HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/14/1971CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 14, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting at the City Hall on Williston Road in the conference room at 8 P. M. Mr. Stearns, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman; Frederick G. Blais; Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr.; Kenneth Jervis; Walter Nardelli. OTHERS PRESENT William Sqymanski, Acting City Manager; Everett Allen; Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept.; Fire Chief Monell; C. Harry Behney; Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press; Miss Charlotte Marsh; Mrs. Dorothy Guilford, Secretary. A letter from Mrs. John Frymoyer, President of League of Women Voters of South Burlington was read pertaining to possible conflict of interest and requesting that this be defined when new appointees to the various Boards and Commissions are made. A copy of this letter is made a part of these minutes. The Council then went into executive session to interview the following candidates for appointment to the Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mrs. Mary Barbara Maher Mr. William Robenstein Mr. Michael Flaherty Mr. C. Harry Behney It was noted that Mr. Bryce Lyons, teacher at Middle School was unable to appear for an appointment tonight, but wants to be considered for an appointment to the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee. The meeting was reconvened at 9:15 P. M. SET OFFICIAL 1971 TAX RATE Mr. Szymanski read a memorandum dated June 7, 1971 to Mr. Robert Janes from Mr. Richard J. Underwood re: Preliminary Review of Tax Rate for the 1971-72 Grand List A copy of this memorandum is filed with these minutes. Mr. Stearns noted that these figures make no provision for any reversal of appraisals. He estimated there would be about 60 residential complaints and 30 commercial. Discussion followed and Mr. Blais stated that a few months ago a margin of 3% for changes in property valuations under grievance hearings had been discussed. However, Mr. Nardelli felt this was too high and that a margin of 1% error factor would be more realistic. He also felt that the figure of $4,000 total value of Polls was low compared to other years. Mr. Stearns reminded the members of the Council that the amount of tax finally decided upon should be divisible by three to facilitate figuring tax bills in three equal payments. Based on a Grand List of $589,050 the tax rate was established as follows: School Tax - $4.50 City Tax - 1.56 Total Tax Rate $6.06 Mr. Nardelli commented that one cent raises $5,890.50 on the tax rate. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the tax rate for the coming year be set at $6.06 consisting of $4.50 for the School Tax and $1.56 for the City Tax. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. It was also noted that the increase in appraisal equals the decrease in the tax rate over last year. AREA LIST RATE Mr. Szymanski submitted a report dated June 11, 1971 prepared by him on the Sewer Area List Computation. He proposed the Area List Charge of 40 cents. A copy of this report also is attached to these minutes. Mr. Nardelli moved that the Area List Charge of 40 cents proposed by Mr. Szymanski be accepted. Mr. Jervis seconded the motion. During discussion it was again pointed out that this figure should also be divisible by three for easier computation in three payments. Mr. Nardelli withdrew his original motion and moved that the Area List Charge of 42 cents be accepted. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. APPOINT NEW CITY SERVICE OFFICER Motion was made by Mr. Blais, seconded by Mr. Nardelli, that Mr. William Szymanski act as the City Service Officer. Approval was unanimous. FREE PRESS MEETING Mr. Stearns informed members of the Council that he has been requested by Mr. James Lamphere, Chairman of the Planning Commission, to meet with Mr. Lamphere, Mr. Posey of Lakeview Buick and Gordon Mills, Burlington Free Press on Tuesday, June 15, 1971 to discuss the article in the Free Press of June 11, 1971 by Leo O'Connor. A copy of this article is filed with these minutes. Mr. Stearns said he would like to get a feeling of members of the Council on his representing them at this meeting. He also stated that in his opinion the facts in the article are inaccurate and based on inaccurate information. Mr. Jarvis made a motion that Mr. Stearns be authorized to represent the Council in this requested interview. Mr. Blais seconded the motion. Discussion followed and Mr. Nardelli commented that he could not see the necessity of involving a city official unless it has the approval of the City Council. He believes this matter should be handled by the parties involved and not by the City Council. Mr. Stearns said Mr. Lamphere had stepped down as Chairman during that meeting to represent Lakeview Buick and the Council had accepted that. He added that the Council may run into this problem at a future date and unless they support members of these commissions they may find it difficult to find people willing to serve. Mr. Brown and Mr. Blais expressed agreement, but Nardelli was most emphatic that, in his opinion, the city should not become involved. Mr. Stearns requested a vote on the motion. Result of the vote was: 4 in favor and 1 (Mr. Nardelli) opposed. AIRPORT NOISE Mr. Jarvis explained that he had received several citizen complaints on noise at the airport. Some of these people had considered getting petitions signed to present to the Council but he requested that they give him the opportunity to discuss the matter first with the Council. Mr. Stearns said he believes the big problem is moving from the taxiway to the terminal and the planes should be towed. He requested Mr. Szymanski to write a letter to Mohawk Airlines and try to solve this problem. MEETING JUNE 10, 1971 Mr. Jarvis referred to a meeting on June 10, 1971 of the Chairman and one member of the Council at which time Mr. Szymanski was appointed Acting City Manager to replace Mr. Janes. He stated that he had great confidence in Mr. Stearns but he believes he should have been contacted to attend the meeting and asked that in the future should it become necessary to call a special meeting that all members of the Council be contacted. Mr. Stearns replied that Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. Pequin were present and the issues involved were more of a housekeeping nature than administrative but agreed Mr. Jarvis' point was well taken and he would comply with his request of calling each member of the Council in the future if it was necessary to call a special meeting. HIGH SCHOOL PROCLAMATION Mr. Stearns noted that the City Council of South Burlington is very pleased to extend congratulations to the South Burlington High School baseball team, who are State Champions, noting that this is the second state championship in a major sport within the year, the other being football. Mr. Behney reminded Mr. Stearns that the Girls Gymnastic has also won a championship making it the third state championship in a major sport. Mr. Blais made a motion that the Clerk be authorized to draft a resolution on behalf of the City Council expressing their sentiments. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. OTHER BUSINESS Miss Marsh requested that the janitor stay until the meetings are completed to be certain windows are closed and doors locked. Mr. Stearns agreed and requested Mr. Szymanski to take care of it. Mr. Stearns requested Mr. O'Connor, the Free Press reporter, to publicize the fact that at the next meeting of the City Council on Monday, June 21, 1971 at 8 o'clock appointments and re-appointments to all committees and commissions will be made, and anyone who wished to be considered should contact him. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. Approved -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.