HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 03/09/2021South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee Approved Minutes for 03/09/2021 Patrice Stratman, Michele Bailey, Penelope Tompkins, Amanda Holland, Jennifer Kochman, Jean Chaulot. Ilona Blanchard (staff) Curator call Description is fine. The Call can be issue on the 16, after the Public Gallery policy is approved by the council. The call will be send to Rebecca (head of the VT curator society), Seven days, and on classified section of the Arts Council website. Vermont artists should be a priority, Penelope suggest to have a more open statement to other artists with a preference for South Burlington artists. The curator call was reworded to avoided redundancy and improve clarity. The closing date for the application submission is April 9th. Welcome packet to new City Manager: Members will send idea to Patrice about what should be in the welcome packet to the new City Manager Jessie Baker (Picture, bylaws, etc.) Art Policy Penelope moves, Trice second the following: Revised policy is approved and we recommend that the city council approves it. Unanimous vote for. (Jennifer is no longer online). Garden St A and C section will start next fall or summer. The D section of the project in order to be TIF funded would need to incur debt by March 2023. Initial conversation about context of the project and prepare material for the next agenda. Website update Provide material for our webpage. Send photos and text information to Ilona or copy it to the Committee google drive. Motion to adjourn Penelope, Amanda seconds. Unanimously approved.