HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/18/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING October 18, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, October 18, 1971 at 7:30 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond Stearns, Chairman; Walter Nardelli; Frederick Blais; Dr. Harold Brown, Jr.; Kenneth W. Jarvis. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, Acting City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Fire Chief Monell F. C. McCaffrey Eric Loring, Burlington Free Press Donald Davie Bryan J. Nilson Linus J. Leavens, Jr. South Burlington High School Senior Class Mrs. Barbara Bull, Natural Resources Committee Mrs. Arlene Krapcho, So. Burlington League of Women Voters Mrs. Nan Faymoyer; Pres. " " " " " " Mrs. Ruth Bennett Miss Charlotte Marsh Chairman Stearns opened the meeting at 7:30 P. M. Additions to Agenda Lakeview Buick doing business on Dorset Street before building is erected. Transfer of Liquor License - Meeting of Liquor Control Board MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 Chairman Stearns asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes. Miss Marsh requested that the word "any" be substituted for the word "cemetery" on Page 2, Paragraph 4. There were no objections. Mr. Nardelli moved that the Minutes of September 27, 1971 be approved with the correction noted by Miss Marsh. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that Disbursement Orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting was adjourned. SIGN HIGHWAY STATE AID CLAIMS Mr. Szymanski presented highway state aid claims for the council's signatures. Repaving was done on Dorset Street, Woodcrest and Berkley St. REVIEW QUOTATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF A NEW SHOW LOADER FOR THE STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Szymanski reported that quotations were received on October 8. Of the six requests for quotations which were sent out, only three were returned: C. R. Wood Corp.; Reynolds & Son, Inc.; Sanel; Company Bid with trade-in Bid without trade-in C. R. Wood Corp.$7,695 $7,895 (Wassau) Banel 7,400 8,095 (Sicard) Reynolds & Son, Inc.8,555 9,055 (Frink) Mr. Szymanski recommended purchase of the Wassau, from C. R. Wood Corp, since the City has been renting one for the last two years and he is satisfied with its operation. He also recommends keeping the old snow blower since only $200 has been offered for it. Mr. Blais made a motion that the City purchase the Wassau from C. R. Wood Corp, as recommended by the Acting City Manager. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR THE PURCHASE OF WATER FROM CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT Mr. Szymanski presented a resolution from the Champlain Water District for purchase of water by the City of South Burlington. A copy of this resolution is filed with these minutes. Mr. Blais made a motion that the City adopt the resolution as stated and read. Mr. Jarvis seconded and approval was unanimous. DISCUSSION ON THE REOPENING OF THE LIME KILN ROAD - Donald Davie, Chairman of the Chittenden Citizens' Committee to Reopen Lime Kiln Road, informed the Council that, in his opinion, Colchester does not want to open Lime Kiln Road. He urged that the City Attorney of South Burlington join the Attorney General James Jeffords and make it known that South Burlington officials and its residents are anxious to obtain from Colchester a date for the reopening of the road. Mr. Davies feels it is a two-week job. He also stated he believes Colchester is anxious to have the State Department take this road over. He proposed that the Council consider a formal request to the State Highway Board to extend State Highway 116 across Airport Parkway to the Lime Kiln Road. Mr. Szymanski suggested also for consideration the extension of Route 116 down Patchen Road and through the Landfill area. Chairman Stearns felt Mr. Szymanski should approach the Airport Manager and get his opinion in writing. He also informed Mr. Davis that his suggestion of extension of Highway 116 across Airport Parkway be referred first to the Planning Commission and requested that he contact them and try to have it on their next agenda. The Council would then be able to take action based on the Planning Commission's recommendations. Mr. Stearns asked that Mr. Saymanski prepare information on this matter for the members of the Planning Commission to consider at their next meeting on October 26, at 7:30 at the City Hall Conference Room. Considerable discussion followed. Mrs. Frymoyer asked if the Council would consider attending the next selectmen meeting in Colchester. Mr. Blais said he would prefer to see what results would come from Mr. Szymanski's discussion with the Town Manager of Colchester. It was finally unanimously agreed to direct Mr. Szymanski, not to call, but to go and see the Town Manager of Colchester and express our willingness to assist them in making Lime Kiln Road a State Highway Road and to commit himself to arranging a joint meeting of the two Boards, if they so desired, to find a solution to the problem of getting the road open. Chairman Stearns commended Mr. Davie for all his efforts in this behalf. SIGN THE RESOLUTION WELCOMING THE JAYCEE CONVENTION TO SOUTH BURLINGTON A Resolution welcoming the Jaycee Convention to South Burlington was signed by all members of the City Council and filed with the Minutes. ENACT AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PARKING ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF SPEAR STREET FROM WILLISTON ROAD TO THE F.A. I 189 OVERPASS Chairman Stearns explained that the Council met with University officials in the Spring to discuss parking problems. At that time the University requested that the City ban parking on Spear Street, but this request was refused until the University provided parking around the Gutterson Field House and other areas in this vicinity. Chairman Stearns noted that Mr. Robert Fordham, Dean of Administrative Planning, has been very cooperative, and adequate parking has been provided. The University feels it would be in the best interest of traffic flow to ban parking on Spear Street. Both Mr. Szymanski and the Traffic Department agree. Mr. Szymanski was requested to join with Chief Carter in investigating the banning of parking on both sides of Spear Street, bearing in mind the residences that exist there, and construct an ordinance which would be brought to the Council meeting on November 1st. DISCUSSION ON SHELBURNE ROAD MARKINGS AND LIGHTING Mr. Szymanski reported that the contractor is presently working on the traffic lights to improve that situation. Also, the Highway Department plans to place signs on the interstate designating lanes for traffic to follow. Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Szymanski if he would endeavor to get a blueprint from the Highway Department showing their plans, and also asked if he would investigate the possibility of having signs erected in French language, since we have so many Canadian visitors in the area. DISCUSSION ON POSSIBLE EMPLOYMENT OF AN "ENVIRONMENTAL SCOUT" Mr. Blais stated that the idea of a Sanitation Engineer has been "tossed around" for some time. There are other areas such as landfill collections, enforcement of sanitation (smoke, fire) and many other problems which could be handled by an individual with the proper background, to the benefit of the City. He presented a letter dated October 8, 1971 from Dr. Charles S. Houston, Chairman of the Department of Community Medicine, which gave a resume on Mr. Ralph W. Ward. A copy of this letter is filed with these minutes. Mr. Blais asked for Mr. Richard Ward's comments. Mr. Ward stated that Dr. Gluck is in favor of the City having a Sanitation Engineer. He does not think the Health Officer can handle the problems which are arising. Mr. Ward added that the man proposed by Dr. Houston knows how to obtain Federal monies, is familiar with private sewer systems and knows more about these particular areas than he does. Mr. Blais stated that Richard Ward has all the responsibility of Building Codes, Zoning and Sanitation, and if we want to get a good foothold on our sanitation problems, he believes it would be most beneficial to have such a person. Dr. Brown commented that, in five years, we are going to wish we had hired someone like Mr. Ralph Ward. Mr. Nardelli thought it would be a good idea for this man to talk to the Natural Resources Committee and possibly the Planning Commission as well. Mr. Blais said he hopes the three committees which have just been formed, can get together to question him. Miss Charlotte Marsh said she is against Federal Funds being used for such purposes and is against hiring outsiders. She feels Richard Ward is doing a good job and doesn't see why someone locally cannot be appointed to assist him. She prefers hiring townspeople rather than getting "experts". Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that the salary for such an employee will be paid for by Federal funds, provided he qualifies. Other requirements are that he must be a veteran, unemployed, and the job will terminate (as far as the Federal funding) at the end of one year. Mr. Frank McCaffrey raised the question of whether the budget allowed for this. Mr. Stearns said "we would not spend more than we have in the budget". He would not be a department head, he would be working under Mr. Richard Ward. It was agreed by all the Council numbers to request Mr. Ralph Ward to appear before the Council on November 1st. Mrs. Frymoyer asked if the interview would be open to the public at the meeting on November 1st. Mr. Stearns said it would be. REVIEW THE ARCHIBALD & HAWTHORNE CONTRACT FOR ASSISTING THE CHIEF ASSESSOR Mr. Szymanski reported that Mr. Hawthorne had given him a price of $5,200, for his services in assisting the Chief Assessor. Mr. Hawthorne also told him that the cost would be the same whether he had started in September, or in November, since the amount of work will be the same. Mr. Szymanski read the contract with Mr. Hawthorne, copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's office. Payment is to be made monthly. Chairman Stearns noted there has been no updating of property cards since April, since the Chief Assessor has had to devote so much time to the details and problems arising from reappraisals. Also, the Chief Assessor is inexperienced in the commercial field. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the contract with Mr. Jay Hawthorne be approved as presented by Mr. Szymanski. The motion was seconded by Dr. Brown and approved unanimously. Mr. Blais commented that this is for this fiscal year only, and requested that Mr. Szymanski inform Mr. Richard Underwood that the Council hopes he will build experience and confidence so that he can become the Chief Assessor thereafter. LAKEVIEW BUICK DOING BUSINESS ON DORSET STREET BEFORE BUILDING IS UP Mr. Nardelli stated he has received calls from residents pertaining to Lakeview Buick doing business on Dorset Street before their building has been erected. He asked Mr. Ward if they are legally operating as a business. Mr. Ward said the present ordinance doesn't prevent his operating there before the building is completed. Mr. Posey, Lakeview Buick, told him this was forced upon him because the street in front of his existing business in Burlington has been torn up for reconstruction. Chairman Stearns commented that he believes acquisition of business must be a two-way street and the city must be as cooperative as it can without being obnoxious. Mrs. Frymoyer asked Mr. Stearns if the Council intended to allow Lakeview Buick to conduct business on Dorset Street if the building is not started. Mr. Stearns said it would be allowed only for a reasonable length of time. Mr. Blais suggested that Mr. Ward inform Mr. Posey we are willing to cooperate with him to a point within reason and we do not want him operating there as a used car lot. Mr. Nardelli stated that he is very much in favor of an "occupancy permit clause" in the Zoning Ordinance. He asked Mr. Ward if he would draft an "occupancy ordinance" which could be reviewed by the Council, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment. DISCUSSION ON PROCEDURE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RED ROCKS Chairman Stearns informed Mr. Szymanski he would like to see action on disposing of the camps. Mr. Szymanski said he hopes to begin work on this project starting this coming Saturday. He said four people are interested in removing camps. Mr. Nardelli recommended setting up a special fund account which would show all revenue and all expenses pertaining to Red Rocks. Mr. Szymanski stated he will give a monthly progress report as well as a report on expenditure of money. He also informed the Council that the City must enter into a contract with Peter Bergh for development of Red Rocks. Mr. Thomas Breen, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, informed the Council that the first priority is to remove the camps. He hopes that road construction may begin before snowfall. Mr. Szymanski said he would oversee road construction, working with Mr. Breen, and with the help of the Highway Department. Mr. Breen asked if the Council wishes to have the Red Rocks Committee continue on in guiding the development into the construction stage. He felt the committee members have much to contribute, which would result in benefits to the city. Mr. Blais said the Red Rocks Committee has never been dissolved and he has no objection as long as the policy direction is guidance. Mr. Breen reported that there are now four vacancies on the committee which originally had ten members. Barbara Bull and Thomas Breen were questioned as to whether they felt six members were adequate, and both replied affirmatively. Mr. Blais requested that the Natural Resources, Fine Arts, and Recreation Committees meet on Friday, October 22, 1971 at 12:00 noon, at the Holiday Inn. Announcements Chairman Stearns announced that local officials have been invited to a meeting in Barre, on October 20, 1971 re: Vermont League of Cities & Towns. The Board of Civil Authority will meet on October 19th at 6:30 P. M. for revision of the check list. It would meet at 7 P. M. for tax appeals. A replacement for Wallace Hill is needed for the Winooski River Park Authority, and Chairman Stearns said he would appreciate it if Mrs. Bull would recommend a replacement. HOCKEY SKATING RINK Mr. Breen recommended the use of the lot south of the Fire Station for a hockey skating rink. He said he has checked with the Athletic Department of the High School and they approve of the site. There is a power pole there, and he would like to know the procedure to follow to installing a permanent rink there. Mr. Blais suggested he get all the costs and prepare a plan which the Council would review. He also suggested that an approval, in writing, be obtained from the Athletic Department and noted that a right-of-way would be required from Mr. Deslauriers. Mrs. Frymoyer suggested that time be allocated for girls to use the rink for figure skating. Dr. Brown informed the Council that Champlain Arena has been formed with the hope of having hockey and skating about nine months a year. It is hoped it will be in operation by September, 1972. Location is on Route 2A in Williston. He suggested that anyone interested in investing in the Arena should contact Mr. Duhamel. A motion was made to adjourn the Council meeting and convene the Liquor Control Board by Mr. Nardelli. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk ************** The Liquor Control Board of South Burlington met in the City Hall Conference Boom on Williston Road at 9:50 P. M. on October 18, 1971, to consider, approve and sign change of license from "Come and Shop" to "Hayden's, Inc.", doing business at 1305 Williston Road, South Burlington. Approval of the change was unanimous. The Liquor Control Board meeting was adjourned at 10 P. M. -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.