HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 11/16/2021South Burlington Public Art Committee November 16, 2021 Approved Meeting Minutes Attending: Penne Tompkins, Amanda Holland, Trice Stratmann, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Ilona Blanchard (Staff) Correction to the agenda about next meeting date Minutes approved: Amanda moved, Jean second. Voted unanimously Agenda changed to include chair report: Chair Report Committee name change and charge was approved by City Council November 1, 2021. Trice, Penne, Daniel, and John hung the new show successfully November 1 and the opening was held November 4, with four of the five artists in attendance. Vote to approve Daniel as a curator: Jean moved, Trice second, unanimous approval Public Gallery new curator helped install the show, as a volunteer. Ilona will send Daniel a letter announcing his selection. The city will send him his contract. We will send announcement to Seven Days and publish on Facebook group SB community watch. Ilona will post on the city center group. The art selection should be preferably have a Vermont connection and we would like to include one student show for the first year. The FY22 work plan has been communicated to the City Council. • Penne will check with Phil about the clock dedication and confirm name. • South Burlington Public Art Webpage design document review: Show an art map with all art. Describe the city art selection process. Add a “meet the curator”. Cora Lee will create the webpage based on the material our committee submits. Capital Improvement Project (CIP) budget for FY2022 is $5K. The committee discussed how we might use these funds, whether for a single larger project or a few smaller projects and possibly over a longer time frame. After some discussion, it was determined that we would use these funds to develop concepts for art in South Burlington. Ilona will create a call to artists by December. Promoting Current and future gallery shows: Creating a collage for each show will be done by Penne. Digital postcards should be 2/3 art, 1/3 text. SB Friends of the Arts Gala Event is in March 2022. We will review the selected art and see if any of the student art would fit within a spring gallery show. Staff report: Ilona spoke with Daniel about the curator position and is working on his contract. The Public Art Committee funds in the CIP budget was reduced from 20K to 5K for FY2023, which begins July 1, 2022. The budget will be sent to the City Council for review January 3. The committee will need to reflect if we want to appeal to increase that funding back up to $10 or $20K to help us reach other public art goals for the city. Ilona reported that the city has applied for a large grant from the state for a Winter Light festival which : art, craft, VT food, music in November 2023. If the grant is awarded, there will be a role for our committee as it relates to the art component of the festival proposal. Next meeting will be December 14 at 6:30 Adjourned at 8:20 Respectfully submitted by Jean Sébastien Chaulot