HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/11/1971BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JANUARY 11, 1971 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting in the Library of the Middle School, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, January 11, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney opened the meeting with a public salute to the flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; Charlotte C. Marsh, Dennis J. Snyder, Franklyn C. McCaffrey, Zoning Administrator Ward, Town Engineer Szymanski, Recreation Director Robert Burnell, C. R. Wood, John R. LaGue, C. F. Tenney, Robert B. Ingraham, Robert West, Dick Clifford, Paul E. Jones, F. Wiley Grant, Arthur Hill, Jr., David Dillon from WJOY, Reporter George Lambert, Dorothy Guilford, Patricia Fastiggi, and Barbara Bull. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Town Manager Janes, asked as the last item of business, to have a letter read into the record. Chairman Behney asked to have 2 items added to the agenda: 1. Consideration of a request from the Town of Colchester in regard to Lime Kiln Road. 2. Consideration of having the town cooperate with the state in the testing of the Pilot Program of the Family Assistance Plan. CONSIDER AND ACT ON FRONT-END LOADER QUOTATIONS Because so many were present in regard to this item Chairman Behney announced it would be the first order of business. Town Manager Janes made a recommendation relative to the quotations received on Friday, January 8, 1971, to accept the quotation from the Hill-Martin Company, and to reject all others with thanks. Mr. Stearns said the Sub-Committee also has a recommendation from the Town Engineer to purchase two machines as quoted, the #950 and #930 Caterpillars. Mr. Blais mentioned the steps the Sub-Committee had taken to check on the advantages of purchasing one brand of loader over another, and said he and Mr. Stearns had contacted the personnel at the Vermont State Purchasing Department as well as experts in the maintenance of this type of equipment. Mr. Blais then said the Sub-Committee supports the Town Manager's recommendation to purchase the Allis Chalmers equipment. Mr. Premo asked about what items were included in the quote and wondered if a scoop and side plow were included. Mr. Stearns said a one-way reversing plow and one-way wing were included. Mr. Premo questioned the high repair costs the town has already experienced with Allis Chalmers equipment. Mr. Stearns said this has been checked into, and the answer was that supposedly at the offset the equipment was not used properly. Mr. Audette remarked that the machine in question was used solely for dumping during the first two years and for compacting during the past two years. CONSIDER AND ACT ON FRONT-END LOADER QUOTATIONS, CONTINUED Mr. Ingraham from the Jordon Milton Company mentioned that he felt the information received from the Vermont State Purchasing Department in regard to maintenance costs for the Caterpillar Loaders was in error, since the state does not own one Caterpillar loader, although they do own Caterpillar bulldozers and graders. Mr. Blais said he was surprised, that he called the purchasing department and asked a fair question and had felt he had received an honest evaluation. Town Engineer Szymanski said the town mechanic would not recommend purchasing any Allis Chalmers equipment as the town presently spends about 1/3 of its repair budget on the A. C. loader we now own. Speaking on behalf of the different brands of equipment were Mr. Robert Ingraham for the Caterpillar, Mr. LaGue for Hough, Mr. Arthur Hill, Jr., for the Allis- Chalmers, and Mr. Paul Jones for the John Deere Equipment. Mr. Robert Woods, Acting Street Superintendent Audette, Charlotte C. Marsh and Town Engineer Szymanski also gave their views on the purchase and received answers to questions on what type of equipment was included in the quotes, why the Board didn't choose the equipment with the lowest price, why the Sub-Committee felt we needed two machines, and related questions. After a discussion that was primarily concerned with the type of equipment that was included in the different quotes, Mr. Blais made a motion to table any action for one week. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER AND ACT ON FRONT-END LOADER QUOTATIONS, CONTINUED Town Manager Janes asked if it was the Board's desire to ask for quotations on equipment that all the bidders did not include. Mr. Blais said the motion to table was just to give us time to study all the aspects of the quotes, that he did not believe it was fair or proper to ask for quotes after quotes had been received. Chairman Behney then announced that in a related item he would like to show a film about landfill operations and other methods of disposing of solid waste, and a very interesting film on the subject was then run off by Bob Burnell. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 30, 1970 MEETING Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 30, 1970, meeting as presented. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENTS Chairman Behney reminded the Board that the disbursement orders were on the table for the members to sign. WINOOSKI RIVER GORGE STUDY - NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Mrs. Bull presented a recreation proposal of the winooski River Gorge, saying that the Green Mountain Power Company must submit plans for recreational use of the area when they apply for relicensing of the power dam. She said the proposal is to be submitted to the Government and the Power Company so they will know our plans and wishes. Mr. Peter Berg is the Environmental Consultant hired by the Power Company to draw recreation plans for its land. WINOOSKI RIVER GORGE STUDY-NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE, CONTINUED Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the report and get it before the Federal Power Commission who has to approve the licensing. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE STATUS OF RED ROCKS CAMPS Chairman Behney said that Thomas Breen, who had wanted to discuss the development of Red Rocks as a whole was unable to be present, and so discussion tonight would be strictly on the status of the camps. He described two camps, saying they had some value and should be held and secured for immediate future development. He recommended that the other camps should be demolished and removed as soon as it was economically possible. Mr. Premo agreed that this should be done, but would like to have a legal opinion as to the legality of such an act. Mr. Blais asked if the camps were the free and clear property of South Burlington. Mr. Premo said he felt they were, but that the legality should be checked on. Mr. Blais agreed, and said nothing should be touched until the Board receives a legal statement. Mr. Burnell, Recreation Director, stated that he also was waiting for the legal decision on the camps, that he had considered letting them out for bids for demolishing for the value of the lumber, and wondered if there were any funds for disposing of the camps. He further stated that his plans called for securing around the lookout areas, fencing, cleaning the paths, and clearing the area. He felt the use of motor vehicles in the area should be limited. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE STATUS OF RED ROCKS CAMPS, CONTINUED Chairman Behney said the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee was going to recommend a planner to work on development of the site. Mrs. Bull asked if it was proper to ask at this time what money can be used for development. Town Manager Janes said he had contacted Mr. Ewing, Town Attorney, for a legal opinion of whether or not the excess money voted on for the bond issue for the purchase of the property can be spent for development. Mrs. Bull also stated that Mr. Breen was interested in the area being secured as trees were being destroyed. Town Manager Janes said this has been taken care of. Chairman Behney said he would like a recommendation from the Committee as to the use of Red Rocks now, principally for ice skating, ice fishing, snow shoeing, etc. The Board agreed, but Mr. Stearns felt people should be discouraged from going into the area until we resolve the problems and have the recommendation from the Committee. Mr. Dennis Snyder questioned the Board about recent vandalism at Red Rocks, saying he had heard that the town is not encouraging any arrests and that the matter is being covered up. Chairman Behney said the matter is being investigated by the Police Department, and Mr. Stearns said we are assuming the Police Department is progressing in due course. Mr. Blais said it is not our intent to stop any arrests the Police Department and State's Attorney feel are necessary. SNOWMOBILES Chairman Behney said he felt areas should be designated for the use of snowmobiles. Mr. Stearns said the Recreation Committee should be charged to research and recommend where snowmobiles could be used in town. The rest of the Board agreed to this, and the secretary was instructed to see that copies of these minutes are forwarded to the Beach, Park, and Recreation Committee. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S DECEMBER 1970 REPORT The Zoning Administrator's December report was accepted with a comment by Mr. Stearns that Mr. Ward be asked to submit comparison reports in the future. FIRE STATION PLAQUE Mr. Blais did not have a report on the status of the Fire Department Plague at this time. TOWN MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ON PERSONNEL IMPROVEMENTS-POLICE DEPT. Town Manager Janes recommended two amendments to improve the Personnel Rules and Regulations as follows: 1. To establish the position of Lieutenent Detective at Grade 15. 2. To raise the grade level of the Clerk-Dispatcher from 5 to 6. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept the Town Manager's recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. LIME KILN ROAD BRIDGE - COLCHESTER REQUEST TO CO-SPONSER BILL FOR REPAIRS Chairman Behney read a letter from Town of Colchester officials, in which Colchester is requesting the Town of South Burlington to co-sponsor a bill to request the state to repair the Lime Kiln Bridge. Mr. Stearns made a motion to table action until next week so we can obtain a written legal opinion as to whether or not the town's position in regard to the bridge would be jeopardized if we co-sponsored such a bill. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Town Manager Janes explained the procedures for cooperating with the state in a Pilot Family Assistance Program. Mr. Blais made a motion that we sign the agreement to cooperate with the state in this program if we qualify. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CORRECTED CERTIFICATE OF MILEAGE OF STATE-AID ROADS As the Town Engineer had reviewed and o-kayed the corrected certificate of the mileage of state-aid roads in the Town of South Burlington, the Board signed the certificate. COMMISSIONER GRAY'S LETTER Consideration of a letter from Commissioner Gray of the State Highway Department was tabled until next week. MR. JANES LETTER Mr. Janes, Town Manager, who had previously asked to have a letter read into the record, requested this not be done. On a motion made by Mr. Premo, seconded by Mr. Blais, and so passed the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.