HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/05/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, October 5, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Frederick G. Blais and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT Raymond E. Stearns OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; Town Engineer Szymanski, Code Officer Ward, Fire Chief Monell, Town Clerk Paquin, Reporter Eric Loring, Mrs. Nan Frymoyer, Mr. Lothar Vogel and Judy Pizzagalli. Chairman Behney opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the salute to the flage. REAPPRAISAL STATUS REPORTS In discussing the time schedule for completing the reappraisal, Selectman Premo suggested that the appraisers be advised to get the physical work (outside work) completed now while the weather is good and plan to do the inside work of figuring during the winter. Chairman Behney said he felt they planned to do this. Town Manager Janes said he would have some comments on the personal property phase of the reappraisal, and comments on the reappraisal in general at the next regular meeting. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PROPOSAL Town Manager Janes said he would support the proposal as the need is evident, it would require and ordinance, and it should be self-supporting. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, CONTINUED Code Officer Ward reported that his conference with state officials revealed that Mr. Frazier is in the process of writing procedures for licensing of electricians, that the state has one staff electrician, is planning on hiring 2 more, and will have no more than 3 during 1971. He reported that the state would not be able to assist communities at this time. Chairman Behney remarked that he felt we should adopt by ordinance the N.F.P.A. Code and require that the town's electrical inspector, if hired, carry the state license under House Bill 254. Mr. Blais voiced his approval, saying it would be a good step in the proper direction, and Mr. Premo suggested that a reasonable ordinance be worked up including penalties for violations to the code. SANITARY ENGINEER PROPOSAL Code Officer Ward said he surveyed abutting communities in regard to sharing the cost of hiring a sanitary engineer and the towns of Shelburne and Williston are interested. Town Manager Janes said the salary of a Sanitary Engineer was in the neighborhood of twelve to fifteen thousand dollars, and proposed that we consider hiring a Sanitarian, a person more like a sergeant that a captain in his line. Chairman Behney pointed out that the Regional Planning Commission is presently making a study of the concept of a Regional County Health Officer. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to withhold action until the Regional Planning Commission completes its study and makes a report. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. TOWN SEAL COMMITTEE Town Manager Janes presented a folder containing 4 seals in different styles, all depicting Red Rocks. After discussion, Mr. Premo made a motion to table action on a town seal and consider it later. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PERMIT STICKERS AT LANDFILL Methods of enforcing the dumping of the South Burlington trash only in our landfill were discussed. It was pointed out that we have no rules and regulations governing the operation of the landfill. Mr. Blais suggested that truckers submit a list of their customers and mentioned the difficulty of enforcing any rules. Having a manned booth as well as bumper stickers was also considered. Mr. Premo motioned that the Town Manager draft an ordinance for Commercial Scavengers at the town dump, work up penalty fees, and also work up rules for resident dumping, reporting back to the Board on Monday, November 16, 1970, the second meeting in November. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. GULLS AT LANDFILL AREA - PUBLICITY Chairman Behney remarked that he took exception to several comments in the Free Press regarding the gull problem in South Burlington. He mentioned that the operation at the landfill is greatly improved, that we are able to keep most of it covered to the 4" to 6" depth, and that there were causes other than our landfill that are attracting the gulls. The Town Manager was instructed to call a meeting of the Bird Committee, the Airport Commission, and other interested parties to go over what has been done, and to figure out what can be done. Chairman Behney said the Regional Planning Commission is studying Solid Waste Disposal, but he had no report on progress. He also reported that there would be a meeting on Solid Waste at the Waterbury State Hospital in Waterbury on Tuesday, October 27, 1970. FIRE HOUSE OCCUPANCY Town Manager Janes said his report would be that it is up to the Board to accept the change orders on the extras and Mr. Blais said this should be resolved by next Monday. PAVING THE FRONT AREA OF FIRE STATION, SIDEWALKS ON HINESBURG ROAD AND PATCH WORK ON KENNEDY DRIVE Chairman Behney reported two bids had been received for the above work, as follows: L. M. Pike Corp.$5,600.00 Vermont Paving Corp.$5,285.00 Mr. Pizzagalli motioned to accept the low bid of the Vermont Paving Corp. of $5,285.00 in accordance with the Town Engineer’s recommendation of October 2, 1970. Seconded by Mr. Premo and voted unanimously. DEDICATION OF NEW FIRE STATION Chairman Behney asked if a date could be set for dedicating the new Fire Station. There was some discussion about the design of a plaque and the installation of a flagpole or proper place to display a flag. Chairman Blais said he will come back to the Board with a recommendation regarding a plaque and flag. RELOCATION OF HOLIDAY INN ENTRANCE Town Manager Janes reported that he and the Town Engineer had met with Vermont State Officials on the relocation of the Holiday Inn Entrance. He read from a letter from R. H. Arnold, Chief Engineer, dated September 29, 1970 which read in part "Our Traffic Engineering Division estimates a total cost of $4,000 exclusive of any work to be done on the traffic control signals themselves". The Town Manager then recommended that the Selectmen underwrite the relocation, using surplus or Highway Department Priority Programs, whereas the traffic at this intersection will soon approach unmanageable proportions. HOLIDAY INN ENTRANCE RELOCATION, CONTINUED Chairman Behney said he would be glad to take as a charge a meeting with the Holiday Inn people in regard to this and would report back at the next meeting. WILLISTON ROAD TRAFFIC LIGHT The Town Manager said it would cost about $9,000, plus $600 for back up parts for Sgt. Mullen's use, to get both traffic systems in condition, the one at Gaynes, and the one at Williston Road and Dorset Street. He reported that both systems were out of order, one because of an accident, the other because it was hit by lightening, and said he felt he could get full reimbursement for the cost from our insurance carrier and the insurance carrier of the truck owner involved in the accident. He was instructed to check with the insurance companies on this and no action was taken on his recommendations. MILLBROOK BREAD (INTERSTATE BAKERS) SOUTHERLY ENTRANCE Town Manager Janes was instructed to contact the owners of the above building about changing the southerly curb cut so that customers would exit on Bartlett Bay Road. 35 MPH PETITION FOR SHELBURNE ROAD Town Manager Janes reported that our request to the state to reduce the speed limit to 35 MPH from Imperial Drive to the Shelburne-South Burlington town line has been referred to Captain H. E. Dean, Secretary of the State Traffic Committee. SIGNING KENNEDY DRIVE TO SPELL OUT DIRECT ROUTE TO AIRPORT- VERMONT HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT REQUEST Town Manager Janes read from a letter from Commissioner John T. Gray of the Vermont Highway Department, in which Commissioner Gray requested concurrence of the Town of South Burlington relative to the routing of the airport traffic over Kennedy Drive. Mr. Blais made a motion to advise Commissioner Gray of our concurrance with his recommendation of diverting airport traffic to Kennedy Drive, and also to request signs at Route 7 and I-89 Shelburne Road for the same purpose. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. AUTHORITY TO SIGN "AIRPORT EMERGENCY" AGREEMENT RE: CRASH ALARMS Town Manager Janes explained the agreement consisted of allowing the installation of crash alarm phones in our Police and Fire Departments, the cost of the installation to be borne by the Vermont Air National Guard. Mr. Blais motioned to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate the agreement with the Vermont Air National Guard. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE SPACE - CENTRAL SCHOOL Chairman Behney pointed out that this item has been on the Selectmen's table for a long time, been considered by 2 Boards and two Town Managers. He also said that the Town Clerk, Mrs. Paquin, has pointed out in a letter some of the problems that present themselves if we use Central School. There was a general discussion on many aspects of making such a move, and Chairman Behney said that several items that were previously considered are now no longer required by the School Board. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE SPACE - CENTRAL SCHOOL, CONTINUED These deletions will eliminate a cost of about $5,000.00. He also noted that the amount planned for services and utilities has a surplus of about $1,000 to be used in case of a major capital repair. He went on to say that the School Board is drawing up a new agreement which takes out most of the strings, the only things we will be asked for is a short section of fencing, to close a curb cut on Williston Road, to provide an access walk and to divide an alleyway to the back of the school. He said he realized that the street lighting would have to be upgraded, and mentioned that we have not spent time in planning the utilization of the space in the building, and would have to contact the Water Department personnel and department heads as to their needs. Mrs. Paquin, Town Clerk and Treasurer, asked if the Board had given any thought to building on to our building on Dorset Street, or to buying mobile units for office use. Chairman Behney said this had been considered, by the plumbing, wiring, and location of partitions and supporting beams made further alterations and changes almost intolerable. Selectman Pizzagalli remarked that the building is o.k. as a limited use for the Police Department and mentioned that the school building has good lighting, the ceilings are high, there is plenty of space for the offices and plenty of space for parking. Selectman Premo said he was not convinced that we should move on a long term basis, but said he felt if the efficiency was increased and the cost was not prohibitive he would favor the move. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE SPACE - CENTRAL SCHOOL, CONTINUED Chairman Behney asked if any members of the Board would act as a subcommittee to work on the layout of the space at Central School. It was unanimously agreed that Selectmen Blais and Pizzagalli would work on this. At this point Miss Marsh asked to be heard, pointing out that she has been against the project since the beginning. She said she felt we would be under the domination of the School Board; that we would be fixing up the building for the School District; we should enlarge the building on Dorset Street by making use of the basement; land was given for a town complex, why don't we use it; the vault has to be built to state specifications and the School District will eventually get the use of it; no one has sat down and figured on adding on to the present building; why doesn't the Police Department move to the Central School. Miss Marsh said she hoped the Board would postpone signing the lease until it had exhausted all possibilities and said she would work on putting through a vote for a new town hall. Chairman Behney went over the situation as it now stands in answer to Miss Marsh's objections and questions. Selectmen Premo said he felt it was now up to the sub-committee and the Town Manager to work out the details that it was a matter of determining the best thing to do. Both Chairman Behney and Selectman Premo said they felt going to the voters for a new town hall at this time would result in a defeat. RECOGNITION OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON STREET DEPARTMENT UNION Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to refer all correspondence on recognition of the South Burlington Street Department Union to the Town Attorney and for the time being the matter of recognition of the union would stand tabled. Seconded by Mr. Premo and voted unanimously. RED ROCKS PLANNING Chairman Behney reported on the transfer of money and deeds and documents wherein the town purchased the Red Rocks property and also accepted a gift of $50,000 from Mrs. Victoria Hatch. He said we now await Federal and State funding, and the amount owed by the town will be $62,000. There was an open discussion on the immediate steps to be taken on the planning for Red Rocks. Chairman Behney spoke of the enthusiasm showed by the new Beach, Park and Recreation Committee and the Board agreed that it wants the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee and the Natural Resources Committee to work as a team to develop Red Rocks. There also was discussion on obtaining professional planning, and Selectman Premo suggested that the Town Manager write to the National Association of Park and Recreation to see what they have to offer for this type of development. RED ROCKS CAMPERS The Town Manager was instructed to invite the owners of property on Red Rocks to the Selectmen's meeting of October 26, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. in the Middle School Library. APPOINTMENT TO BEACH, PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE The Town Manager was instructed to invite Miss Phyllis Marcell and Mr. Michael D. Flaherty to meet with the Board at 7:00 P.M. on October 19, 1970, in the Library of the Middle School, in regard to appointment to the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee. SEWERING LAKE SHORE AREAS The Town Manager was instructed to forward a letter to Webster-Martin, Inc., authorizing and instructing them to proceed with the necessary planning for sewering Red Rocks - Queen City Park, proposed town facilities plus existing dwellings and camps not part of Phase IV designs; Crown Road; Inn Road; Bartlett's Bay Road, west of railroad tracks to the lake; all other lake shore areas not part of Phase IV design; and, in addition, an estimate to add on a secondary treatment facility at the Airport Parkway Treatment Plant. He was asked to try and get a "ball-park" figure within 2 to 4 weeks. On motion made by Mr. Premo and seconded by Mr. Blais, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11 P.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.