HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 01/14/2020 South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Approved Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 2020, 6 PM City Hall, Champlain Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT In Attendance: Trice Stratmann (Chair), Jennifer Kochman, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Amanda Holland, Penne Tompkins, Michele Bailey Also in Attendance: Ilona Blanchard (Staff), Jennifer Murray (Library Director), Philip Godenschwager The meeting was convened at 6:00 PM. Emergency evacuation procedures were described. No members of the public were present. No minutes were presented for review. The Agenda was reviewed with no changes. 180 Market Street Public Art - Philip Godenschwager (Philip) began his presentation of the Revised Concept for 180 Market Street by unveiling a revised scale model of the monumental clock proposal, and setting up a model at scale. Philip Godenschwager noted that there was agreement on the face of the clock and the back of the clock, but that there had been were issues with the sides of the clock, and these had changed several times with no resolution. Philip also noted that he had issues with the size of the project and amount of glass given the cost, and a lot of time to think about of the project. Philip kept the size of the clock and the dimensionality of the piece but built it out as a clock that hangs on one side of the column (rather then as a box around) and still faces the entrance of the Library. The piece will be 4 by 4 on the clock face at the widest. It will be two feet deep and tapered back to post, with some glass on the top, sides, and bottom. The frame will be steel. The top of the piece features a moon scape will be carved and coated polyurethane, with aluminum silhouettes for the children. The clock mechanism will be self-correcting and wireless control. It will have an access panel on right hand side. The back will be sheet metal and painted to look like the side. Slots will hold LED lights with the illumination washing up and down the column. There will be a steel spiral behind the leaves. The leaves which will be have some relief to them through a firing process. The clock will come out of a piece shaped like Vermont marking South Burlington. The state will be sized to the spindle of the clock. There was a discussion regarding visibility of piece and the location on the column. Ilona to request that WLA look at the location and visibility in the model (1) from 2nd floor railing and (2) ground, and (3) ensure that people cannot touch it in its final location. The location on the scale model does not seem to allow people to touch it. South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 LED Dynamics will do the electrical engineering. Trice asked whether the column should be a different color, Philip recommended it would be better white and treated as a structural member rather than an integral part of the piece. Jean-Sebastien asked about the lighting and whether it could be adjusted if it was overly dim or bright. The lights will be controllable and dimmable. There was a question about cleaning, especially dust. Philip recommends a light feather duster or compressed air (more for the polyurethane moonscape which has more crannies). Jean Sebastian asked about what the mountains would be made out of. Philip may make them out of polyurethane, and then paint them so they look like twilight in greys. Action: Jennifer Kochman made a motion that “the committee accept the proposal as presented and make a recommendation to the City Council to commission this piece for 180 Market Street from Philip Godenschwager. Jean-Sebastien seconded the motion. Discussion: Michele – I really like this piece. Trice asked if Philip would leave everything to present to the Council? Philip – I can leave it here. Question, does the bracket need to be that design? Philip - wants it to be simple and structural. Amanda – is the sky above the moon also glass? Yes, and it will be curved. There were many comments from the committee appreciating the piece. Penne asked for clarification on whether the leaves are coming out of a recess in the face of the clock. Philip - Yes. Trice asked if the Committee could visit during the process? Philip, yes. Penne commented that the committee should do a book. Philip and Michele noted that Waterbury did a coloring book and a film. There was some discussion about the next steps. Trice called the question, and the motion passed unanimously. Penne asked Ilona to double check on the sight lines from outside the library. The Committee was very appreciative of the evolution of the project. Jennifer K. noted her hope for additional future art in 180 Market Street, particularly with respect to other spaces. Amanda noted that little video blurbs are very effective for documentation of the process. Public Art Signage – Ilona Blanchard presented the design family for park signage in South Burlington. There was discussion regarding the height of the signage, and ensuring that it is ADA accessible, appropriately visible to children, and comfortable for standing adults as well. South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 She passed around the artist statement for “Gooses”, the public art installed last fall for the Market Street project. She stated that the City would likely install two informational signs, one regarding the stormwater ponds and one regarding the public art. At a minimum, the art signage would have the name of the art, the artist, and the materials, and should also mention the selection committee. The Committee noted highlighted portions of the statement which they felt reflected the piece and purpose well. The Committee looked through photos of the project and identified a picture of Tyler with the paper goose model, the polished goose. Amanda suggested using the names of the geese as an interactive with children, with a question like, there are five geese and three goslings, How many did you find? Can you tell which is the mother, hunter, caller, etc. Public Art Dedication (or other ceremony) for Market Street art – Ilona Blanchard asked the committee for their thoughts regarding what should happen at a dedication for the art. It could be an unveiling of the sign she said. The Committee discussed it and decided that a ribbon around the goslings would be better, that they wanted ice cream and children. A four PM time was decided on, and a suggestion made to have the artist speak, Helen Riehle, a committee member, maybe someone from ANR, like the secretary due to the stormwater treatment and the wetlands, and to invite the legislative delegation, the other paper (do a press release prior), the School Board and the PTO, the consultants involved with the project including those the landscaping company that installed all the plantings, the engineer, and Karen Mittelman, Executive Director for the Vermont Arts Council. 7:30 PM Other Business Next meeting: March 31, 5:30 PM, 2020. Adjourn: Penne moved to adjourn, Amanda moved. Meeting adjourned at 8 PM.