HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/18/1971BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING January 18, 1971 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the South Burlington Middle School on Dorset Street, South Burlington Vermont, in the library, on Behney, January 18, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Frederick G. Blais; Raymond E. Stearns; Gregory L. Premo. OTHERS PRESENT Robert Janes, Town Manager; Robert Ingraham, Jordan-Milton Mach,, Inc.; Robert West and Paul Jones, J. & R. Equipment, Inc.; Richard Clifford, C. R. Wood Corp.; Art Hill, Jr. and F. W. Grant, Hill-Martin Corp.; Clement S. Baker and S. Thurber, Philo Const., Inc.; C. F. Tenney, Reynolds and Son; Arthur Hogan, Executive Director, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission; Frederick H. Tuttle, Ass't. Superintendent of South Burlington High School; Fire Chief Monell; Amy Bond, Marjorie Hill, Henry W. Caswell, Jr., Dr. R. F. Kuhlmann, Hugh M. Marvin, who are all members of the School Board; R. D. Lull, Jr., Superintendent of Schools; William Kellner, Chittenden County Regional Planning; Wayne Jameson, Representative and Chairman of Town Government Committee; Mrs. Pat Fastiggi, Lister; George Lambert, Burlington Free Press; Charlotte Marsh; Charles Denison; F. C. Dunkley; Mr. Hawthorne of Archibald and Hawthorne; Mr. Turner, appraiser - State Tax Dept.; Richard Underwood, Tax Analyst, South Burlington. COMPLETE REAPPRAISAL STATUS REPORT Mr. Behney noted that the School Board had been invited to sit in on this meeting to become informed and to ask any questions they might have so they could plan with intelligence when comprising their budget during the next few weeks. He said he was very pleased that all the members of the School Board were present and thanked them for coming. Mr. Janes presented four memo's, copies of which are filed with these minutes and made a part thereof. 1. Memo from Richard Underwood, Tax Analyst, So. Burlington dated Jan. 12, 1971 Subject: Estimated 1971-1972 Grand List Based on Assessments before Reappraisal. 2. Memo from Archibald & Hawthorne, Appraisers Subject: Progress of Residential Property Reappraisal 3. Memo from State of Vermont Subject: Progress of Reappraisal 4. Memo from Mr. Janes to Hugh Marvin Subject: Written Status of Appraisal and Estimated 1971-1972 Grand List Mr. Janes asked Mr. Turner of the State Tax Department to report on the status of their appraisal on commercial property. Mr. Turner explained that reappraisal began in June of 1970 and he hopes to have it completed in time for the 1971 Grand List, without using any more manpower than is being used presently. Most of the commercial work is being done by Mr. Gray and Mr. Lilly, he said, and approximately 200 commercial property appraisals have been done with about 87 more to be completed. He indicated that land values are fairly well established and believes when the job is complete it will be good accomplishment for the town. He thinks the figure of one hundred million dollar market value is very close and said the ratio of fair market value is lower on commercial property than on residential since the value is increasing more rapidly on commercial property (about four times) compared to three times on residential. He feels the big change is coming in land appraisal. He will have a fair market value list of all properties compared with last year's appraisal and there will be a comparison of what taxes would have been if this had been in effect last year. In 1968 the total fair market value on the Equalization List was $84,000,000 - - in 1969 it was $91,000,000, he added. Mr. Janes asked: "When is Grievance Day?" Mr. Turner said Grievance Day must be held on or before June 24. He estimates it would take the listers at least a week to hear grievances, since experience has shown at least 10% of the taxpayers come in for grievances. He sees a conflict with the July 5, 1971 payment of taxes and thinks the first grievance meeting might be held June 1st. Some towns roll back the first payment of taxes fifteen or twenty days to make it easier for the taxpayer. He thinks there will be some shift in tax dollars paid from residential to commercial. It is impossible to set a tax rate at Town Meeting, he feels, because the Grand List is not known. He suggested that a sum of money could be voted to each department, with the Selectmen setting a tax rate to raise that amount of money. The tax rate can be estimated on the $500,000 total Grand List but he believes there are many variables. Mr. Marvin asked for clarification of Mr. Turner's statement that there would be a drop in tax payments on residential property and an increase in commercial. Mr. Turner answered that the ratio has been about 25% commercial, 34% on residential. The overall ratio in town is 31.35% - - 25.29 Farm - - 15% Land. Commercial appraisals will double, he believes, and the other go up about 35%. Mr. Janes introduced Mr. Hawthorne who did the reappraisal on residences. Mr. Hawthorne stated inspections are 95% complete. He expects most of the work will be done by April 1st and then there will be a period of correlation between residential and commercial, such as residences in the commercial areas of Williston and Shelburne Roads. He said he will have relative reappraisals between the two years and he is finding the same ratios that Mr. Hawthorne indicated. He explained that Listers list at fair market value, using a figure of 50%; that appraisal does not determine the amount of tax but establishes a fair share of what the tax will be. This year, if the same amount should be voted as last year, the tax rate would be $6, instead of $8.95 He does not feel the resident owner will feel too much of a burden. Mr. Janes asked Mr. Hawthorne to describe the burden on a single lister at this point and the need to secure qualified listers at our March meeting should we remain a town. Mr. Hawthorne thinks we should have at least the three listers required by statutes who would try to do a good job of carrying on the work of reappraisal when it is completed, and it would be for the good of the town to fill these offices. George Lambert, Burlington Free Press asked when the average South Burlington taxpayer would be able to find out what his property has been revalued at and Mr. Hawthorne answered hopefully by the middle of May. Any change in appraisal must be given in writing and notice to appear for grievance if so desired. He feels a period of grace might be granted to a taxpayer with a considerable increase. Mr. Behney said he is concerned that the Selectmen have been unable to fill two Lister vacancies and requested that anyone present who is interested or knows of anyone who might be interested to contact any of the Selectmen. Mr. Premo commented that he hopes not too many funds over this year's budget are appropriated, based on what he has already seen. REPORT ON BILL FOR NEW CHARTER - WAYNE JAMESON Mr. Jameson said the charter was given a reading in the House and assigned to committee. It must go to the Attorney General's office and he will ask Representatives Graves and Tudhope to join him in getting a hearing for Wednesday of this week. He said Mr. Luther Hackett has informed him if this is accomplished there will be no problem in getting it through the House and Senate by February 1, 1971. If the new charter goes through, the Town Meeting would not be held until May, he stated, and proposals for State Aid and other things now up in the air would be more complete. He noted that the new charter provides that, as soon as it is approved, a Department of Assessment can be set up. Charlotte Marsh said she thinks scheduling a hearing for Wednesday of this week is a pretty close schedule and it would be difficult to get the news of the hearing before the public in time to attend such a meeting. Mr. Jameson admitted it would be close but said he would make sure the news media is informed immediately. Mr. Behney thinks Thursday would be a more realistic date for a hearing. Mr. Jameson agreed to work toward that day. FRONT-END LOADER RECOMMENDATION Mr. Behney explained that this item had been tabled last week and the Chair would not entertain any conversation from vendors at this meeting, since this has been an internal study. Mr. Behney recommends that the Town of South Burlington consider purchasing only one new loader which would replace the Hough loader. The reasons for this recommendation are: 1. Weighing all town needs in the next year against the current economic and employment situation, frugality should be considered wherever possible. 2. The AC has proven itself to be a versatile machine as modified by the Highway Department and should be kept in service for both multi-use and snow fighting. Evaluating the machine's age and maintenance costs, it appears there is a relationship between operator use and preventive maintenance as reflected in the Town Engineer's memo of January 4, 1971 and actual repair records. The trade-in price value indicates that the machine should have value to the town. 3. Before any additional money is expended on land-fill operations, it is recommended that the Board request a comprehensive plan for landfill operations and also evaluate alternatives available to the town; also that the Board follow the recommendations of the Town Manager and the sub-committee on loaders in purchasing a machine with multi-use as well as snow fighting capability. Mr. Behney added that observation of application of the present loader and plow assures him that capabilities would be greatly increased by a larger plow and wing. Regarding the make of machine, he has evaluated the various criteria judged by the committee and agrees with their recommendation if applied to one machine. Mr. Premo made a motion that the Town Manager be authorized to purchase the AC 645 wing and plow at a price not to exceed $32,700 as outlined in specifications in the original information. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. BRIEFING BY MR. ARTHUR HOGAN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CHITTENDEN CTY. REG. PLANNING COMM. Mr. Hogen explained that his commission is changing to a "service to local community stage" and is asking each town to take a look at their overall program; a look at their five most pressing problems; holding meetings such as tonight to see with whom you are dealing; requesting a review of the land use situation, particularly in a fast growing community like South Burlington; endeavoring to develop a "human resource pooling" to be used in consideration of appointments. He is also attempting to stabilize the cost of regional planning and in this respect he is proposing to the commission that the proposed budget for 1972- 1972 be geared, not to $131,000 made last January but $100,000 which would amount to 1¢ on the Grand List of 1970. He said he would be glad to answer any questions. Mr. Blais stated he did have a number of questions but would reserve them for a later date. Mr. Hogan announced that a Planning Workshop will be held on February 24, 1971 at 7:30 P. M. in the Memorial Lounge of the Waterman Building, University of Vermont. Mr. Behney thanked Mr. Hogan, Mr. Kellner and Mr. Donald Rich for coming. CENTRAL SCHOOL STATUS REPORT - TOWN MANAGER Mr. Janes reported that the lease has been signed and the driveway arranged for the protection of school children. He has purchased 84 linear feet of used office dividers at a savings of $800. He has looked over the school with Mr. Blais, who made his services as a professional designer and planner available to the town at no charge. Together they set up priorities for the expenditure of the $6,500 remaining. Mr. Blais expects to have a plan to discuss by Wednesday of this week. SECOND READING - ZONE CHANGE - CORNER OF ALLEN ROAD & SHELBURNE ROAD Mr. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator presented the plans to the Selectmen. Mr. Ward advised them that it has the approval of the Planning Commission with the following stipulations: (See Planning Commission Minutes December 22, 1970) 1. That the Town Engineers recommendations regarding the entrance and exit be accepted. 2. Landscaping be provided as shown on plans. The cost shall be at least 3% of the construction cost. 3. No display of boats or any goods outside of building. (Mr. Heigis added to the motion) 4. A lighting plan be prepared for the lot. 5. The shrubbery be in the amount of $1300 plus the landscaping cost. Planning Commission minutes also indicate that Mr. Janes requested that the brick work and steel be aesthetically compatible to the Burlington Drug Building. Mr. Premo made a motion that this zoning change be approved with the stipulations of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. The ordinance as passed follows: O R D I N A N C E AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND "THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE" BY CREATION OF AN ADDITIONAL AREA OF BUSINESS DISTRICT B. The Selectmen of South Burlington hereby ordain: SECTION 1. The South Burlington Zoning Ordinance adopted February 28, 1964, and the official zoning map adopted in connection therewith is hereby amended by changing the land use of the following described land from Business District A to Business District B. A parcel of land, containing 1.06 acres, beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Shelburne Road also known as U.S. 7 and the northerly line of Allen Road; thence proceeding easterly along the northerly line of said Allen Road two hundred and eighty three (283) feet to a point; thence turning to the left and proceeding northerly in and along Drug Warehouse Corporation westerly line one hundred and seventy five (175) feet to property now or formerly of Bartlett which is also the northeasterly corner; thence turning to the left and proceeding westerly in and along said Bartletts southerly line two hundred and seventy (270) feet, to a point in the easterly line of Shelburne Road; thence turning to the left and proceeding southerly in and along the said easterly line of Shelburne Road one hundred and sixty one and seven tenths (161.7) feet to the point and place of beginning. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect from its passage. APPROVED January 18, 1971 S/B BOARD OF SELECTMEN USE VARIANCE TO SANCTION - MR. WAYNE GIBSON This request is in the Zoning Board minutes of January 6, 1971. Mr. Ward informed the Selectmen that Mr. Gibson has stated he will not expand on this site. Mr. Stearns made a motion that the Selectmen sanction the Zoning Board's action on the use variance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. THIRD APPOINTMENT TO WINOOSKI PARK AUTHORITY Mr. Behney said the Planning Commission has recommended that Mr. James Lamphere be appointed. Mr. Stearns made a motion that Mr. James Lamphere be recommended for appointment to the Winooski Park Authority. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. SIGNING OF 15 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LIENS Mr. Janes recommended that the Selectmen approve 15 notice of personal property tax liens. He said this has been checked out with John Ewing, the Town Attorney's office and will put a lien on personal property where all methods of collection have failed. These papers were signed and Mr. Janes informed the Selectmen that they will be recorded in the Town Clerk's office. He said he has decided to forget about delinquent poll taxes. Mr. Behney asked Mr. Janes if Mr. Ewing has reviewed the Champlain Water District and was told he has not. Mr. Janes reminded the Selectmen that the warning for Town Meeting must be prepared. The earliest it can be warned is January 22, 1971 and the final date is January 29, 1971. This should be noted in the event a special item, such as a bond issue, must be warned. LETTERS READ Mr. Behney read a letter from Chief Monell, South Burlington Fire Department, advising that beginning January 19, 1971 the Fire Department are initiating a Red Cross First Aid Course on Tuesday nights from 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. The course is ten hours and instructors are Keith Marston and George Brady. A letter was read from Walter Nardelli thanking the Selectmen for the plaque presented to him for his service as Selectman. A letter from the American Legion (Montpelier Headquarters) was read extending an invitation to attend the banquet at the Ramada Inn on March 5, 1971 during their Mid-Winter Converence. Mr. Behney recommended that the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen on March 5, be designated to go. These letters are filed with and made a part of these minutes. STATE AID SELECTION CERTIFICATES These certificates were signed by the Selectmen. SHELBURNE ROAD PROPOSAL - SIGN QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD Mr. Janes was requested to have a sign installed on Queen City Park Road at the entrance to parking lot reading "NOT A THROUGH STREET", as requested in Commissioner Gray's letter. CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED CHARTER - REVIEW A motion was made by Mr. Blais that this be referred to the Town Attorney. Motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Mr. Behney announced that the Board of Civil Authority would meet January 19, 1971 at the Middle School at 7:00 P. M. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. M. and the Board moved to the Town Hall to go into Executive Session. Approved -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.