HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/06/1971SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 6, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road on Monday, December 6, 1971 at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman Frederick G. Blais Walter Nardelli Kenneth Jarvis Dr. Harold Brown, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager Debbie Stearns, Burlington Free Press Fire Chief Monell Charlotte C. Marsh Frank McCaffrey Mrs. Ethan A. Sims George Smith Mrs. Nan Frymoyer, League of Women Voters Police Chief Richard Carter Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept., So. Burl. Mrs. Mary Barbara Maher, Planning Comm. Mr. Szymanski requested that the following items be tabled: Item 4. Discussion with Mr. McCarthy, Director of the Governor's Commission on Crime Control and Prevention, regarding the law enforcement assistance programs. (Mr. McCarthy requested that this be postponed because of the bad driving conditions tonight.) Tabled until December 20, 1971 Item 9. Sign the Highway Department's Union Contract. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before the meeting was adjourned. READING OF THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15 and 22, 1971 Mr. Jarvis made a motion that the Minutes of November 15 and November 22, 1971 be approved as presented. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. SECOND READING OF THE ORDINANCE RESTRICTING THE USE OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES TO THE PAVED AREAS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY Chairman Stearns read the proposed ordinance in full. Mr. Blais moved for adoption of the second reading of the ordinance. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and discussion followed. Mr. McCaffrey wanted to know what plans are being made to establish an area for the use of small motor bikes. Chairman Stearns informed him that this would come under the jurisdiction of the Recreation Department. Mr. Blais said existing properties owned by the City are not suitable for motor bikes. Mr. McCaffrey asked him if this included Red Rocks and Mr. Blais replied that it did. Police Chief Carter asked the Council if the ordinance will cover snowmobiles, pointing out that State Statutes do not consider snowmobiles motorized vehicles. Chairman Stearns said he wished this had been brought up at the first reading of the ordinance but Chief Carter said he was not aware of it. Mr. Nardelli asked Chief Carter if he could enforce the ordinance as it is written. Chief Carter said he could. Vote on the Motion: 5 Affirmative - O Negative. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE RESTRICTION OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES ON SCHOOL PROPERTY The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby ordains: Sec. 1 1. All motorized vehicles are restricted to paved roads and parking lots of South Burlington City School District properties, and only properly registered vehicles operated by licensed operators are permitted on said paved roads and parking lots. 2. Any person who is found guilty of violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and the same shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2 This ordinance shall take effect upon passage. APPROVED: December 6, 1971 Signed: Raymond E. Stearns Frederick G. Blais Walter Nardelli Kenneth W. Jarvis Harold P. Brown, Jr. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Chairman Stearns requested that the City Manager refer the Ordinance back to the City Attorney to determine whether it includes snowmobiles. ADOPT A RESOLUTION HONORING MRS. ETHAN A. H. SIMS FOR BEING RECOGNIZED BY THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR VOLUNTARY ACTION FOR HER SERVICE IN THE FIELD OF VOLUNTEERISM Chairman Stearns thanked Mrs. Sims for being present, noting that it is good to have an occasion to say something nice about someone, in view of the many occasions to the contrary with statements of criticism, conflict of interest, etc. "If more of this were done and less of the other, we would have a better city, state and country," he added. He read the Resolution which is signed by all members of the Council. A copy is filed with these Minutes. Mrs. Sims thanked the Council for their recognition. She said volunteering is not only a source of enrichment for the individual but, since our society is so split up, it is a way of "hitching us up again". A photographer from the Burlington Free Press was present to photograph the presentation by Chairman Stearns. REPORT BY MRS. NAN FRYMOYER, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, ON THE LEAGUE'S PROJECT OF UP-DATING THE "KNOW YOUR TOWN BOOKLET". Mrs. Frymoyer stated that the League has waited until the Charter was revised to bring this booklet up to date. The new book will have a new format with marginal indentations, which would more or less serve as an index of various boards, committees, Fire Department, Police Department, and subjects of interest to the citizens of South Burlington. The League has thought of listing all businesses in the city and suggested a list of names of the Council members with their telephone numbers. A map of the city streets and a Master Plan or Zoning Map could hopefully be included. It could also list the schools, giving location, number of classes, capacity, date built, etc. Mrs. Frymoyer explained. She said the League felt that a lot of what the Council is seeking from the Growth and Development Committee could be done in this booklet without duplication. Mrs. Mary Barbara Maher told the Council that the Growth and Development Committee, of which she is a member, will be coming to the Council for financial help in preparing a brochure. She felt her committee could be saved a lot of work if they had the information the League will be compiling and requested permission from Mrs. Frymoyer to sit in on League meetings pertaining to work on the Know Your Town publication. Mrs. Frymoyer agreed to this request and Chairman Stearns asked Mrs. Maher to proceed in this direction. Mrs. Frymoyer stated that the target date for completion is April, 1972. Chairman Stearns suggested that the League present a draft to the Council for consideration. Mr. Szymanski told Mrs. Frymoyer that the Water Department has reports going back to the early thirties. Mr. Nardelli suggested that the names of profession organizations be included. Mrs. Frymoyer said this is being planned. Mr. Blais suggested that it be printed in loose leaf form and there seemed to be general agreement on this format. Charlotte Marsh wanted to know if the League of Women Voters expects the Council to pay for publishing the booklet. Mrs. Frymoyer replied that the last time it was published the Selectmen had paid for it, to coincide with the celebration of South Burlington's centennial. ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF MR. EWAN ARCHER FROM THE NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE. MR. ARCHER IS MOVING FROM SOUTH BURLINGTON Chairman Stearns read a letter of November 26, 1971 from Evan C. Archer, Jr. tendering his resignation as a member of the South Burlington Natural Resources Commission as of December 1, 1971, since he is moving to Shelburne. Mr. Jarvis moved to accept Mr. Archer's resignation from the Natural Resources Committee. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Blais suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Archer thanking him for his services on this committee. The names of Phil Wagner and Wallace Christiansen were suggested by the Natural Resources Committee to fill this vacancy. Mr. Blais noted that the charter calls for a 15 day notice of vacancy and Chairman Stearns requested that Mr. Szymanski advertise this vacancy and to furnish the Council with resume of each applicant by December 27 when the appointment will be made. REVIEW THE DESCRIPTION OF THE DUTIES OF THE NEWLY FORMED PARK, REACH AND RECREATION; NATURAL RESOURCES; AND FINE ARTS COMMITTEES; ALSO THE REVISED RECREATION DIRECTOR'S JOB DESCRIPTION Mr. Blais read a report outlining the duties, qualifications, required knowledge and skills of the Recreation Director. Discussion followed on the proper title for this position. Mr. Nardelli felt the Director should be fully responsible for the budget for all three committees and questioned the proposal that all committees should be directly responsible to the City Council rather than to the Director. Chairman Stearns explained the Director is working for the three committees ― the committees are not working for the Director. The Director is to carry out the committees' policies under the City Manager. Mr. Blais noted that the Director's responsibility to the City Council is the same as the City Manager's responsibility to the Council. Mr. Blais also outlined the duties, membership, officers, meetings, and reports of the three committees, furnishing the Council with copies of his proposal for each committee. The committees shall meet a minimum of once each month and shall meet jointly four times a year for the purpose of coordination and communication of its programs. They shall forward to the City Council at least one report a month stating an evaluation on its programs completed or in process, according to his proposal. It was unanimously agreed that the title of "Community Program Coordinator" would be more appropriate than Recreation Director. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the description of the duties of the Park. Beach and Recreation; Natural Resources; and Fine Arts Committees and the revised Community Program Coordinator's job description be approved for a period of one year, when it would be reviewed. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. (5 to 0) Mr. Jarvis asked whether or not there will be a ski bus this year. Mr. Szymanski said he would look into this and let him know. Mr. Don Duell wanted to know if the meetings of the three committees will be public and, if so, how will the public know about them. Mr. Stearns said they will be public meetings. Discussion followed on a suggestion which was made to publish a schedule of events of South Burlington in the Free Press. Chairman Stearns asked Deborah Stearns, Free Press representative, what the procedure would be for publishing a weekly schedule of events. She told him to send the schedule to the Assignment Editor by Thursday of each week and it would be taken care of. Chairman Stearns requested that Mr. Szymanski also contact radio stations and Vermont Sunday News and request that the schedule of events be publicized. He suggested that Mrs. Catherine Hayden, City Manager's office, should be designated as the person to contact to give information on scheduled events in the city. REPORT ON THE SPOKESMAN PUBLICATION Mr. Nardelli reported too many students are working part time to help with the publishing of the Spokesman. However, two girls employed in the City Clerk's office have been helping Mrs. Schweyer. He urged each committee to pass in any material they wished to have published. There will be a calendar of events here also. Mr. Szymanski requested that all material be in the City Hall by the 8th of the month. He has made arrangements with the Water Department to include a copy of the Spokesman when their bills are sent out quarterly. CHAIRMAN STEARNS TO DISCUSS POSSIBILITY OF INITIATING A CITIZEN-COUNCILMAN INFORMATION SESSION, OVER A FIVE WEEK PERIOD, WHEREBY A COUNCILMAN WILL BE AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL TO TALK TO INTERESTED CITIZENS Chairman Stearns noted that Mayor Gordon Paquette has been conducting meetings with the public at Burlington City Hall but he hasn't talked with him to determine whether or not it has been successful. He proposed that members of the Council schedule one day a week from 3:30 to 7:30 P. M. on a rotating basis for a five week period at the city offices, with the public knowing who will be there each week, to find out what people really think. Telephone calls also will be accepted. Mr. Steams stated that what we hear and what we read are two different things and he hopes to learn what people think. During discussion which followed Mrs. Maher said she believes the key is publicity. Chairman Stearns agreed and said he hopes radio stations will cover it. Mr. Nardelli suggested it be tied to open house of the City Hall and Police Station. Chief Carter told the Council that repairs to the Police Station have not been completed. Mrs. Nan Frymoyer suggested that the Council give consideration to initiating the citizen-councilman information sessions in December, in view of the important hearings and meetings which are coming up. This would give the people an opportunity to express their views to the Councilmen, she felt. Chairman Stearns asked Mr. Blais if the CBC Realty would waive the 45 day requirement (30 days for the Planning Commission to make recommendations after the first reading by the Council and 15 days for the Council to act on these recommendations). Mr. Blais, agreed to waive this 45 day requirement and Chairman Stearns stated this would allow the Council to defer any action on the CBC proposal until after the holidays in January. Mrs. Frymoyer said if no action would be taken on the CBS proposal until after the holidays, there would not be the urgency to begin the information sessions in December. It was unanimously agreed by all members of the Council to initiate this plan after January 1, 1972. REQUEST A REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATOR PUBLIC MEETING PRIOR TO RESUMPTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION - MR. STEARNS Chairman Stearns announced that the Council will arrange a public meeting at the High School Auditorium during the week of January 3, 1972 inviting Representatives and Senators from South Burlington and Chittenden County to attend. He expressed the hope that the League of Women Voters, Jaycees and Kiwanis will help to get people there to let our representatives know how we feel about different issues. Mr. Jarvis suggested that our Representatives and Senator be contacted to get a date convenient to all. Chairman Stearns asked the City Manager to check with them and report back to the Council with a date. CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON GRANGE FOR USE OF THE CITY HALL BASEMENT FOR A MEETING PLACE Mr. Szymanski told the Council that Howard Chittenden called him with this request. The Grange would make some minor modifications in the basement in the kitchen area. They would coordinate activities with the Boy Scouts, who now meet there two nights a week. After a brief discussion Mr. Blais made a motion to allow the South Burlington Grange to use the basement of the City Hall for a meeting place. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. DISCUSSION ON REASON FOR WATER SHUT-OFF PROBLEMS IN THE EARTERLY WILLISTON ROAD AREA Dr. Brown said he is very concerned over the number of shut-offs of water and also the length of time it is off, particularly if there should be a fire. He noted the water was shut off for 6½ hours the last time. He asked Mr. Szymanski what this costs the city. Mr. Szymanski said there have been four shut-offs during the past year, three of which were accidents. There is no cost to the city, any cost is assessed to the contractor in the case of an accident. Fire Chief Monell said he has received notice of two of the shut-offs but was not aware of the other two incidents. Chairman Stearns said he thinks the city has not demanded enough accountability by contractors and he requested that Mr. Szymanski implement a system, perhaps with an assessment of fine for breaking a line, and present it to the Council at their next meeting. REVIEW THE STATUS OF THE WILLISTON ROAD GAS STATION LIGHT Mr. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, was called from another meeting in the City Hall, to brief the Council on the status of the lighting of the gas station at Williston and Patchen Roads, which they feel is a definite traffic hazard. Mr. Ward informed the Council that officials at the gas station have assured him they will be taken care of within two weeks (from date of December 3, 1971). Chief Carter, who was present, agreed that it is a definite traffic hazard to have these lights existing and, at Chairman Stearns' request, he was asked to telephone the attendant at the station during the meeting and have them shut off. Mr. Nardelli moved to adjourn the Council meeting and go into Executive Session to discuss personnel problems. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. M. The Council adjourned the Executive Session at 10:30 P. M. No action was taken. Approved: Walter Nardelli, Clerk -dg Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.