HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/20/1971CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING September 20, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road at 7:30 P. M. on September 20, 1971. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order, with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman; Walter Nardelli; Kenneth Jarvis; Frederick G. Blais; Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr. OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, Acting City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Fire Chief Monell Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept. GeorgeG. Smith Peter Kyriacou, Roostertail Restaurant Miss Charlotte C. Marsh Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Nan Frymoyer, League of Women Voters of So. Burl. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Resolution of commendation for 131st Engineers -Fred Blais Consider leasing Old Legion Bldg., Airport Parkway -William Szymanski Grand opening procedures -Raymond Stearns DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns reminded members of the Council that disbursement orders were on the table and should be signed before adjournment. Mr. Stearns made note of the fact that he has received a letter from Mr. David Fon Seca, formerly Chittenden County Regional Planning Commissioner, relative to the position of City Manager. He turned the letter over to Mr. Szymanski with a request that copies be made. PURCHASE OF A 6 YD. DUMP TRUCK FOR THE CITY STREET DEPT. Mr. Szymanski explained that $12,000 has been budgeted for a new truck to replace a 1963 truck. If normal procedures of bidding are followed he estimated it would take a month to receive bids and another four or five months for delivery. He said he favors the International truck, believing it is an advantage to have all the same trucks. The plow equipment from the old truck will be used and a price of $8,961.90 has been quoted with a trade in of the old truck, which he does not think is worth repairing or keeping. Without the trade in the quotation is $10,191.94 Chairman Stearns asked who would be the bidders from South Burlington and Mr. Audette replied the Ford is the only other firm who would bid. Mr. Jarvis raised the question of whether or not bids could have been prepared earlier. He said he hates to by-pass Nordic Ford, a substantial taxpayer. Mr. Szymanski admitted the bids should have been prepared back in May and also stated he feels getting any truck other than International has the disadvantage of not being adaptable to our plow equipment. Chairman Stearns agreed that the point made by Mr. Jarvis is well taken but pointed out also that the Council has the freedom not to bid. Mr. Nardelli said he would like to urge the Council not to go ahead with the purchase of the truck without bids. Mr. Blais suggested that a request for "proposals" be made rather than "bids". Mr. Nardelli agreed to this suggestion. Chairman Stearns requested that Dodge and Ford be contacted, and requested that Mr. Szymanski have the proposals by the next meeting of the Council on September 27, 1971. A motion was made by Mr. Jarvis that the City of South Burlington accept proposals from other dealers in view of purchasing a new truck for the City Street Department. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Chairman Stearns said the Council will go to weekly sessions from now on, even though the meetings may last only one or one and one-half hours. He said he has been unhappy with procedures on the budget and feels the Council could devote a night to budgets. Mr. Nardelli commented that he would like to propose one night a month for discussion of budgets. He also stated that he objects to using the Police Department for delivery of the Council Agenda each week to members of the Council. Discussion followed about this and Mr. Ward pointed out that the material for the meeting is seldom ready before Friday afternoon late, making it difficult to mail and to be received in time for review before the Council meeting on Monday evening. Dr. Brown and Mr. Blais said they were concerned that they might forget to pick up the material for the meeting at the City Hall if it was not delivered. Mr. Nardelli moved to discontinue using the Police for delivery of the material for Council Meeting. The motion died for lack of a second. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Mr. Blais discussed ideas for changing the Recreation Committee into three separate committees: Fine Arts, Recreation and Natural Resources. Each committee would be composed of five members, for a two and three year term on a rotating basis and would report directly to the Council. They would submit programs and budgets as provided by the Charter. The Natural Resources Committee would establish rules and regulations regarding use of Natural Resource property under the jurisdiction of the city. Mr. Nardelli suggested an interchange of minutes among these committees and Mr. Blais agreed that this was an excellent idea. Mr. Nardelli also asked about paid personnel and Mr. Blais said the committees could ask for this at the budget hearing. Mr. Mr. Blais said he would act as chairman of the three committees at four meetings a year, as liaison man from the Council to the committees. Mr. Nardelli raised a question as to whether these committees should be involved in zoning revisions but Mr. Steerns said zoning changes will be approved by the Planning Commission and recommended to the Council for adoption. He feels the Recreation and Natural Resources Committees should work closely with the Planning Commission. Mrs. Nan Frymoyer asked Mr. Blais if libraries would be covered under this new revision of committees and Mr. Blais said it will be covered but as "leisure reading". Mr. Nardelli suggested that one member from the city teaching profession be on these committees, who would represent 2900 youngsters. He felt it would be helpful in making materials available. Doctor Brown said he was afraid that, if too many were listed, other organizations might ask to be represented. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the general concept of Mr. Blais report be accepted as presented, with a presentation in final form by the next meeting of the Council on September 27, 1971. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Chairman Stearns stated that consideration of appointments to the Growth and Development Committee would take place in Executive Session following tonight's Council meeting, and consider expansion to five members. SANCTION OF USE VARIANCE - PETER KYRIACOU - ROOSTERTAIL RESTAURANT Mr. Ward informed the Council that Mr. Kyriacou appeared before the Zoning Board of Adjustment on September 15, 1971 seeking a variance from Section 12.25, Front Yard Requirements for an addition to the existing motel, and also to construct a duplex unit which would be an addition to an existing duplex, making it a fourplex, which is a "C" use, and this is now a "B" use. It was recommended that it be approved with stipulations. Mr. Szymanski questioned the sewer line location and Mr. Kyriacou said it will go behind the woods. Mr. Szymanski cautioned him that the city would not allow any building on a sewer line and Mr. Kyriacou said he would adhere to this. Mr. Jarvis made a motion that the Council approve the use variance as recommended by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION - ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Mr. Blais read a resolution which he had prepared, commending the Army National Guard for their assistance in preparing Jaycee Park for playground and baseball field and skating rink. A motion was made by Mr. Nardelli that the Resolution for the Army National Guard read by Mr. Blais be approved. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. A copy of this Resolution is filed with these minutes. LEASING OLD LEGION BUILDING A AIRPORT PARKWAY Mr. Ward commented that he would like to have the opportunity to check out the zoning on this property before any decision is made. Mr. Nardelli moved that this item be tabled. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Mr. Ward said he will check the zoning and report back to the Council at the next meeting, September 27, 1971. GRAND OPENING PROCEDURES Chairman Stearns stated he would like to have the Council's views on the adoption of some procedures to follow when new businesses come into town. After a brief discussion Mr. Stearns made the suggestion that this be passed along to the Growth and Development Committee. There was general agreement to this suggestion. Mr. Stearns complimented Mr. Szymanski on the excellent job he had done on the City Report which has just been published; Mr. Szymanski in turn thanked all those who helped him in its preparation and publicly thanked Mr. Leo O'Connor of the Burlington Free Press for doing the cover picture. Mr. Blais called attention to the financial statements in the report, and remarked that he thinks they are presented in better form than has been previously done. Mr. Stearns announced that there is an Ecology and Economy Session on October 8, 1971 at the Capitol Theatre, Montpelier and the Council is invited to attend. He said he would like to see one member of the Natural Resource Committee attend. He requested that Mr. Szymanski organize the attendance. Mr. Blais reminded everyone of the Steering Committee meeting on Thursday, September 23, 1971 at 7:30 in the Conference Room of City Hall. Mr. Nardelli raised the question of access from Laurel Hill to Orchard School. Mr. Szymanski said this has been investigated in the past and the city has encountered problems in getting easements through private properties. Dr. Brown said he would like to have more information on agenda of the School Board. Mr. Nardelli agreed to investigate the matter. Mr. Blais moved that the Council adjourn and go into executive session. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 9 P. M. to go into executive session. - - - - - - - - - - The regular Council meeting was reconvened at 9:30 P. M. and committee appointments were announced, which are listed on a sheet attached to these minutes. The Council meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.