HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/22/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 22, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, November 22, 1971 at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Frederick G. Blais Walter Nardelli Kenneth Jarvis MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager Thomas R. Tirney, 34 Mt. View Blvd. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Donald Davis, 9 Mt. View Blvd. Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept.Vivian D. Hodgkin, 73 Elsom Pkwy. F. C. McCaffrey Betty Galloway) George G. Smith Pharilda Galloway )77 Elsom Pkwy. Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Andrew W. Galloway) Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Voters David Pariseau)346 White St. Barbara Bull, Chairman-Natural Resources Comm. Robert Pariseau ) George G. Smith George Clerk) Wayne W. Jameson, City Government Comm.Althea Clark) 81 Elsom Pkwy. Gil Gianetti, 43 Maryland St. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA It was unanimously agreed to add the following items to the agenda: 7. Statement by Frederick Blais 8. Statement by Raymond E. Stearns 9. Elsom Parkway (Hinesburg Rd.) name change 10. Resolution - South Burlington High School READING OF THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 1971 Mr. Jarvis made a motion that the Minutes of November 8, 1971 be accepted as presented. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns informed the members of the Council that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting adjourned. REVIEW AND APPROVE RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDED REVISIONS TO THE RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Mr. Szymanski requested that this item be tabled. FIRST READING OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE RESTRICTING THE USE OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES TO THE PAVED AREAS ON SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY Mr. Szymanski explained that this subject has been discussed for some time and is in the interest of safety and protection of public property. He proceeded to read the proposed ordinance. A copy is filed with these Minutes. Mr. Nardelli moved to accept the first reading of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. ELSOM PARKWAY (HINESBURG RD.) NAME CHANGE Mr. Andrew Galloway, 77 Elsom Parkway, informed the Council that the residents have agreed to a name and would like to suggest Prouty Parkway. He presented a petition containing signatures of area residents. A copy is filed with these Minutes. Mr. Blais asked him if there were any residents who have not signed the petition. Mr. Galloway stated that only Mrs. Catherine Hayden had not signed the petition since she is an employee of the City and does not sign petitions. Mr. Galloway requested that the name change be postponed until the first of the year. Vivian Hodgkin expressed concern about the numbering of the houses and said she would like to see this done before Christmas. Chairman Stearns said the matter will be referred to Richard Ward who will take care of the numbering. Mr. Blais made a motion that, effective January 1, 1972, the street name of Elsom Parkway off Hinesburg Road be changed from Elsom Parkway to Prouty Parkway. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. Chairman Stearns requested Mr. Ward to notify each resident. STATEMENT BY FREDERICK BLAIS Mr. Blais said he appreciates the approach taken in the Burlington Free Press editorial of November 19, 1971. He proceeded to read a statement pertaining to the definition of "interest" and "conflict". A portion of the statement reads: "In good conscience and without moral reservation, I view my private and public life not to be in conflict. Therefore, I plan to double my efforts to serve my community in every way I can." A copy of Mr. Blais' statement is filed with these Minutes. STATEMENT BY RAYMOND STEARNS Mr. Stearns said there has been a question on the recording of votes on certain issues. "It has been the procedure of this Board that the Chairman does not vote unless there is a tie. The new position will be that he will vote on each issue," he stated. He requested that the record show he is exercising his privilege to vote on these issues and is voting affirmatively on both issues at the Council meeting of November 15, 1971. REQUEST OF ROBERT PARISEAU TO LEASE THE CITY OWNED OLD AMERICAN LEGION BUILDING ON AIRPORT PARKWAY Mr. Szymanski told the Council that the use requested meets Zoning requirements; it will be used for the sale of chain saws and lawn and garden equipment. Mr. Blais asked the City Manager if he has checked with the City Attorney to see if this can be done. Mr. Szymanski said he had and that it could be done. The lease is year to year. Mr. Jarvis expressed concern over the parking lot and asked Mr. Pariseau if he thinks there will be problems in the spring with muddy conditions. Mr. Pariseau said he did not think there would be problems since he did not plan to use the entire parking area initially. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that Mr. Robert Pariseau's request to lease the city owned old American Legion building on Airport Parkway be accepted. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. Chairman Stearns said he will instruct the City Manager to execute a proper lease and arrive at an equitable lease figure. DONALD DAVIE'S PETITION RE: LIME KILN ROAD Chairman Stearns read a petition which is signed by Dennis W. Johnson, Rene J. Berard and Donald Davie. The petition follows: "We, the undersigned freeholders of the city of South Burlington, Vt., request the City Council to voluntarily assume some financial responsibility for the repair of Lime Kiln Road per Title 19, Chapter 9, Section 1121 of the State of Vermont Statutes. It is requested that the city of South Burlington pay 1/3 of the cost of Lime Kiln Road repair to the town Colchester, but not exceeding $10,000. A copy of this petition, together with a copy of the State Statutes Section 1121, Chapter 9, Title 19, is filed with these Minutes. Mr. Davis stated that, if Lime Kiln Road was a town highway, Colchester could repair the road any way it wished. However, since it is a state highway, it must be repaired with the approval of the State Highway Department, which is estimated would cost about $70,000. Colchester already has $15,000 toward the repairs to the road, according to Mr. Davie, and he requested the Council to assume financial responsibility in the amount of $10,000 to help with this project. He cited the benefits which would result in relieving traffic on White Street, Patchen Road and Williston Road, in his opinion. Chairman Stearns told Mr. Davie there isn't $10,000 in the budget for this project and he thinks South Burlington residents might vote down a request for this money. He said he is getting tired of Colchester breaking the law in this respect. Thomas Tirney commented: "Taxpayers are paying taxes ― you are saying 'we are not going to consider the needs of South Burlington'. You are overlooking a very major point here. It is the citizens of South Burlington who are requesting you to open this road. Mr. Blais said he would like to see the negotiating parties, the town of Colchester and the city of South Burlington, have a discussion on what the price tag really is. Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Davie if he had any idea the amount of fair market value of property which would have to be set aside to raise the $10,000 requested. Mr. Davie replied that there are 42 families living in Country Club Estates and paying taxes in South Burlington who would benefit from the reopening of the road. Mr. Audette, South Burlington Highway Department, commented that the amount requested represents 5% of the total highway budget, which would be spent in another town if it was approved. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the matter be tabled until crystallization as to the amount of money involved for repairs to Lime Kiln Bridge. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Blais suggested that Chairman Stearns set up a meeting with Mr. Szymanski, City Manager, and Mr. Ray Howland, Town Manager of Colchester at the earliest possible date. Mr. Nardelli noted that South Burlington's offer of equipment and personnel on this project still remains. RESOLUTION - SOUTH BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Chairman Stearns read a Resolution pertaining to South Burlington High School Football State Championship for Division II. Mr. Blais moved that the Resolution be adopted as read. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. A copy of this Resolution is filed with these Minutes. Chairman Stearns requested that it be prepared in time for the dinner honoring them on November 23rd. It was unanimously agreed to go into Executive Session with the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment to discuss Zoning Ordinances and Sub-division Regulations. The Executive Session was adjourned at 11 P.M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.