HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/04/1971CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING October 4, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, October 4, 1971 at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman; Kenneth Jarvis; Walter Nardelli; Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr.; Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, Acting City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Fire Chief Monell Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept. George Smith Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Voters Charlotte Marsh Chairman Stearns said he hopes, by meeting weekly, to keep the meetings brief. He also stated that he was appreciative of the articles which have been appearing in the Free Press. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. Delinquent Taxes 6. Permission to draft a resolution to welcome a convention to the city. 7. Variances on Zoning. 8. Request for additional BOR application for Jaycee Park 9. Administrative items: a. Maintenance of O'Brien Civic Center b. Purchasing procedures 10. Discussion of vehicles crossing through private properties. 11. Car Parking at Police Station 12. Landfill discussion. The additions to the agenda were unanimously approved. DISCUSSION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF A POLICY ON EXTENSION OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM IN AREAS WHERE PUMPING IS REQUIRED Mr. Szymanski reported that there are two areas where developers are anxious to begin development but there is the question of sewage pumping. The two areas in question are Farrell and Swift Street, and Kennedy Drive and Timber Lane area. His questions were: "Should we allow small pumping stations to be built by the developer or should we stop development until we tie into the main system?" Mr. Stearns asked for comments from Mr. Blais since he has an interest in property on Dorset Street with others. Mr. Blais stated he feels the developer is going to small stations to handle their own interest and will convey them to the city when the city builds its own plant. He foresees four or five little pumping stations which are not compatible to the overall plan. He said that G.B.I.C. or any realtor will tell you that the emphasis on development will be Dorset Street, Kennedy Drive and Hinesburg Road. He does not like to see many small systems which will be costly to connect, and would like the city to find a way to get it done right. Mr. Stearns commented that when the community controls services, it has greater control over where the growth occurs. "If it takes a bond issue to put water or sewer in, the people will have a voice in saying whether to do it or not", he stated. Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Szymanski if he had an estimate of the cost of a station for this area. Mr. Szymanski said he would estimate the cost to be about $150,000 to $200,000. Mr. Audette commented that Burlington installs the pumping station and charges the developer for it. Mr. Nardelli recommended that this item be tabled, and that Mr. Szymanski furnish up-to-date figures on the cost of a station in this area. He stated that he dislikes seeing a private system being set up. Mr. Stearns also requested that Mr. Szymanski bring to the Council some ideas on the financing. It was unanimously agreed to table this item pending more information on cost and methods of financing. APPOINTMENT TO THE SPOKESMAN EDITORIAL STAFF Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that Mrs. Schweyer will continue in her present capacity as editor of The Spokesman, but she does need more help. Mrs. Guilford suggested contacting the School Department to see if students in certain classes such as Public Issues and World Affairs might be of some assistance. Mr. Nardelli requested that Mrs. Schweyer come to see him to discuss the matter and he will endeavor to get some help for her. Miss Marsh commented that only the first issue gave the Minutes of the meetings and she feels later issues drifted away from the original purpose of the paper which was to keep the citizens informed about what is happening in their city. Mr. Blais and Mr. Stearns agreed. Mr. Stearns noted that we are getting excellent coverage in the Free Press but he would like to see the paper as "an organ of positive thinking". He also suggested that Mrs. Schweyer come to one of the Council meetings to get their views. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Stearns announced that Disbursement Orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting was adjourned. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1971 MEETING Mr. Jarvis made a motion to approve the Minutes of September 20, 1971 as presented. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. DELINQUENT TAXES Mr. Jarvis referred to the City Report, Page 54, which indicates there is a total of about $74,000 in delinquent taxes and from July 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971 there has been a gain of only $700. He suggested that the City take legal action through our City Grand Juror, David Cleary, to get this money in our coffers. He said he does not think it is fair to the taxpayers if we do not try to collect this money. Miss Charlotte Marsh commented that Mrs. Piche has collected more delinquent taxes than have been collected in many years. Mr. Jarvis emphasized that he is not trying to discredit Mrs. Piche; he thinks she has gone as far as she can and now he believes legal action should be taken. Chairman Stearns requested that Mr. Szymanski get together with the Grand Juror, City Attorney, Mrs. Piche and investigate this matter. Mr. Nardelli requested that a monthly report of delinquent taxes be furnished by the Tax Department. Chairman Stearns requested that Mr. Szymanski take care of this. PERMISSION TO DRAFT RESOLUTION FOR NEW ENGLAND JAYCEES CONVENTION Mr. Jarvis announced that the convention of New England States Jaycees is being held at the Ramada Inn in South Burlington on October 15, 16, 17. He requested permission to draft a resolution welcoming them to our city. Mr. Nardelli moved that Mr. Jarvis draft a resolution welcoming the New England States Jaycees to South Burlington and that Mr. Jarvis represent the City Council at the convention. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Jarvis will bring the resolution to the next Council meeting for signature. ZONING VARIANCES Dr. Brown referred to Page 16 of the City Report, noting that out of a total of 51 variance requests in 1970, 44 were granted, 4 were denied and 3 withdrawn. He is concerned over different interpretations between the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Ward pointed out that many applicants were required to return two or three times before approval was given. He also stated that the exchange of Minutes between the two Boards within the past year has made for better communication. He noted that the Zoning Ordinances are being revised which he hopes will provide the City with something concrete to work with. Chairman Stearns commented that this could be discussed at the work session to be held on Tuesday evening, October 5th, with the City Council, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment. He requested Mr. Ward to furnish the Council with a report of permits granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, giving a breakdown of these permits, by the end of the year. MAINTENANCE JAYCEE PARK Mr. Blais stated the Jaycees have $8,000 and if B.O.R. funding can be obtained, they would have $16,000 for park development. He said plans for skating facilities at the park are progressing nicely and it is hoped it will be ready for skating this winter. However, he added, he does not know where the hockey skating project stands. He has noticed that the boards to be used for this purpose are getting warped and requested that Mr. Szymanski investigate. Chairman Stearns asked Mr. Szymanski to look into this matter and also requested that he go to Montpelier and look at the rink and lights at their High School. He suggested that he talk with Mr. Godin at the South Burlington High School with the idea of using one of the school parking lots for a rink. ADMINISTRATIVE - O'Brien House Mr. Blais stated that $2,000 has been carried in the budget for maintenance of the O'Brien House and it needs painting. Mr. Szymanski was asked to look into this. Mr. Blais noted that the plan for O'Brien House will be presented to the Fine Arts Committee at a meeting on October 13th. POLICE DEPARTMENT PARKING CARS ON LAWN Chairman Stearns stated he does not approve of the "used car lot" in front of the Police Station and wants the cars taken off the lawn. He asked what the procedure is of disposing of police vehicles. Mr. Nardelli said we should look into the point of procedure for disposing of department cars. Mr. Stearns commented that no department head should have the responsibility of disposing of city property and he urged the members of the Council to take this responsibility from all department heads. It is the responsibility of the City Manager, or acting City Manager, he emphasized. Mr. Nardelli suggested that he work with Mr. Szymanski on the procedures to be followed in disposing of city property, and he will report back to the Council by the first meeting in November. VEHICLE TRESPASSING ON OR THROUGH PRIVATE PROPERTY Mr. Blais pointed out that there had been two accidents within the past week caused by vehicles using private parking lots. Discussion followed and Mr. Ward was asked to look into this problem and report at a later date. LAUREL HILL DRIVE BUILDING IN REAR OF BIG BEN PIZZA Mr. Stearns said it was his understanding that, when the Big Ben Pizza building was erected, a plan had been submitted for the building in the rear of the Restaurant. He noted nothing has ever been done to this building and considers it an eyesore. He requested Mr. Ward check with the City Grand Juror to determine how the City should proceed to get action. Mr. Ward suggested that an ordinance could be put into effect whereby tenants may not move into a business building without an occupancy permit, which would guarantee that all requirements had been met. BURLINGTON PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER - SHELBURNE ROAD Mr. Stearns also called attention to the appearance of the Burlington Plaza Shopping Center on Shelburne Road, noting its lack of landscaping. He urged Mr. Ward to do whatever is necessary to require the owners to begin a planting program which will make it more attractive, calling it a "Godforesaken eyesore". He deplored the actions of out of state corporations who use delaying tactics in conforming with the City's request for landscaping, and felt they should be harrassed until requirements are met. There was unanimous agreement. RE: ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Mr. Jarvis suggested that additions to the agenda be in the office of the City Manager by 9 A.M. each Friday. All members agreed to this. LANDFILL AREA Mr. Szymanski referred to the recent fire in the City's landfill area and said he had written to Mr. E. W. Aske, Town Manager of Shelburne requesting that Shelburne share half the cost of fighting the fire on September 17, 1971, which would amount to $600. Shelburne selectmen voted to turn down this request. Mr. Szymanski reported that 100 loads had recently been hauled to the landfill area from the Shelburne Marina. He read letters dated Dec. 8, 1966 - May 4, 1967 - and June 22, 1967 to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen in Shelburne, which pertained to their use of our landfill area, from Mr. Henry LeClair, former Town Manager of South Burlington. In the minutes of October 3, 1967 the South Burlington Selectmen extended the time for using the landfill area for two weeks, but they are still continuing to use it. Mr. Szymanski is concerned because it is difficult to know what is being dumped from Shelburne. Mr. Audette agreed and commented that the life of the landfill area could be extended 25% if other communities are not allowed to use it. Mr. Stearns stated that the Council is on record as opposing support of other communities. Also the cost of land and cost of machinery will not allow us to support other communities. Mr. Blais suggested that Mr. Ward and Mr. Audette come up with ideas on policing the landfill area. Mr. Blais made a motion that the City of South Burlington give Shelburne until January 1, 1972 to use our landfill area and they should immediately cease to use it for trees, brush, etc. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Stearns requested that the record show the chairman also voted in favor of the motion. Miss Marsh stated that she objects to the minutes and agenda of the Council meetings being sent to private individuals and feels this practice should be discontinued to save expense. Mr. Szymanski replied that the minutes are now going only to the various Commissions and Boards. Mr. Szymanski suggested, in regard to the interchange of minutes among the various Commissions and Boards, that only the Chairman of each Commission or Board receive a copy, with the name of each member checked off as it is read and passed on to the next member. This will save a tremendous amount of paper work and time, he said. There was unanimous approval to initiate this practice. Miss Marsh requested if it is permissible for her to have the dates, hours and amount of charges since May 25, 1971 on cemetery work. Mr. Audette said no separate record of these charges is kept. Mr. Stearns suggested that this subject be brought up by Miss Marsh at budget time. He noted that the Cemetery Department will be taken out of the Highway Department next year. Mr. Stearns announced that the Board of Civil Authority meeting had rescheduled their meeting from October 5, to October 7, 1971 because of the lack of a quorum. A work session of the City Council, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment on October 5, at 7:30 P. M. was announced by Chairman Stearns. Mr. Blais was informed by Mr. Szymanski that Mrs. Jean Hildick will be unable to serve on the Fine Arts Committee. Mr. Jarvis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Nardelli seconded the meeting and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.