HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/27/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 27, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting at the Central School, Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Thursday, May 27, 1971, at 4 P.M., persuant to a WAIVER OF NOTICE, signed by the Council and affixed to these minutes. Chairman Stearns convened the meeting at 4 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais, Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr. and Kenneth W. Jarvis. MEMBERS ABSENT Walter Nardelli OTHERS PRESENT Police Chief Richard Carter, Zoning Administrator Ward, Fire Chief Monell, and Superintendent of Public Works Frank Clark. APPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING COMMISSION AND ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr. Blais made a motion to appoint Dr. Brown to the Planning Commission as the Council's appointee for a one year term, and Mr. Jarvis to the Zoning Board of Adjustment as an ex-officio member. Motion seconded by Dr. Brown and passed unanimously. PROCLAMATION RE: ANNA STEBBINS DAY Chairman Stearns read the following proclamation: "In recognition of forty-six years of devoted service to education - thirty-one of them at Central School in South Burlington including twenty-six years as Principal; the Council of the City of South Burlington does hereby designate June 2, 1971 as ANNA STEBBINS DAY in South Burlington, and encourages its citizenry to engage in a proper observance thereof. Signed by the City Council PROCLAMATION RE; ANNA STEBBINS DAY, CONTINUED Mr. Blais made a motion to approve the proclamation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jarvis and passed unanimously. Chairman Stearns reminded those present that Miss Stebbins would be honored at the Middle School, on Wednesday night, June 2, 1971 with a dinner to be held at 6:00 P.M., and all were welcome to attend. SIGN RENEWAL NOTES Chairman Stearns reviewed the notes to be considered by the Council as follows: Town Office Building Note $4,530.16 6 mo. Sewer Construction, Phase IV $24,500.00 6 mo. Red Rocks $48,000.00 6 mo. Anticipation Water Dept. Bond $50,000.00 1 yr. Fire Department $180,000.00 6 mo. Mr. Blais motioned to approve and sign the notes. Motion seconded by Doctor Brown and passed unanimously. Mr. Jarvis made a motion to adjourn the special meeting and proceed with a tour of the City's physical plants. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. APPROVED Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.