HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/01/1971CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held its first regular meeting at the Middle School Library on Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, February 1, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney opened the meeting with all present participating in the Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Charles H. Behney, Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager Janes, Charlotte C. Marsh, Code Officer Ward, Franklyn McCaffrey, George G. Smith, and about 60 other South Burlingtonions, among then the City Representatives, Wayne Jameson, Paul Graves, and Douglas Tudhope; Senator Frederick J. Fayette, members of the School Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Water Commissioners, Department Heads, Superintendent and Mrs. Robert D. Lull, Members of the Town Government Committee and the Administrative Staff. THE NEW CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON - INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Chairman Behney made a few opening remarks regarding this first meeting of the South Burlington City Council, pointing out the presence of Senator Frederick J. Fayette, who had worked hard on behalf of the new Charter and the three representatives, Wayne Jameson, Paul Graves, and Douglas Tudhope, who were instrumental in rushing approval through the House and the Senate, even though Vermonters traditionally have only one speed and can't be rushed. THE NEW CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, CONTINUED Chairman Behney enumerated the steps taken from the introduction of House Bill 269 to the signing of the bill by Governor Deane Davis at 8 A.M. on January 29, 1971, in the presence of Senator Jack J. O'Brien and Representatives Graves, Tudhope and Jameson. Chairman Behney turned over his copy of the Journal of the Senate for the archives of the City of South Burlington and then introduced Representative Jameson who presented Chairman Behney with the pen with which the Governor had signed the bill, which was also turned over to be placed in the archives. Mr. Jameson spoke briefly, thanking all the individuals who had worked so hard on the new Charter, and asked the new City Council and the City School Board to implement the Charter with the least possible inconvenience to the residents, the teachers, and the town employees. Mr. Jameson also thanked those present for joining with him in honoring this step into the future, and said he felt it was appropriate at this time to honor the past, at which point he asked Miss Charlotte C. Marsh to stop to the podium, saying she was one person who personally did not like to see South Burlington give up the town form of government, and thanked her for the fine service she has always given the community. He hoped the change from a Town to a City would not deter Miss Marsh from serving as she had in the past. Miss Marsh replied, saying she appreciated being invited as one of the special guests, and admitted she was heartbroken at the demise of her town. She hoped it will be a commendable city and she wished it luck. THE NEW CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, CONTINUED Miss Marsh went on to say the following: "Two the ones who rushed the BILL through, and deprived us of one more TOWN MEETING, I would say, I hope your wives eat crackers in bed." Chairman Behney said it certainly was difficult for anyone of follow Charlotte, and noted that although the new City of South Burlington is not the largest community in Chittenden County, he feels that because of its central location it will play a most dynamic role in the growth and prosperity of the County. He hoped the communities would strive for inter-municipality cooperation to insure and organize the economic development of the area. Chairman Behney asked that the gavel used for the Town Board of Selectmen Meetings be also placed in the town archives, and then proceeded with the first City Council Meeting. REGIONAL JUNK CAR DISPOSAL AGREEMENT Mr. Premo made a motion to approve and accept the Regional Junk Car Disposal Agreement as reviewed by the Town Attorney. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. VELCO OPTION - CONSIDERATION AND ACTION On motion duly made and seconded the Councilmen unanimously approved and signed the Velco Option Agreement as prepared by the Town Attorney. CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT CHARTER - CONSIDERATION AND ACTION Mr. Stearns made a motion to approve our participation in the Champlain Water District as outlined in the Charter which has been reviewed and approved by out City Attorney. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. REMARKS BY TOWN MANAGER JANES Town Manager Janes read a letter from Arthur R. Hogan, Jr., the new Executive Director of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, congratulating us on the community's expeditious action in the Vermont House and Senate relative to the Charter for a city. Mr. Hogan also enclosed a chart which showed that the community of South Burlington, now the ninth city in the State of Vermont, had the greatest increase in population since the last census, from 6,903 to 10,032, or an increase of 45.3%. Mr. Premo made a motion to adjourn the Council Meeting to the Ballroom of the Ramada Inn at 8 o'clock. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. Approved Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.