HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/16/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, November 16, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney opened the meeting and everyone present participated in the Salute to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager Janes, Charlotte C. Marsh, L. Pressey, Frederick J. Rayette, Stephen G. Phillips, Robert A Metz, Ottar Indiclanen, Sue Rose, William Dills, Highway Department Foreman Audette, J. Lee Murray, Ralph G. Goodrich, Code Officer Ward, Town Engineer Szymanski, Franklyn McCaffrey, Fire Chief Monell, Lister Particia Fastiggi, Mrs. Nan Frymoyer, President of the South Burlington League of Women Voters, and Barbara Bull, and Gerald Vosburgh were also present as was William Emberly of Webster-Martin, Inc. PHASE IV SEWER CONTRACTS - TOWN AND CONTRACTORS TO SIGN Chairman Behney, as authorized agent for the town, signed with the contractors, the following contracts for Phase IV Sewer Construction. Contract No. 1 - Murray Construction Company $839,000.00 Contract No. 2 - Ralph B. Goodrich, Inc.$151.934.31 Contract No. 3 - S.G. Phillips Corporation $155,318.85 Chairman Behney congratulated the contractors and announced that now the Phase IV sewer project would get underway, with the Murray Construction Company building the Sewer Plant at Bartletts Bay, Ralph B. Goodrich, Inc. installing the main lines, and the S. G. Phillips Corporation installing the Queen City Park lines. COMMENTS RELATIVE TO PHASE IV Chairman Behney announced that Mr. Fayette had requested this opportunity to address the Board in order to clear the air over an apparent misunderstanding. Mr. Fayette stated that a meeting between the Town Engineer, Mr. Szymanski, Mr. Ward, and himself was held at his office in the summer of 1970 regarding the sewer line for Phase IV across his property. At that time Mr. Fayette said, he had agreed as to the route of the proposed sewer line, however compensation would be negotiated in the near future, this compensation to be in the form of work on the property performed under the sewer contract. Mr. Fayette stated that pursuant to recent discussion with the Town Manager regarding this matter and what was expected as work compensation, Mr. Fayette requested some culvert work in the amount not to exceed $3,000.00. Mr. Fayette then asked the Town Engineer, William Szymanski, if this was his understanding regarding the matter. Mr. Szymanski said it was and also that at the summer meeting Bill Emberly of Webster-Martin, Inc. was present. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Fayette on behalf of the Board of clarifying the matter. MINUTES - NOVEMBER 2, 1970 Mr. Premo pointed out an error on page 4, on the third line from the bottom, and the secretary was instructed to correct the words Chairman Premo to Selectman Premo. Mr. Premo then moved that the minutes as amended be approved. Seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. LETTER OF COMMENDATION - BOBBY JOE JACKSON, DETECTIVE Chairman Behney read in full a letter of commendation from United States Attorney, George W. F. Cook of the United States Department of Justice, District of Vermont, which noted the dedication of Mr. Jackson in the case involving the Merchants National Bank robbery of December 24, 1969. DISBURSEMENTS Chairman Behney asked the Board members to be sure and sign the disbursement orders. REPORT FROM WILLIAM D. KELLNER ON REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Kellner, South Burlington's representative on the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, reported that the Commission has approved the following: 1. Doctor John Burchard's proposal to apply for a grant of $3095 from the Governor's Crime Commission to plan for development of a youth service bureau in the urban area of Burlington. 2. John Brock's proposal to apply for a grant from the Governor's Crime Commission for $18,000 to set up a youth center in Burlington for older (13 to 19 years) youth. 3. Bradley Crowe's proposal of the City of Winooski to apply for $1500 in BOR funds to assist financially in construction of an outdoor ice skating rink in Landry Park in Winooski. There was a general discussion on the objectives of the Regional Planning Commission which Mr. Kellner said was mainly to keep the area qualified for Hud Funds. Mr. Kellner was instructed to inform the Commission that South Burlington is interested in having several programs given priority, among them progress on the whole transportation plan, including but not limited to, the location of Route 7 and study on Pine Street Extension, as well as integration with the Airport transportation. REPORT FROM MR. KELLNER, CONTINUED Other areas of interest to the Board was progress on the Metropolitan Police concept, County Health Officer and the Winooski Park Proposal. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Kellner for his report and said the Board would look forward to his attendance at the second meeting in December. MR. ROBERT METZ, C.C.R.P.C. - PLAN FOR A REGIONAL PARK Mr. Metz reported that work on a plan for a regional park started some 4 years ago, and now at this point the sub-committee plans to meet with the officials of the towns that boarder on the Winooski River for the purpose of establishing a park concept along the river of trail systems, scenic lookouts, picnic areas, etc. He then introduced several persons connected with the University of Vermont Outing Club and Mr. Dills of the club showed slides of canoe and other activities on the river as well as slides of the potential recreational areas bordering the river. Mr. Metz said that Attorney John T. Ewing was a member of the Committee working on this park authority project and Mr. Ewing suggested that the 1970 Inter-Municipal Corporation Act passed by the legislature provides that two or more cities or towns can join in matters of interest and hold real property. Steps to be taken are as follows: 1. The Selectmen or Aldermen sign an agreement to join. 2. The Selectmen or Aldermen appoint 3 representatives to this Park Authority, one of whol must be a member of the Planning Commission. 3. The organization then develops formal plans. Mr. Premo noted that the Board of Selectmen of South Burlington have already endorsed the concept of the Winooski Park Proposal. MR. ROBERT METZ, C.C.R.P.C. - PLAN FOR A REGIONAL PARK, CONTINUED Mr. Stearns made a motion to comply with the Committee's request to become a member of the Inter-Municipal District for the purpose of joining the Regional Park Authority. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Chairman Behney said the matter of appointments to the above would be on the next agenda. Mr. Blais asked Mrs. Bull, Chairwoman of the Natural Resources Committee, to let the Board know of anyone who might be interested in a appointment to this group. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Metz for his presentation, and told him he would be notified when the appointments are made. PROPOSED LANDFILL CONTROL - TOWN ENGINEER'S MEMO - DRAFT OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Town Manager Janes read the highlights of a proposed ordinance he had drafted for control of landfill operations. Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the ordinance. Discussion centered on the charges suggested by Mr. Janes, and the Board was generally agreed that a change should be made in the suggested 25 cents per load for residents. Mr. Janes then read in full his Memo No. 41 which recommends that South Burlington apply for a demonstration grant for financial support for a demonstration relating to the application of an improved method of solid waste collection such as a containerized community collection center located at a location in the southwest part of our town. He then read the Town Engineers memorandum in regard to the need for a new front end loader at the town land fill site and a letter from Francis S. Fyles, P.E., Solid Waste Engineer for the state which reported the deficiencies noted at his last visit to the landfill on November 6, 1970. LANDFILL CONTROL, CONTINUED Mr. Fyles' letter also read in part "though a municipality is exempt on the exposure of a stump dump and metal accumulation areas to a highway, you might want to consider screening these areas so that we could use your sanitary landfill as an instruction example for courses on operating a sanitary landfill which we will be presenting in the spring." The proposed ordinance, a copy of Mr. Fyles' letter, a copy of Memo No. 41, and a copy of the Town Engineers memorandum regarding a new loader are filed with and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Premo withdrew his motion. Mr. Blais made a motion to proceed with the Town Manager's recommendation to apply for a demonstration grant. Mr. Premo seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. The Board agreed with Chairman Behney's recommendation that the ordinance be rewritten in a legal manner and brought back for a first reading. Mr. Stearns suggested that the State be contacted in regard to Mr. Fyles' letter and asked if they would help with the cost of screening the stump dump and metal accumulation areas in order to use the landfill area as a classroom. Mr. Janes said he would check into it. PURCHASE OF LOADER There was further discussion of the Szymanski memo in regard to purchase of a loader, and Mr. Szymanski explained how the purchase could be financed. Chairman Behney said his recommendation would be to advertise for bids to ascertain the cost and to see what would be allowed for a trade-in on the old machine. Mr. Blais made a motion to advertise for proposals based upon the requirements of the department. Seconded by Mr. Premo and so passed. ORDINANCES - FIRE CONTROL AND PREVENTION - WIRE INSPECTION AND ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS Fire Chief Monell reported that the Fire Control and Prevention ordinance is at the Town Attorney's office fro review. In answer to a question he said the hours of burning for home incinerators would be from 6 A.M. to 11 A.M. every day but Sundays. Code Officer Ward said the ordinance for Wire Inspector and Electrical Regulations was also at the Town Attorney's office for review. Chairman Behney said we would expect to consider these two ordinances. MONTHLY REPORTS - FIRE CHIEF AND CODE OFFICER The Selectmen noted that Mr. Ward's monthly report listed 32 homeowners who have not as yet connected to the sewer system. He was advised to turn these violations over to the Town Attorney for action. Chief Monell was asked to revise the format of his monthly report to show the comparison per month in the number of fire calls made. The Chief reported that the Burl. City Attorney is writing up an agreement in regard to the ladder truck. INSURANCE COSTS Selectman Blais suggested that the Town Manager get together with Mr. Duane Valine, our Insurance Carrier, to get firm figures on the cost of insurance carried by the town for budget preparation purposes. JAYCEE PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN Mr. Premo made a motion that the budget and plan as presented and approved by the Beach, Park and Recreation Committee be approved, and all efforts be expended to acquire the Federal, State, and Jaycee funds. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. JAYCEE PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN, CONTINUED Mr. Stearns suggested that some good hard trees might be transplanted from the landfill area to the Jaycee Park, and asked Mr. Audette if he wouldn't look into this. TOWN ATTORNEY'S OPINION - RECOGNITION OF BURLINGTON STREET DEPT, UNION Mr. Stearns made a motion to go along with the Town Attorney's recommendation, especially the last paragraph, and that the Town Attorney's letter be made part of these minutes. Seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. ADDED TO AGENDA - REQUEST OF MRS. THERESA PIZZAGALLI TO EXCHANGE EASEMENT DEEDS TO CORRECT RECORDS Town Engineer Szymanski explained the change in the plan of an easement line on the Theresa Pizzagalli property on San Remo Drive, and recommended that the Selectmen accept the exchange. Mr. Stearns moved to go forward with the exchange of the easement deeds. Seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. EQUALIZATION STUDY - STATE OF VERMONT Chairman Behney asked Mrs. Fastiggi, Lister, if she had noticed the correction in the value of livestock in South Burlington as pointed out by the Vermont Tax Department. Mrs. Fastiggi said she was aware of it. The new equalization letter is filed with and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Premo made a motion to go into Executive Session at 10:40 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. Approved Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.