HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/19/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, on Monday, October 19, 1970. 7 P.M. to 7:20 P.M. BEACH, PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE - INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS Mr. Michael Flaherty of 99 Suburban Square and Miss Phyllis Marcell of 8 Andrews Avenue were interviewed by the Selectmen for appointment to vacancies on the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee. 7:25 to 8:15 P.M. Two gentlemen from the Jordan Milton Company, dealers for Caterpillar Loaders, were present to discuss Solid Waste Disposal with the Board and to show a film of methods and costs of disposing of Solid Wastes. After viewing this extremely interesting film, the Board questioned the men as to controlling fires in landfill areas, how to abate the sea gull nuisance, methods of licensing truckers and enforcing rules at landfill areas, and other pertinent items. The Board was also advised that although the representatives were not engineers, they were able to give advice and assistance in planning landfill area development. Chairman Behney thanked the men for the presentation and in a related item reminded those present that there would be a meeting on Solid Waste Disposal in Waterbury, Vermont on Tuesday, October 27th. REGULAR MEETING At 8:15 P.M. Chairman Behney opened the regular portion of the meeting with the salute to the flag. MEMBERS PRESENT C. Harry Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Elais and James C. Pizzagalli. OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager, Robert M. Janes; Fire Chief Monell, Code Officer Ward, Town Engineer Szymanski, Highway Department Foreman, Albert C. Audette, Charlotte C. Marsh, George Smith, Franklyn McCaffrey, Dorothy Guilford, William C. Kellner, and several other interested residents. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 28 and OCTOBER 5, 1970 MEETINGS On a motion made by Mr. Premo, seconded by Mr. Blais, and unanimously passed, the Board accepted the minutes of the meetings of October 5 and September 28, 1970 were accepted as read. SECOND READING OF "AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CONTROL AND PREVENTION OF FIRES". Chairman Behney requested permission to waive the reading of the entire ordinance which permission was given. He then asked for opinions from the floor. J. Pat Brennan, a South Burlingtonian and a Volunteer Fireman, pointed out several areas of the proposed ordinance that he felt should be revised, and also suggested additional definitions. He said he did not feel that single family dwellings should be included in Section 4: Entry Into Premises, and suggested changing the word receptacle to incinerator in Section 10. Selectman Pizzagalli asked Mr. Brennan to please write his suggestions down and forward them to the Board for consideration. Chief Monell mentioned the difference in our proposed burning hours with those of neighboring communities, especially the City of Burlington, and suggested that a committee be formed to re-work the ordinance. Mr. Frennan, Code Officer Ward, Selectman Pizzagalli, and Chief Monell were named to the committee, and were instructed to forward their revisions to the Town Attorney for review. MR. HENRY ALBARELLI, BURLINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY - PRESENTATION Chairman Behney explained that Mr. Albarelli, a Commissioner of the Burlington Housing Authority, had been invited to speak about the B.H.A., and the benefits that could be derived if South Burlington would join with Burlington to form a two-city department Housing Authority. He also explained that the B.H.A. could extend its operation six miles outside of the city limits with the consent of adjoining towns. Mr. Albarelli said that if the two communities joined to form one housing authority the Commission would be made up of 4 members from Burlington and one from South Burlington, and said a study would have to be made of the needs, and explained the requirements for occupancy in low-income housing and in housing for the elderly. Mr. Albarelli said the commission was presently doing a 10 year study, and South Burlington could be included in the study. There was a question and answer period. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Albarelli for his presentation, and asked what the next step would be. Mr. Albarelli said his Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10 North Champlain Street at 7:30 P.M. and invited the members of the Board of Selectmen to meet with the Commission for further consideration of such a proposal. REPORT FROM MR. KELLNER, REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Kellner, South Burlington's representative to the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, gave a short report of the Commission's activities. He noted that the Commission's meeting night has been changed to the 4th Monday of each month, and listed the following accomplishments and work in progress: REPORT FROM MR. KELLNER, CONTINUED 1. The Commission gave tentative approval to the Burlington Intervale Power Plant with limitations placed on acreage and pollution caused by the hot water. 2. Ralph DesLauriers and Mr. Heath Riggs were the members of the sub-committee that is working on a study of the concept of a Regional Health Officer. 3. The Commission is working on a Regional Authority for Open Space and Natural Resources, which encompasses, in part, the Winooski Park Scheme. Robert Metz is Chairman. 4. The Commission has several studies out - Solid Waste, Open Space - Sewer - and Water. These are necessary in order to keep the area eligible for HUD funding. 5. The Commission is studing transportation in the community including the relocation of Route 7 and the Pine Street Extension. 6. Reported that Mr. Arthur Hogan, formerly Director of Burlington's Urban Renewal Agency, has been appointed Director of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission. 7. Said he would convey Mr. Janes' recommendation that particular considerations be made in the selection of the Enforcement Planner. Chairman Pehney thanked Mr. Keliner for his presentation. REPORT FROM BOARD OF LISTERS RE: REAPPRAISAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Chairman Behney read from the Lister's report the recommendation that the town allow the Listers to continue to employ Mr. James Alexander, Personal Property Tax Consultant, until December 15, 1970 on an active status. Mr. Janes, Town Manager, explained that the Board had never budgeted for Mr. Alexander's salary, that he had managed to meet his salary because the State of Vermont contract to reappraise the commercial property would not figure up to the contracted price by about $2,500, and that he got the other $1,000 already paid out from a transfer. Mr. Stearns suggested that Mrs. Fastiggi, Lister, and Mr. Alexander, be invited to meet with the Board on October 26 at 7:00 P.M. to explain Mr. Alexander's work load from now until the proposed December 15, 1970 date. The Board agreed to this. RESIGNATIONS FROM BOARD OF LISTERS Chairman Behney read item (6), on page 2 of the Lister's report as follows: "Two more listers be appointed, as soon as possible, by the Board of Selectmen to take the place of Walter Nardelli whose resignation is effective October 12, 1970 and William Bailey whos resignation will be effective October 26, 1970. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept both resignations with regret. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Premo moved to advertise that there are openings for two appointments to the Board of Listers, and the Selectmen would be pleased to receive applications from interested townspeople. Seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli and passed unanimously. RECOMMENDATION ON PLAQUE AND FLAG FOR FIRE STATION - MR. BLAIS Selectman Blais asked the Board to table discussion on the above until the next meeting of the Board. There was unanimous agreement. CHANGE ORDERS ON FIRE STATION BUILDING There was a detailed discussion on the reasons for the additional costs for the Fire Station building caused by a change in the type of furnace to be used, the electrical work made necessary by the use of 2 hose dryers instead of one, and the cost of relocating a water stack pipe. Mr. Blais reported on his and Mr. Premo's investigation, saying that according to the Town Attorney we were not legally responsible for the extra cost involved int the case of the charge for the furnace, but felt that from a moral point of view we should pay it. Chief Monell said he thought the charge for the electrical work was excessive, and the Board did not seem to feel that the town should be held responsible for the cost of relocating the water pipe. He also emphasized the need to take action on the furnace item, as some damage could occur because of lack of heat. CHANGE ORDERS ON FIRE STATION BUILDING, CONTINUED Selectman Stearns was very emphatic in stating that the contract was for $95,000.00, and because there were other bidders involved, he did not feel that we should okay any extra charges. Chairman Behney recommended that we pay for the change orders, saying we were given notice at the signing of the contract that there might be an additional charge if the furnace did not meet with the State Fire Marshal's approval. Selectman Pizzagalli made a motion to authorize payment of the cost of the change order for the furnace, to negotiate the payment on the dryer charge, and not pay for the relocation of the water stack. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed by a vote of 3 to 1 with Mr. Stearns casting the negative vote. CENTRAL SCHOOL Mr. Blais reported on a Space Requirement Study of the town administrative offices that he had conducted, saying he had interviewed all department heads as to their space needs, including the Water Department personnel and the Town Engineer. The needed space amounted to 7823 sq. feet. In the existing building, including the basement, there are 3042 square feet. In Central School including the classroom portion of the basement there is 9278 sq. ft., and deducting about 1800 sq. ft. of hall space, etc., there are 7278 sq. ft., or just about the amount of room that is needed for efficient administrative functions. He quoted estimated figures of $235,000 for a new building, $119,500 for remodeling and adding on to the present building, and about $92,000 over a 10 year period for capital improvements to Central School. CENTRAL SCHOOL, CONTINUED Selectman Stearns explained his views on the all-around benefits of using Central School at this time, and the other Selectmen were in agreement that this was not the time to try and present a bond issue to the voters for a new town office building. Mr. Janes, Town Manager, also pointed out at this point, that the town will have to make plans on how to finance expensive, needed road improvements in the near future. Selectman Pizzagalli made a motion to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate the lease with school officials, and to initiate the move of the offices to the school, not spending over $10,000.00 Motion seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Blais for the time and effort he had expended in this space study. BEACH PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE On a motion made by Mr. Stearns, and seconded by Mr. Blais, the Board unanimously accepted with sincere regret the resignations of Mr. Arthur Dorey and Mr. Thomas Racine form the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Stearns made a motion to appoint Mr. Michael Flaherty and Miss Phyllis Marcell to the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee. Seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. Chairman Behney remarked that the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee should be given some direction on the purchases made from its budget, especially in regard to limitations on the amount that can be purchased without written approval of the Town Manager and the use of the Purchase Orders. The Town Manager was instructed to notify the new members of their appointments to the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee. REPORT FROM SERGEANT W. E. MULLEN, TRAFFIC OFFICER Chairman Behney read in full the recommendations for Speed Limits and Street Signs in town as submitted by Sergeant W. E. Mullen, South Burlington's Traffic Officer. He was in agreement with all the recommendations except for recommendation No. 2 (the installation of a flashing caution light at the intersection of Bartletts Bay Road and Shelburne Road). A copy of the recommendations is filed with and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept all of the recommendations except for No. 2 as noted above. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Selectman Pizzagalli recommended that the Town Manager be instructed to contact the State for those items requiring state action, and that resolutions be drawn for those items requiring town action. WEBSTER-MARTIN - PHASE IV SEWER PROJECT AGREEMENT "BASIC AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES" The motion was made, seconded, and duly passed that the above agreement be signed next week after review and approval by the Town Attorney. NEXT WEEK'S AGENDA Chairman Behney announced that the meeting of October 26, 1970, would be devoted almost entirely to the meeting with the Red Rocks' campers, that briefly we would have a report on the fire station flag and plaque, would consider the signing of the Webster-Martin agreement and would meet from 7:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. before the regular meeting with Mrs. Richard Fastiggi and Mr. James Alexander. VELCO MEETING Chairman Behney reminded the Board of the Public Service Board meeting regarding VELCO, asking those who could to attend the meeting and said that the Town Manager would be in attendance. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS' ASSOCIATION After it was pointed out that a dealer on Shelburne Road is parking vehicles on Town property Mr. Behney said he had been invited to a meeting of the Automobile Dealers' Association to be held in December, and he hoped at that time to set up guide lines and clarify the town requirements. Mr. Stearns made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.