HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/08/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 8, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road, on November 8, 1971 at 7 P. M. Vice-Chairman Frederick Blais called the meeting to order, with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, at 7 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT Frederick G. Blais, Acting Chairman; Kenneth Jarvis; Walter Nardelli; Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, Acting City Manager Ronald L. Pepin Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Dorothy F. Abbott Helen D. Paquin, City Clerk Carl Pickmore William Moore, Chittenden Trust Co, Burlington Dale C. Bacon George G. Smith Maurice Senesac Richard Stevens Peter L. Yankowski Howard Shepard Charlotte C. Marsh Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Mr. Blais informed the members of the Council that Mr. Stearns is a member of a panel pertaining to joint problems in surrounding communities, requested by the Women of the University of Vermont, this evening and is unable to be present. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA The following additions to the agenda were made by unanimous agreement: 8. Letter regarding noise complaint from Mr. John Richland, 21 Orchard Road 9. Lighting problem at Gasoline Station on Williston Road, corner of Patchen and Hinesburg Roads. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 1971 Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Minutes of October 25, 1971 be approved as presented. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. SIGNING OF DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Blais announced that Disbursement Orders were on the table to be signed by members of the Council before the meeting is adjourned. DISCUSSION WITH MR. WILLIAM MOORE - CHITTENDEN TRUST COMPANY RE: SHORT TERM BORROWING Mr. William Moore, Chittenden Trust Company explained that he thought it would be wise to meet with the Council to discuss short-term borrowing. He said the City's total indebtedness at present is $1.5 million and the Chittenden Trust has a limitation of $1.6 million which it can loan to a municipality at one time. If the City needed to go beyond that limit, a working arrangement could be worked out with a correspondent bank to sell the notes to them. However, City authorization to contact a legal firm in Boston would be required. This would take about a week or ten days. Mr. John Ewing, City Attorney would work with the legal counsel in Boston to submit the necessary information. In reply to a question asked by Mr. Blais, Mr. Moore said he felt the City should continue short-term borrowing and not go into the bond market. Mrs. Helen Paquin informed the Council that she did not anticipate the need for any other loans. Mr. Moore expressed appreciation for the business from the City of South Burlington, and also the good relations with Mrs. Paquin and Mr. Szymanski. He stressed the fact that there is no pressure as far as selling the bonds, and that in terms of market feasibility, this is not the proper time to sell them. Mr. Blais thanked Mr. Moore for coming and requested that he and Mrs. Paquin inform the Council if they find the City will need to borrow money. He also asked Mrs. Paquin if she would let the Council know what degree of reduction there would be by December 1. SIGN STATE AID APPLICATION FOR HIGHWAY FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON CHEESE FACTORY ROAD Mr. Szymanski presented an application for State Highway funds for improvements on Cheese Factory Road, explaining the application was for state funds to pay half the cost of removing a ledge at the intersection of Cheese Factory and Hinesburg Roads. Mr. Nardelli moved that the Council sign the state aid application as presented by Mr. Szymanski, Acting City Manager. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. CONSIDER A REQUEST BY QUEEN CITY PARK RESIDENTS FOR A COUNCIL HEARING ON THE RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Mr. Blais requested that, since the Council is pressed for time tonight to go into Executive Session with the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment at 7:30 P. M., the Council only accept the request. He asked Mr. Ronald Pepin, Chairman of the Prudential Committee for Fire District No. 1 (Queen City Park) if he would briefly state what the problem seems to be. Mr. Pepin said the Queen City Park residents are concerned with parking, and the fact that a daily attendance of 3000 people was projected. They would like to have their Prudential Committee discuss the overall plan for Red Rocks. Mr. Nardelli suggested the Prudential Committee meet with the Red Rocks Committee, and that Peter Bergh be present. He suggested also that Mr. Thomas Breen, Chairman of the Recreation Committee be notified and requested to get in touch with Mr. Pepin. Mr. Blais requested Mr. Szymanski to notify Mr. Breen and request that he arrange for a meeting as suggested by Mr. Nardelli. Mr. Pepin agreed to this arrangement. APPOINT THREE MEMBERS TO CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE. RECOMMEND THEY BE FROM THE CITY PLANNING, ZONING AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEES Mr. Szymanski was requested to ask the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and Natural Resources Committee/to appoint one member from each board to serve on the Regional Solid Waste Committee. JOHN RICHLAND COMPLAINT OF NOISE Mr. Blais informed the Council that Mr. John Richland of 21 Orchard Road had written a letter to the City Council about a neighbor who continually calls him to complain about a four piece "Rock" band who rehearses at the Richland home from 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. Mr. Blais said the Police Department has found no breach of peace. City Grand Juror David Cleary was present and said there is nothing in the City Ordinance which would prevent the band from rehearsing. Mr. Nardelli suggested that Chief Carter's ideas on the matter be obtained. LIGHTING PROBLEM AT GASOLINE STATION - WILLISTON AND PATCHEN ROADS Mr. Blais said that lights, which have recently been installed at the gasoline station at the corner of Williston and Patchen Roads, are blinding to oncoming traffic and he is fearful that this could cause an accident. He requested that Mr. Szymanski investigate. Miss Charlotte Marsh told the members of the Council that the Board of Civil Authority has complete charge of the ballots and it is their responsibility to staple them, not a secretarial force, as has been suggested. Dr. Brown raised the question of whether or not the law says this and thought they could be turned over to the City Clerk for preparation, as is done in some communities. Miss Marsh also expressed the opinion that apartment or office buildings should not be allowed over six stories in height. She presented a memorandum dated November 7, 1971, copy of which is filed with these Minutes, requesting that the Council give consideration to a more detailed bookkeeping system in the Highway Department which would show specific expenditures for snow removal, maintaining the landfill area, etc. She also enclosed two forms which could be used and requested that the Council place this item on the agenda for discussion at the next Council meeting. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Council go into Executive Session to discuss Sub-division and Zoning Regulations. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. The Council went into Executive Session at 8 P. M. with the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment to discuss updating of the Zoning Ordinances. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.