HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/07/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 7, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room at City Hall, 1175 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, June 7, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Stearns opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais, Walter Nardelli, Doctor Harold P. Brown, Jr., and Kenneth W. Jarvis. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT City Manager Janes, Zoning Administrator Ward, Fire Chief Monell, Architect James W. Lamphere, Recreation Director Burnell, Chairman of the Beach, Park, and Recreation Committee Thomas Breen, Highway Department Foreman Audette, Attorney Frederick J. Fayette, Mr. C. Harry Behney, Office of Development and Community Affairs; Bernard J. McKenna, Gus Calkins, Everett Allen, Lucy Gleason, Beatrice Wright, Wilfred Delorme, Mr. and Mrs. James Pizzagalli, Mrs. Barbara Bull, Charlotte C. Marsh, Mr. Gregory Premo, Peter Bergh, Leonard C. Memoe, Mr. James Harvell, Mr. William Gabbiett, Martin Paulsen, Mrs. Calkins and friend, John McKenzie, Nan Fromoyer and Arlene Krapcho from the South Burlington League of Women Voters, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Viens, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heath, Franklyn McCaffrey, Ronald Pepin, Maurice Senesac, Daniel Haslam, Richard Posey, Robert Ashley and Secretary Catherine Hayden. READING OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 10, 17, 19, and 27, 1971 MEETINGS Mr. Nardelli made a motion to accept the minutes of May 10, 17, 19, and 27, as read. Motion seconded by Mr. Jarvis and passed unanimously. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the following items were added to the agenda: 1. Read Resolution of "Appreciation to the City of South Burlington" from the Disabled American Veterans Department of Vermont. 2. Two requests to conduct Fourth of July Celebrations: a. Laurel Hill Association b. Burlington Tennis Club 3. Zoning Administrator's May report. 4. Letter from Department of Labor and Industry re: Highway Department Union agreement and negotiations. 5. Discussion of appointment of Interim City Manager. 6. Recommendation to sign purchase order for underground service to signals at Kennedy Dr. and Hinesburg Rd. intersection. AWARD OF PLAQUES TO CHARLES HARRY BEHNEY AND GREGORY L. PREMO Chairman Stearns presented a plaque suitable inscribed with the dates of tenure as Clerk of the Board of Selectmen, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and Chairman of the City Council, to Charles Harry Behney, and enumerated the fine accomplishments completed under Mr. Behney's leadership. Mr. Stearns then presented a plaque to Mr. Gregory Premo, which was inscribed with the dates of his tenure as Clerk of the Board of Selectmen, as a Selectman and Councilman, and complimented Mr. Premo on his dedicated service to the town and city. Mr. Behney and Mr. Premo expressed their thanks for the awards. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Stearns, Chairman, reminded the Councilmen that the orders would be on the table for signing before the end of the meeting. COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING COMMISSION AND ZONING BOARD TO BE REAFFIRMED Chairman Stearns announced that a Councilman was to be appointed as liason man to each of the four Boards, the only voting member to be the appointee to the Planning Commission. Mr. Blais motioned to confirm the appointment of Doctor Brown, Jr. to the Planning Commission, and that of Kenneth Jarvis to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. LIASON MEMBER APPOINTMENT TO SCHOOL BOARD Mr. Blais made a motion to appoint Mr. Nardelli as liason man to the School Board. Motion seconded by Mr. Jarvis and passed unanimously. LIST OF CANDIDATES Chairman Stearns said that the following had sent in requests for consideration for appointment to the following Boards: Michael Flaherty Zoning Board of Adjustment Charlotte C. Marsh Chairman of Cemetery Committee Mary Barbara Maher Planning Board, or Zoning Board C. Harry Behney Planning Board William Robenstein Planning Board APPOINTMENT TO CEMETERY COMMITTEE Mr. Blais made a motion to act now on Miss Marsh's request for reappointment as Chairman of the Cemetery Committee. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and Miss Marsh was unanimously reappointed Chairman of the Cemetery Committee. Chairman Stearns explained that anyone else who would like to apply for appointment to a Board should send in a resume and the Council would hold interviews between 8 and 9 o'clock next week. The City Manager was instructed to set up a time table for the appointments. RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT PLANS Mr. Breen, Chairman of the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee, announced that Mr. Peter Bergh would present a final presentation of the plans for Red Rocks Development as the final step before going to Montpelier for B.O.R. and matching State funding. Mr. Bergh gave a comprehensive presentation, pointing out on maps the areas to be developed for picnicking and recreational areas, saying the whole park is lovely, and the greater area should remain in its natural state. The first phase planned for this summer would be the improvement of the trails, and he spoke in detail of the plans for each section of the property. Chairman Stearns asked if the Council had any questions, and Mr. Bergh replied in answer to queries about the cost, plans for camping, when swimming will be available, etc. He said he hoped that swimming would be allowed at least by the summer of 1973 or mid-summer of 1972, that the concept of having camping areas did not appear to be feasible at this time, and that matching funds of 40% from the state and 50% from the Federal Government would be applied for. Mr. Blais said he was happy to make a motion that the Council adopt the plan so it could go on to B.O.R. for funding. The City Manager recommended that the motion include the addition of the Department of Public Works demolition costs to the B.O.R. application, and that the Council accept Mr. Breen's recommendation that Mr. Bergh be assigned as Developer-Consultant of Red Rocks, with a ceiling set on the cost of the Consultant. The Council concurred with Mr. Janes' recommendation. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. RED ROCKS DEVELOPMENT PLANS, CONTINUED Mr. Breen advised the Council that the Consultant's costs to this point were between $2,500 - $3,000, a little over the estimate. Councilman Blais wondered what the additional cost would be between now and B.O.R. approval, and Mr. Bergh said he would submit a cost sheet in a few days. CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT - RED ROCKS City Manager Janes reported that there had been a very amicable meeting between Mr. Emerick, Executive Director of the District; Peter Bergh, Red Rocks' Consultant; Martin Paulsen, Engineer for the District; and Natural Resources Committee personnel on the location of the water main right-of-way. The Council asked if the differences were ironed out, and Mr. Emerick said yes, that a new, revised deed for the agreed-upon and relocated Champlain Water District line from the low lift pumping station to the filter plant will be forthcoming. The Council acknowledged that the route of the relocated line is acceptable subject to approval of the Planning Commission. ADMINISTRATIVE AND HOUSE CLEANING ITEMS APPOINTMENT OF PHASE IV AUTHORIZED AGENT Mr. Blais made a motion to designate Chairman Raymond E. Stearns as authorized agent of the City in connection with all matters involving Phase IV Sewer Project, as set out in a resolution read in full by City Manager Janes, which also authorized Chairman Stearns as authorized agent in all City matters. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The resolution as approved follows: 1. APPOINTMENT OF PHASE IV AUTHORIZED AGENT, CONTINUED R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED: That Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman of the South Burlington City Council, be and is hereby authorized to act as the authorized representative of said city in connection with all matters involving Phase IV (WPC-VT-65 Federal Grant Offer - City of South Burlington) of the City Sewage Project and is further authorized in his capacity as representative to execute any and all contracts, agreements, applications, certificates, or any other documents, with any parties or agencies including the Federal Water Pollution Control Agency, the Vermont Department of Water Resources, or any other governmental agencies. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Raymond E. Stearns be and is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of South Burlington and its Councilmen any and all agreements, contracts, or any other documents relating to any city matters. Dated June 7, 1971 s/ Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman s/ Frederick G. Blais s/ Walter Nardelli s/ Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr. s/ Kenneth W. Jarvis SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL 2. AUTHORIZE "CONTRACT FOR DESIGN" - AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SHELBURNE ROAD AND BARTLETT BAY SEWERAGE FACILITIES DESIGN The City Manager recommended that the agreement with Webster-Martin, Inc. for engineering services for sewerage facilities at Lower Shelburne Road and Bartlett Bay Road be accepted by the Council as follows: 1. Subject to approval of the City Attorney. 2. That minor alterations suggested by the City Engineer be included. 3. That Chairman Stearns be authorized to sign the agreements. Mr. Nardelli motioned to authorize Chairman Stearns to sign the agreements subject to the approval of the City Attorney and incorporating the technical advice of Mr. Szymanski. The motion was seconded by Doctor Brown and passed unanimously. 3. APPOINTMENT OF RED ROCKS CONSULTANT City Manager Janes said that Mr. Bergh had been appointed Consultant for the Red Rocks Development Plan when he made his presentation earlier in the evening. 4. THREE JOB DESCRIPTIONS TO APPROVE City Manager Janes presented three job descriptions for approval as follows: 1. Landfill Gate Attendent 2. Police Lieutenant 3. Assistant Fire Chief Mr. Janes explained that these were just job description for positions, no persons were name, and no pay scale set. Mr. Jarvis made a motion to accept the three job descriptions. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 5. COUNCIL TO SIGN TELEPHONE COMPANY PETITION, NOW APPROVED FOR UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION, IN SHELBURNE ROAD The Council approved and signed the Telephone Company petitions for underground installation in Shelburne Road. MANAGERS RECOMMENDATION FOR 71-72 CHIEF ASSESSOR BY CONTRACT City Manager Janes explained Mr. Hawthorne's proposal to act as Chief Assessor by contract and supervise the Assessing program in 1971-72 fiscal year, recommending Council acceptance. Chairman Stearns requested that copies of Mr. Hawthorne's proposal be circulated to the Councilmen for review, and action taken at a future meeting. 7. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO SIGN GOVERNOR'S CRIME CONTROL COMMISSION GRANT TO APPOINT 1 POLICE CADET FOR SUMMER FOR SO. BURLINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT City Manager Janes explained that Chief Carter recommended that the Governor's Crime Commission application for a Police Cadet for summer work be approved by the Council. The cost of the program, $2598 is fully funded by the Commission, and the Police Cadet's duties are to work with the South Burlington Police Department and perform the following duties: 1. Be responsible for routine administrative and clerical duties. 2. Assist with dispatching and telephone answering services. 3. Assist in patroling. 4. Assist in traffic control. 5. Help in identification and fingerprinting. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to accept the Police Chief's recommendation and authorize the City Manager to sign the application. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jarvis and passed unanimously. 8. COUNCIL TO REVIEW LIST OF OWNERS OF UNLICENSED DOGS AND REFER LIST TO POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR FIELD CHECKING Councilman Blais made a motion to forward the list of 94 owners of unlicensed dogs to the Police Chief for action. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. 9. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MAY REPORT, WITH DEMOLITION COSTS AT RED ROCKS USING CITY FORCES City Manager Janes reviewed some items in the Superintendent's report in regard to the demolition of the camps, the request for a 3:30 closing for commercial carters at the Landfill area and the estimated cost of $12,000 for pipe to properly construct the drainage. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY REPORT, CONTINUED Chairman Stearns commented on the report, feeling it was helpful in keeping the Council informed on the department's schedule of maintenance of the streets, sewer system, and the routine highway program. CITY ATTORNEY'S OPINION ON REMOVAL OF CAMPS AT RED ROCKS City Manager Janes read a letter from City Attorney Ewing which outlined the stipulations under which he felt it would be feasible for private parties to remove camps at Red Rocks as follows: 1. Party must adhere to a set time table. 2. Party must agree to clean up the site. 3. Party must sign an "Hold Harmless Agreement". 4. Work must be conducted under the supervision of City personnel. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to work up an announcement for the press in regard to the removal of the camps. The motion was seconded by Doctor Brown and passed unanimously. Chairman Blais requested that Highway Department Superintendent Clark be present at the next Council Meeting. TRANS-OP AGREEMENT City Manager Janes recommended the City enter into an "As Needed" Agreement with Trans-Op, a consulting firm on traffic problems, which, for a modest fee would work on these matters as they come up, and also would be equipped to do any paper work involved in applying for State and Federal funds for such projects. Councilman Blais said he could see no advantage in accepting an agreement before we have definite work the firm could do for the City. He added he would even hesitate to write a letter of intent to use Trans-Op Services. The Council concurred with his thinking and no action was taken. MISS MARSH - COMPLIMENTING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT Charlotte Marsh mentioned the swift attendance of two police cruisers when called to an accident on Shelburne Road recently. INFORMATION: ALTERNATIVE LAND USE TAXATION - MR. C. HARRY BEHNEY, VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. Chairman Stearns introduced Mr. Behney saying he had been invited to speak on land use tax stabilization. Mr. Behney said that the intent of any tax stabilization would be directed at owners of agricultural and open space lands, preventing the conversion of such lands to more intensive uses. Landowners could find themselves forced to sell part or all of their land for housing developments in order to pay the increased property taxes. This, of course, would create a larger school tax as well as increased costs for more municipal services. He said retention of farming lands is important in order to protect the natural environment and preserve open spaces. Mr. Behney expressed his surprise at learning that approximately 50% of South Burlington is undeveloped, and remarked that possibly the Planning Commission should work on maintaining the open spaces in areas away from public facilities and gear all development where the facilities are present. Mr. Behney reported that if the City Council feels that tax stabilization to retain open spaces is of economic importance, VSA, Title 24, Section 2741 provides for the community to vote for the municipal bodies to enter into contracts with landowners to stabilize taxes or land value. This requires a 2/3 vote of approval. Mr. Behney gave examples of tax income loss if the Council were to grant contracts to the twenty-six large land owners at 60% of FMV on the land only, or if contracts were granted only to the specific area such as is designated as rural on the Master Plan and/or only full-time operating farms. TAX STABILIZATION PRESENTATION BY MR. C. HARRY BEHNEY, CONTINUED Mr. Behney explained what steps would have to be taken by the Council if it wanted to implement tax stalilization under VSA Title 24, Section 2741 as follows: 1. Evaluate whether the maintenance of open space in South Burlington warrants the additional tax load to be passed on to the rest of the community. 2. If yes is the answer to #1, then warn a vote in accordance with VSA 24, Section 2741. 3. If the voters approve the ballot question, decide whether to protect all or a portion of the open space whether actively farmed or dormant. 4. Draw up with the City Attorney a contract to satisfy the desires of #3 above and designate the amount and schedule of reduction of appraisal. 5. Execute contracts as provided and stipulated 6. Monitor the property given relief for sale activity for cancellation of contracts. Councilman Blais said he felt stabilization of the land in question might be bad as it could open the door for stabilization of businesses, developments, etc., and Councilman Nardelli commented on the financial impact of a 60% reduction of fair market value on the tax rate. Chairman Stearns asked for comments from the floor, and said if we cut down on the appraisals, the cost would have to be picked up by the rest of the community. Mrs. Bull said it certainly was something to think about. Attorney Fayette said the State definitely is going to provide for stabilization in the near future. He felt it would be indiscreet to enter into single contracts now before seeing what the legislature has in mind. Mr. Pizzagalli and Miss Marsh both commented on the bills that have been in legislature on the subject that were not yet passed. TAX STABILIZATION PRESENTATION BY MR. C. HARRY BEHNEY, CONTINUED Chairman Stearns thanked Mr. Behney for his fine presentation and remarked that the matter would be given considerable thought by the Council. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - LAKEVIEW BUICK - DORSET STREET After explaining that he was making a presentation as the Architect of the proposed Lakeview Buick project on Dorset Street and not in his capacity of Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr. James W. Lamphere pointed out details of the proposal on maps displayed to the public and the Council. Mr. Richard Posey reported on his contacting of the adjacent property owners and said he had not received any opposition to the proposal. Mr. McKenna, one of the property owners, questioned Mr. Posey about the retention of some trees on the south side near his land, saying he had heard they were to be removed. Mr. Posey assured him they would remain. Mrs. Krapcho objected to a change in zoning to Business B use, and Chairman Stearns pointed out that because of the request for a zone change the Council was able to set stipulations that the petitioner would have to comply with, whereas if a business were to come in under the present Business A zone, they would only have to get a permit and adhere to the rules for that zone, which were not too strict. Mr. Robert Ashley spoke, saying he certainly was pleased to welcome a half-million dollar business to South Burlington. Mr. Posey remarked that his company would be closed on holidays, there would be no glare from the parking lot lights into the residences, and the firm would adhere to all stipulations laid out by the Council. Mrs. John Gleason and Mrs. Daniel Wright mentioned the disadvantages of having homes in the midst of a commercial area, and Mrs. Fromoyer felt the Council should have a designated concept of how they wanted Dorset Street to be developed. She emphasized the importance of this because of the fact that the schools are on the street as well as two public buildings, the Fire Station and, eventually, the Police Department. There was a lengthy discussion on the importance of having a 75' landscaped set-back, which Mr. Posey agreed to. Mrs. Bull of the Natural Resources Committees read from a prepared statement urging the Council to stand firm for preservation of streams and stream banks, and to insist, if the zone change is approved, that the natural drainageway, a tributary of Potash Brook, be disturbed as little as is possible. Mrs. Bull's statement is filed with and made a part of these minutes. Mrs. Gleason asked how the City could be assured that Lakeview Buick would live up to the stipulations, and Mr. Behney asked if the City would require a performance bond. Mrs. Gleason was told that the City would have a performance bond that would insure the work being done, that Zayre's had been given two years to complete its work at the University Mall, and that the City is holding money in escrow to insure that the work will be completed as promised. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - LAKEVIEW BUICK - DORSET STREET, CONTINUED Mrs. Krapcho felt that once the Council opens up with zone changes on Dorset Street it would encourage requests for similar changes, and she wondered where it would all end. Chairman Stearns said any decision would be based solely on what would be an asset to the City. Mr. Blais made a motion to approve the plan for rezoning (Site and Location Plan - Preliminary Plan, dated 5/7/71, Project No. 7107, from the office of Richard H. Wiemann, A.I.A., Architect, Burlington, Vermont) subject to the following stipulations. 1. That the development be limited to the use outlined in the above accepted plan on file in the Zoning Administrator's Office. 2. Lakeview Buick must furnish a landscaping bond of not less than $5,000. 3. The entire project must be bonded, and completed within a year. 4. Drainage must be provided for as described. 5. Low-glare lighting must be provided, and not be on beyond 10 P.M. 6. Junk cars must be screened on all sides. 7. All wiring must be installed underground 8. There must be no outside sound system or other outside noises. Mr. Nardelli then expressed his view that we are acturally making a new law, that an ordinance is a law of the City and he had qualms about changing a law. He questioned why the Master Plan was not being followed more closely, and considered granting of this request "spot zoning" which could go on again and again. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - LAKEVIEW BUICK - DORSET STREET, CONTINUED Chairman Stearns answered that as the facts change, decisions must change, to which Mr. Nardelli agreed. Doctor Brown said his concern was any re-routing of the stream and ditch. He requested that City Engineer Szymanski meet with the developers and keep the drainage change as short as possible. Doctor Brown then seconded Mr. Blais' motion. The motion passed with a vote of three to one, with Mr. Nardelli casting the dissenting vote. The ordinance as passed follows: O R D I N A N C E AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE "SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE" BY CREATION OF AN ADDITIONAL AREA OF BUSINESS DISTRICT B." The Councilmen of South Burlington hereby ordain: Section 1. The South Burlington Zoning Ordinance adopted February 29, 1964, and the official zoning map adopted in connection therewith is hereby amended by changing the land use of the following described land from Business District A to Business District B. A parcel of land located on the east side of Dorset Street starting at the southwest corner of property owned by McKenna and traveling along Dorset Street in a southerly direction a distance of 413.4 feet to a point, turn east an angle of 96º ­15' and travel in an easterly direction a distance of 385 feet to a point, turn an angle north of 83º ­ 45' and travel a distance of 700 feet to a point, turn west an angle of 850º ­48' and travel westerly a distance of 275 feet to a point, turn south an angle of 94º ­12' and travel southerly a distance of 210 feet to a point, turn west an angle of 90º and travel westerly a distance of 110 feet to the point of beginning. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect from its passage. s/ Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman Frederick G. Blais Harold P. Brown Kenneth W. Jarvis SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION ON SIGNS Chairman Stearns remarked on the fact that many of the City's signs have not been changed from town to city, and the City Manager was advised to instruct the Superintendent of Public Works to see that these were changed. 1971 TAX RATE-PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF RATE The Council discussed a preliminary figure of about $6.00 for the tax rate, but officially set the date of Monday, July 14, 1971, at 8:00 P.M. to meet and set the tax rate and the area sewer rate. COMMENTS ON PROPOSED ITINERANT PEDDLER ORDINANCE After a general discussion on the draft of the proposed ordinance, it was decided, since the state requires the licensing of itinerent peddlers to request Mr. Behney to get copies of the ordinance or law the state has, and also if the state issues a badge, to see if he could get one as a sample. Mr. Behney said he would be pleased to look into the state's system. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to table consideration of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion which passed unanimously. STEERING COMMITTEE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Chairman Stearns advised those present that arrangements had been made to hold the second quarterly meeting of the Steering Committee, which would be an organizational meeting, on Wednesday, June 23, 1971, at 8:00 P.M. at the new City Hall in the old Central School Building. City Manager Janes was instructed to see that the meeting was properly advertised. ZONE CHANGE REQUEST - FIRST READING - DEWEY IRISH, JR. - ALLEN ROAD Mr. Blais made a motion to waive the complete reading of this request which was for a zone change from Planned District to Residential A District, and to pass the first reading. Doctor Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. LETTER FROM DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS DEPARTMENT OF VERMONT City Manager Janes read in full a resolution from the Disabled American Veterans Department of Vermont, which in essence thanked the city of South Burlington for the hospitality extended the organization during its stay in South Burlington on May 21, 22, and 23, 1971, for its annual convention. The Resolution is filed in the City Clerk's Office in the Volume marked Resolutions. REQUESTS FOR PERMISSION TO HOLD FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIONS WITH FIREWORKS City Manager Janes read two request to conduct fireworks displays on the fourth of July from the Burlington Tennis Club and the Laurel Hill Association. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to approve the requests, subject to the State Fire Marshalls requirements, and the stipulation that permission is subject to inspection by Fire Chief Monell as agent of the City. Motion seconded by Doctor Brown and passed unanimously. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S MAY REPORT City Manager Janes read the Zoning Administrators May, 1971 report. The Council agreed it was a commendable report. PROPOSED HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT UNION AGREEMENT City Manager Janes presented each Councilman with copies of the proposed Highway Department Union Agreement. Mr. Janes was instructed to forward a copy to the City Attorney, Mr. Ewing, for his comments. Mr. Janes requested that a negotiating committee be formed. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the negotiating committee be made up of all of the members of the City Council. The motion was seconded by Doctor Brown and passed with a vote of 3 in favor and 1 against, the dissenting vote being cast by Councilman Blais. COMPLIMENTARY LETTER FROM STATE'S ATTORNEY LEAHY Chairman Stearns read a letter from State's Attorney Leahy in which Mr. Leahy complimented our Police Department in its recent work in a drug theft case, and named three officers in particular. City Manager Janes said copies of the letter would be placed in the men's personnel records. RESIGNATION FROM THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Chairman Stearns read a letter from Attorney Saul Lee Agel, in which Mr. Agel tendered his resignation as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to accept the resignation with sincere regret. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY CITY MANAGER Mr. Blais made a motion to appoint William J. Szymanski, City Engineer, as Acting City Manager from June 19, 1971, until a permanent Manager is appointed. Chairman Stearns said the Council would not appoint anyone to this temporary position who was interested in applying for the permanent appointment. Mr. Szymanski assured the Council he was not interested. APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY CITY MANAGER, CONTINUED Councilman Nardelli mentioned that we had several other very competent department heads, mentioning Chief Carter and Superintendent Clark, but said he felt their departments were too large to suggest they be considered for this temporary appointment, and seconded Mr. Blais' motion. The vote was unanimous in appointing Mr. Szymanski as Acting Manager. PROCESS OF HIRING NEW MANAGER Chairman Stearns announced that plans were to contact the Town and City Managers in the states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, asking for professional assistance in getting a manager from the nearby area. COMMENTS - A FEW PARTING WORDS FROM BOB JANES Mr. Janes spoke briefly, saying the following: The South Burlington Charter is five years out of date because of the popular demands of the citizens and the growth in the City. South Burlington is mature enough to elect a mayor, and a person elected by popular vote should represent the city as Mayor. South Burlington should have a Strong Council-Weak Mayor type of government with a Mayor appointed Administrator instead of a City Manager, that is 6 Councilmen elected by Districts for three year terms, and each year two councilmen run for office and the Mayor also runs every 2 years. The Mayor would be elected at-large and should be paid a salary of $1,500 to $2,000 to replace lost income for time devoted to his duties as Mayor. There are two duties now exclusively the City Manager's which should be modified and changed: A. The Manager's exclusive authority to appoint and remove department heads should be subject to Council radification. B. The Manager's responsibility to enforce all Regulations and Ordinances should be given to the Mayor who should be known as Chief Executive Officer. COMMENTS - A FEW PARTING WORDS FROM BOB JANES, CONTINUED There was a short discussion on the different aspects of Mr. Janes' ideas and Mr. Stearns said that as new Chairman of the City Council he certainly wished Mr. Janes the best of luck in the fair town of Williamstown, and also told him he arrived in South Burlington at a time of almost unprecedented activity such as the adopting of the new Charter, the establishment of the Fire Department, the reorganization of the Department of Public Works, the adopting of the Official Seal, the purchase of Red Rocks and the construction of the fifth land on Shelburne Road. Mr. Janes agreed that it was a most productive year for any City Manager. The Council wished Mr. Janes and his family a happy and rewarding life in the new community of Williamstown, Massachusetts. QUEEN CITY PARK FIRE TRUCK Mr. Ronald Pepin, Chairman of the Queen City Park Prudential Committee explained to the Council that the Fire Truck in the Station at the Park cost about $500 a year to maintain, and was not being used. He asked the Council to consider the question of the expense, and also the possibility of having the truck housed at the Fire Station on Dorset St. Chief Monell was instructed to look into the matter and bring his written recommendation to the next meeting at which time the Council would make a decision. Mr. Jarvis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11 P.M. The motion was seconded by Doctor Brown and passed unanimously. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.