HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/04/1971BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JANUARY 4, 1971 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, January 4, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney opened the meeting with a public salute to the flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; Charlotte C. Marsh, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. D'Acuti, Mr. Ingraham, Mr. James Pizzagalli, Patricia Fastiggi, Franklyn McCaffrey, Town Engineer Szymanski, Code Officer Ward, Everett Reid, James Lamphere, Reporter Lambert, Acting Public Works Superintendent Albert Audette, Nan Frymoyer, and Town Representative Jameson. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO MR. D'ACUTI AND MR. PIZZAGALLI Chairman Behney presented Mr. D'Acuti and Mr. Pizzagalli with their engraved Selectmen's name plates, noting their service to the town. Town Manager Janes was instructed to see that Mr. Nardelli, who was unable to be present, received his plaque as soon as possible. Mr. D'Acuti and Mr. Pizzagalli, both made a few remarks, thanking the Board for the awards. REPORT FROM EX-OFFICIO MEMBER OF THE BURLINGTON AIRPORT COMMISSION VINCENT J. D'ACUTI Mr. D'Acuti pointed out that he was an ex-officio member of the Burlington Airport Commission, that he did not have a vote. He felt there were going to be a great many changes made in the administration of the Airport, and said that a study sub-committee had met and the results were that the Airport plant and facilities would be enlarged at the same location at an estimated cost of 1 to 1 ½ million dollars. Members of the subcommittee were William Freeman - Buildings, terminal plant Warren McClure - Location of facilities Dr. Fey - Finance. Mr. D'Acuti said the new Airport Manager was Thomas Schmitt of South Burlington, and that architects Richard Wiemann and James Lamphere had been hired to draft plans for the physical changes. Mr. D'Acuti then emphasized his feelings that the Airport Commission should have a 5 man board, 3 from Burlington and 2 from South Burlington, all voting members, and that an Airport Zone be drafted that would protect both municipalities. He then spoke of the advantages of regionalization in areas such as sewer and water facilities and transportation. Chairman Behney said he had been in touch with Mayor Cain who seemed receptive to the fact that South Burlington should have a voting member on the Commission. James Lamphere, Chairman of the South Burlington Planning Commission, said that Mr. Boyle has been hired to revise the Zoning Ordinance, that an Airport Zone is included in the town's accepted Master Plan and will be incorporated in the revision. He also said that plans were to coordinate the Buckley Airport Report, etc. in the new Airport Zone. Mr. D'Acuti was thanked for his report. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 21, 1970 Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 21, 1970 meeting as presented. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and so passed. DISBURSEMENTS Chairman Behney pointed out that the disbursement sheets were on the table for the Board's signatures during the meeting. REPORT - JAMES LAMPHERE. CHAIRMAN OF PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Behney said that Mr. Lamphere was asked to attend to report on two items: 1. The fact that non-members had spoken out on Planning Commission matters. 2. Mr. Lamphere's suggestions on filling the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Mr. Lamphere said the Commission would like to buy a little time on the recommendation of an applicant to fill the vacancy on the Commission, as it would like to study the type of man needed. In regard to the fact that non-members had spoken out on Planning Commission matters, Mr. Lamphere said that Mr. Sargent, a former Chairman of the Planning Commission, had testified on behalf of the Planning Commission. Mr. Lamphere said that he was given the material to look over, but he had neglected to read it in full. Mr. Stearns remarked that even if the material was looked over by Mr. Lamphere, the person should not have spoken as a representative of the Planning Commission. Mr. Premo said he thought the material in question had been reviewed by the Planning Commission. It was agreed that non-members should not speak out as representatives of the Planning Commission. In answer to questioning by Miss Marsh, Mr. Lamphere said that no new developments have occured in regard to submitting names of streets to developers. Mr. Blais asked the schedule on the road layout by Mr. Lamphere and the Town Engineer. Mr. Lamphere said the plan has been distributed to the Commission members. They will go over it and then present it to the Selectmen. Mr. Premo wondered what effect the road layout would have on the Champlain Water District's plans. Mr. Lamphere said the Commission had met with Richard Emerick of the Water District and, 1. The Planning Commission and Town Engineer approved the easement across and around the perimeter of Red Rocks. 2. The Planning Commission and Martin Paulsen, Engineer, will get together to go over the plans. 3. The Beach Park and Recreation Committee will look over the proposed route through Farrell Park. Mr. Blais asked the status of the Champlain Water District's construction. Mr. Szymanski said the contracts are being reviewed by the Federal Government, the contracts have not been awarded. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Mr. Premo made a motion that the Board authorize the Chairman to sign contracts for participation in the State-wide Communication System. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. OPENING LINES OF COMMUNICATION FOR COMPLAINTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE IV SEWER PROJECT Town Manager Janes reported that since Labor Day he and the Town Engineer had met with the resident engineer on the sewer project and with other Webster-Martin, Inc., personnel to establish open lines of communication. The resident engineer will route complaints personally to the contractor on the job, will submit a monthly written report of activities to the town and will have change orders approved by the town before the work is done. Mr. Janes further reported that complaints are being taken care of promptly. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT FOR NOVEMBER The Board accepted the Zoning Administrator's report for November, 1970. LANDFILL AREA PERMITS Mr. Stearns questioned the method of issuing permits to residents for use of the landfill. Mr. Ward explained that they could be obtained from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. any work day at the office, and one of the secretaries would be able to issue the permits. FIRE & POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORTS The Board accepted the above reports without question. FINAL CALCULATION $90,915,072.00 - STATE TAX COMMISSION Chairman Behney said the final calculation of $90,915,072.00 F.M.V. of the property in South Burlington was the amount the state would be using to figure the State Aid to Education for South Burlington. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSPECTION OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Mr. Janes, Town Manager, read a letter from Mr. Ernest Ferro, a South Burlington resident, in which Mr. Ferro questioned the need for such an ordinance stating that the State of Vermont had just enacted an electrical code which would take care of the inspections. Chairman Behney informed those present that the State Electrical Code is in regard to public buildings only, and apartment buildings with three apartments or more, not private homes. Mr. Janes was instructed to answer Mr. Ferro's letter, and tell him the ordinance was being proposed in order to protect everyone in town. Mr. Premo made a motion to pass the ordinance. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The ordinance follows: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSPECTION OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS ORDINANCE ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSPECTION OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS The Selectmen of the Town of South Burlington hereby ordain: Section 1. Purpose It is the purpose of this Ordinance to provide for the inspection of electrical installations, in accordance with the provisions of 26 VSA Chapter 14. Section 2. Appointment of Electrical Inspector The Board of Selectmen shall appoint an electrical inspector. The said inspector shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings in his department and report same, monthly to the Selectmen. He shall also file all reports to the Commissioner of Labor and Industry or other state agencies as required by 26 VSA Chapter 14. The inspector shall be under the control and supervision of the Town Manager and within the Personnel Rules and Regulations, where applicable, and the position of Electrical Inspector shall be classified under said Rules. Section 3. Duties of Electrical Inspector It shall be the duty of said inspector to make inspections of electrical installations within the Town of South Burlington in accordance with all the applicable provisions of 26 VSA Chapter 14, as amended from time to time, and to issue certificates of approval as provided in said Chapter, upon payment of the required fee. Section 4. Authority Granted to Electrical Inspector The inspector shall have authority to enter any premises in which an electrical installation subject to regulations adopted under said Chapter is being installed, replaced or repaired for the purpose of making such inspection as is necessary to carry out his responsibilities under said Chapter and this Ordinance. The inspector may order the removal or correction of any violation of any rule and regulation adopted under said Chapter, and may order any public utility furnishing electricity to such installation to disconnect the same until the violations are corrected. Section 5. Fees For the purpose of defraying the cost of inspections, there shall be the following schedule of fees, which may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of Selectmen: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSPECTION OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS, CONTINUED Minimum Charge $1.00 Service 1.00 Range 1.00 Hot-water heater-domestic 1.00 Oil Burner boiler and furnaces 1.00 Circulating pump 1.00 Drier 1.00 Disposal Unit 1.00 Electric signs, 1 transformer 2.00 each additional transformer 1.00 Gasoline pump, each 2.00 Transformers 5.00 Motors (1 to 15 hp.)1.00 each hp. Motors (over 15 hp.)15.00 House wiring 5.00 Multiple dwellings, first unit 5.00 each additional unit 2.00 Electric heat, per room or heated area 1.00 Complete building .10 per outlet Each additional inspection 2.00 Section 6. Inspection and Certificate (a) Upon completion of the work subject to regulation and inspection under said Chapter, it shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation performing such work to notify the inspector, who shall inspect such work within 24 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, from the time such notice is given or as soon thereafter as practicable. If said work is found to comply with all applicable standards and requirements under said Chapter, he shall issue to such person, firm or corporation a certificate of approval with a duplicate certificate for delivery to the owner, authorizing connection to the source of supply, the turning on of the electricity and the use of the installation and shall notify the public utility furnishing service of such authorization. No public utility shall furnish any electrical service to any person, firm or corporation until so notified. A temporary certificate of approval may be issued authorizing the connection and use of certain portions of an incomplete installation and such certificate shall be revocable at the discretion of the inspector. (b) When any part of a wiring installation is to be concealed from view by the permanent placement of parts of the building, the person, firm or corporation installing the wiring shall notify the inspector and such parts of the wiring installation shall not be concealed until they have been inspected and approved by the inspector or until 24 hours exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, shall have elapsed from the time of such notification, provided that on large installation, where the concealment of parts of the wiring proceeds continuously, the person, firm or corporation installing the wiring shall give the inspector due notice and inspections shall be made periodically during progress of work. Section 7. A person aggrieved by a refusal of the inspector to issue a certificate of approval, or by any other action of the inspector, may appeal such refusal or action in the manner provided in said Chapter 14 of 26 VSA. Section 8. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. Approved: January 4, 1971 s/ SOUTH BURLINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION ON CENTRAL SCHOOL IMPLEMENTATION Town Manager Janes recommended that an Interior Consultant be engaged to advise him on the alterations in the Central School building. Mr. Blais said he would be delighted to assist Mr. Janes at no reimbursement, and the Board expressed its thanks at Mr. Blais' offer. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PETITIONS TO SIGN Consideration on signing petitions for the Telephone and Telegraph Company was tabled on the recommendation of the Town Manager and Town Engineer that the petitions be referred to the Planning Commission. REPORT FROM WAYNE JAMESON, TOWN REPRESENTATIVE Mr. Wayne Jameson, one of South Burlington's Representatives to the Legislature was present and reported that as far as he knew the printing of the City Charter is complete, the Legislative Council has reviewed it and after consulting with Town Attorney Ewing by phone, thought it might be sent to the Council with no changes for approval. Mr. Jameson felt there was a good chance that the Charter would be approved by February 1, 1971. Mr. Blais initiated a discussion on State Aid to Education, and whether the cost of education could cause an upsweep in taxes on the local level. The Board seemed agreed that property taxes in the communities should be held down. Mr. Jameson said he planned to meet with the School Administration, and also planned to meet with the town's other representatives to keep the Board advised as to what was going on in the Legislature. OFFICIAL TOWN SEAL Town Manager Janes said Selectman Stearns was absent when the proposed town seal was turned down, however, the matter was being brought up again because the seal was being used on the land-fill permits, and was much better looking in color, than when it was presented in black and white to the Board. Mr. Premo made a motion to approve the seal, with the date of the organization of the community printed on it, colored Vermont Green, and not to use the seal until we know for sure whether or not we are approved as a city. Motion seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. DATE OF BUDGET HEARING The Board confirmed the date of February 1, 1971 for the public budget hearing. LOADER SUB-COMMITTEE'S REPORT Mr. Stearns, speaking for the sub-committee on the front-end loader, said that a great deal of work and time had gone into studying the matter, and the outcome was the fact that it was apparent there was need for a loader for landfill maintenance and cover, and also a need for a loader for winter work and snow handling. He said it was clear the Highway Department was doing a job without the proper equipment. LOADER SUB-COMMITTEE'S REPORT, CONTINUED Mr. Stearns said the sub-committee's recommendation was this: "To disregard all the quotes, and request that new quotes be submitted by Friday, January 8, 1971, for 2 new pieces of equipment as follows: 1. Piece of equipment for winter snow handling. 2. Piece of equipment for landfill operation. The quotes are to be figured with trade-in offered on the Hough and A.C. machines. Mr. Premo wondered if we would get enough on a trade-in for the A.C. machine, and Mr. Stearns said he definitely would want to see an equipment replacement schedule. In commenting on the recommendation Mr. Szymanski, Town Engineer, said that this sounds very good - "I am pleased". Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the sub-committee's recommendation, to eliminate all quotes submitted, and ask for new written quotes to be submitted no later than Friday, the 8th for two machines, one for use in the Landfill and one for winter snow handling with trade-ins on the Hough and A.C. loaders figured in. Acting Superintendent Audette asked several questions regarding a plow and a wing, and Mr. Stearns said to let the supplier suggest and quote. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION ON 2 PERSONNEL IMPROVEMENTS TO POLICE DEPT: Town Manager Janes introduced two personnel improvement recommendations to the police department, (1) to add the position of Lieutenant Detective in Grade 15, and (2) to change the grade level of Clerk-Dispatcher from 5 to 6. In discussing the change in grade level of the Clerk-Dispatcher, Mr. MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION ON 2 PERSONNEL IMPROVEMENTS TO POLICE DEPT., CONTD. Premo asked if there wasn't a lee-way - couldn't the existing scale do to set the pay according to work experience within the existing scale. Mr. Janes said his recommendation was to upgrade the level for that position, but that he would put this on the agenda for the next meeting. SEWER PROBLEMS IN LAUREL HILL SOUTH AREA Mr. Stearns asked for coverage in the press about the trouble in the sewer lines in the south end of town. The trouble was caused by the use of disposable diapers, and he would like to see this made public. Mr. Premo made a motion to go into executive session at 9:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. Approved Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.