HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/04/1971BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MAY 4, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, on Monday, May 4, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais, and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Charlotte C. Marsh, William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer, Fire Chief Monell, Code Officer Ward, Reporter George Lambert, Remi Gratton and Richard H. Wiemann of Wright & Morrissey, Inc.; John McKenzie from Berard Construction Company, and Captain George Smith, South Burlington Volunteer Fireman. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 27, 1970 MEETING On a motion made by Mr. Premo, seconded by Mr. Stearns, and voted unanimously, the Selectmen approved the minutes of the April 27, 1970 meeting as read. LETTER FROM MRS. WALTER O. ANDERSON Chairman Behney read in full a letter, dated May 4, 1970, from Mrs. Walter O. Anderson, in which Mrs. Anderson expressed her appreciation to the Board for its action in adopting a resolution on the death of her husband, Walter, a former Town Manager of South Burlington. CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF STREET IN LAUREL HILL SOUTH - YANDOW Town Manager Janes presented a quit-claim deed, as prepared by Town Attorney Ewing, for acceptance of a connector street in Laurel Hill South. Town Engineer Szymanski explained the location of the street and recommended acceptance. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to accept the deed as recommended by the Town Attorney. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and voted unanimously. SIGN STATE AID RETREATMENT APPLICATION FORM FOR DORSET STREET Town Engineer Szymanski explained that the town had exprected to receive $14,000 in state aid for the retreatment of Dorset Street, but will get only $10,000. He said this would cover the leveling and retreatment of just part of the street. Chairman Behney suggested that we see how much we can do after bids are received and then we could discuss the possibility of using surplus sewer funds to complete the job. The Board members agreed and signed the State-Aid Retreatment application. SELECTMEN'S NEWSLETTER Mr. Pizzagalli reported that the people interested in working on the Newsletter were meeting on Tuesday, May 5, 1970, and would have recommendations on implementation by next Monday. Mr. Premo detailed headings and formats he had prepared for such a Newsletter, and asked about the printing and cost of the project. Chairman Behney remarked that the Committee meeting on May 5, 1970, would undoubtedly explore all the angles. NEW AGENDA ITEM - RENTAL OF TOWN SWEEPER - TO OTHER COMMUNITIES Town Manager Janes presented a sample agreement form prepared by Mr. Szymanski for use if the Board approved the rental of the town sweeper to other communities. Mr. Janes also said that commercial establishments, such as shopping centers, parking lots, and apartment complexes had also expressed interest in renting the sweeper. After discussion, the Selectmen decided to act only on the rental of the sweeper to other communities, and consider the commercial rental later on in the meeting. Mr. Blais motioned that the Town Manager and Town Engineer be authorized to enter into agreements with other municipalities for rental of the sweeper, at a commercial rate, with such agreements to be reviewed by the Board annually. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. REVIEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING BIDS Chairman Behney said that 2 bidders of the Public Safety Building were asked to attend the meeting and present figures they had arrived at after reviewing their bids, in an effort to reduce the cost. Mr. John McKenzie from Berard's Construction Company presented a list of deductions from the original bid of $105,360.00 amounting to $15,343.00 and explained the items that would be deleted or reduced in scope. Mr. Pizzagalli questioned Mr. McKenzie as to whether or not his company proposed to use an architect, saying there should be complete plans, signed by a registered architect. Mr. McKenzie said that Berard's architect was Mr. Gordon Woods from St. Johnsbury, who was used just for supervision. REVIEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING BIDS, CONTINUED Mr. McKenzie was thanked for his presentation and the Board next consulted with Mr. Remi Gratton and Richard Wiemann, Architect, from Wright and Morrissey Construction Company, who presented a list of deductions from the original bid of $110,000.00 which amounted to $10,000.00. Mr. Blais asked Mr. Gratton if his company proposed to use Mr. Wiemann as architect on the job. Mr. Gratton said yes, he would have the final say. Mr. Janes asked if Mr. Wiemann would be the town's architect. Mr. Gratton said, "in a sense yes". Mr. Premo asked if the firm would reduce the cost further, if it was feasible, as it went along with the construction. Mr. Gratton said "yes". Architect Wiemann wondered if both bidders were including the price of an architect. Mr. Behney said "Yes, to a degree". The Wright and Morrissey Construction people were thanked for their presentation and the Selectmen decided to go into Executive Session after the meeting to further discuss the Public Safety Building. CRIME COMMISSION APPLICATIONS Town Manager Janes presented copies of two letters of intent prepared by Police Chief Carter requesting federal funds to assist in the implementation of new divisions within the town police department, one dealing with the creation of a Juvenile Division and the other to deal with interrelated problems of Narcotics Abuse. Mr. Janes said the copies were submitted to the Selectmen so they could study them. POLICE AND FIRE DISPATCHING FOR TOWN OF SHELBURNE Town Manager Janes reported that Cheif Carter had decided on a price of $7,410.00 for police dispatching for the town of Shelburne for 1970-71, and Fire Chief Monell had decided on a price of $1,000.00 for Fire Department dispatching for the same town for fiscal 70-71. He said the matter was still up in the air. Chairman Behney remarked that we did plan on the revenue (for the P.D. dispatching), that this was administrative business and the Town Manager should continue the negotiating. FINANCES FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Town Manager Janes said the Town Clerk, Mrs. Paquin, had consulted with the bond expert from the Chittenden Trust Company in regard to how to finance the Fire Department expenditures at this time, and had been advised not to borrow any funds until they are needed. It was agreed that when the money was needed Mr. Janes would request the Town Treasurer to prepare the paper work for the Selectmen's signatures. RENTAL OF TOWN SWEEPER BY COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS After the Selectmen agreed that business establishments outside the community of South Burlington would not be considered, Mr. Stearns made a motion to instruct the Town Manager and Town Engineer to enter into arrangements within the Town of South Burlington with commercial establishments for rental of the street sweeper when not needed on local streets, for a commercial rate. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed with Mr. Pizzagalli abstaining from voting. MR. ALBERT LAMSON - RESIGNATION FROM PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Chairman Behney read in full a letter from Mr. Albert Lamson, in which Mr. Lamson tendered his resignation from the Park and Recreation Committee to be effective immediately. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept Mr. Lamson's resignation with regret and noted Mr. Lamson's many years of dedication to the Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and it passed unanimously. SOURCE OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR SOUTH BURLINGTON Selectman Premo, for the benefit of the two new Selectmen, Mr. Blais and Mr. Pizzagalli, recapped his past efforts to obtain funds for a Computor System for South Burlington. He read from an answer he had received that stated, in essence, that our community is not in a priority area, and suggested other sources of funds for South Burlington. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Mr. Pizzagalli asked the Town Manager if he had any ideas for changes in the Town's accounting system. Mr. Janes enumerated the areas he had already explored in an effort to revise the accounting system. Mr. Pizzagalli suggested that he might want to consult with Mr. Gallagher from Thompson, Prahl and Kelley's, the town's auditing firm. Mr. Janes was instructed to ask the Town Attorney if it was necessary for the disbursement orders to be signed by the Selectmen. APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF LISTERS Mr. Premo made a motion to appoint Mr. Walter Nardelli to the South Burlington Board of Listers to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Leopole Racicot. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. GRIEVANCE DAY Town Manager Janes reported that Grievance Day has been set for June 15, 1970. HIGHWAY SIGNS AND TRAFFIC ITEMS Town Manager Janes presented the Selectmen with 3 lists prepared by Officer Mullen of the Police-Department for review as follows: 1. Highway signs needed on town roads. 2. Proposed changes in the town traffic ordinance. 3. Proposed changes in traffic patterns and controls. The Selectmen expressed interest in the above and also in specific locations. Mr. Stearns suggested that Mr. Janes get a price tag on the implementation of the items listed before it is put on the agenda. Town Manager Janes said he would do this. On a motion made by Mr. Blais and seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, the Board voted unanimously to go into Executive Session at 9:43 P.M., came out of Executive Session at 11:02 and resumed the regular meeting. DECISION - BIDS ON FIRE HOUSE CONSTRUCTION It was moved by Mr. Premo that we name Wright and Morrissey, Inc., as the apparent successful bidder, subject to consultation by the Town Manager with Wright and Morrissey to determine whether Wright & Morrissey can build the project for $95,000.00 or less, staying within our outline plans, and subject further to approval of financing arrangements, utilizing to the fullest extent possible the comcept of "creative financing". He further moved that a committee be named to negotiate and consult with the contractor and it's architect, said committee to consist of William J. Szymanski, Frederick G. Blais, Mr. Janes, Town Manager; and Chief Melvin Monell, and further moved that the Town Manager report on the outcome of this meeting with Wright & Morrissey at a special meeting of the Board of Selectmen no later than Friday, May 8, 1970. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns. Discussion in support of the motion by Mr. Premo was as follows: The decision was based on the plan, facts, architectural support, and proposed assistance to the town by Wright and Morrissey. It appears that both firms would agree to reductions in the original bids by having the town perform certain tasks which were part of the original plan. Wright & Morrissey's Vice-President indicated complete willingness to review each item of the plan along with the architect to a greater degree than Berard Construction Company. After the discussion Chairman Behney called for a vote which was unanimous in favor of the motion. Filed with and made a part of these minutes is a compilation of the original bids and a summary of the bid opening motion by Town Manager Janes. On a motion made by Mr. Stearns and seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, the Selectmen voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 P.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.