HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/08/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library on Monday, February 8, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Charles H. Behney, Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, City Manager; Zoning Administrator, Richard Ward; City Engineer Szymanski, Charlotte C. Marsh, Mrs. Nan Frymoyer, Mrs. Patricia Fastiggi, George G. Smith, Franklyn McCaffrey, Reporter Eric Loring, and William Emberly of Webster-Martin, Inc. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY VICE-CHAIRMAN STEARNS The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Stearns at 7:30 P.M. as Chairman Behney was detained and arrived later while the meeting was in progress. SALUTE TO THE FLAG The meeting opened with all participating in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. DISBURSEMENTS Mr. Stearns announced that the disbursement orders were on the table for signing by the Councilmen during the meeting. MINUTES TO BE READ - January 25 and February 1, 1971 Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the minutes of January 25, 1971 and February 1, 1971, as read. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. COUNCIL REVIEW OF PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED SEVEN PAGE WEBSTER-MARTIN'S REPORT ON MISCELLANEOUS SEWER INVESTIGATIONS Chairman Behnye arrived at the start of the discussion of this item, and Vice-Chairman Stearns turned the chair over to Mr. Behney. Chairman Behney told the Councilmen that the review had been in their hands for a week or so and that probably now was the time to set up priorities on the items reviewed. He mentioned that Mr. William Emberly from Webster-Martin, Inc., was present for questioning and discussion. Estimates for the following projects were discussed: Red Rocks area - possibly incorporated in the Phase IV, contract no. 3 construction work in progress. Crown Road - $ 47,000 construction cost 6,500 engineering fees (Water Resources Department personnel indicate that aid most probably will not be available). Inn Road - Private estate - owners should take care of any pollution problems. Bartlett Bay Road - $113,000 construction cost 12,200 engineering fees (Water Resources Department personnel indicate that possibly $13,000 more or less aid could be available for the construction work). Shelburne Road - $59,000 construction cost 7,000 engineering fees (No Federal and/or state aid anticipated on the above construction work). Conversion of Airport Parkway Plant - $500,000 construction cost 40,000 engineering fees (Per Emberly letter - "Up to approximately 85% of the above costs could be eligible for aid"). Mr. Emberly reported that in discussing all of the items with the Water Resources Department he learned that they concur with the thinking of Webster- Martin that all direct pollution to the Lake should be abated as soon as possible. It was indicated that the Water Resources Department would favor this action as having a higher "priority" than the Airport Parkway Plant conversion to secondary treatment at this time. Mr. Blais expressed his views on the subject of pollution in general and said his priorities were as follows: 1. Have the Bartlett Bay area picked up. 2. Have the Shelburne Road area picked up. 3. Convert the Airport Parkway plant to secondary. City Manager Janes reminded the Council that they passed two or three resolutions endorsing the sewering of all the lake area, and asked Mr. Emberly about the Red Rocks sewering, wondering if the work could go out to bid as soon as possible. Mr. Emberly said his firm had planned on the Red Rocks work being an extension of Phase IV, and had gone ahead on that basis. He said he could have figures in "change order" form in two weeks. REVIEW OF WEBSTER-MARTIN, INC. REPORT, CONTINUED Mr. Premo and Mr. Stearns also questioned the use of surplus sewer funds for some of the work outlined in the report. It was decided to defer any action until Mr. Emberly presented the figures on sewering Red Rocks. PHASE IV CHANGE ORDER FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION City Manager Janes distributed material outlining the increased cost of installing utilities underground in the construction of Phase IV sewer project. He also read from a letter from the Water Resources Department, that this increased cost can possible be eligible for Federal Aid, but decision on such aid is not made until the work is done. Mr. Emberly pointed out that there is a $60,000 contingency fund in the project to be used for unexpected expenses - the increased cost of the underground installation would fall in this category, and he felt the amount of the increase was not out-of-line. Mr. Stearns emphasized that the City desires that all future utilities in town be constructed underground and recommended that the Planning Commission be informed that the Council wants the updated Subdivision Regulations to include the underground requirement. Mr. Janes was instructed to forward the recommendation to the Planning Commission. Mr. Premo then made a motion to authorize the agent (Chairman Behney) to sign the change order for the increased cost caused by the underground electrical installation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. REVIEW OF LIMITED SEPTIC TANK HELP TO WILLISTON AND COLCHESTER - CITY ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION City Engineer Szymanski said that provisions can be made to accept a limited amount of septic tank loads from the Towns of Colchester and Williston during the winter months of December, January, February and March. He also explained the method to be used and the work required which would increase the cost of processing these loads in that chlorine, water, extra pumping and more frequent cleaning will be required. He recommended that the present rate be increased if these loads were accepted. Mr. Stearns said he felt that any time we accept the burden of another community without charge we are taking away from our taxpayer. He felt the community should be charged for the additional costs. Mr. Stearns then made a motion to approve Mr. Szymanski's recommendation as to the months we will accept waste from Colchester and Williston be approved, and a meaningful charge to cover cost and maintenance be made to the towns, as well as the charge to the carriers. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. VERMONT NATURAL RESOURCES COUNCIL Chairman Behney announced that in some states outside this area, Conservation Commissions are being established under special enabling legislation and are proving very successful. He said that our Natural Resource Committee has been a subcommittee to the Planning Commission and has also acted as advisors to the Recreation Committee. He recommended that the Natural Resource Committee report directly to the City Council. VERMONT NATURAL RESOURCES COUNCIL, CONTINUED City Manager Janes said he had prepared an organizational chart that depicts such a committee reportable to the Council. After discussing the functions of both the Beach, Park, and Recreation Committee and the Natural Resource Committee, Mr. Blais made a motion to table any decision or action until the Council had the opportunity of meeting with Mrs. Bull, Chairwoman of the Natural Resource Committee. Mr. Janes was instructed to put the item on the agenda for the first business meeting in March. APPOINTMENTS - MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: City Manager Janes read his recommendation to hire Mr. Sid Oliver as Electrical Inspector on a temporary 30 day basis, the salary to be negotiated. He said Code Officer Ward agreed with this recommendation. Mr. Premo asked if Mr. Oliver would clearly understand that it was to be just a temporary position. Mr. Janes said yes. Mr. Premo made a motion to appoint Mr. Oliver as Electrical Inspector as outlined by the City Manager. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Janes then remarked that he was very satisfied with Code Officer Ward's work, saying he is doing an excellent job with the supervision of the gate- keeper position at the landfill area, and he was sure he would do as good a job in the implementation of the Electrical Inspector's position. APPOINTMENTS - MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, CONTINUED ACTING ASSESSOR: City Manager Janes read his recommendations on changes in the wording in the job description and title in the position of Tax Analyst. He further recommended that Richard Underwood be appointed Acting Assessor until July 1, 1971. Mr. Premo made a motion to approve the recommendation of the City Manager on the change in the title and description of the position of Tax Analyst to Acting Assessor, to appoint Richard Underwood as Acting Assessor until July 1, 1971, and further to utilize the services of Lister Patricia Fastiggi in the Assessor's office. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. AUDITOR: City Manager Janes' recommendation was that the City Council appoint LaForrest Thompson, C.P.A., and the firm of Thompson, Prahl and Kelly as auditors for the city. Mr. Premo made a motion to accept this recommendation. Motion seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. ADDITION TO SOUTH BURLINGTON'S "NO PARKING" ZONES: (SPEAR STREET, FROM WILLISTON ROAD TO SWIFT STREET) City Manager Janes said the Chief of Police had requested him to recommend that the Council consider passage of a resolution designating Spear Street a "No Parking" area from Williston Road to Swift Street. Mr. Stearns pointed out that the University causes most of the parking problems in the area by the construction of university facilities without regard to the parking problems such facilities might and do generate. Mr. Stearns made a motion that the City Manager be instructed to contact University officials in regard to the problem. Seconded by Mr. Blais, and passed unanimously. MONTHLY REPORTS - FIRE DEPARTMENT AND CODE OFFICER In discussing the monthly report from the Fire Department the City Manager was instructed to make inquiries as to the reason for the overtime hours. He was also instructed to prepare an itemized statement of the expenditures in the Fire Department when the next financial statement is presented. Code Officer Ward's report of activities for the month of January was approved and accepted. FINANCIAL STATEMENT The Council reviewed the financial statement and City Manager Janes said he felt confident we would have a black budget at fiscal year's end. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Mr. Premo made a motion to add the following items to the agenda: 1. Discuss budget time table. 2. Schedule Steering Committee Meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. DISCUSS BUDGET TIME TABLE City Manager Janes said the public budget hearing should be held between March 19, 1971 and April 8, 1971, said meeting to be publicized 10 days previously to the hearing. SCHEDULE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING City Manager Janes was instructed to contact the School Board and Superintendent Lull, and suggest two dates on which the first Steering Committee Meeting could be held. The two dates are Thursday, March 4, and Tuesday, March 9, 1971. REMINDERS The City Council Regular Meetings will be held on March 1, 1971 and March 15, 1971. There will be a meeting with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and Vermont Highway Commissioner John Gray at the Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, University of Vermont at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, February 24, 1971. Councilmen are urged to attend - subject will be Transportation. City Manager Janes informed the Council that Mr. Gray, Commissioner of the Vermont Highway Department had written a letter of congratulations on our becoming a city, and also assured the Council that the I.D. signs on the Interstate would be changed to read City of South Burlington. Mr. Blais made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. Approved Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.