HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/18/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MAY 18, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting in Room 142 of the Middle School, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, May 18, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais, and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Code Officer Ward, South Burlington Junior Miss, Catherine Anne Whitaker; Charlotte C. Marsh, Franklyn McCaffrey, Mrs. Nan Frymoyer, President of the South Burlington League of Women Voters, and several other South Burlington residents. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION OF PRAISE - JUNIOR MISS, CATHERINE WHITAKER Chairman Behney introduced Miss Whitaker to those present, and commented on her fine showing at the Junior Miss Pageant, at which he said she represented the fine youth of this state with honor and distinction. He then read the resolution in full and presented it to Miss Whitaker. Miss Whitaker thanked the Selectmen and said a few words. The resolution is filed with and made a part of these minutes. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 4, 6, and 8, 1970 MEETINGS On motion made by Mr. Premo and seconded by Mr. Blais, the minutes of the May 4, 6, and 8, 1970 meetings were accepted as prepared. SIGNING DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Behney asked the Selectmen to sign the disbursement orders as the meeting progressed, and then asked the Town Manager if he had obtained a legal ruling as to whether or not such signing was necessary. Mr. Janes said he is presently meeting with the town bookkeeper and the auditors on financial matters, and would like to have the signing procedure remain as is until July 1, 1970. Chairman Behney agreed. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA The following additions were made to this agenda: 1. Monthly financial statements 2. Memo from Deputy Tax Collector 3. King Reid Show - Mammoth Mart 4. Road through Farrell Park - item to be included with item 9 -"Discussion and Review of Shelburne Road fifth lane". DESIGNATE AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR PHASE IV SEWER PROJECT Town Engineer Szymanski presented a prepared resolution to designate an authorized agent to sign Phase IV Sewer Project documents. On motion made by Mr. Stearns, and Seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, Chairman Charles H. Behney was unanimously designated as authorized agent for the above purpose. The resolution follows: NEW BUSINESS Chairman Behney said he wished to have it on record that the Selectmen recognize the extreme efforts expended by Bill Szymanski who put in his free time, nights, and weekends to work on plans and specifications for the town's new fire department building, adding that Mrs. Szymanski had been cooperative and patient during this time. He proposed that at Bill's pleasure, the Town of South Burlington invite he and his wife to a night on the town, including baby sitting fees. Mr. Pizzagalli motioned that the proposal be approved. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. REAPPRAISAL VOTE - DISCUSSION Chairman Behney stressed the importance of yes votes on both items on the ballot of the special election being held May 21, 1970. He said the Water District vote was one of the most important the town has ever had as it is vital to the growth of the town industrially, commercially, and otherwise by providing an adequate water supply, and the reappraisal vote was important because of the concern of property owners and commercial establishments with the equity of our appraisal system. Chairman Behney read in full a letter signed by Mr. Douglas, Chairman of the Board of Listers, in which Mr. Doublas recommended that contracts be made or appropriate action taken to insure professional or other qualified help for completion of reappraisal by April, 1971. Mrs. Frymoyer, Miss Marsh, Mr. McCaffrey noted the lack of publicity on both issues. Mr. Pizzagalli suggested the Selectmen put out a simple one page memo explaining both items and the importance of yes votes. After discussion Selectman Blais offered to draft a memo, have it printed, and attend to its distribution. CREATION OF BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Chairman Behney initiated a discussion concerning the establishment of a Board of Library Trustees, saying this could be the nucleus in the start of a library. Mrs. Frymoyer said that Mrs. Calhoun, a LWV member, had researched the steps to be taken, and felt that the need was more for a reading room with books available for children, adults, senior citizens, than for a library. The O'Brien Civic Center and the basement of Central School were considered as locations for such a room and Chairman Behney said the Selectmen seemed to think the school basement location would be preferred. Mr. Blais suggested that he get together with Mrs. Frymoyer, Mrs. Calhoun, and another member from the League to work on this, after which he would get back to the Board with suggestions on the establishment of the Board of Library Trustees. SHELBURNE FIFTH LANE Chairman Behney reported on a meeting with the State Highway Commissioner, members of the Vermont office, the Selectmen, Chairman of the Planning Commission, and others, with regard to the proposed fifth lane on Shelburne Road. He said the engineering plans were complete for 5 lanes to Baldwin Avenue, but he had requested they be extended to Imperial Drive. He hoped for a decision after next Wednesday, May 27, 1970, when a meeting is being held with the Topics consultants. If a decision is made to go ahead, construction should begin by July 1, 1970. CONSIDER EXTENSION OF FARRELL ROAD Mr. Stearns reported that he and Mr. Szymanski had walked the area which would be used for a proposed extension of Farrell Road to Lindenwood Drive. He said the road appeared to be halfway between the ball park and Lindenwood Drive, and his feelings were that a great deal of recreation area would be lost if such an extension was planned. In reviewing the traffic problems on Shelburne Road, Mr. Premo emphasized the town's interest in the extension to Crown Road. Traffic problems in general were discussed at this time. Chairman Behney said the item of the fifth lane on Shelburne Road was considered at this meeting to show that we are working on it. WILLISTON ROAD - SPEAR STREET - EAST AVENUE INTERSECTION Chairman Behney outlined the details connected with consideration of a fifth lane in the above area. He said the town has a deed for a 15' foot strip for this purpose from the Mobil Gas people, a letter of intent for such a deed from Gaynes, and he had contacted a representative of the Chittenden Trust Company, the remaining property owner affected, who expressed a willingness to cooperate and who would like to meet with state and town officials on this. Town Manager Janes was instructed to set up such a meeting. MUTUAL AID RESOLUTION The Board voted to dispense with the complete reading of a Mutual Aid Resolution (Fire Department Aid) as revised by Clerk of the Board, Pizzagalli. Mr. Premo moved to adopt the resolution. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The resolution follows: MUTUAL AID RESOLUTION, CONTINUED NEWSLETTER Mr. Pizzagalli said that because the town doesn't seem to have a distinguishing landmark or traditional historical image it is difficult to conceive what he considered an outstanding masthead. NEWSLETTER, CONTINUED The members of the Newsletter Committee had finally settled on the name "S. B. Bulletin". Some objection was voiced, and other suggestions were presented. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to name the Newsletter the "S. B. Bulletin". Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which was defeated 3 to 1. Mr. Blais made a motion to issue the first newsletter with a blank masthead and request suggestions from the readers. Motion seconded by Mr. Premo and passed 3 to 1. Chairman Behney set a timetable of the second week of June with a deadline of the fifth of June for submission of material. SIGN RED ROCKS WARNING Chairman Behney read in full a resolution to put the acquisition of the Red Rocks property before the voters at a special election. Mr. Blais made a motion to adopt and sign the resolution and to sign the warning. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Resolution follows: WATER DEPARTMENT WARNING Chairman Behney read in full the following resolution for a ballot item to be considered at the June 23, 1970, special election. On motion duly made and seconded the Board voted unanimously to adopt and sign the resolution and to sign the warning. DISCUSSION ON RED ROCKS Mr. Premo said it would be out of order not to note the efforts of the South Burlington Development Corporation who did all the ground work leading up to developments thus far, and then passed it over to the governing party for implementation. Several residents questioned why this was not included with the May 21, 1970, special election in order to save the cost of an election. Chairman Behney explained it was a matter of timing in completing the negotiations and paper work. Mrs. Frymoyer requested that citizens be informed what it would cost them personally to support this issue, as well as be informed of the physical aspects and proposed use of Red Rocks. Mr. Stearns agreed, saying people would want to know the use and cost as it applied to them. Chairman Behney said the Natural Resource Committee is being charged to pick up the salesmanship involved, and would be working with the Board on the funding applications. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORTS State and Federal Applications for Red Rocks: Mr. Janes read from a memo explaining the first steps to be taken in applying for state and federal funds for the acquisition of Red Rocks. He was then instructed to investigate appraisers, get cost estimates for consideration by the TOWN MANAGER'S REPORTS, CONTINUED Selectmen, and to draft a letter to Mr. Orr, Executive Director of the Interagency Commission on Natural Resources, asking that the proposal be reviewed. Town tour: Mr. Janes said he would like to see the town tour set up. No action taken at this time. Code violations: Mr. Janes reported that the Code Officer would forward 3 code violations each month to the Grand Juror and furnish him with police photographs of the cases. In the past month the Grand Juror received 3 complaints. One has been corrected. The second property owner cleaned his area up to the point of the land he owned. The third violation is still being processed. Air Pollution: The Town Manager said the Fire Chief has drafted a strong ordinance that is being reviewed by the Town Attorney. He and the Code Officer have set up a schedule of field trips at different hours to check up on violators to our present burning ordinances and have issued 10 warnings. In addition, the Chief is preparing a little card for each homeowner listing proper hours for burning in his outside incinerator. Mr. Premo questioned the two men going on the field trips together. Mr. Janes said he recommended that half of the field trip times be done together. Code Officer Ward explained they toured one to one and a half hours each evening. The Chief is listing the fire hydrants at the same time, and Mr. Ward is familiarizing the Chief with the town streets. Mr. Pizzagalli wondered if any action had been taken on the drafting of an ordinance regarding the fire inspection of property. Mr. Janes said it is on the Town Attorney's desk with instructions that we would like to have it passed by July 1, 1970. Sign Committee: The Town Manager said he had received copies of sign ordinances from three communities. Mr. Premo explained that they decided to gather in detailed ordinances from communities of our size that have done a good job. Completion of Grand List: Mr. Janes reported we should have a Grand List figure by Wednesday, as it was taken to the bank for a run-off on Monday morning. He expressed his confidence that the tax bills would be in the mail at least 30 days before due date. Central School Lease: Mr. Janes said the Central School Lease has been forwarded to the School Board for review. Chairman Behney explained that negotiations must be completed on getting the entrance to the Central School. He mentioned alternate methods of accomplishing this, and said there was some conflict in the Planning Commission yet to be resolved, but the Mary Street entrance at least should be all set by September. Growth and Development Committee: The new Committee, the Growth and Development Committee, has had two meetings, developed a vigorous charge, and has contacted the Chairman of four Boards to appoint a representative to the Committee. Purchase Order System: Mr. Janes said he would get a complete description of the new purchase order system to the Board soon. Codification: Mr. Janes reported that the City of Montpelier hired a law clerk, put him under the supervision of the City Attorney, and had the ordinances revised by him at a weekly salary. Mr. Janes said our TOWN MANAGER'S REPORTS, CONTINUED Town Attorney agreed this was a good method, however, Mr. Janes pointed out that no funds have been appropriated for such a project. Data Processing: Mr. Janes said he was planning to meet with everyone the Board has heard thus far on utilizing Data Processing systems. Street Sign Prices: Mr. Szymanski is working on a compilation of the cost of street sign improvements and implementation as requested, and he should have a figure by the end of the month. Mr. Janes said Mr. Szymanski was cooperating with another town in the construction of our own street signs. The Board agreed on the use of the color blue for the street sign background. Fire Fighter's Test: Mr. Janes said he would administer a Fire Fighter's test to about nine applicants on Saturday, May 23, 1970. USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Chairman Behney read a memo from Mr. Lucas of the School Department, in which Mr. Lucas noted that maintenance men worked only until 10 P.M., and any hours beyond that created extra expense that was not budgeted. He asked that town organizations meeting in school buildings keep this in mind and endeavor to end the meetings by that hour. KING REID SHOW AT MAMMOTH MART A rash of complaints from residents in the area were received because of the issuance of a permit to the King Reid Shows, Inc., to operate 8 rides and 2 food stands at the Mammoth Mart parking lot. Chairman Behney said that according to the state statutes the Selectmen can revoke the license if they feel the operation is disturbing the peace. He felt the Board should watch developments at the site carefully, and for future cases, consider increasing the fee for a permit. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT In referring to a memo in the Tax Collector's report that some new property owners do not receive a tax bill from the seller, Mr. Pizzagalli suggested that the Collector be furnished a copy of each property transfer as it occurs, so she could note the change and furnish duplicate bills when necessary. Mr. Janes said he would see to this. Chairman Behney commented on the fine job Mrs. Piche is doing in the collection of delinquent taxes. SALE OF HULLABALOO PROPERTY Chairman Behney asked Mr. Ward to see that the sign for the Hullabaloo Club was removed, and the dance permit revoked since the building has been sold. FINANCIAL STATEMENT There was a general discussion on details of the financial statement as presented especially about the cost of our insurance program. Mr. Janes said he would investigate the insurance item and come back to the Board with his findings. BUDGET Mr. Janes said he would have a report on budget matters in June. Mr. Stearns made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.