HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/21/1971CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING June 21, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road at 8 P. M. on June 21, 1971. Mr. Stearns, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman; Frederick G. Blais; Walter Nardelli; Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr.; Kenneth Jarvis. OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, Acting City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Fire Chief Monell; Frank Clark, Superintendent of Public Works; Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept.; Mrs. Nan Frymoyer and Mrs. Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Voters of South Burlington; George G. Smith; Richard Backul; William Lendoziski; Everett R. Allen; Frank C. McCaffrey; Maurice F. Senesac; Judith R. Dunlop; Charlotte C. Marsh; David Cleary. The City Council meeting was adjourned and the Liquor Control Board was convened to consider, approve and sign the application for a license for Martin's Store in the University Mall. After the approval was signed Mr. Blais made a motion to adjourn the Liquor Control Board meeting and reconvene the City Council meeting. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. The City Council meeting was reconvened at 8:15 P. M. Mr. Stearns announced that he would like to set the tone for this meeting and for future meetings by submitting the following from "Positive Negatives" by Abraham Lincoln: 1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. 2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. 3. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. 4. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. 5. You cannot help the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-pay er. 6. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income. 7. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. 9. You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. 10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. Mr. Stearns added that, if discussion became lengthy either by the Council or by anyone in attendance, he would limit the discussion in order to cover all items on the agenda. MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 1971 Mr. Stearns asked if there were any corrections to be made to the Minutes of June 14, 1971. Mr. Nardelli requested that the following sentence on Page 2 be deleted, since it has no meaning and is out of context: "It was also noted that the increase in appraisal equals the decrease in the tax rate over last year". Mr. Blais made a motion that the Minutes of June 14, 1971 be accepted with the deletion of the sentence requested by Mr. Nardelli. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed by the Council before the meeting adjourned. ADDED TO THE AGENDA Discussion on Janitor Service in City Hall Building for Meetings Rental of Office in City Hall by Champlain Water District Resolution by Walter Nardelli Honoring High School Study of Stabilized Tax Rate for Farms and Open Spaces Walter Nardelli Study of Homestead Exemption for Persons over 65 Discussion of Conflict of Interest in Appointments to Commissions APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS Mr. Blais said he felt discussion pertaining to individuals being considered for appointments should be made in private session so as not to offend anyone and he made a motion that this item be delaved to the last item on the agenda, at which time the Council would go into executive session to consider these appointments. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. JAY HAWTHORNE'S PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT ASSESSOR A copy of Mr. Hawthorne's letter of June 5, 1971 to Mr. Janes and copy of Mr. Richard Underwood's letter of June 21, 1971 to Chairman Stearns are attached to these minutes. Mr. Jarvis questioned if there is money in the budget for this item. Mr. Stearns stated that there is money and explained that Mr. Janes had recommended that Jay Hawthorne be retained on a consultant basis for at least the first year to maintain the system of property appraisals. Mr. Underwood agreed with Mr. Janes in his letter of June 21, 1971. Mr. Blais felt that once the appraisal is complete and appeals are heard, with Mr. Underwood's exposure to it, the format should not be too difficult to follow. Mr. Nardelli said he does not see the need for one year's time but does see a need for perhaps one-half year. Mr. Blais recommended that the matter be tabled until more information from Mr. Hawthorn and Mr. Underwood is obtained. In response to a question from a citizen regarding grievances, Mr. Ward answered that anyone whose grievance has not been recognized should file a complaint in writing and it will be taken care of. DECISION ON FIRE TRUCK AT QUEEN CITY PARK RE: CHIEF MONELL'S RECOMMENDATION OF 6/9/71 Chief Monell explained that the Prudential Committee of the Fire District in Queen Gity Park has requested that the City of South Burlington finance the maintenance and heating of the building housing the fire engine, cost of which would approximate $250 per year. Chief Monell recommended that the truck be returned to the Central Station, he does not approve of the expenditure of $250 a year. It will not decrease the effectiveness in fighting fires in Queen City Park by not having the engine there, he stated, and can adequately cover Queen City Park from the Central Fire Station. Mr. $$urice Senesac, representing the Fire District, stated that the District would like to vote on whether or not they want to finance the upkeep of the building and retain the truck there or return it to the Central Station. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that we follow the recommendations as stated in Chief Monell's letter of June 9, 1971 that the truck from Queen City Park area be brought to the Central Fire Station on Dorset Street where it will be properly maintained until some future date at which time Chief Monell will propose to the Council what to do with this pumper. There was no second to this motion. Further discussion followed and Chief Monell commented that he does not feel the Fire District has any control over this fire truck; however, Chairman Stearns explained that tradition has been that the Fire District has this equipment and they do not want it taken from them. If this fire truck does not come back to the Central Station, Chairman Stearns said he believes the Council should disclaim any responsibility for it and it should not be a part of the South Burlington fire fighting system. Mr. Nardelli withdrew his motion. Mr. Blais made a motion that South Burlington shall not subsidize the Queen City Park Fire Department engine and that if the Fire District should elect not to subsidize it that the fire truck shall be returned to the Central Fire Department forthwith. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. SOUTH BURLINGTON JAYCEES REQUEST FOR FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION PERMIT Chief Monell said he would make an inspection of the site, that he has a special application form to be filled out by applicants for these celebrations and requested the names of other groups who have or will be applying for these permits. Mr. Stearns gave the names of the Burlington Tennis Club, Laurel Bill Association and Charles Ordway and said all approvals given are subject to the inspection and approval of the Fire Chief. Mr. Jarvis made a motion that the request of the South Burlington Jaycess for a Fourth of July celebration be approved, subject to the safety requirements and inspection by the Fire Chief. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. RED ROCKS INSURANCE AND DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL A copy of Bergh's letter of June 8, 1971 to Mr. Janes outlining the scope of services and cost is attached to these minutes. Mr. Stearns explained that, if this proposal is acceptable, the city would enter into an agreement drawn up by the City Attorney. Mr. Blais said he does not feel the city should adopt this proposal until BOR approval is received. Mr. Nardelli agreed with him. Mr. Stearns informed the Council that the Recreation Department would like some authorization to pay for Mr. Bergh's services to date. Mr. Blais said he would like to see any action on the matter tabled until BOR funding is approved. Mr. Stearns asked if the Council wished to authorize Mr. Szymanski to write to Mr. Bergh expressing pleasure with what he has outlined thus far and if BOR funding is received (which is expected in two or three weeks) and Mr. Forest Orr cooperates, the City will consider a written agreement. All members of the Council agreed to this. RECYCLING - FRANK CLARK Mr. Clark outlined the purposes of recycling which are: (1) saving the environment; (2) conserving natural resources; (3) extending the life of the landfill area. Approximately 6% going into the landfill now is glass; 23% cardboard; 50% newspaper. The forecast for the landfill area now is 15 years but he believes the life can be extended by 11 years with a recycling program. He stated that a meeting is being held on Wednesday night, June 23, in the parking lot of the Middle School for test purposes. Boy Scouts will be there to assist. The first collection will be Saturday of this week in the same place and will continue for four Saturdays when they will stop and evaluate the program. Glass must be separated into colors, there is no profit involved since the cost of transportation absorbs the payment of one cent a pound received but he feels the advantage is in extending the life of the landfill area. Mr. Stearns commented that to be successful it must have the cooperation of the citizens rather than passing ordinances making it compulsory and he hopes many associations and groups, such as the League of Women Voters will get involved to help support it. He requested that Mr. Clark give a report on the progress of this venture at the next Council meeting. SUB-DIVISION REGULATIONS - RICHARD WARD Mr. Ward said Mr. Terrance Boyle has started work on Sub-Division Regulations but has no target date. Furthermore, he said the Planning Commission does not have sufficient time to consider them for any length of time with their regular agenda. Mr. Blais said he doesn't want to get serious about zoning changes until Sub-Division Regulations are complete and suggested that the Planning Commission, through their consultant, give the Council a target date. Mr. Stearns indicated the Council is within its rights to get a target date of Zoning Ordinances and Sub-Division Regulations and asked Dr. Brown, as representative of the Council at the Planning Commission meetings, to present a report on this subject at the next Council meeting. MR. SZYMANSKI'S REPORT ON THE POLICE DEPT, OFFICE MOVE Mr. Szymanski reported that the Regional Planning Commission would like to have the building now occupied by the Police Department. Chief Carter has set a target date of August 1st for the move and the telephone warning circuits are now in process of being transferred. Mr. Stearns said he would like it made clear regarding expenditures on this project that Chief Carter recommends, the City Council approves and Mr. Szymanski implements. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S LETTER It was agreed that since this was a personal matter it should be brought up in executive session. NEED OF JANITOR FOR MEETINGS Mr. Blais said the agreement the Council had with the School Department is that the janitor is to keep the building in the same degree of cleanliness as the school is kept. After discussion it was agreed that Mr. Szymanski will advise Mr. John Lucas that the City does not require a janitor to stand by during meetings. Mr. Szymanski was requested to see that the windows and doors are locked at the end of the meeting. CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT OFFICE RENTAL Mr. Blais informed the Council that he is being asked by the Champlain Water District what is going to be done to their room. Mr. Szymanski said he would investigate this matter by letter. RESOLUTION HONORING HIGH SCHOOL FOR ATHLETIC PROGRAM RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL HONORING SOUTH BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL WHEREAS, South Burlington High School has distinguished itself by the following outstanding accomplishments in its athletic program: A. DIVISION II STATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM B. CLASS L STATE BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM C. STATE TITLE FOR GIRLS' GYMNASTICS TEAM NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Burlington City Council, on behalf of all the people of the City of South Burlington, proudly salutes the South Burlington High School and its Athletic Department in producing these Championship Teams. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a true copy of this resolution be forwarded to the South Burlington School Board. Approved: June 14, 1971 A TRUE COPY ATTEST: Walter Nardelli, Clerk of the Council Mr. Blais made a motion that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. STABILIZED TAX RATE FOR FARMS AND OPEN SPACES and HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FOR PERSONS OVER 65 - Investigation requested by Mr. Nardelli Mr. Nardelli stated he would like to have Mr. Underwood have available for the next Council meeting the following information on these two subjects to assist the Council in its discussion: 1. What properties would be affected? 2. What effect would it have on the tax base? 3. What effect would it have on the tax revenue? Mr. Stearns asked Mr. Szymanski to request that Mr. Underwood have this information available for the next meeting of the City Council. NEXT COUNCIL MEETING Since the date of the next Council meeting is to be changed from the regularly scheduled date, a motion was required to set the new date. Mr. Nardelli moved that the next Council Meeting be held on July 12. Motion was seconded by Mr. Jarvis and approval was unanimous. DISCUSSION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST ON COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS Mr. Stearns explained that the reason for accepting this item on the agenda is to eliminate in the future conditions which would lead people to suspect potential conflict of interest. He requested that discussion be limited to one half hour. Mrs. Nan Frymoyer stated that she had discussed the matter with Mr. John Ewing, the City Attorney, who feels this could be handled by a group of citizens who would come up with a resolution to establish guidlines to protect both the citizens of South Burlington and also those serving on Boards and Commissions. Mr. Stearns suggested that perhaps the existing Boards could be expanded with additional members and that he is agreeable to identify things which would create a problem. Mr. Blais suggested that there are guidlines in Civil Service to follow. Mr. Stearns expressed the opinion that the City Attorney should be a member of the proposed committee and also asked Mrs. Frymoyer to present the names of two members from the League of Women Voters by the next meeting on July 12th. Mr. Jarvis made the suggestion that the City Government Committee be charged with this study since it has been inactive since the passage of the new City Charter. All members agreed with this suggestion and it was decided to charge the City Government Committee, at the next meeting of the Council on July 12th, with a study of problems of potential conflicts of interest and to return to the Council with their ideas and suggestions. HIGHWAY UNION AGREEMENT Mr. Stearns reported that this has been turned over to the City Attorney and will be handled in due course. ITINERANT PEDDLER'S ORDINANCE Mr. Stearns suggested that this matter be reviewed again. He asked the members of the Council to give the matter some thought and requested that it be tabled. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Stearns read a letter dated June 15 from Mr. J. Warren McClure to Chief Carter thanking him for the excellent surveillance given his neighborhood and expressing appreciation. A copy of this letter if filed with these minutes. Mr. Szymanski was requested to check the minutes regarding reappointments and to report back to the Council. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the City Council go into Executive Session. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P. M. to go into Executive Session. Approved -dg The Council adjourned the Executive Session and reconvened the regular meeting at 11:00 P.M. On motions duly made, seconded, and unanimously passed, the following appointments were made: PLANNING COMMISSION: 1. Joseph L. Allard reappointed for a five year term (1976). 2. Mrs. Mary Barbara Maher appointed to a one year term (1972) to serve out the term of Leon Ignaszewski. 3. Mr. C. Harry Behney, appointed So. Burlington's representative to the Regional Planning Commission for a one year term. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1. Richard Myette reappointed for a two year term (1973). 2. Attorney David L. Cleary appointed for a three year term (1974). 3. Michael Flaherty appointed for a five year term, (1976). CEMETERY COMMITTEE 1. Mrs. Isadore Myers reappointed for a one year term. MR. BURNELL'S GRIEVANCE LETTER The grievance letter of Mr. Burnell, Recreation Director, was discussed, and Chairman Stearns requested that Mr. Burnell and Mr. Breen, the Chairman of the Beach, Park, and Recreation Committee, be present at the July 12th meeting to meet in Executive Session and discuss their differences. Chairman Stearns requested the Acting City Manager to investigate the need for a pick-up truck for the Recreation Department. Motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 P.M. APPROVED Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.