appendices Appendix A: South Burlington Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Appendix B: Preferred Concept Alignment Alternatives and Typical Cross Sections Appendix C: Opinion of Probable Construction Costs Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 6 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) and the City of South Burlington (City) initiated this scoping study to analyze and evaluate the feasibility of additional sidewalk and shared use paths at four (4) proposed study site locations: o Allen Road from the existing shared use path terminus east of Baycrest Drive to Spear Street; o Dorset Street from the existing shared use path north of Autumn Hill Road to Dorset Street/Nowland Farm Road/Old Cross Road intersection; o Airport Parkway from Kirby Road to Lime Kiln Bridge; and o Spear Street from the existing South Burlington shared use path south of Davis Road to US Route 2 Jug Handle/East Terrace. This report analyzes and evaluates existing conditions, provides conceptual alignment alternatives, and details opinion of probable construction costs. Preferred concept alternative alignments as identified with the Project Steering Committee (PSC), through the public participation and outreach during the scoping study process, are highlighted within this scoping study. 1.2 Project Study Area The proposed project study site locations are shown in Figure 1. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 7 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 8 1.3 Project Oversight This scoping study project was conducted and coordinated with public involvement through workshops, presentations, and meetings with the steering committee and the South Burlington Planning Commission. Project meetings and public involvement included the following:  Kickoff Meeting: July 22, 2015 – TDG staff and Steering Committee Members met to discuss project scope, study area limits, and schedule.  Alternatives Presentation: May 10, 2016 – TDG staff presented project alternatives to members of the public and the South Burlington Planning Commission.  Preferred Alternatives Presentation: September 13, 2016 – TDG staff presented the preferred alternative plans and the findings of the Scoping Study to members of the public and the South Burlington Planning Commission. 2.0 Existing Conditions 2.1 Site Characteristics All base mapping for this scoping study was compiled from Geographic Information System (GIS) and orthographic imagery data as available from the CCRPC, State of Vermont, and the City. No field survey was performed. Site fieldwork was conducted to field verify all topographic features within the project study area and subsequent fieldwork findings were added to the original base mapping. 2.2 Relevant Plans and Studies The 2005 Airport Drive/Airport Parkway Improvements Scoping Study, 2006 Road Safety Audit Review Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Intersection and the 2016 South Burlington Comprehensive Plan documents were reviewed and consulted to ensure consistency with this scoping study. 2.3 Existing Resources The following sections provide a summary assessment of existing resources to understand potential impacts for concept alternatives. Each of the resource types specified in the VTrans Project Scoping Manual are addressed within each study location below. The data referenced was obtained from the City of South Burlington, Vermont Center for Geographic Information, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and VTrans Online Map Center. 2.4 Allen Road Existing Conditions Allen Road (Figure 2) is classified by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) as an urban collector with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH and 2012 average annual daily traffic (AADT) of 4,100. It runs in an east-west direction, connecting Spear Street to the east and US Route 7 to the west. Within the study area, Allen Road provides two travel lanes. The existing pavement width is 24 feet and the markings are generally in good condition. Refer to Table 1 for roadway characteristics of Allen Road. Allen Road at the Spear Street intersection looking south. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 9 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 10 Allen Road is signalized at the Spear Street intersection. There are no crosswalk markings present at this intersection. Spear Street has on- street marked bicycle facilities and a 10 foot shared use path on the east side of the road providing access to the residential development. Allen Road has an existing 8 foot wide shared use path with 28 foot wide grass buffer/setback on the north side of the roadway. The path is provided for approximately 1,200 feet west of Baycrest Drive and approximately 165 feet east of Baycrest Drive. The intersection with Baycrest Drive is stop- controlled on the side street approach with crosswalk markings connecting the two path segments. The general topography is sloping up from Baycrest Drive to the Allen Road/Spear Street intersection at approximately less than 15 percent. 2.4.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership The primary parcel data within the study area consists of single family residential. The study will examine potential alignments within the existing road segment right-of-way, however there are approximately five (5) separate adjacent property owners that may be impacted. 2.4.2 Natural Resources Lakes/Ponds/Streams/Rivers There are no lakes, ponds, streams or rivers located within the study area. Wetlands There are no classified wetlands within the study area. Floodplains The study area is considered a zone of minimal flood hazard. Soil Conditions The study area consists of soils classified as potentially highly erodible. West of Baycrest Drive, hydric soils have been identified. No roads in the study area are identified as susceptible to road erosion. Allen Road Functional classification Urban Collector Jurisdiction City Right-of-way width (feet) 65’* Roadway width (feet) 24’ (11’ travel lanes, 1’ shoulders) 2012 AADT** 4,100 Posted speed limit 35 MPH *Approximate Right-of-Way **AADT= Average Annual Daily Traffic Allen Road looking east. Table 1: Roadway Characteristics (source: VTrans Route Log Data) Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 11 Agricultural Land The study area contains prime, statewide and statewide (a) agricultural soils. Forest Land No forest lands have been identified within the study area and the majority of the site is classified as estuarine scrub/shrub wetland. Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species No rare, threatened or endangered species have been identified within the study area. 2.4.3 Built Environment Hazardous Waste There are no parcels containing hazardous waste within the study area. Utilities Overhead utility poles are located in the buffer/setback and an existing open drainage swale on the north side of Allen Road within the study area. 2.4.4 Cultural Resources Historic There are no historic sites located within the study area. Archeological An Archeological Resource Assessment (ARA) is not being conducted as part of this study and is not considered to have historic or precontact sensitivity. Architectural The building stock located within the study area consists of residential development of the 20th century. Section 4(f) and 6(f) properties There are no Section 4(f) or 6(f) properties within the study area. 2.5 Dorset Street Existing Conditions Dorset Street (Figure 3) is classified by VTrans as an urban collector with a posted speed limit of 40 MPH and 2012 AADT of 5,000. It runs in a north-south direction providing access to residential developments to the south and City of Burlington to the north. Within the study area, Dorset Street provides two travel lanes. The existing pavement width is 28 feet and the markings are both generally in good condition. Refer to Table 2 for roadway characteristics of Dorset Street. Dorset Street looking south. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 12 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 13 The intersection of Dorset Street/Old Cross Road/Nowland Farm Drive is stop-controlled on Nowland Farm Drive and Old Cross Road. An existing crosswalk is marked across Dorset Street on the north side of the intersection, connecting the existing shared use paths on both sides of the road. All existing shared use path segments are 10 feet wide. The existing crosswalk is emphasized by a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) with supplemental warning sign assemblies. During the time of our fieldwork, the push button of the RRFB on the west side of the intersection was not operational. There is also currently an 8 foot wide shared use path from Autumn Hill Road north approximately 1,000 feet intersecting with the Dorset Park Recreation Path. Between the intersection of Dorset Street/Old Cross Road/Nowland Farm Drive and Dorset Park Recreation Path within the existing right-of-way, a worn path on the east side on the road indicates pedestrian and bicycle traffic may exist between the two path segments. A popular destination for pedestrians and bicyclists within the study area is the Mill Market & Deli property located south of Cedar Mill Drive on the east side of Dorset Street. 2.5.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership The primary parcel data within the study area consists of single family residential with the exception of the Mill Market and Deli property. The study will examine potential alignments within the existing road segment right-of-way, however there are approximately fifteen (15) separate adjacent property owners that may be impacted. 2.5.2 Natural Resources Lakes/Ponds/Streams/Rivers There are no lakes, ponds, streams or rivers located within the study area. Wetlands Class 2 wetlands can be found north of Nowland Farm Drive/Old Cross Road/Dorset Street Dorset Street Functional classification Urban Collector Jurisdiction City Right-of-way width (feet) 65’* Roadway width (feet) 28’ (12’ travel lanes, 2’ shoulders) 2012 AADT** 5,000 Posted speed limit 40 MPH *Approximate Right-of-Way **AADT= Average Annual Daily Traffic The intersection of Dorset Street/Old Cross Road/Nowland Farm Drive looking south. Table 2: Roadway Characteristics (source: VTrans Route Log Data) Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 14 intersection, as well on the east side of Dorset Street starting approximately 300 feet south of Old Cross Road and at the intersection of Dorset Street/Hemlock Lane. Floodplains The study area is considered a zone of minimal flood hazard. Soil Conditions The study area consists of soils classified as potentially highly erodible. Agricultural Land Most of the study area contains statewide agricultural soils. No roads in the study area are identified as susceptible to road erosion. Forest Land No forest lands have been identified within the study area. The majority of the site is classified as estuarine scrub/shrub wetland and developed, low and medium density. Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species No rare, threatened or endangered species have been identified within the study area. 2.5.3 Built Environment Hazardous Waste There are no parcels containing hazardous waste within the study area. Utilities Utility poles exist and alternate on both sides of the road corridor. During the day of our fieldwork, standing water was observed in the open drainage on the east side of Dorset Street from approximately the Mill Market & Deli to the existing path north of Autumn Hill Road. The Mill Market & Deli property had standing water in the parking area. 2.5.4 Cultural Resources Historic There are no historic sites located within the study area. Archeological An Archeological Resource Assessment (ARA) is not being conducted as part of this study and is not considered to have historic or precontact sensitivity. Architectural The building stock located within the study area consists of residential development of the 20th century. Section 4(f) and 6(f) properties There are no Section 4(f) or 6(f) properties within the study area. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 15 2.6 Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road Existing Conditions Airport Parkway (Figure 4) is classified by VTrans as an urban minor arterial with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH and 2013 AADT of 7,400. It generally runs in a north-south direction providing access to Burlington International Airport, residential neighborhoods in South Burlington, and College Parkway (State Route 15) in the Town of Colchester. Within the study area, Airport Parkway provides a travel lane in each direction. The existing pavement width varies from 31 to 33 feet wide with constrained sections reduced to 22 feet wide located north and south of the intersection of Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive/Lime Kiln Road/Shamrock Road. The markings are generally in good condition. Refer to Table 3 for roadway characteristics of Airport Parkway. An existing 5 foot wide sidewalk with 4 foot buffer segment is provided on the west side of Lime Kiln Road from the Lime Kiln Bridge south for approximately 1,000 feet. The sidewalk terminates approximately 100 feet south of an existing residential driveway and directs users to cross Lime Kiln Road at this location. A ramp and detectable warning panel is present, however no crosswalk markings, signage or receiving facility on the other side of Lime Kiln Road is provided. The intersection of Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive/Lime Kiln Road/Shamrock Road is stop- controlled on Ethan Allen Drive and Shamrock Road. The existing four-leg intersecting road alignment, geometry and topography result in poor intersection sight distance, which is a safety concern for all users. The offset geometry of the side streets combined with the curvature of Lime Kiln Road through the intersection and the island within the intersection result in very confusing intersection operations. No pedestrian or bicycle accommodations are provided at the intersection. Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road Functional classification Urban Minor Arterial Jurisdiction City Right-of-way width (feet) 60’* Roadway width (feet) 31-33’ (15.5’-16.5’ travel lanes) 22’ (11’ travel lanes) constrained 2013 AADT** 7,400 Posted speed limit 25 MPH *Approximate Right-of-Way **AADT= Average Annual Daily Traffic Lime Kiln Road looking south at the terminus of the existing sidewalk. Table 3: Roadway Characteristics (source: VTrans Route Log Data) Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 16 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 17 From this intersection traveling south, Lime Kiln Road becomes Airport Parkway. For approximately 600 feet, the road has a constrained width of 22 feet with guardrails on both sides and steep grade. This segment of roadway is built up from the adjacent wetlands with a steep embankment on both sides of the road. Additional activities along Airport Parkway include a sewage treatment facility and a dog park at the terminus of Kirby Road. An on-going noise abatement study, funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is currently underway. Under this study, home acquisition is a voluntary program. 2.6.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership The study area has a mix of residential, commercial, industrial, and airport uses along the corridor. The study will examine potential alignments within the existing road segment right-of-way, however there are approximately thirty-six (36) separate adjacent property owners that may be impacted. 2.6.2 Natural Resources Lakes/Ponds/Streams/Rivers The Winooski River separates the City of South Burlington and Town of Colchester in the study area. A small lake/pond has been identified between Landfill Road and Airport Parkway. Wetlands Class 2 wetlands have been identified on the northside of Airport Parkway at the intersection of Shamrock Road. The areas south and south west of the Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road and areas between Shamrock Road/Ethan Allen Drive have been identified as hydric soils within the study area. Floodplains Most of the Airport Parkway study area is considered a zone of minimal flood hazard. A small section east of Shamrock Road is considered to have 0.2% annual chance of flood hazard. Soil Conditions The study area consists of soils classified as not highly erodible near the airport parcel and potentially highly erodible outside the airport parcel. Agricultural Land Most of the study area is identified as statewide, statewide (b) and prime agricultural land. No roads in the study area are identified as susceptible to road erosion. Forest Land No forest lands have been identified within the study area and the majority of the site is classified as developed, open space and developed, medium and high density. Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species A habitat block has been identified to the north of Berard Drive and Airport Parkway intersection which also contained identified state-endangered species. Rare species have also been identified from Intersection of Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive/Shamrock Road/Lime Kiln Road looking north. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 18 approximately the intersection of Ethan Allen Drive and Airport Parkway in the study area north until the Winooski River. 2.6.3 Built Environment Hazardous Waste The parcel containing 700 and 1205 Airport Parkway is noted as a hazardous waste site. Utilities Utility poles exist and alternate on both sides of the road corridor within the study area. Located on the south side of the road there was observed to be an underground utility vault structure that may potentially connect to existing drainage structures within Airport parkway. 2.6.4. Cultural Resources Historic There are no historic sites located within the study area. Archeological An Archeological Resource Assessment (ARA) is not being conducted as part of this study and is not considered to have historic or precontact sensitivity. Architectural The building stock located within the study area consists of residential development, commercial and light industrial development of the 20th century. Section 4(f) and 6(f) properties There are no Section 4(f) or 6(f) properties within the study area. 2.7 Spear Street Existing Conditions Spear Street (Figure 5) is classified by VTrans as an urban minor arterial with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH and has a 2013 AADT of 5,600. It runs in a north-south direction providing access to residential developments, City of Burlington to the north, and the University of Vermont (UVM) campus immediately adjacent on the west side. Within the study area, Spear Street provides two travel lanes. The existing pavement width is 28 feet and the markings are generally in good condition. Refer to Table 4 for roadway characteristics of Spear Street. Spear Street Functional classification Urban Minor Arterial Jurisdiction City Right-of-way width (feet) 65’* Roadway width (feet) 28’ (12’ travel lanes, 2’ shoulders) 2013 AADT** 5,600 Posted speed limit 25 MPH *Approximate Right-of-Way **AADT= Average Annual Daily Traffic Table 4: Roadway Characteristics (source: VTrans Route Log Data) Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 19 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 20 At the south end of the project study area exists the South Burlington Recreation Path. This shared use path borders the UVM campus, terminating at Spear Street on the west side. An existing natural surface sidewalk on the east side connects the South Burlington Recreation Path to Davis Road. A midblock crossing with supplemental RRFBs at the Davis Road/Spear Street intersection is provided. This crossing connects with a paved sidewalk that provides access to and from UVM campus to the East Terrace neighborhood. A short segment of sidewalk is provided on the west side from the PFG Road/Spear Street intersection north for approximately 175 feet. Another crosswalk is provided crossing Spear Street at the termination of this sidewalk segment. The crossing is also supplemented with two RRFBs. Crossing to the east side, a wide paved shoulder is provided, however there is no vertical curbing provided for separation. The large pavement area acts as two slip lanes as vehicles approach the jug handle. 2.7.1 Parcel Data and Property Ownership The study area site consists of the UVM campus to the west and single family residential on the east side. The study will examine potential alignments within the existing road segment right-of-way, however there are approximately twenty-three (23) separate adjacent property owners that may be impacted. 2.7.2 Natural Resources Lakes/Ponds/Streams/Rivers There are no lakes, ponds, streams or rivers located within the study area. Wetlands There are no wetlands identified within the study area. Davis Road at Spear Street looking north. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 21 Floodplains The study area is considered a zone of minimal flood hazard. Soil Conditions The study area consists of soils classified as potentially highly erodible. Agricultural Land Statewide and statewide (b) agricultural lands have been identified within the study area. No roads in the study area are identified as susceptible to road erosion. Forest Land No forest lands have been identified within the study area and the majority of the site is classified as high density, developed. Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species No rare, threatened or endangered species have been identified within the study area. 2.7.3 Built Environment Hazardous Waste The parcel containing 82 Spear Street is noted as a hazardous waste site. Utilities Utility poles exist primarily on the east side and an open drainage swale exists on the west side within the study area. The overhead utility poles measure approximately 7 feet from the edge of existing pavement. During the day of our fieldwork, standing water was observed in the open drainage swale. 2.7.4 Cultural Resources Historic There are no historic sites located within the study area. Archeological An Archeological Resource Assessment (ARA) is not being conducted as part of this study and is not considered to have historic or precontact sensitivity. Architectural The building stock located within the study area consists of residential development of the 20th century and contemporary institutional buildings. Section 4(f) and 6(f) properties There are no Section 4(f) or 6(f) properties within the study area. Spear Street looking south. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 22 3.0 Concept Alternatives Analysis 3.1 Project Purpose and Need Purpose: The purpose of the South Burlington Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study is to provide analysis, evaluation, and recommendations for pedestrian and bicyclist facilities at the four (4) study areas previously discussed. Need: Specifically, this feasibility study is needed to:  Create a preferred alternative for walking and bicycling on Allen Road, Dorset Street, Airport Parkway, and Spear Street corridors within the identified study areas.  Maximize safety for users walking and bicycling in these corridors.  Support future connections in the City of South Burlington.  Provide an estimate of probable construction costs for the preferred alternatives to serve as a basis for the City to apply for grant applications. The following sections provide further comparison for each conceptual alternative including an analysis, evaluation, and selection of the preferred concept alternative with an evaluation matrix and opinion of probable constructions costs. 3.2 Allen Road Concept Alternatives 3.2.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives The proposed alternatives studied include a 10 foot wide bituminous concrete shared use path with a varying grass buffer on the north side of Allen Road. The proposed shared use path segment would connect an approximate 800 foot gap between the existing path on Allen Road and Spear Street. Shared use path Alternative 1 maintains the existing 10 foot wide path alignment that appears to be outside of the existing Allen Road right-of-way. Shared use path Alternative 2 shifts the majority of the proposed path connection within the existing Allen Road right-of-way. Additional improvements for each alternative include;  Providing a 6 foot sidewalk segment to connect an approximate 150 foot sidewalk gap between Allen Road East and Spear Street on the south side of Allen Road East (optional);  Providing ADA-compliant ramps and crosswalk pavement markings across intersecting roadway segments;  Extending the existing sidewalk on the south side of Allen Road East approximately 150 linear feet to the intersection of Spear Street (optional);  Providing pedestrian signal heads and accessible push buttons on the existing signal poles at the signalized intersection of Allen Road and Spear Street;  Providing centerline pavement markings on the proposed shared use path to indicate directional separation (optional); o Additional compliant warning signage to alert users of changes in slope; and o Additional optional signage reminding users of proper path etiquette, such as announcing when engaging in a passing maneuvers may further assist in reducing conflicts;  Providing landscape tree plantings as approved by the City; and  Reconstructing two driveway aprons to accommodate the shared use path. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 23 3.2.2 Preferred Concept Alternative Evaluating design impacts, input from public involvement through workshops, presentations, and meetings; Alternative 1 has been identified and supported by the Planning Commission as the recommended preferred alternative for Allen Road. The preferred alternative maintains the same general alignment and setback from the edge of pavement as the existing path on Allen Road. This wide buffer provides an increased setback to increase the comfort level of pedestrians and bicyclists from motor vehicle traffic. Alternative 1 also minimizes impacts to existing open drainage systems and existing utility structures. Refer to Figure 2 for the preferred concept alternative cross section. Further coordination and property acquisition will be required if the City selects this concept alternative for implementation. 3.2.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs The opinion of probable construction costs for the Allen Road project study area is $310,000. The cost estimate was developed from the preferred concept alternative plans and account for the anticipated construction costs which include engineering, construction, construction administration, and a 20% contingency. The cost estimate does not include potential environmental permitting, easement or property acquisition. For the purposes of this study and in coordination with the City of South Burlington, it was anticipated $10,000 per parcel would be used for right-of-way acquisition costs. Alternative 1 assumes three parcels would need to be acquired for this shared use path alignment. 3.2.4 Evaluation Matrix All of the anticipated costs, resource impacts, and permit requirements for Allen Road Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 have been summarized in the evaluation matrix below in Table 5. Figure 2: Allen Road preferred cross section looking west. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 24 Item Alternative 1 (Outside Right-of- Way) Alternative 2 (Inside Right-of- Way) Construction Characteristics Facility Length 850 LF 860 LF Facility Width 10 FT 10 FT Buffer Width 24 FT 5 FT Proposed Surface Bituminous Concrete Bituminous Concrete Terrain Rolling natural slopes Rolling natural slopes Potential Impacts Agricultural Lands None, Previously Disturbed None, Previously Disturbed Archeological Impacts None None Class 2 Wetland Impacts None None Floodplain None None Historic Property Impacts None None Rare, Threatened, Endangered None None Right-of-Way Impacts Yes Temporary Easements Required Trees- Removed/Replaced Yes Yes Utility Impacts- Aerial None Yes Utility Impacts- Underground None None Permits ACT 250 No No 401 Water Quality No No NEPA Categorical Exclusion Categorical Exclusion 404 Corps of Engineer Permit No No ANR Wetlands No No Stream Alteration No No Conditional Use Determination No No Stormwater Discharge No, construction <1 acre No, construction <1 acre Shoreland Encroachment No No Archeological- Phase 1B No No Section 106 / Historic No No VTRANS Access Permit No No Opinion of Probable Construction Costs* Conceptual Cost Estimate $310,000 $290,000 *Refer to Appendix C- Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for detailed breakdown of unit costs. Table 5: Allen Road Evaluation Matrix; Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 25 3.3 Dorset Street Concept Alternatives 3.3.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives The proposed alternative studied includes a10 foot wide bituminous concrete shared use path with a varying grass buffer on the east side of Dorset Street. A constrained section of the shared use path will need to be reduced to 8 feet wide. The proposed shared use path segment would connect an approximate 3,500 foot gap between the existing paths on Dorset Street. There are existing 10 foot shared use paths also present on Nowland Farm Drive and Old Cross Road, connecting with the Dorset Street intersection. Shared use path Alternative 1 utilizes the existing Dorset Street right-of-way for a proposed path connection. During the analysis of conceptual alternatives, the PSC identified a path on the east side would provide enhanced connectivity to adjacent facilities and also increased benefits to users, thus a second alternative was not studied. Additional improvements for Alternative 1 include;  Providing ADA-compliant ramps and crosswalk pavement markings across intersecting roadway segments;  Providing centerline pavement markings on the proposed shared use path to indicate directional separation (optional); o Additional compliant warning signage to alert users of changes in slope; and o Additional optional signage reminding users of proper path etiquette, such as announcing when engaging in a passing maneuver may further assist in reducing conflicts;  Implementing access management techniques to remove unwarranted driveways entering or exiting for the Mill Market & Deli property (optional); o Providing curb radii reductions for the entrance and exit driveways at the Mill Market & Deli reducing the shared use path crossing distances and increasing visibility for all users;  Constructing a retaining wall approximately 300 feet south of the Old Cross Road/Nowland Road intersection;  Implementing a lane diet- reducing the travel lane widths to 10 feet and providing 4 foot shoulders;  Providing landscape tree plantings as approved by the City; and  Reconstructing eleven driveway aprons to accommodate the shared use path. 3.3.2 Preferred Concept Alternative Evaluating design impacts, input from public involvement through workshops, presentations, and meetings; Alternative 1 has been identified and supported by the Planning Commission as the recommended preferred alternative for Dorset Street. The preferred alternative would replace the existing desire line identified during field visits and concept development. During the analysis, it also became apparent a dedicated walking and bicycling facility would provide greater connectivity to destinations along the east side of Dorset Street, as well as better connect users to existing shared use path facilities on the east side. Refer to Figure 3 for the preferred concept alternative cross section. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 26 3.3.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs The opinion of probable construction costs for the Dorset Street project study area is $610,000. The cost estimate was developed from the preferred concept alternative plans and account for the anticipated construction costs which include engineering, construction, construction administration, and a 20% contingency. The cost estimate does not include potential environmental permitting, easement or property acquisition. 3.3.4 Evaluation Matrix All of the anticipated costs, resource impacts, and permit requirements for Dorset Street Alternative 1 and a No-Build alternative have been summarized in the evaluation matrix below in Table 6. Figure 3: Dorset Street preferred cross section looking north. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 27 Item Alternative 1 No-Build Alternative Construction Characteristics Facility Length 3,350 LF 0 LF Facility Width 8-10 FT 0 FT Buffer Width Varies 3-5 FT 0 FT Proposed Surface Bituminous Concrete Bituminous Concrete Terrain Rolling natural slopes Rolling natural slopes Retaining Wall Yes No Potential Impacts Agricultural Lands None, Previously Disturbed None Archeological Impacts None None Class 2 Wetland Impacts None None Floodplain None None Historic Property Impacts None None Rare, Threatened, Endangered None None Right-of-Way Impacts Temporary Easements Required None Trees- Removed/Replaced Yes None Utility Impacts- Aerial Yes None Utility Impacts- Underground None None Permits ACT 250 No No 401 Water Quality No No NEPA Categorical Exclusion Categorical Exclusion 404 Corps of Engineer Permit No No ANR Wetlands No No Stream Alteration No No Conditional Use Determination No No Stormwater Discharge Yes, construction >1 acre No Shoreland Encroachment No No Archeological- Phase 1B No No Section 106 / Historic No No VTRANS Access Permit No No Opinion of Probable Construction Costs* Conceptual Cost Estimate $610,000 $0 Table 6: Dorset Street Evaluation Matrix; Alternative 1 and No-Build Alternative *Refer to Appendix C- Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for detailed breakdown of unit costs. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 28 3.4 Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road Concept Alternatives 3.4.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives Two alternatives were studied as part of the Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road project study area. The proposed alternatives both include a 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk with granite curbing with a varying grass buffer on the Airport side of Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road. The proposed alternatives also looked at creating a lane diet by reallocating excessive travel lane width to introduce bicycle lanes for the majority of the project study area. In order to accommodate the proposed concrete sidewalk and on-road bicycle facilities, Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road would need to be widened by approximately 8-10 feet for a distance of approximately 1,000 linear feet west of Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive intersection and approximately 850 linear feet east of Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive intersection. The alternatives also identified alignment and geometry recommendation improvements to the four-leg Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive/Lime Kiln Road/Shamrock Road intersection. Alternative 1 proposes converting this intersection into a modern roundabout which would also include dedicated pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Studies have shown that roundabouts can be more safe than traditional stop sign or signal-controlled intersections. In addition, roundabouts actually move traffic through an intersection more quickly and promote a continuous flow of traffic. Alternative 2 proposes realigning Ethan Allen Drive to terminate at Shamrock Road at a 90 degree angle and would be stop-controlled on Ethan Allen Drive. Shamrock Road would also be realigned to terminate at Airport Parkway at a 90 degree angle and would be stop-controlled on Shamrock Road. The sidewalk and bicycle facilities would be maintained through the intersection on Airport Parkway/Lime Kiln Road. Additional improvements for Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 include;  Providing ADA-compliant ramps and crosswalk pavement markings across intersecting roadway segments;  Constructing a retaining wall approximately 800 feet north of the Airport Parkway/Kirby Road intersection;  Installing two crosswalks with ADA-compliant ramps crossing Lime Kiln Road with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) warning signage; o One at approximately 418 Lime Kiln Road; and o One at approximately 303 Lime Kiln Road;  Providing landscape tree plantings as approved by the City; and  Reconstructing five driveway aprons to accommodate the sidewalk facility. 3.4.2 Preferred Concept Alternative Evaluating design impacts, input from public involvement through workshops, presentations, and meetings; Alternative 1 has been identified and supported by the Planning Commission as the recommended preferred alternative for Airport Parkway. Due to the existing geometry and unique road angles for the Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive/Lime Kiln Road/Shamrock Road intersection, a modern roundabout design would be less expensive than realigning the road geometry to a stop-control condition. A roundabout would likely reduce overall delay, improve traffic flow, and increase safety for all modes of transportation for this intersection. Modern roundabouts also are designed so vehicles are moving at a slower rate of speed. Refer to Figure 4 for the preferred concept alternative cross section and refer to Figure 5 for the preferred concept modern roundabout plan. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 29 3.4.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs The opinion of probable construction costs for Airport Parkway Alternative 1 is $2,600,000 and Alternative 2 is $2,810,000. Alternative 2 has a higher anticipated construction cost due in part from the modified road geometry and site topography of Ethan Allen Road and Shamrock Road. At the request of the City, the Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive/Lime Kiln Road/Shamrock intersection treatments for Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 were further broken out to identify only these intersection improvements. The opinion of probable construction costs for Alternative 1 intersection improvements are approximately $750,000. The opinion of probable construction costs for Alternative 2 intersection improvements are approximately $950,000. The cost estimates were developed from the preferred concept alternative plans and account for the anticipated construction costs which include engineering, construction, construction administration, and a 20% contingency. The cost estimates do not include potential environmental permitting, easement or property acquisition. For the purposes of this study and in coordination with the City of South Burlington, it was anticipated $10,000 per parcel would be used for right-of-way acquisition costs. Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 assume two parcels would need to be acquired for each concept. Figure 4: Airport Parkway preferred cross section looking north between Kirby Road and Berard Drive. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 30 3.4.4 Evaluation Matrix All of the anticipated costs, resource impacts, and permit requirements for Airport Parkway Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 have been summarized in the evaluation matrix below in Table 7. Figure 5: Airport Parkway/Ethan Allen Drive/Lime Kiln Road/Shamrock Road modern roundabout preferred concept plan. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 31 Item Alternative 1 (Roundabout) Alternative 2 (Stop Control) Construction Characteristics Pedestrian Facility Length 7,000 LF 7,000 LF Bicycle Facility Length 7,000 LF 7,000 LF Pedestrian Facility Width 6 FT 6 FT Bicycle Facility Width 5-6 FT 5-6 FT Vertical Curbing Yes Yes Retaining Wall Yes Yes Proposed Surface Bituminous Concrete/Concrete Bituminous Concrete/Concrete Terrain Rolling natural slopes Rolling natural slopes Potential Impacts Agricultural Lands None, Previously Disturbed None, Previously Disturbed Archeological Impacts None None Class 2 Wetland Impacts None None Floodplain None None Historic Property Impacts None None Rare, Threatened, Endangered None None Right-of-Way Impacts Yes (Modern Roundabout) Yes (Roadway Realignment) Trees- Removed/Replaced Yes Yes Utility Impacts- Aerial None None Utility Impacts- Underground Yes Yes Permits ACT 250 No No 401 Water Quality No No NEPA Categorical Exclusion Categorical Exclusion 404 Corps of Engineer Permit No No ANR Wetlands No No Stream Alteration No No Conditional Use Determination No No Stormwater Discharge Yes, construction >1 acre Yes, construction >1 acre Shoreland Encroachment No No Archeological- Phase 1B No No Section 106 / Historic No No VTRANS Access Permit No No Opinion of Probable Construction Costs* Conceptual Cost Estimate $2,600,000 $2,810,000 Table 7: Airport Parkway Evaluation Matrix; Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 *Refer to Appendix C- Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for detailed breakdown of unit costs. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 32 3.5 Spear Street Concept Alternatives 3.5.1 Evaluation of Concept Alternatives Three alternatives were studied as part of the Spear Street project study area. Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 include a 6 foot sidewalk facility on the east side of Spear Street connecting with existing sidewalks in the jug handle area and East Terrace neighborhood. The sidewalk alignment for Alternative 1 is located on the west side of the existing utility poles and the sidewalk alignment for Alternative 2 is located on the east side of the existing utility poles. Due to the relative close proximity of the sidewalk layout to the edge of pavement, Alternative 1 utilizes vertical curbing to establish physical separation from pedestrians and vehicles continuing around the jug handle to East Terrace. Alternative 2 provides an approximate 7 foot buffer between the edge of pavement and proposed sidewalk facility alignment continuing around the jug handle to East Terrace. This wide buffer eliminates the use of vertical curbing and the sidewalk would remain flush with the approximate roadway grade. Also as part of Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 is a proposed shared use path on the west side of Spear Street from PFG Road to US Route 2. Alternative 3 includes a shared use path facility on the west side of Spear Street for the entire project study area. The west side of the Spear Street corridor does have physical site constraints including potential additional engineering to address the relatively steep slopes between the edge of pavement and UVM property. This alignment may also impact the existing mature trees along the natural surface walk between Davis Road and the South Burlington Recreation Path. Since the alignment of Alternative 3 would cover the existing open drainage system on the west side of Spear Street, subsurface drainage and stormwater improvements would need to be implemented for this alternative. Additional improvements for Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3 include;  Providing ADA-compliant ramps and crosswalk pavement markings across intersecting roadway segments;  Providing centerline pavement markings on the proposed shared use path to indicate directional separation (optional); o Additional optional signage reminding users of proper path etiquette, such as announcing when engaging in a passing maneuver may further assist in reducing conflicts;  Constructing a retaining wall approximately 800 feet north of the Spear Street/Davis Road intersection (limited to Alternative 3 only);  Installing crosswalk pavement markings with ADA-compliant ramps crossing Spear Street in the location of the S Burlington Recreation Path with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) warning signage;  Implementing a curb radius reduction for the UVM entrance road;  Providing landscape tree plantings as approved by the City; and  Reconstructing 20 driveway aprons to accommodate the sidewalk facility. 3.5.2 Preferred Concept Alternative Evaluating design impacts, input from public involvement through workshops, coordination with UVM Campus Planning Services, presentations, and meetings; Alternative 2 has been identified and supported by the Planning Commission as the recommended preferred alternative for Spear Street. Alternative 3 has been identified as the medium to long term conceptual alternative for the project study area. Refer to Figure 6 and Figure 7 for the preferred concept alternative cross sections. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 33 3.5.3 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs The opinion of probable construction costs for Spear Street Alternative 1 is $732,000, Alternative 2 is $490,000, and Alternative 3 is $711,000. Alternative 1 anticipated construction costs are higher because of the vertical granite curbing. Alternative 3 anticipated construction costs are higher because of both retaining wall feature and a closed drainage system. At the request of the City, the Jug Handle treatments for Alternative 2 were further broken out to identify only these segment improvements. The opinion of probable construction costs for Alternative 2 Jug Handle segment improvements are approximately $120,000. The cost estimate was developed from the preferred concept alternative plans and account for the anticipated construction costs which include engineering, construction, construction administration, and a 20% contingency. The cost estimate does not include potential environmental permitting, easement or property acquisition. 3.5.4 Evaluation Matrix All of the anticipated costs, resource impacts, and permit requirements for Spear Street Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3 have been summarized in the evaluation matrix below in Table 8. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 34 Figure 7: Spear Street shared use path facility preferred cross section looking north. Figure 6: Spear Street sidewalk facility preferred cross section looking north. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 35 Item Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Construction Characteristics Pedestrian Facility Length 2,000 LF 2,000 LF 400 LF Bicycle Facility Length 1,200 LF 1,200 LF 2,100 LF Pedestrian Facility Width 6 FT 6 FT 6 FT Bicycle Facility Width 11 FT 11 FT 11 FT Pedestrian Facility Surface Concrete Concrete Concrete Bicycle Facility Surface Bituminous Concrete Bituminous Concrete Bituminous Concrete Vertical Curbing Yes No Yes Retaining Wall No No Yes Terrain Generally, Flat Generally, Flat Generally, Flat Potential Impacts Agricultural Lands None None None Archeological Impacts None None None Class 2 Wetland Impacts None None None Floodplain None None None Historic Property Impacts None None None Rare, Threatened, Endangered Yes Yes Yes Right-of-Way Impacts Yes Yes Yes Trees- Removed/Replaced Yes Yes Yes Utility Impacts- Aerial None None None Utility Impacts- Underground None None Yes Permits ACT 250 No No No 401 Water Quality No No No NEPA Categorical Exclusion Categorical Exclusion Categorical Exclusion 404 Corps of Engineer Permit No No No ANR Wetlands No No No Stream Alteration No No No Conditional Use Determination No No No Stormwater Discharge No, construction <1 acre No, construction <1 acre No, construction <1 acre Shoreland Encroachment No No No Archeological- Phase 1B No No No Section 106 / Historic No No No VTRANS Access Permit No No No Opinion of Probable Construction Costs* Conceptual Cost Estimate $732,000 $490,000 $711,000 Table 7: Spear Street Evaluation Matrix; Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3 *Refer to Appendix C- Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for detailed breakdown of unit costs. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study 36 4.0 Project Summary 4.1 Conclusion The South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study was prepared at the request of the CCRPC and the City of South Burlington to analyze and evaluate all concept alternatives for sidewalk and shared use path connections. This report presents the existing conditions data, conceptual design alternatives, selection of the preferred conceptual design alternative, and opinion of probable construction costs for each project study area. At the conclusion of the public participation and outreach process, in which the findings of this report were presented and reviewed, the South Burlington Planning Commission approved the preferred design alternatives identified in this report. The South Burlington, VT Pedestrian and Bicycle Feasibility Study is an important step in advancing a more walkable, bikeable, and vibrant community. The process which crafted this document is only the beginning and the conversation must continue to real project implementation. It is worth noting for project implementation, individual recommendations may be broken out as smaller projects separate from the entire preferred design alternative project. It’s recommended the City collaborate with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee to develop an action plan that identifies potential project timeframes for the recommended improvements. This may be advantageous from a development, funding, and phasing implementation perspective. The proposed recommendations and preferred design alternatives align with the transportation goals in the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan, 2016 and will continue to develop walking and bicycling infrastructure within the community.