HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 12/15/2020December 15, 2020 • Trice, Amanda, Jennifer (joined at 6:13pm), Jean, Penne, Ilona • Agenda approved; started meeting at 6:05pm • Minutes - Penne motion, approved draft minutes from January 14, 2020. Amanda seconded. All in favor. • VT Arts Council "Animating Infrastructure" grant - great opportunity. Not enough time to identify a project for this round but Committee should review materials and prepare an idea for 2021. Committee should start this as an agenda item next summer to begin discussion of ideas for winter submittal. • Annual Report July 2019-June 2020 time period - will follow same format as prior year. • Williston Road improvement - that was to be another project this year. It could happen in 2021 but likely will be later in year and next fiscal year. • Installation of the geese - cancelled dedication with COVID but had events like Halloween event • New municipal building art - Clock progress • Goals from last year - Community Assessment, Cultural Plan, Arts page on City Website. Keep prior goals and add a grant application for next year Animating Infrastructure. • Quantitative data - Ask Holly if any quantitative data of folks used the park. Trice will call Holly to see if any numbers of public's use of the park. • Penne will go through the minutes to pick up information that could be put in the Annual report • Report is due January 6th. Penne & Trice will edit and have Ilona send out to entire Committee for review and comment. • Phil G - Art Progress • Visuals of stained glass panels and frame of clock • Top area moonscape with figurines. Discussing design for this area to have area behind moon scape be painted instead of glass to be a solid. Would need to have light illuminating this area. • QUESTION - About background on moonscape. If decides to paint it, how would he be able to modify this design if it is not well illuminated to be more reflective? Would want to discuss this further. • If top is not glass than there will be no light going through on the back side. Could the LED Dynamics do something with the lighting to mimic this light? • Phil's concern is that it would be to "glassy". We would want this to be explained further for concern. • CLOCK - Concern - it is getting close to ceiling. Concern the top would not be illuminated and would be in a shadow. Phil will address this with lighting. • Committee commented on the dimensional piece on the side panel; 3-D of mountain ranges. Review of January minutes noted that these are to be painted. • City Hall & Library update: Ilona provided the group with a photo tour of the building progress to date. • Signage on Geese - Ilona needs to finalize the signage/language for the plaque. Ilona pulled up the draft sign language, Committee reviewed and approved the draft. Sign will be angled and wood like signs in City Center Park. • Fun fact? How much a goose weighs; can you find all the geese; can you guess which one is…. • Will send out a layout before it gets printed. • Committee will complete the Annual Report via email. • Next mtg Jan 12, 2021 at 6 p.m. and suggested, if possible, that would be a good time to talk with Phil. • Adjourned at 7:42.