HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 05/04/2021South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - May 4, 2021 Attendance: Trice Stratmann, Amanda Holland, Jean Sebastian Chaulot, Penne Tompkins, joined by John Zwick • Trice opened the meeting at 6:05pm. Asked John Zwick if he would review the questions he had for the Committee. • J. Zwick reviewed ideas for how the first year of the gallery showings could be addressed. Would like to wait to open the gallery until after the grand opening of the building to not compete with that event. Would like to see exhibits by professional artists and between these showings have a shorter period to intersperse a community exhibit. • Discussion on display of pricing for artwork and sales. It was noted that the current policy does not allow for the sale of artwork by the City. Will need to further discuss the provided method for artists to be able to make sales. Also discussed policy on Commissions. • Jean asked what John's proposed approach would be for the Committee. John stated his approach as the curator would be to select the artists and community groups and run this list by the Committee for approval. Would prefer to select artists in the first year rather than put a call to artists out. This would be to develop a brand/reputation and would then do a call in the second year. • John will pull together his list of questions for the Committee and provide via Ilona. Several specific building questions will need to be provided by Ilona such as the artwork hanging system and location of outlets. • The Committee thanked John for his time and stated the Committee will be meeting on May 11th to discuss next steps. • Committee adjourned at 7:10pm.