HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/22/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 22, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting at the South Burlington Middle School Library on Monday, March 22, 1971, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Behney opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Charles H. Behney, Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT City Manager Janes, City Engineer Szymanski, Fire Chief Monell, Code Officer Ward, Police Chief Carter, Superintendent of Public Works Frank Clark, Security Chief Fred Barrett of the University, Proctor Lovell of U. V. M., Charlotte C. Marsh, Mrs. Barbara Bull, Mr. Thomas Irwin, Mr. Arnold Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark from Elsom Pkwy., Mr. Dennis Johnson, Mr. Franklyn McCaffrey, Mrs. Nan Froymeyer, Mrs. Patricia Fastiggi, and Mr. George G. Smith. MINUTES TO READ - MARCH 1, 1971 On motion made by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Premo, and unanimously voted, the minutes of the March 1, 1971 meeting were approved as read. DISBURSEMENTS TO BE SIGNED Chairman Behney reminded the Councilmen that the Disbursement Orders were on the table for approval and signing before the end of the meeting. PARKING ON SPEAR STREET City Manager Janes introduced Mr. Proctor Lovell, Business Manager of U.V.M., and Mr. Fred Barrett, University Chief of Security, to the Councilmen and those present. Chairman Behney then explained that Mr. Lovell and Mr. Barrett were invited to the meeting to discuss solutions to problems caused by the parking on Spear Street that is generated by University events at the Patrick gym. City Manager Janes said that previously Police Chief Carter recommended Spear Street be designated a "No Parking" area from Williston Road to Swift Street. The Manager said he agreed with the recommendation as he feels the City needs positive controls. Chief Carter then reported that he had received no complaints about parking during the most recent three or four events held at the gym, and Mr. Lovell and Chief Barrett outlined the steps that they took to alleviate the conditions that caused the complaints. Chief Carter also noted that under our traffic ordinances, the City Manager has the authority to control parking, and also that mobile "No Parking" signs can be installed for special occasions and the Police Department could then enforce the temporary "No Parking" ban. The Councilmen pointed out to the representatives from the University their feelings, specifically that it was up to the University, not the City, to resolve the problem. Councilman Blais said the College was growing, expanding its facilities, dorms, etc., and his impression was that our City was not being kept informed. He questioned if the College was planning on providing the needed parking places for the additional facilities. PARKING ON SPEAR STREET, CONTINUED Mr. Premo asked if the Zoning Administrator was being kept informed of University planning, and Mr. Lovell said that when the expansion was in the South Burlington area, permits were obtained and plans left on file. Mr. Lovell and Security Chief Barrett said that extra help has been hired to help control the traffic at the gym area, and there then was a general discussion on the development of more parking spaces there. Mr. Lovell said they were working on plans to expand the parking area, but pointed out that people wanted to park close to the place in which the event was taking place, that people would have to be educated to park and then walk. Mr. Stearns said this was common on any other campus he had occasion to attend affairs at, and said people would have to accept the fact. Miss Marsh, Mr. McCaffrey and Chief Carter mentioned university property that could be converted to parking areas. Mr. Lovell replied that every aspect of the growth, including parking, was being planned and investigated, and the City of South Burlington would be kept informed of all developments. Chairman Blais asked that as soon as it was feasible the Planners from the College should get together with our Planning Commission and give us a forecast of the planning. Chairman Behney again mentioned the importance of keeping South Prospect Street and Spear Street open at all times for entry of emergency vehicles. Mr. Lovell said the University was cooperating in every way that it could to resolve any problems and would continue to do so. PARKING ON SPEAR STREET, CONTINUED Councilman Blais suggested that the matter be considered again at the meeting of Monday, April 19, 1971. NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE - MRS. BARBARA BULL AND MR. THOMAS IRWIN Mrs. Bull and Mr. Irwin expressed their concern over damage and misuse occurring in the 38 acre Nature Laboratory, the woods between the Middle and High Schools. They wondered how use of the area could be controlled, especially in the area of vehicles, mini-bikes, jeeps, etc., and Mr. Irwin mentioned the number of pupils who are benefiting from the classes held in the laboratory. After discussing numerous methods of controlling entrance into the woods the Councilmen and Mrs. Bull and Mr. Irwin seemed agreed that the area should be fenced, but Mrs. Bull and Mr. Irwin were advised to bring the matter to the attention of the School Directors as well as getting legal opinions on what can legally be done. Chairman Behney said that the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee has been charged to designate areas for use of mini-bikes, snow-mobiles, bicycles, etc., and said there was a definite need for these areas now. PHASE IV SEWER - WM. J. SZYMANSKI City Engineer Szymanski referred to a letter from Webster-Martin with an estimated cost of sewering the Lower Red Rocks Area, noting a difference of $12,240, between the contractor's proposal and the Engineers' estimate. Mr. Szymanski's recommendation was to put the work out to bid. Mr. Blais made a motion to go to bid for this work as recommended by Webster-Martin, Inc. and City Engineer Szymanski. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PHASE IV SEWER - WM. J. SZYMANSKI, CONTINUED City Engineer Szymanski explained that Mr. Ward and Mr. Ewing have negotiated an easement on the Pettingill property on Shelburne Road which necessitates the sleeving of the sewer pipe. He pointed out that we have allowed this in the past, and it will cost the city less if it is done, and recommended approval. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept the City Engineer's recommendation in this regard. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. FIRST READING OF WEIGHT LIMIT ORDINANCE City Engineer Szymanski informed the Councilmen that when the town became a city, the city automatically went to a set load limit on the roads, which are presently posted as for state highways, and our streets are presently posted at 24,000. He said that companies can request permits for travel with loads that will exceed what the new ordinance will call for. Chairman Behney then read the Weight Limit Ordinance in full. Mr. Premo made a motion to approve this first reading and advertise it for a second reading. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. STREET NAME CHANGE - ELSOM PARKWAY SOUTH There was a general discussion on the need to change the name of that portion of Elsom Parkway located off Hinesburg Road. Fire Chief Monell recommended that there be a complete change in the name instead of an addition, such as South or Extension, to the present name. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, residents of the street, agreed with the Chief. STREET NAME CHANGE - ELSOM PARKWAY SOUTH Councilman Blais made a motion to table the item and to consider a total change at a future meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. SET DATE OF BUDGET HEARING Chairman Behney pointed out that the date of the public budget hearing should be set by the Council, and said that according to the Charter the last date it can be held would be April 8, 1971. Mr. Blais made a motion to set the date of Thursday, April 8, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. in the High School Auditorium, as the date and place for the Public Budget Hearing to be held. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. JAYCEE PARK AGREEMENT - COUNCIL DISCUSSION Chairman Behney told the Council and those present that the original Jaycee Park development agreement had been voided because HUD regulations necessitated all applications for assistance be in the municipality's name, and a new agreement has never been drawn up. Mr. Blais made a motion that the Council agrees the Jaycees shall have the right and responsibility to develop, with its resources and Federal and State funding, the plan for the Jaycee Park as approved by the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee and the City Council, subject to a December 31, 1972 termination date. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Mr. Stearns then remarked he felt this was an excellent charge for a group such as the Jaycees. JAYCEE PARK AGREEMENT - COUNCIL DISCUSSION, CONTINUED Chairman Behney explained that it was the intent of the motion to fulfill the intention of the Jaycees to complete the development of the park without cost to the town. COUNCIL TO PASS A RESOLUTION RE: VELCO OPTION Mr. Stearns made a motion to adopt the following resolution: R E S O L U T I O N RESOLVED: That the City give an option for the conveyance to Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. of a parcel of land owned by the city, bounded on the north and west by Queen City Park Road and Central Avenue, and on the east by the Vermont Railway for a total purchase price of $50,000, with a down payment of $5,000.00 as the option consideration, and that the members of the Council be authorized to execute said Option Agreement. RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of said Option be attached to the minutes of the meeting and expressly made a part hereof. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. APPOINTMENT - CITY SERVICE OFFICER Mr. Premo made a motion to appoint City Manager Janes as City Service Officer for the year April 15, 1971 to April 14, 1972. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. DEPARTMENT REPORTS TO REVIEW The Council accepted the department reports for February, and Councilman Stearns asked the Code Officer if the violations in zoning were being corrected, and Mr. Ward replied that Grand Juror Fayette expected to resume work on the violations after April 19, 1971. AGENDA OF APRIL 5, 1971 - GREEN-UP DAY Chairman Behney announced that the Council would discuss its concurrance for use of Town Equipment on Green-Up Day. MISS MARSH - ANNOUNCEMENT RE: THE LATE HIRAM F. TILLEY Miss Marsh asked that it be made a matter of record that on Friday, January 15, 1971, the Vermont Journal of the House contained the following: "Memorial Services Conducted - The Speaker placed before the House the following list of members of past sessions of the Vermont General Assembly who had passed away recently". Hiram F. Tilley of South Burlington, Member of the House in 1931, was among those listed. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Blais made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. Approved Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.