HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/26/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING OCTOBER 26, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, October 26, 1970, at 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Raymond E. Stearns and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT Gregory L. Premo and James C. Pizzagalli OTHERS PRESENT Lister Particia Fastiggi and Charlotte C. Marsh were present at 7:00 P.M. for the first part of the meeting. Coming in later toward and for 7:30 P.M. were Town Manager Janes, Fire Chief Monell, Code Officer Ward, Kenneth Jarvis, Town Engineer Szymanski, Eric Loring, Free Press Reporter; Town Attorney John T. Ewing; Highway Department Foreman Albert Audette, Dorothy guilford and Franklyn McCaffrey. Present from Red Rocks and the Queen City Park were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Luchini, Mr. Peter Santsaver, Mrs. R. Thomas, Stephen Luce, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Luce, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Luce, William C. Ryan, J. Everett Reed, Richard Stevens, Carl Bickmore, Dorothy L. Abbott, Xenophon C. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Grove Tilley, Mr. Donald E. Dirby, Wayland J. Campbell, Lewis Chesseman, Maurice Senesac, Mrs. Frances Josinsky, Elizabeth G. Tilley, Clarence Gibbons, Gerald A. Daley for Marguerite R. Daley, Maurice Watson, and Russell Horne. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX CONSULTANT REPORT BY LISTER PATRICIA FASTIGGI Mrs. Fastiggi asked the Selectmen to retain Mr. James Alexander, personal property tax consultant, until December 15, 1970, saying she felt he should finish what he started and she pointed out that he has brought in more than enough money to pay his salary. REPORT - LISTER PATRICIA FASTIGGI, CONTINUED Selectman Stearns asked how much more work is yet to be done on the personal property tax. Mrs. Fastiggi said the work is more than half done and explained that when Mr. Alexander first came to work he helped the office staff with the Grand List instead of going right on to the personal property tax work. This put him behind. She further said that she would be able to help him with the paper work from now on and she was confident that the job would be completed by December 15, 1970. She also noted that Mr. Alexander had added enough new personal property taxpayers to the rolls to more than take care of his salary. She also said that up to now Mr. Alexander had concentrated on getting the new accounts, and at this point he had to work on the inventories of the existing accounts. Selectman Stearns made a motion to go along with what the Lister feels is needed. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. REGULAR MEETING Chairman Behney opened the regular meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the salute to the flag. He announced that the meeting was originally called to meet with the people who live on the land known as Red Rocks. He explained that we are paying interest on a loan of $338,000.00 until such time as the property is vacated and we receive the state and federal funds. He said we realize that the leases do not expire until December 31, 1970, but we must have the property vacated by then. Mr. Gerald Daley, speaking on his sister's behalf, mentioned that they had been notified by the owner Mrs. Hatch that the lease would be terminated on December 31, 1970. Chairman Behney said the terms of the sale was that the owner had to notify the tenants that the leases would be terminated. MEETING WITH RED ROCKS' CAMPERS, CONTINUED Mr. Wheeler asked the following questions: 1. Do you plan to give us salvage for the buildings? 2. Ther terms of the lease were that we were to leave the property as we found it, we found it with a camp on it, do we leave it like that? 3. What about getting a tax break? 4. What are the plans of the town officials? Chairman Behney introduced Mr. Ewing, Town Attorney, to those in attendance and said the Town Attorney would answer the questions. 1. Mr. Ewing said the town does not intend to give any salvage for the buildings, that all the campers had been notified by the owners that their leases were expiring on December 31, 1970, and the buildings would have to be removed by that time. 2. According to the terms of the sale, the leases would be terminated and the buildings removed, so the town would be in accordance with all the requirements to receive federal and state aid. 3. The Selectmen and Mr. Ewing were in agreement that taxes would be rebated on a pro rata basis, and Mr. Ewing explained our tax year and how this would be figured. 4. It was explained that the town officials would be willing to accept quit-claim deeds to the property and remove the building, septic tank, and water lines, if the owner so desired. On being asked the need to have a quit-claim deed, Mr. Ewing said it would be necessary if the owner wanted the town to take care of the removal, but the owners could remove the buildings themselves, making sure not to leave any debris. The owners were informed they could remove anything of value from the buildings before giving the town a quit-claim deed. An unidentified gentleman asked if the Town Attorney could prepare the deeds for the campers. Chairman Behney and Attorney Ewing both agreed this could be done, and the campers were informed they could call Mr. Ewing at 863-2877 and the Town Office at 863-2891 and make arrangements to have this done. MEETING WITH RED ROCKS CAMPERS, CONTINUED An unidentified camper asked if the Board would be willing to have another meeting if their lawyer (the campers') so desired. Chairman Behney said, yes, if the lawyer deemed it necessary after discussing the questions with the Town Attorney. Maurice Senesac, other residents and persons present mentioned the fact that the fence and the gate at Red Rocks were badly in need of repair. They spoke of the vandalism and throwing of debris on the property. Chairman Behney said the town would have the fence repaired and signs posted. He told the residents when they saw violations taking place they should call the Police Department or the Town Manager. Chairman Behney said that the Natural Resource Committee and the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee were working on plans for the use of the area. He also reported that the town would not allow any more effluent to drain into the lake from the camps, and the town is planning to construct a pumping station at the foot of Lyons Avenue. As there were no other questions forthcoming, Chairman Behney said he appreciated the people meeting for this discussion, and then moved on to the rest of the meeting. REPORT ON FIRE STATION PLAQUE AND FLAG - MR. BLAIS Selectman Blais said he had found a company that handles the typical plaques, diecast brass, about 24" x 20", nicely finished, for a cost of about $210.00, and he had contacted the contractor of the station who implied that the builders might support the cost. The Board discussed a dedication date, and Mr. Blais and it would take 5 to 6 weeks to get the work done. No definite date was set for the dedication and Mr. Blais was going to come back with a time table, and also a decision on what should be imprinted on the plaque. REPORT ON FIRE STATION PLAQUE AND FLAG - MR. BLAIS, CONTINUED Selectman Blais reported on the cost of a conventional flag pole, and after discussion, the Board agreed that for the present the flag would be displayed from a sloping holder attached to the building. Mr. Blais said a flag could be obtained from Senator Aiken's office for payment of $1.50 postage. Charlotte Marsh said she would donate the holder. RESIGNATION OF JAMES C. PIZZAGALLI FROM BOARD OF SELECTMEN Chairman Behney read a letter, dated October 26, 1970, from Mr. Pizzagalli which read in part, "On the advice of the Town Attorney, I am resigning from the Board of Selectmen because of possible conflict of interest". Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept the resignation with sincere regret. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. FIRE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Chief Monell asked to have Mr. Blais appointed to the committee that is researching the Fire Ordinance to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Pizzagalli's resignation. The Board agreed to this. PROCEDURE FOR MAKING APPOINTMENTS Mr. McCaffrey and Mrs. Guilford both questioned Chairman Behney on the procedure for making appointments. Mrs. Guilford remarked that it would be more democratic to advertise the Listers' and Selectmen' vacancies. The Town Manager was reminded to insert the Listers advertisement. RESOLUTION RE: TENURE OF JAMES C. PIZZAGALLI Mr. Janes, Town Manager, suggested that a resolution be drafted expressing appreciation of Mr. Pizzagalli's efforts on behalf of the town during his membership on the Board. It was decided that Mr. Stearns and Mr. Blais would prepare a resolution. On motion made by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Blais, and unanimously passed the Board voted to adjourn at 9 P.M. Approved Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.