HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/01/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 1, 1972 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, November 1, 1971 at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order, with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at 7:30 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman Frederick G. Blais Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. Walter Nardelli Kenneth Jarvis MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, Acting City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept. John Ewing, City Attorney Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Voters Gilbert P. Granetti, W.J.O.Y. News Barbara Bull, Natural Resources Charlotte C. Marsh Comm. Thomas Breen, City Recreation Comm.Edward Blakeley 5 Members of Burlington Airport Comm.Ralph W. Ward, Jr. George G. Smith Mrs. Ruth Bennett ADDITIONS TO AGENDA It was unanimously approved to add the following items to the Agenda: 10. Request from the Board of Civil Authority for Ballot preparation pay. 11. Information regarding Panel Discussion November 8, 1971 at University of Vermont. 12. Letter from John J. Richland regarding noise pollution. 13. Confirmation of Health Officer appointment. Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that the Airport Commission had requested that the hearing on Airport taxation be in Executive Session. Chairman Stearns asked the members of the Council for their thoughts on going into Executive Session for the hearing. Mr. Blais said it deals with "community personalities", and felt it should be handled in Executive Session. Mr. Nardelli said he wished this request had been made known before it was given to the newspaper, but he would not oppose the request. Mr. Szymanski also announced that Mr. William Moore, of the Chittenden Trust Co. would like to speak to the Council on November 8, 1971 at 7 o'clock regarding short-term borrowing by the City. The Council members agreed to ask Mr. Moors to make his presentation on that date. Mr. Nardelli suggested that a member of the School Board be invited to attend. READING OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1971 Mr. Steans asked if there were any corrections to be made to the Minutes. Mr. Szymanski referred to Page 3, Line 4, and suggested that the word "Highway" be added after the word "State" to read "State Highway Department". Mr. Blais moved to accept the Minutes of October 18, 1971 with the correction noted by Mr. Szymanski. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting was adjourned. SIGN CONTRACT WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PETER BERGH FOR PREPARATION OF DETAILED PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RED ROCKS PARK Mr. Szymanski said he has reviewed the contract which amounts to $10,000 plus expenses. This contract would cover complete plans and specifications for the whole project which was submitted to B.O.R., estimated total cost to be approximately $250,000., and will cover site supervision only on the $105,000. phase of the project. Mr. Blais stated a second contract would be drawn for site supervision for the remaining phase of the contract when it has B.O.R. approval. Mr. Nardelli questioned the idea of "plus expenses" and said he thinks the contract should be limited to $10,000. Mr. Blais explained that the expense clause in the contract was a normal one and provided for reproduction of plans and specifications and other authorized expenses. Mr. Nardelli moved that the Chairman of the Council execute the contract as one. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Szymanski requested that the Council approve a note for $15,000 at 3% interest to be drawn against the city's $25,000 share in order to start the Red Rocks Project. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that Mr. Szymanski's request for approval of a note for $15,000 at 3% interest to be drawn against the City's share of $25,000, to proceed with the Red Rocks Project be granted. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. READING OF A RESOLUTION PROHIBITING PARKING ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF SPEAR STREET FROM WILLISTON ROAD TO F.A.I. 189 AND ALONG THE EAST SIDE FROM WILLISTON ROAD TO THE COLONEL CROOKS RESIDENCE RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the South Burlington City Council to approve the recommendation of the Acting City Manager, dated October 29, 1971 as attached hereto, as follows: 1. That "No Parking" signs be installed along the west side of Spear Street from Williston Road to F.A.I. 189. 2. That "No Parking" signs be installed on the east side of Spear Street from Williston Road to the Colonel Crooks residence. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that appropriate signs designating these No Parking areas be installed by the Acting City Manager. This resolution shall take effect on passage. Approved __________, 1971 Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman Frederick G. Blais Walter Nardelli Doctor H. P. Brown, Jr. Kenneth W. Jarvis SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Chairman Stearns read the foregoing Resolution and noted that it has the approval of Mr. Szymanski, Acting City Manager and Police Chief Carter. Mr. Blais moved to adopt the Resolution as read. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. Copy of this Resolution is filed with these Minutes. REVIEW AND APPROVE THE DESCRIPTION OF THE DUTIES OF THE NEWLY FORMED PARK, BEACH AND RECREATION, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND FINE ARTS COMMITTEES Discussion centered on a report prepared and distributed by Mr. Blais which pertained to job descriptions of the three newly formed committees. He indicated that Mrs. Bull and Mrs. Schuele have submitted their comments. Mr. Nardelli asked if the budget will be submitted by one director. Mr. Blais said it would be submitted by one director but there would be three different budgets. Miss Marsh questioned this but Mr. Stearns explained that the committees can only spend what has been budgeted for this year and in January, when work on the new budget begins, they will make recommendations on expenditures for the coming year. Mr. Nerdelli felt the Director's job description should be studied and recommended that the matter be tabled until this was done. Discussion followed and a motion was made by Mr. Blais, that the Natural Resources, Fine Arts, and the Park, Beach and Recreation Committees be authorized to operate temporarily under the charges dated October 25, 1971. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Nardelli referred to Page 2 on each report and asked that instead of reading: "submit program and budget to the City Manager", that it be changed to read:"submit program and budget to the director". DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTING A SEMI-PERMANENT HOCKEY RINK IN THE CLEARING OVER THE SEWER EASEMENT SOUTH OF THE FIRE STATION ON DORSET STREET Mr. Breen informed the Council that he had discussed the idea of a hockey rink in the area south of the Fire Station with Mr. Godin, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director and he is most anxious to see this location made available for the hockey season. Mr. Godin felt it was an excellent choice since vandalism would be reduced by having the Police Department close by. Mr. Breen stated that, if the width could be increased by ten feet, the site would be adequate for hockey and he proposed cutting in 10 feet to the right, which is city property and building a permanent hockey rink. Lights would be required and he told the Council that Green Mountain Power Corp. has donated the poles for the lights, six of which are required and he believes something can be worked out with Green Mountain Power to put up the poles and lights for the city. He noted there is $300 in the budget for increased skating facilities at Chamberlain School but does not think this is needed now that skating has been provided in Jaycee Park and suggested that amount could be used toward the installation of the hockey rink which he estimated would cost $400. Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Breen if the School Board is going to contribute anything to this project. Mr. Stearns noted that the School Department has scheduled rink time at the University and felt they should contribute something to this. Mr. Thomas Racine, Vice President of the Burlington Amateur Hockey, pointed out that this project is being referred to as a hockey rink, but it will be used for city skating. Mr. Stearns said it will be the South Burlington Recreation Department's rink and if funds can be obtained from the School Department it would be most helpful. Mr. Nardelli suggested that the Natural Resources Committee work on it and see what they can come up with. Mrs. Bull said she would bring it up at their committee meeting on Thursday night, November 4. Mr. Szymanski reported that Mr. Deslaurier has given right-of-way to the City. Mr. Breen said the rink will be open on each end for access by the City. Mr. Blais made a motion that, unless there is specific disagreement by the Natural Resources Committee, the Park, Beach and Recreation Committee be authorised to proceed with the installation of a hockey rink next to the Fire Station, subject to obtaining an easement for a right-of-way from Roland Deslauriers in writing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and approved unanimously. INTERVIEW WITH RALPH W. WARD FOR THE POSSIBLE POSITION OF ASSISTANT CODE AND ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER Mr. Ward was interviewed by the council. Mr. Blais asked him to explain what an "environmental scout" could do for South Burlington. Mr. Ward said he had talked to Dr. Gluck who is not enthusiastic about the many things he is called upon to do, and felt he could take over some of the work now handled by the Health Officer and Sanitation Officer. He said an environmental control officer would be knowledgeable about statutes and be able to enforce them; that Potash Brook is a "running sewer and nothing is being done about it; he could bring the problems before the community and tell them what would be an effective way to deal with them. Mr. Szymanski asked him if he would do building inspection and Mr. Ward replied that he would. The Council thanked Mr. Ward for his remarks. SANCTION APPROVAL OF USE VARIANCE GRANTED ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1971 BY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - JERRY DODD, VICTORY PROPERTY, 1516 WILLISTON ROAD. Mr. Ward explained that a use variance was required by the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the erection of a display home which will be prefabricated in two sections; the 24 x 48 building, would be set back 40 feet from the street and used as a model for home sales. There is to be a 40 foot lawn in front, with parking in the rear to be black-topped. Mr. Nardelli took exception to the 40 foot setback, calling attention to the present statute which calls for a 75 foot setback. Mr. Victory said it was intended to line the building up with the other homes in the area, and he has given a one year lease to the party erecting the building. Mr. Blais recommended that a $1,000 bond for landscaping be posted. Mr. Stearns asked Mr. Ward if he is satisfied that all conditions have been met and also requested that plan to have a forty foot lawn in the front of the building be in writing. Mr. Ward said he likes the idea Mr. Blais submitted requiring a landscaping bond and he is satisfied that all conditions have been met. The Zoning Board of Adjustment approved the request with the stipulation that it conforms to all residential requirements regarding landscaping and that it be reviewed at the end of one year. Mr. Blais made a motion that the Council concur in ratifying the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment that the request be allowed, with the stipulations imposed by the Zoning Board, plus the posting of a $1,000 bond to assure landscaping requirements are met. Mr. Brown seconded the motion and it was approved with Walter, Nardelli voting against the motion. BOARD OF CIVIL AUTHORITY BALLOT PREPARATION FUNDING Mr. Nardelli asked why this would not be a secretarial job, to prepare ballots, rather than a function of the Board of Civil Authority. Miss Marsh explained that control of the ballots is the responsibility of the Board. Mr. Nardelli moved that the request for funds be granted to the Board of Civil Authority for ballot preparation. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. PANEL DISCUSSION NOVEMBER 8, 1971 AT UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT Chairman Stearns informed the Council that he has been asked to join a panel of other community representatives regarding community problems by the Women of the University of Vermont on November 8, 1971 at 7:30 P. M. at the Given Memorial Building. RICHLAND LETTER ON NOISE POLLUTION Chairman Stearns requested that this item be deferred until the next meeting on November 8. There was unanimous agreement. AIRPORT TAXATION DISCUSSION WITH BURLINGTON AIRPORT COMMISSION Mr. Nardelli moved to go into Executive Session regarding airport taxation and discussion with the Burlington Airport Commission. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P. M. AIRPORT TAXES The Councilmen adjourned the Executive Session and reconvened in regular session at 10:30 P.M. Mr. Blais made a motion to pass the following resolution. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and the vote was in the affirmative with Mr. Nardelli casting a negative vote. WHEREAS, the City of South Burlington indicates its interest in encouraging continued local controls and ownership, the City of South Burlington offers the City of Burlington through the Airport Commission, a Tax Stablization Contract for ten years in the amount of $20,000 tax payment per year, plus a three percent (3%) incremental increase, each year, after the first year. FURTHERMORE, the City of South Burlington requests one (1) South Burlington Representative be placed on the Airport Commission with full privileges and rights equal to all other members on the Commission. On motion duly made, seconded, and so passed the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.