HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/16/1971CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING August 16, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road at 8 P. M. on August 16, 1971. Chairman Stearns called the meeting to order, with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman; Walter Nardelli; Frederick G. Blais; Kenneth Jarvis. MEMBERS ABSENT Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr. OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, Acting City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Ralph P. Branon, Architect Robert H. Dumont, Dumont Construction Co. Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Nan Frymoyer, President League of Women Voters of South Burlington Charlotte C. Marsh Fire Chief Monell F. C. McCaffrey Albert C. Audette, So. Burlington Highway Dept. Peter L. Jacob, Champlain Water District and Approximately 45 South Burlington residents in the Iby Street and Barrett St. area, whose names are listed on sign-up sheets recorded with these minutes. MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1971 Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Minutes of August 2, 1971 be approved as presented. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns reminded the members of the Council that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed before adjournment. SECOND READING OF PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE FROM RESIDENTIAL "B" TO RESIDENTIAL "C" DUMONT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROPERTY LOCATED WESTERLY OF IBY AND BARRETT STREETS Chairman Stearns read the public notice which had recently appeared in the Burlington Free Press pertaining to the proposed zone change. Mr. Nardelli moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to disapprove the change in zone. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and Chairman Stearns invited discussion. Mr. Ralph Branon, architect for Mr. Dumonts proposed development expressed the opinion that the traffic problem in the long run would be little different between the proposed housing project and single family homes. Mr. Robert Dumont, developer of the proposed project, stated that when it was first passed by the Council it was zoned "C". In April the Court had allowed the building of apartments, after several residents had gone to the Court to protest the apartment project based on covenants alleged to have been in their deeds, according to Mr. Dumont. Mr. Ward stated that no "C" zone existed in 1966. Mrs. Iris Mazza, 21 Iby Street, explained that certain parcels of the land had covenants and when Mr. Barrett sold the land to Mr. Dumont he did so without covenants. Mr. John Benedict, Iby Street said he believes the residential character of the area should remain. He would not object to single houses in that area but thinks the apartment project there would be objectionable. Mr. Kenneth Jarvis asked Mr. Dumont if he has anything else in mind to build on this site. Mr. Dumont replied that he would build single family or duplex low-priced homes on a slab. Mr. Lincoln Sibley, 23 Iby Street questioned the zoning change and asked: "Why do we have zoning?" Chairman Stearns replied that changes are bound to happen because the best laid plans will vary, also the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment are charged with providing the best zoning and land use for all of South Burlington. They recognize that a shift of economics could cause a need for a change in zone, but there must be a real good need, he added. Chairman Stearns asked Mr. Dumont what the price of the apartments would be. Mr. Dumont replied: 1 bedroom would rent for $127. per month. 2 bedroom would rent for $149. per month 3 bedroom would rent for $162. per month This would be paid by the tenant and not subsidized by the government, Mr. Dumont stated. Mr. Jarvis asked Mr. Dumont what would be the total number of occupants. Mr. Dumont's reply: 1 bedroom would have 2 occupants - there would be 10% of these 2 bedroom would have 3 occupants - there would be 60% of these 3 bedroom would have 6 occupants - there would be 30% of these Mr. Dumont stated that the Federal Housing Authority certifies applicants for this housing according to salary. Chairman Stearns asked if a number of University of Vermont students could be expected in this development, noting there are a number of these students in the Northgate Apartments. Mr. Branon said there would be. Mr. Blais asked those in the Conference Room if they opposed high density housing - the majority answered that they did. Mr. Sibley said: 1. He is against welfare housing 2. He is against apartments 3. He is not against single family dwellings. Several other residents spoke in objection to the housing project in that area because of the traffic hazard and concern for their children. Chairman Stearns called for a vote on the motion. The motion was approved unanimously, and request for change was denied. SIGN ORDINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT BY JAMES PIZZAGALLI This item was deleted from the agenda since Mr. Pizzagalli was unable to be present. APPOINT A CITY ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER - RICHARD WARD Mr. Szymanski recommended that Richard Ward be appointed to this position. Mr. Nardelli asked if this has been defined and Mr. Szymanski said it has been. Mr. Jarvis moved that Richard Ward be appointed City Environmental Officer. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PROGRESS REPORT ON POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING RENOVATIONS Mr. Szymanski reported that about $3,000 has been spent on renovating the former town office building thus far. He said the city will buy the gas tanks, that painting is near completion and in compliance with Fire Regulations the old burner is being removed and furnace is being converted to gas. He anticipates the Police Department will move into the building very soon. SET A MEETING DATE WITH COUNTY SIDE JUDGES RE: COUNTY TAXES Chairman Stearns explained to those present that South Burlington has been assessed $22,846 for county taxes and they are not required by law to tell where the money is spent and the City Council feels they have a right to know. He also noted that we have no right of appeal. Mr. Nardelli stated that these are public facts and there should be a public meeting with the side judges to discuss the matter, and recommended that the side judges appear at the council meeting on September 13, 1971 for discussion. He suggested that our City Attorney be made aware of it and Mr. Stearns said he is aware of the situation. REVIEW WATER TANK BEAUTIFICATION PLAN - DORSET STREET Mr. Szymanski presented an architect's plan for the beautification of the site of the Champlain Water District's water tower on Dorset Street. Total cost is estimated to be about $25,000. Plans call for a parking area for about 10 cars with several areas for picnicking, and trees planted to surround the property. No action was taken but Mr. Szymanski was requested to investigate the possibility of B.O.R. funds. DISCUSSION ON SUB-DIVIDING PARK, BEACH AND RECREATION COMMITTEE - FRED BLAIS Mr. Blais stated he feels the city could be doing a lot more and getting more for our dollar than is now the case. Although he has not had the chance to talk with Barbara Bull or Tom Breen he proposes dividing the responsibilities of the Park, Beach and Recreation Committee into three committees: 1. Physical Recreational Committee 2. Natural Resources Committee who would report directly to the Council - (this committee now reports to the Planning Commission) 3. A committee for Cultural Recreational Activities. Mr. Blais said he believes "we are now getting more dialogue than action" and proposes these three separate committees, no larger than five members each, and all directly responsible to the Council and on a rotating basis. Mrs. Frymoyer asked if the Council would take any action before consulting with the two chairmen. Mr. Blais replied in the negative. Chairman Stearns commented that many of our programs are geared to boys and not to girls and he hopes for improvements in this respect. An unidentified man questioned whether or not a program for retarded children will be included under the proposed program and was told there would be. Mr. Jarvis said he believes we should act with haste and Mr. Blais agreed to meet with Mrs. Bull and Mr. Breen, expressing the Council's feelings and report back to the Council. RED ROCKS - CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT A plan showing easement to be given to the Champlain Water District by the City of South Burlington was presented by Mr. Szymanski. After a brief discussion in which Mr. Szymanski stated no money was ever involved in this easement and the city can have access to this area, Mr. Javis moved to adopt the plan as presented by the Champlain Water District. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. DISCUSSION ON LIME KILN ROAD REOPENING - FRED BLAIS Mr. Blais introduced Mr. Donald Davie, chairman of the Chittenden Citizens' Committee to Reopen Lime Kiln Road Mr. Davis outlined the proposal he has made to Colchester officials for reopening the road, at a cost of $5,217. Charges of $2,000 for restoring a wall at St. Michael's college, $2,100. for a heavy steel guard rail, $917. for 305 feet of asphalt and $200. for moving a hydrant were given. Mr. Davis said the Highway Department will make test borings to determine whether the highway is safe, that results of their test borings will be put in writing, and when this is received he will go back to the Colchester officials. His proposal would move the road back 10 feet west of the lime quarry bank. If the borings are flat rock bed he believes the Highway Department will determine it to be safe and he feels within two weeks Colchester will begin to fix the road. Mr. Blais made a motion that the Council, through Chairman Stearns, write to the Colchester Selectmen to offer its moral and physical assistance to open Lime Kiln Road. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. Mr. Blais also recommended that a resolution be drafted to thank Mr. Davie for his work and to convey the Council's thanks. BOARD OF CIVIL AUTHORITY REPORT Mr. Szymanski reported there have been 75 hearings, 49 field inspections, 17 errors in measurements and 5 withdrawals. There is a total of 195 residential hearing requests, and 46 commercial requests for hearing; 30% of residential hearing requests have been handled with a cost, so far, of $585. Estimated total cost is $2600. to $3000 for residential hearings. REPORT ON SOUTH END RECREATION AREA - CHAIRMAN STEARNS Chairman Stearns informed members of the Council that he recently met with Mr. Call of the University of Vermont with the hope of securing land for recreation in the area of the Horticultural Farm on Shelburne Road. However, he was informed that the University does not have much land available for recreation purposes, but there is one area which they might be willing to part with pending the city's success in getting National Life Insurance Co. to give a portion of their land. Senator O'Brien is working closely with the Council to assist in securing this land for recreation, he added, and commented that he feels another house should not be built in South Burlington without the developer providing land for recreation. Chairman Stearns announced that he is meeting with Mayor Paquette tomorrow on the Airport assessment. Mr. Don Duel gave a brief report on plans for the Jaycee Community Park of South Burlington. He said he expects it will be available for skating next winter, that no money is being asked for from B.O.R., all work is being donated. Chairman Stearns suggested that a record of costs be kept in the event it is necessary to write to B.O.R. Mr. Duel requested approval of the plans he submitted but members of the Council felt it should be reviewed by the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee and Mr. Blais agreed to present it to them and report back to the Council. Mr. Nardelli moved to adjourn the meeting and go into Executive Session, for discussion on the Highway Department Union. It was seconded by Mr. Jarvis and approved unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 10 P. M. Approved Walter Nardelli, Clark Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.