HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/03/1971CITY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1971 Meeting called to order at 7:45 p.m. at City Hall. Members Present Harold Nolting, Thomas Hawkins, Richard Sharpe, Charles Denison, Wayne Jameson, James Pizzagalli, William Szymanski, and Fred Maher Members Absent Ronald Schmucker, Nan Frymoyer, Lubomir Dellin Minutes Minues of Oct. 20 meeting were approved as printed. Section 1309 of the City Charter A discussion of various matters in connection with this section led to the following motions. Mr. Jameson moved, Mr. Denison seconded, and it was voted that the concept of "Special Programs" funded by state, federal, or other non-local sources shall be applied to city budget in the same sense in which it is applied to the school district budget in Section 1309 (3). Mr. Jameson moved, Mr. Denison seconded, and it was voted that Section 1309 should clearly specify that any accrued surpluses in either the school or city budgets shall be used to reduce the amount of money to be raised by local taxes in the following fiscal year. Mr. Denison moved, Mr. Jameson seconded, and it was voted that the committee present at the November 15 City Council meeting the proposals embodied in the two preceding motions as well as the agreement reached at the last meeting on the revisions to Section 1309 and the change to appointment of the Trustee of Public Funds. Should the City Council approve, it presumably would be possible to place these items on the ballot on January 7, 1972. Next Meeting November 17, 1971 at 7:45 P.M. It was agreed that the members would give consideration prior to this meeting to some ways in which the presentation of budget information to the voters prior to the annual city meeting in May can be improved. Meeting adjourned 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted Fred Maher Chairman FJM:mbm Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.