HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/02/1971CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON COUNCIL MEETING August 2, 1971 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Williston Road at P. M. on August 2, 1971. Mr. Stearns, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Raymond E. Stearns, Chairman; Kenneth Jervis; Walter Nardelli; Dr. Harold P. Brown, Jr. MEMBER ABSENT Frederick G. Blais OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, Acting City Manager Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator Richard G. Carter, Chief of Police James A. Lamphere, Planning Commission Albert C. Audette, Highway Dept. Lawrence Wright, State Tax Commissioner Arthur Bradshaw, Vt. Tax Dept. Leo O'Connor, Burlington Free Press Charlotte Marsh Arlene Krapcho, League of Women Voters of So. Burl. Vincent D'Acuti MINUTES OF JULY 19, 1971 Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the minutes of July 19, 1971 be approved, subject to the following corrections: Page 1. The name "Leo O'Brien" should be changed to "Leo O'Connor". Page 1. The name "Paul B. Stewart" should be changed to "Robert Stewart". Page 3. The name "Paul B. Stewart" should be changed to "Robert Stewart". Page 7. Par. 2 - line 2 - the words "Planning Commission" should be changed to "Zoning Board of Adjustment". Mr. Jervis seconded the motion and they were approved unanimously subject to the corrections as noted. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Stearns announced that disbursement orders were on the table to be signed by the Council before the meeting adjourned. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Letter from irate taxpayer over disposal of cat. Letter of Commendation for Police Dept. Cemetery Report - Charlotte Marsh CEMETERY REPORT Miss Marsh read her report dated July 12, 1971, which is filed with these minutes, in which she requested that the Council consider making the Cemetery Department an independent department under the authority of the Councilmen, "with the right to hire and contact for its own working force, with approval if/when necessary, of the proper authority". She explained that the Highway Department has not enough manpower to help the Cemetery Committee efficiently care for the city cemeteries and that no help was available from May 26 to July 7. She requested that future budgets of the department be sufficient to hire full time help for six or seven months, whose duty would be caring for the summer upkeep of the cemeteries and who would hold no other city job. She said she believed there is plenty of help available such as students and at a rate within the limits of Cemetery Committee funds, during the five or six months when needed. Mr. Stearns complimented Miss Marsh on the condition of the cemetery but suggested she discuss the matter with Mr. Szymanski since these problems are under the guidance of the Acting City Manager. Mr. Szymanski would then make recommendations to the Council. COUNTY TAXES - COMMISSIONER LAWRENCE WRIGHT Mr. Wright explained that he has received a communication from Robert J. Rousseau, County Treasurer of Chittenden County Court, informing him that South Burlington has not paid the balance of $7,246.37 due on the County Tax payment. Mr. Wright said this is the first time he has had a community who has not paid its entire county tax and his purpose in appearing before the City Council is to try to find out why it has not been paid and to answer any questions which the Council might have. He said the tax for operating county government is assessed on an equalized proportional share of the grand list in this county. Chairman Stearns said he has seen the tax increased three times since he has been on the Council and he has never seen a breakdown of expenses showing where the money goes and believes the taxpayers have the right to know how their money is spent. Mr. Wright said he knows of no statutory basis for the refusal to pay, but suggested that the Council use its efforts to find out how the money is spent. Mr. Stearns stated he has requested this information but has never received an answer. Mr. Wright said he sympathizes that a breakdown of expenses would be desirable but his duties as Tax Commissioner in this case require him to notify the county that there is a deficiency. Mr. Stearns noted that there is a 46% increase this year. He said two years ago the same thing happened and they reduced the tax. Mr. Wright stated that South Burlington is the second highest assessed city but suggested that the proper procedure to first procure a state statute to require information be furnished on expenses, etc. Mr. Nardelli commented that it doesn't make sense to require a city to pay taxes and refuse to tell how the money is spent. Dr. Brown asked if there is any limitation on how much the county budget can be increased. Mr. Wright quoted from the state statutes that on or before January 10 the judges must compute the tax which is 5¢ on the dollar of the equalized grand list of the county. Mr. Wright said he believes it is better to settle the matter by legislative means than by judicial, and thanked the Council for their courtesy in receiving him. Chairman Stearns asked the Council members if they had suggestions on what course of action should be followed. Mr. D'Acuti suggested contacting Mr. Robert J. Rousseau, County Treasurer and Clerk of Chittenden County Court, as recommended by Commissioner Wright, for the information regarding expenditures, etc. Mr. Nardelli recommended that Mr. Szymanski write to Mr. Rousseau requesting that the Council be given a breakdown of where the money for the County Court is spent, based on the fact that South Burlington's assessment went up 46% from the preceding year. Mr. Nardelli requested that copies of Mr. Szymanski's letter to Mr. Rousseau be sent to our Representatives and Senators in Montpelier. LETTER OF COMMENDATION FOR POLICE DEPT. Chairman Stearns read a letter from James F. Mulcahy, Chief of Police, Essex Junction, to the City Council noting the excellent cooperation from the South Burlington Police Department and expressing praise for Chief Richard Carter for "giving service over and beyond what is normally expected of him". This letter is filed with these minutes. LETTER FROM TAXPAYER ABOUT DISPOSAL OF CAT Chairman Steams requested Mr. Szymanski to reply to the lady who had written to the Council over the manner in which a dead cat had been disposed of, expressing their concern and regrets. Discussion followed on disposal of dead animals and Mr. Audette advised the Council that there is a particular area in the landfill area which is reserved for the burial of dead animals. AIRPORT REPORT - VINCENT D'ACUTI Mr. D'Acuti requested that his report be made in executive session. Miss Marsh took exception to going into executive session, commenting that the public has a right to hear what is to be said. Mr. D'Acuti said personalities of both cities will be discussed and there will be bargaining sessions. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Council go into executive session for the Airport Report by Mr. D'Acuti. Dr. Brown seconded the motion and approval was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. M. to go into executive session for: 1. Highway Department Union 2. Police Department Union 3. Committee Appointments 4. Airport Report by Mr. D'Acuti. Approved Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.