HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/25/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 25, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Willison Road, on October 25, 1971 at 7 P. M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order, with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. at 7 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman; Walter Nardelli; Kenneth Jarvis; Frederick G. Blais; Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Charlotte C. Marsh Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept. William J. Szymanski, Acting City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Fire Chief Monell Fireman Smith Frank McAffrey Gail Robinson, South Burlington High School Student Eric Loring, Burlington Free Press Chairman Stearns said he was glad to see Eric Loring present, as the Burlington Free representative. He expressed regret that he is leaving the area and wished him well in his new assignment. He also informed Mr. Loring that he dislikes the negativism shown in Mr. Leo O'Connor's reporting of events and issues in South Burlington. He said he has attacked the School Board and City Charter, Red Rocks, conflict of interest on the Planning Commission, the injustice he claimed with regard to the City Manager, and the Recreation Director. He stated he has no objection to criticism provided the conclusions drawn are based on accurate facts. He said: "Perhaps he would like to serve on one of our committees". Mr. Blais agreed, adding that Leo O'Connor has used "Bad press". He said an uninformed public is not a good thing, but there is no excuse for an uninformed press. Dr. Brown said he believes the general purpose of an editorial is to come to some conclusion, but this is one of the shortcomings of his articles. Mr. Stearns further stated that unless news is sensational, or smut-filled happenings it does not get adequate coverage, and he thinks the press must take responsibility for this criticism and negativism. "Everyone is an expert in another person's field," he said, "and if we do not get more accurate reporting, we will request a new reporter." READING OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 1971 A motion was made by Mr. Nardelli to approve the Minutes of October 4, 1971 as presented. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and they were approved unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that Disbursement Orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting was adjourned. ACCEPT THE DEED FOR A SMALL PARCEL OF LAND IN MAYFAIR PARK BETWEEN CIRCLE DRIVE AND ELSOM PARKWAY AS PER PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Mr. Blais moved to accent the deed of the small parcel of land in Mayfair Park between Circle Drive and Elsom Parkway, from Roscoe A. and Grace A. Farrington, in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT OF A SCREENING COMMITTEE FOR REVIEWING THE APPLICATIONS FOR A RECREATION DIRECTOR Mr. Saymanski informed the members of the Council that he had met with the three committees: Park, Beach and Recreation, Natural Resources, and Fine Arts Committees on Friday, October 22, and he suggested that a Screening Committee be formed to review applications for a Recreation Director. The following committee members were recommended for consideration by the Council to serve on the Screening Committee: Thomas Breen, Chairman -Richard Gucciardi Barbara Bull -Paul Farrar Ethel Schuele The Council gave unanimous approval of the proposed Screening Committee members. REAL ESTATE AND POLL TAX PENALTY WAIVERS A list of Real Estate and Poll Tax penalties that had not been paid and were waivered by the Acting City Manager was brought to the attention of the Council to approve this action in compliance with Chapter 15, Section C of the Charter. Mr. Jarvis moved to approve this action. Mr. Blais seconded and approval was unanimous. REPORT ON CITY HALL AND POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING RENOVATION EXPENDITURES TO DATE Mr. Szymanski reported that up to July 1st, 1971 a total of $14,671.28 has been spent on renovations to the City Hall. Since July 1st an additional amount of $1,105.71 has been spent making a total to date of $15,776.99 spent. Still to be completed at City Hall are front steps, carpeting hallway, purchase of furniture and installation of minor shelves and painting. For renovation of the Police Department a total of $3,958.99 has been spent to date. Still to be completed are a photo laboratory, connecting the sewer to the Fire Dept., installation of the women's toilet, completion of vault door installation, reconstruction of back steps, installation of shelves and a doorway in the waiting room. Mr. Szymanski also acknowledged the work done by Mr. Blais on these renovations. Mr. Stearns noted that the City would have been hard pressed to duplicate this building for the same price. Mr. Nardelli expressed gratitute to Mr. Blais for his work and also to Mr. Szymanski and other city employees who contributed time and efforts in renovation of both buildings. OTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE BOARD Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that he had met with Peter Bergh and Thomas Breen and requested Mr. Bergh to draw up a contract for preparing plans and specifications and bidding documents for Red Rocks. Mr. Szymanski said he would like to let him get started. Mr. Blais recommended that the City pay Mr. Bergh what obligations Mr. Szymanski feels we owe. There was unanimous agreement. It was also agreed to invite the Airport Commission to attend the next Council meeting on November 1, 1971 regarding airport taxation. Mr. Nardelli announced that the City has received a federal grant of $1,450 to pay students who wish to work in city government next May. Dr. Brown noted that the Planning Commission was happy with the last work session and requested that the Council, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment get together at least twice a year. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Council go into Executive Session to meet with the Planning Commission and Zoning Board on new Zoning Ordinances. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and the Council meeting was adjourned at 7:45 to go into Executive Session. Approved Walter Nardelli Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.