HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/15/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 15, 1971 The South Burlington City Council met in Executive Session in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, November 15, 1971 at 7:00 P. M. to discuss city employees' wage increases. The Councilmen adjourned the Executive Session and convened in regular session at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman Kenneth Jarvis Frederick G. Blais Walter Nardelli Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, Acting City Manager Wayne Jameson, City Government Comm. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator R. B. Sharps William Robenstein Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept. Fred Calcagni, CBC Realty Fire Chief Monell Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press George Smith Mary Barbara Maher, Planning Commission Frank McCaffrey Fred Maher, Chairman-City Government Comm.Earl and Margaret Lawton Amy Bond, Chairman-School Board Donald Jenkins Nan Frymoyer )Cecilia B. Sinclair Arlene Krapcho ) League of Women Voters Robert O. Sinclair Dr. Ray Kuhlman, School Board Al Guyette Kay Neubert Charlotte C. Marsh George Bosworth George Smith Representatives of Highway Union: Roderick Fisher; Leo Rich; Patrick Ryan ADDITIONS TO AGENDA It was unanimously agreed to add the following items to the agenda: Notice of wage increase Announcement of appointment First reading of zone change on Shelburne Road - A. Pomerleau City planning concept - Walter Nardelli READING OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 1971 Mr. Nardelli made a motion to accept the Minutes of November 1, 1971 as presented. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting is adjourned. APPOINTMENT ANNOUNCEMENT - CITY MANAGER Chairman Stearns announced that, effective November 15, 1971, Mr. William J. Szymanski who has been acting City Manager, will assume the duties of City Manager. He complimented Mr. Szymanski on the outstanding job he has done as Acting City Manager and said he believes the City is very fortunate to have him. Mr. Nardelli moved that the appointment of William J. Szymanski as City Manager be made official. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. REVIEW WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF CITY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHARTER REVISIONS REGARDING BUDGET LIMITATIONS AND APPOINTMENT OF THE TRUSTEE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Mr. Fred Maher, Chairman of the City Government Committee presented his committee's proposals for amendments to the City Charter. A copy of these proposals is filed with these Minutes. Under Section 301 (2) an amendment is proposed to provide for appointment (rather than election) of Trustee of Public Funds. Under Section 1309, four proposals for amendments were made which would clarify the wording of the charter so that correct interpretation could be made in calculating the 10% allowable increase in the budget. There was considerable discussion over the interpretation of the "net operating budget" and "debt service". George Bosworth questioned the five year loan being included in debt service, claiming "it is fantastic that this should be so interpreted". He felt the original Charter was much clearer with its intent. Mr. Jameson informed the Council that the City Government Committee is in the process of drafting guidelines which will be very detailed and specific but he doubts these will be ready for a vote in January, 1972. Mr. Stearns remarked that if there is this much confusion in April, the Council will suggest that the taxpayers vote on any increase in the budget. He urged the Committee to make their amendment proposals as simple as possible, so the voters can understand them "without a shadow of a doubt". He suggested that "A" under See. 1309 give a list of definitions of terms used in the balance of the Section, and stressed that they be specific. Mr. Nardelli said he favors scrapping the whole thing and reverting to the method used previously. Charlotte Marsh suggested that any amendments be in simple language, with the use of shorter sentences. Mr. Stearns thanked the committee for the work they have done and indicated he would be willing to submit the proposals to the public for a January vote if they are completed in time. Mr. Maher said he assumed the Council had no objection to the proposal of appointment (rather than election) of Trustee of Public Funds. REVIEW DESCRIPTION OF THE DUTIES OF THE NEWLY FORMED PARK, BEACH AND RECREATION, NATURAL RESOURCES AND FINE ARTS COMMITTEES - ALSO THE REVISED RECREATION DIRECTOR'S JOB DESCRIPTION It was unanimously agreed to table this item until the next meeting on November 22, 1971. CONSIDER CHANGING STREET NAME OF ELSOM PARKWAY OFF HINESBURG ROAD Mr. Blais noted that this item has been tabled for a year or more. He explained that there are two Elsom Parkways at the present time, one in Mayfair Park and one off Hinesburg Road. It was intended at one time that they would be joined but it is now certain that they will not become one road. Several residents of both Elsom Parkway areas were present to express concern about the confusion resulting from two streets with the same name in different areas, stressing the danger of delay in event of a fire, the need for an ambulance, and the problems of delivery of mail, packages, etc. Mr. Blais made a motion that the name of Elsom Parkway off Hinesburg Road be changed at the next Council Meeting on November 22, 1971 giving those residents ample time to consider a name; otherwise a name will be selected by the Council. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE - RESIDENTIAL A TO PLANNED DISTRICT - CBC REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR A PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 56 ACRES LOCATED APPROXIMATELY AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF DORSET AND SWIFT STREETS Chairman Stearns read a letter from Frederick G. Blais dated November 15, 1971 indicating a minority interest in CBC Realty and Development, which is presently seeking development approval in the City. (This letter is filed with these Minutes) Mr. Blais left the room. Mr. Szymanski read the proposed Ordinance, a copy of which is filed with these Minutes. During discussion Mr. Nardelli stated there are 7000 acres of agricultural land in South Burlington with no Master Plan for proper use, no idea of which areas would be good for conservation, or which land would be good for high rise buildings. He feels changing this zoning would be spot zoning and, since there is no plan, it should be voted down. Mr. William Robenstein informed the Council he purchased property in February, 1969 near the proposed development, and plans to construct a home there which is in a Residential a zone. He expressed concern that his lot will be zoned into a Planned District. He urged the Council to look at the City as a whole and to consider the concept of zoning as one of getting more people involved in zoning. "The posting of a notice of a hearing does not relieve the government of an apathetic public", he said. He noted there are 7000 acres in the City which are not sewered and felt there would be "no catastrophe by leaving some open land in this town." Mr. Stearns said he cannot argue with any of his conclusions but the policy of the Council has been to offer a first reading of a zoning change which "sends it on its course." Mr. Calcagni of the firm of Calcagni, Frazier and Zajchowski and also a member of the CBC Realty and Development, Inc. showed a site plan of the proposed development which will have mixed usage including housing, professional offices, shops, a performing arts center, a motor inn and recreational facility. There would be 26 acres of open space for communal use. Mr. Robenstein noted that a multi-housing project in this area was turned down two years ago, that there are few Residential A areas on our map and once we diversify this area we are mixing zones. "Planning should represent the people, not the planner," he said. He indicated there should be flexibility but it should be in those areas which are planned for this flexibility. He urged the Council to allow more time to study these plans before the hearing. Chairman Stearns said he would request the Planning Commission to hold two separate hearings since the Council is interested in having the public express their opinion on this request. Charlotte Marsh said she would like to emphasize the "lovely residential area" (Swift Estates) being developed fairly close to the proposed development by CBC Realty and thinks the area south of the bridge should be kept in a residential zone. "We have no plan - and why the variations," she asked. Mrs. Nan Frymoyer suggested the use of some of the newly formed committees, such as Natural Resources, Park and Recreation and Advisory Committee to the School Board. Chairman Stearns requested Dr. Brown to pass this suggestion along to the Planning Commission and to request recommendations from the various committees mentioned. Mrs. Arlene Krapcho indicated that consideration to the proposal should be given, "We should not close our minds to it," she said. Mrs. Guilford told Chairman Stearns she appreciated Mr. Calcagni's presention since it informed the people the intent for the use of the land at the first reading of the zone change. She asked if this information could be incorporated in all public warnings for zone change requests in the future. Mr. Stearns asked for Richard Ward's comments. Mr. Ward indicated that this information could be included in the public notices but not in the Ordinance itself. Mr. Stearns requested that Mr. Ward include the information as outlined above in future public warnings. A vote was called for approval of the first reading of Zone Change from Residential A to Planned District for CBC Realty and Development, Inc. Result of Vote: Affirmative (2) Negative (1) Walter Nardelli Chairman Stearns again emphasized to Dr. Brown that there should be a minimum of two public meetings by the Planning Commission. GENERAL DISCUSSION REGARDING CITY BOOKKEEPING PROCEDURES Chairman Stearns said he did not think this item should be on the agenda since it is an administrative job for the City Manager. Mr. Szymanski will be instructed to examine bookkeeping procedures and offer suggestions. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE - FROM BUSINESS DISTRICT A TO BUSINESS DISTRICT B PROPERTY ON SHELBURNE ROAD - NORTH OF BARTLETTS BAY - OWNED BY A. POMERLEAU. Mr. Szymanski read the proposed ordinance. A copy is filed with these Minutes. Mr. Blais moved to adopt the first reading of the Ordinance. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and discussion followed. Mr. Nardelli said he believes the city should try to upgrade this area and try to attract more retail stores. Referring to the Master Plan he said: "You're changing a map that people paid for - why change it?" Dr. Brown asked: "Aren't you asking people to listen to you?" Mr. Nardelli replied: "No, we are saying 'yes' to a change in the law; it is short-range thinking." A vote on the motion was called. Result of vote: Affirmative (3) Negative (1) Walter Nardelli CITY PLANNING CONCEPT - MR. NARDELLI It was unanimously agreed to table this item. ACTION ON THE HIGHWAY UNION CONTRACT Chairman Stearns announced that the Council has agreed to a contract with the Highway Union giving a 5.5 percent wage increase in compliance with the Wage-Price Board's rulings. He said he sees nothing wrong with this contract but it must be reviewed by the City Attorney. The effective date will be November 15, 1971. Representatives of the Union present were Roderick Fisher, Leo Rich, Patrick Ryan. Mr. Jarvis moved to adjourn. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.